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  • Aleia looked up from her desk at the tieflings standing before her. They had grown much since arriving at the temple almost 17 years ago. Cellaani had grown into a beautiful woman whose faith was rock-solid; though she remained quiet and withdrawn, she had an inner strength rarely found even in the church. Illidari still…
  • “Demonspawn!” “Devil!” “My dad says she’s a succubus, and one day she’ll kill us all.” Cellaani was circled by four boys. They shouted at her and taunted her, calling her all manner of mean things. All she could do was stand there and take it, crying. “Oh, look. We hurt its feelings!” “<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>!”…
  • The elf drew back his bow, steadied his aim and let the arrow fly. It found its target, and the maddened bear fell to the ground. The hunter crept carefully up to his target and found it dead. He had been tracking the animal for days, following its meandering path, and he had finally caught up to it. This bear would no…
  • More important than the exact year is do the events of the game take place before or after the "Lost Crown of Neverwinter" Encounters season? If my character were to make references to this event, would anyone know what I was talking about?
  • Definitely Waterdeep. Home of those cursed Waterdhavian creatures from Neverwinter Nights.
  • This would likely be Rohini the succubus, who is in charge of the devil complement in Helm's Hold. She's also detailed in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting, which I have been going over recently (as well as my FR campaign settings from 2nd through 4th edition, since my normal group doesn't play in FR). As for why I want a…
  • They've stated that there will be a wipe. All Founders in the beta will have their items, including their Astral Diamonds, given back to them when early access starts. Source: http://neverwinteronlinecrossroadsshow.com/blog/2013/02/15/neverwinter-online-crossroads-show-episode-2/ Quest at 50:49
  • No. It's not just you. I've noticed it, too. Some of the long swords I've seen are the size of a greatsword, nevermind the size of the holy symbol, which, in the P&P game, would be around the cleric's neck or affixed to his clothing in some way. It's just a style for the game. Tiny holy symbols would be boring--you'd never…
  • Because you're playing a Devoted Cleric, which specializes in spellcasting, using a holy symbol as an implement. It also makes the Devoted Cleric look different than the other classes, which is another goal in MMOs.
  • Most likely their two-handed weapons would be scaled down due to their size to be equivalent to a Medium-size versatile weapon. In other words, they use two-handed weapons, but they're smaller in appearance. It's not a huge deal, really.
  • I think by "companion," he means a counterpart. Like the Fighter has two of its 4E builds in the game in the Guardian and Great Weapon Fighters. If they were to continue this convention, we'd see the Brawny Rogue (which focuses more on straight power rather than finesse in its attacks), the Battle cleric (the STR-focused,…
  • These weekend betas aren't really for testing. They have an ongoing beta test for that (which most people here call an Alpha. Trion does the same with Defiance, too, and it drives me nuts. There exists standardized jargon for software development for a reason). The weekend betas are where they're putting stuff in front of…
  • If that's the case, then there's no reason to make a new race, as you can just make an elf with brown skin and black hair and call it a day. For that matter where are my moon and sun elves? They have a different racial bonus to ability scores than wild and wood elves do.
  • I have yet to see any warforged in the Forgotten Realms, so I doubt we'll see them in Neverwinter. Thank goodness, too. The prevalence of warforged is one of the major reasons I dislike Eberron and DDO by extension. I guess I stand corrected: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Warforged Still, I'd hope that other, more…
  • There are no stats for a "dark elf" race in 4E. Were they to go this route, Cryptic would need to devote one of those Tuesday phone calls to hammering out specifics for a dark elf race for the game. Most likely, you can make a dark elf via the drow option, and the Menzo Renegade is the "Dark Elf." I'd be all for it,…
  • It means that Heroes can start making FOundry stuff immediately. The rest of us have to wait until we get a level 15 character.
  • I'm going to go out on a limb here. And I'm just kind of pulling this out of mid-air. But, I'm thinking Khazid'hea.
  • There is no current beta period. Therefore, your account does not have access.
  • Is it sad that I've come up with at least 4 characters to play at launch? The first, though, will probably be a tiefling devoted cleric. I figure that's about as close as I'm going to get to an invoker. Still, the cleric looks pretty fun. edit: Got my own PC Gamer key, so I'm out of this little contest. Good luck to all…
  • If the wizard's implements remain true to 4E, expect to see wands, orbs and staves as weapons for them. I also wouldn't be surprised to see handaxes and maces in addition to the longswords for the guardian. I would, however, be surprised to see anything other than daggers for rogues, except maybe a short sword here and…
  • This is actually true to 4E D&D. I write up a level 9 pit fiend for one game in my group. I think I erred on the side of making it too easy, though. Still, the monster creation rules in 4E allow for high-level kobolds and low-level dragons. Level is purely a function of character development, rather than a hard rule of…
  • That's the thing. I play, then I buy. So, beta first and then founder, if I enjoy it.
  • They can. Any DM who says otherwise is a poor DM who needs to actually read through the DMG. That's for the Wizard, anyway. The Fighter thing is your own fault. Any Fighter can use any simple or military weapon. Superior weapons require special training via feats. A Fighter who starts out sword-and-board can easily switch…
  • I guess my favorite is Neverwinter, because I've never done a campaign anywhere else. My regular group does homebrew worlds. When the Neverwinter CS came out, I did play in the accompanying Encounters season, which took place in the city. I remember being a Harper Agent, but not the actual character I played then. There…
  • Lord Soth is a Death Knight. That's not his class--just simply what he is. I guess technically it'd be his race. In 3E it would just be a template put on him when he became a death knight. There is no Death Knight prestige class in official 3.xE materials that I can find. I'm positive there is no Death Knight class in…
  • If it works like it did in STO, you'll get the lockboxes as loot; what you buy is the key. Except that you don't have to pay real money for the key, because you can get those for free from logging in for a few days in a row (see this video).
  • Really? Because it's my favorite MMO I've ever played (and I've been playing since '99), and the servers that remain have a very healthy population. I've got a lifetime sub to TSW, and I've not played it since a month after release because I've been in TOR pretty much every night. As far as I'm concerned, Bioware did a lot…
  • I do have the $200 to spare, but I've been burned by games too often in the past. Now, I'm refusing to pre-order anything. And, while Neverwinter has no box and is free to download, it's still stuff for a game I may not like. So, what I did was hop on my phone and buy the Feb issue of PC Gamer for a buck. I got my code…
  • I don't consider lockboxes or grab bags to be gambling. You're getting *something*. In gambling, you either win or you lose. If you win, you win. If you lose, you get nothing. That said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with gambling--in game or in the real world. Gambling is not evil. It's not gambling that gets people…
  • 4E DM since 2008 here. Second Edition: The Thief was a class. Third Edition: Thief renamed to Rogue. Fourth Edition: Rogue remains class name. Trickster rogue is one build of the class. 4E Essentials: A new subclass of rogue named "Thief" is released. It's quite fun to play. OP is partially correct: A Thief is a Rogue, but…