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  • I'm so tired of your *****ing it's not even funny. I'm done with this thread after this reply. Nothing says you have to use "my" build which isn't even mine. My build works for MY gameplay. Apparently, you chose a build that doesn't work for you. If you dumped all 31 points into Renegade, you should respec. Not enough time…
  • So 4 tene's make one Lesser Tenebrous. Fusing 4 Tene's has a 1% chance of success, so you're going to need to need the Coalescent Ward. 4 Lessers make Normal. 4 Normals make a Greater. Do the math. Now I'm not going to go through 5 pages to see if Krew is running Normals or Greaters. I'm not going to question how he got…
  • EF still applies it's Damage, just no CC. Here we go again. Why are you trying to win a 1v1 battle where you are obviously at a disadvantage at? No amount of additional CC would even help. This is where all the *****ing stems from. Folks not understanding their class. Instead of trying to win that 1v1 battle, disengage and…
  • Roar, Daring Shout, and Come and Get It each have a cap of 5 iirc. Roar can proc Steel Blitz. I think CaGI can proc it with the Sentinel feat but I'm not sure about that one.
  • And most players know to bait a GF so someone can get directly behind him and CC. Once that happens, he's dead. I do it all the time on my 60 GWF. A quick sprint behind followed by a well timed TD and it's over. 9/10 times the CW see's me Controlling him and starts to drop his CC's as he gets up, ensuring they hit…
  • Honestly, couldn't say. Nobody really pays attention because we build determination so quick, it's hard to tell. It does seem the harder the hit, the more Determination is gained. This can be proven in PvP. Taking a Stealthed LB from a Rogue almost fills your bar almost completely.
  • I hope in time, you realize how dumb this question is.
  • The only thing changed is the duration of EF. EF duration is reduced because they knew it would be just way too OP outside of PvE. For the Freeze time, I don't really see much of a difference in/out PvP. Prone skills are static. Now lets look at Prone skills. GF have 2, both powers. GWF's have 3, but we only use 2. We use…
  • Are you 60 yet? For something that's impossible, it sure seems to happens a lot on my GWF and CW. RoF procs NW and Storm Spell better than MM. On 5/6 stacks of chill, the slow is more than good enough. If you're only getting 3-5 dailies, you might want to check your set up. You're crazy if you think you're not gonna lock…
  • RoF deals good damage and tends to proc Nightmare Wizardry and Storm Spell much faster than MM. It's also good for locking down someone trying to get away, allowing your team to close the distance and secure the kill. Same for Chill Strike, except it hits much harder. Freeze lasts longer if you stop doing damage and just…
  • You really don't need prone. You have more than enough utility as a CW. RoE, RoF, FR, Repel, Chill Strike, Shield, and Ice Knife are all you'll ever need in PvP. Except RoE, every single one of those spells offer great CC. I think you should take some time to learn what you have available instead of complaining about what…
  • I think your math is a little off. Math has never been my best subject, but it's not a 66% damage reduction. I went from ~1400 Crit to ~1100 Crit after unstoppable. 300/1400 = ~21%. So it's safe to say, ~25% is the damage lost. Percent of Change = Difference/Original Amount = Product x 100
  • You guys do know you can have your companion at any level provided you have the Gold to buy one right? Hop on your alt, buy the Cleric companion, mail it to yourself, and pick it up on your new character when you're done with the tutorial. This makes leveling a GWF a breeze. Back on topic, a GWF can easily solo all main…
  • I've built 2 Clerics. 1 to 35 and rerolled and she is currently 41. I've built 2 TR's, deleted them both because I didn't like the game style of that class. Built 2 CW's, PvP and PvE spec. Deleted PvP and currently running my 49 PvE build. I've made one GF, played him till 24 and I have my most lovable class, my 60 GWF…
  • Secure your kills then. They're not intentionally running up and stealing your kills. They're just helping a team mate out. You see as a KS, they see helping a team mate out. This is why you have your daily. Instead of focusing on trying to 1v1, which was the obvious scenario in this case, focus on helping your team. Kills…
  • Come back when you're 60. Flourish, Crescendo, x3 WMS Cancel, TD, IBS, Dead. Can't use Pot's when you're CC'd. The only time it would be useful is breaks in battle and pre 60.
