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  • I tend to only worry about PvE, and my playstyle's aggressive and up close. For gear I went with Power > Regen > Defense. "Caster's" "of Youth" are the tags for those items. Basically I made a warlock or troll mage. The hefty regen values this gives lets you face tank a lot of stuff and just take the hits. This's good, cuz…
  • Yep. Same here in the States, if locality is a factor here.
  • Talismans are an offhand for Control Wizards. They're in their own separate category from Amulets, so ya gotta search for the actual word Talisman on the market.
  • Odd question here. I've got a Sellsword I like using for most PvE stuff with Control Wizard. Her power was sitting at about 360; I just upgraded her with AD purchased level 60 items and Level 5 Runes. Despite her Power now being over 510 on her sheet, I see NO damage increase in her actual attacks at all. Does 150 Power…
  • Concert? Forget concert, man. When's the last time you went out to a bar for the night with friends. You buy one single round of shots, et cetera, you're looking at a bill close to $60. Maybe more. There's many stupid things we can do to throw cash away, and I've just never felt too bad about using it for things like this.…
  • There's one unique companion you can't get access to without spending 2 gold, as well. I scrounged like a madman but finally had enough to pick up my Sellsword at level 16. She's still quite tiny yet, but I can see her doing some solid AoE when maxed. Plus, barbarian chick with a giant sword. Given the fact the Great…
  • The problem is people expecting this to be based off of 3.5E, which WotC has no interest in licensing out to anyone or pushing anymore. "Why, back in my day.... !" Does this argument sound familiar? Just let the **** game be what it IS.
  • For everyone moaning about the weapons thing, realize that this game's still in Beta. I, for one, am quite happy they're focusing on server stability and getting the basic framework for classes and combat in. NOT WEAPON SKINS. Which is what GW2 is basically doing. Their game is borked all to heck, and they focus on…
  • My thoughts exactly, regarding the Foundry not piling on the rewards. The only other MMO not run by PWE that I've seen something similar in was City of Heroes. Within a month of CoH's Architect Entertainment going live, people were finding ways to farm XP and loot faster than in any other facet of the game. Totally…