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  • The crafting boxes that come from praying do not award assets, only materials. There are no leadership jobs that award green+ assets. green+ assets can only acquired via the zen market (asset packs) or the auction house. upgrade jobs allow converting 4 greens to a blue, or 4 blue to a purple. White quality cannot be…
  • That is such an elegant solution. Need roll = Bind on Pickup Greed roll = Bind on Equip. I still prefer the solution of scrapping the whole Need/Greed system and auto rolling for every item, the need/greed system has no business existing in a game where items bind on equip and I dislike bind on pickup.
  • Define exploiting the environment? Some things are exploiting actual bugs, others are simply usings the physics mechanics as intended. There are ledges and knock effects and the two were meant to be used together.
  • The easy captchas can be solved by bots, the hard ones can't be solved by humans either. And commercial botters hire humans from 3rd world countries for practically nothing. I am not saying that they can, I am saying that they DO. it is a known phenomenon.
  • WoW bot farms hire people in 3rd world countries for practically nothing (more than they make goat herding) to just sit in front of the computer, their only job is to answer capchas when they pop up, and if a GM comes up as says "hey, you have been harvesting non stop for a while, are you a real person" answer yes and be…
  • I was told that AD was bound to your account and could only be traded to another player via 2 ways: 1. buying something from them in the AH 2. buying their zen in the exchange. Am I missing something here?
  • I am playing at max everything using a second hand HD6950 I bought for 150$ over a year ago. Also the graphics are good.
  • Need should only be reserved for items that bind on pickup. The ONLY reason that it was introduced in WoW was the soulbind on pickup items, cryptic copied the mechanic even though it makes absolutely no sense in this game because: 1. The item stats (and even icon) are hidden until using a scroll of identify All you know is…
  • The ioun stones cost money. He manages to hold aggro for you? On my level 60 CW the enemies run past him and go for me, he hits them from the back for trivial damage (literally an order of magnitude less than what I do with a single magic missile). (I have a level 60 CW and a recently started level 6 DC) Then again, I…
  • It is worth noting that pets have horrible AI so they are often useless. And that pets that don't require real money cap at level 15, which means they stop being useful at all at about level 40 or so. If you are a non cleric the cleric pet can still have some minor use (20% out of combat heal every 30 seconds) but as a…
  • I have been unable to form a party during the same time as the op with a CW. I still hold this is due to the fact its 2AM on a monday.
  • pretty much this... However, if you are actually playing the game, doing the plot quests, and taking your toon up to 60, then leadership can add a steady flow of AD with minial extra work
  • Hours might also be related, quitting and coming back at a different hour makes a big difference. If you are playing at a hour where the "patching files" that happen whenever you go to a zone goes at several mbps there is nobody on. If it goes at dial up speed then the server is bustling. That being said, my last 6…
  • Thank you, I managed to find it now. That "Near the sewers" description is just too vague.
  • The sad part is, the healer is still the only useful (common quality) companion despite those issues. Because the other companions are even worse
  • So, you are saying the gateway auto refine actually refines raw AD you have from other sources that you haven't bothered refining yet? Honestly I wish the refining process was 100% automated. Every day refine all available up to the max, whenever you get raw AD, refine them up to daily max.
  • did the 3-5 minute "updating files" at dialup speeds whenever you enter a new zone not tip you off to that? (unless you play after 2am, at which point it goes at ~3 mpbs.
  • ... I am level 52 CW and I had no idea that tab ability was empowered. I thought spell mastery was what you get from stacks of "arcane mastery" given by magic missile :( Wow am I slaying more things now. Remapped it to swap tab and Q hotkeys and set chill strike on the mastery (q) slot. This NEEDS to be explained in game!
  • I put one point in it, wasted several HP potions testing it, and was disappointed to not see it actually DO anything.
  • That is as designed, the rough astral diamonds awards are automatically converted to refined astral diamonds when collected via the gateway. (saving you a few clicks) Furthermore, as of http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?375171-Patch-Notes-NW-3-20130529g-25 So yu should also be getting a notification that this…
  • are you banned from the game, or temporarily banned from chat (it says "your conversation was flagged" or some such and that you are blocked from chat for 24 hours).
  • I have done about 6-8 of those I think and only 1 paid me... it was one where I was asked 11 questions within the built in interface, then it forwarded to an external page to be paid 37 zen (no questions there). The rest all first asked me 2 "verify you are a human" questions on the built in interface, then forwarded me to…
  • First time I tried not using repel ... Party died in high level dungeon 4 times, being overwhelmed by the adds of the boss fight. I switch in my knock effects and suddenly we kick ***.
  • What they actually did was realize that roles like "uses arcane magic" are fluff, not crunch. And merely describe HOW a character does something and resulted in classes whose actual roles were things like "being useless in combat" and "a god who single handedly outdoes 5 muggle PCs". The roles of…
  • The dev log for 3e pnp said something to the extent of: "When we first introduced the cleric class nobody wanted to play it, it took several rounds of significantly buffing up its powers before enough playtesters were willing to play a cleric." (not exact quote) They completely misunderstood the fact that the class role…
  • and with 300% speed you complete tasks before you even started them.
  • Of course it should happen, the GPU uses electricity to perform math and as a result produces waste heat. And the temperatures are perfectly normal. Also, unless there is a bug in your GPU's firmware then it will cap its own temperature in a perfectly safe value. NOW we are getting towards something that might ACTUALLY BE…
  • thank you! this worked for me
  • So? Those things are the ultimate end of the line progression towards which people level up. There is argument over whether "pay real money or farm for months" is pay to win or not. But this is worse, the "or farm for a month" part is removed. So its "pay real money or convince someone else to pay real money for you via in…
  • Is this like the skirmishes where, if you level up, you can never ever go back and do the lower leveled ones and thus are permanently barred from getting the achievement? Or is it safe for me to go do other things and level up and just come back to it later when its fixed? Also, what needs to happen is that this dungeon…