  • I just don't see a fix. Even if you incorporate invisible walls, 2 CW's can still perma juggle adds. Removing the hit cap would help our DPS, but it doesn't fix the issue. Don't get me wrong, I love playing my GWF in epics, but there's just too many issues with the core elements of gameplay that severely limit us in PvE.
  • AS then Shield/Shield Repulse. Depending on how many mobs are sucked in, you can cast Shield Repulse, have no CD, cast shield again, AS will expand and allow you to drop a 2nd Shield Repulse, resulting in a fully charged AP bar and allowing you to chain cast AS. As cleanor said, refresh Shield when it's off CD. You should…
  • I like the idea of Needing an item makes it BoP. Sometimes when I'm bored I'll run a T1 for the hell of it. Every now and then, I'll see some 10k GS out there Needing on items because it's for their class, even though they know they're going to sell it. I would definitely like to see Need = BoP to punish these types of…
  • Careful timing? There's nothing careful about it. We mix in WMS with our rotations. 2 Rotations of WS is about all you can get while not in Unstoppable before applying another WMS. Just because it won't have the WMS debuff doesn't mean the class will suck, which it sounds like you're sayingm because they're losing the…
  • Probably should be under our Class Forum, The Barracks. Too many Feat points btw, 25/23. Unless I'm reading that part wrong. It's up to you whether to take Stunning Flourish or Vicious Advantage. VA has better use in PvE and SF is better for PvP. I've had Crescendo crit for 29k. I've never really payed attention to the…
  • http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?287392-Deagen-s-Control-Wizard-Guide is the one I'm following. I like being able to off DPS, control mobs, and fluff party damage with Nightmare Wizardry and RoE. http://nwcalc.com/cw?b=ofv:4i31w:70sj,1f530j3:6u000:b0000:b5551&h=0 That will be my build at 60. It includes my…
  • It's the bad CW's who slot Repel in Spell Mastery and try to use it as a form of DPS. You can use Shield Repulse anytime you want in a dungeon, as long as you know where to position yourself to push mobs. Love fights where I can chain AS. Haven't had the experience with playing with a great GF yet, but I'll keep in mind to…
  • Chill Strike should always be in your Tab Slot for dungeons/solo. Should pretty much be like Ironzerg said. Chill Strike will nuke most weak adds and deal a good amount to Elites. Repel is eh. Only use it for CC when it's needed, or on a sure kill. It's highly annoying when bad CW's use Repel as a form of DPS. It's even…
  • Where did you test these at? I'm just wondering as I just tested all of this out in open world. MM (3rd hit), Repel, RoE and EF (non Spell Mastery) each grant 1 stack of AM for 10 seconds. RoE, EF and Repel on Spell Mastery each grant the correct amount of stacks accordingly, and last 10 seconds. Again, where did you test…
  • You're more than likely running into the P2W GWF which is better.
  • Shield is now fixed. Arcane stacks now properly affect Shields CD.
  • This. The question is, how do we make dungeons feel more rewarding outside of the DD event. The only reason why we run dungeons during the DD event is for the rare T1/T2 gear out of the chests. The only thing that comes to mind is adding additional/increased drop chances for those items from different monsters. That way at…
  • Gotcha, must have mis read your post. Apologies.
  • As a GWF, our sprint is VERY underpowered. If a GWF drops Unstoppable and sprints towards you, you should be porting away, and kiting waiting for Unstoppable to end. There's no point in dropping CC skills when the target is CC immune. That's just HAMSTER. It all does come down to knowing your matchups. /gfxSetDefaultFOV #…