F**k this, im gonna go play something else I know works, maybe in 12 hours or so you have gotten a new hamster to run the patching service, just this is a waste of time.
Yea it was in jest. I even dl something like 1.5 gb earlier this week, which the game does seem to recognize, the problem is just that even with all that pre patching the dl/launcher is not functioning, which is what I am aiming at.
Well I guess you can excuse them, this being a major patch, no pre-patching was done, and also them being a new and inexperienced develop.. o wait. Nevermind.
So they say that they have fixed steadfast determination rank 2 and 3, so has anyone tested if this passive actually seems to significantly increase determination gain, maybe even to the point it can be used instead of something like steel blitz etc?
Its nice that they "buff" grudge style, however Im not quite sure what to "give up" in order to get it. http://reyva.com/resources/neverwinter-powers-feat-simulator.9/#crC34IU1RUW776elvlmDeMjsFFOTYJPN5zth6x2XUnUUZ5QCdjcU9yTjFd4Fs1tAqTXUJAxcB That is my current build. As I see it, the only way to gte grudge style would be…
Thanks for taking away a major part of the excitement of the show.. I feel sorry for you, why would put such things in such an open place? Can some mod please edit his Signature?
How about class purpose and a sense of control? You honestly feel kiting is a general valid and engaging fight mechanic? If everything is just kite kite kite, you just promote the current situation with 1 or 2 cleric for kiting/healing and then dps from rogue. What then should GF, GWF and maybe CW do?
Even if they cannot do anything but "more adds", they still need to lower the absurd amount of adds on some encounters.. It is beyond ridiculous and gives no sense of control, just utter chaotic cluster****.
It wont last long unless Cryptic fix and rebalance end game dungeons/group play. All classes need to feel like they have a role in encounters, aggro/tanking needs to be stabilized/sorted and the amount of adds on every boss fight needs to adjusted/lowered so it doesnt feel like a **** chaotic cluster****.
Having done some more T2, I can only say that once group roles are hopefully sorted, the amount of adds on boss enciunters need to be reduced.. some fights it is just borderline ridiculous..
My perspective regarding Marks is primarily from playing a GWF, where we have an ability to mark several mobs with a shout, which also generates more aggro. However seeing as they "should" aggro on me, these marks would be removed very fast, as they will hit me soon after the mark is applied, and thus the mark is gone…
Cheers for the run down. Am gonna see how my destroyer build holds up at lvl 60, but could easily see myself swap into this more beefy build. Look forward to hear how the dungeons go.