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  • Hmm.. it just looks out of place seeing these words together in May of 2013.
  • Yes. Unacceptable. Because it's a game feature people have paid/are paying for. wrenaq works for Corruptic, it's official. TRAITOR !
  • dobies4life; finally someone out of 7 billion people on planet earth that doesn't wear a set of Horse-blinders.
  • Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot ... So, to prevent your ticket from being lost in the shuffle, they close it entirely. At best, this seems to help THEM out but does absolutely nothing for you. What makes it better, they follow it up with Lets take a look at a few key words here. The first being "dedicated" = Wholly committed to a…
  • Then why not wipe? Then why not refund ZEN? Then why ban people for "testing" exploits? Then why not communicate the broken state of the game to their "testers"? You keep telling yourself this is BETA. The only thing they are testing is a bunch of sheople donating cold hard cash straight to their bank account.
  • Did you expect something better from Corruptic? I have absolutely no faith in this cash-cow game or anyone involved in it. The only reason I am on their forums is because it's like a horrific car accident, it bothers you but you can't seem to look away. I just visit to see how high the flood waters are on this sinking…
  • Well played sir.
  • But, it would also make cats pointless...
  • Noooo... I hate BOP, it's <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ... Thanks WoW for ruining MMOs.
  • I quoted your post. Feel free to read it again. I'll help you out. You wrote. Extreme ... in the sentence... ******bag So stop throwing a tantrum.
  • Hate to call you out on this one seeing how you used the words moronic and extreme in the same sentence .... A wipe would actually reverse all of the damage done ... that's ..umm... a fact. Of course, not the damage done to all of their players... or sorry, umm. ... testers.. err.. paytesters... Even though I call BS on…
  • I'm not sure if you assume that because a lot people don't post on the forums they are some how unable to form an opinion, or that somehow only the 1,800ish people that voted on this poll knows whats going on. Regardless, it's going to affect the game, even major website authors are writing articles about the cluster----.…
  • As the old saying goes; you made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. This was all preventable, they have had other games with the same issues, and speedy delivery of the ZEN market before actually BETA testing the game didn't help anything but their check books. Their failure to plan accordingly has not only caused…
  • Actually, yeah this would have been another fail. You're probably right-on about the outcry for the stupidity of putting server farms in the worst part of tornado alley.
  • Why exactly do you care so much about other people's complaints? I honestly want to know. People die every 1.8 seconds from all sorts of causes. Do you honestly believe that we should all live in regret and remorse for the rest of our lives for having personal complaints or only when they put it on the news?
  • What do you mean; you people?
  • I not only support a full wipe, but I also seem to be spending more time on the forums than in a broken game. Most of the things posted here doesn't bother me, it's more like playing a game developed by a broken company. I cant see myself logging in after the way they have handled all of this.
  • No need to fret, you can still enjoy your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
  • Solution: When you are born you get an IPv6 address registered to you, misuse it and get banned.. permanently ... from the interwebs.
  • As for me, I think a full wipe is absolutely going to be necessary, but would accomplish nothing unless the game reverted to actual BETA testing and fixed the mess before BETA testing their bank accounts. I logged in for all of 5 minutes today and couldn't enjoy myself knowing how messed up this company is.
  • That's the cash shop game strategy. Give you 2 slots, give you plenty of time to be attached to those 2 characters and then !bam! new class comes out so you have to buy another slot.
  • Wrong. As soon as someone spends any amount of money on the game they are now customers or investors. Real beta tests are free for "testers" to experience all of the content on the companies dime, not their own. This is not beta, this is a live version of the game that you can pay for in order to help the devs fix their…
  • I would like to agree with you, but devs these days are like strippers, you give them some cash and they will shake it just a little more for you. In fact, you can test your theory. Go sit at a strip club all day without spending any money, and right before closing have your friend come in and make in rain and lets see who…
  • First off, I'm not "suggesting" anything. I was making a point. If option (A) causes a loss of x amount of dollars and option (B) causes a profit of y amount of dollars, then ..... why am I even explaining this.
  • ^This sums it up. I'm not a player, I'm a customer with little patience for bad business.
  • OP, I’m sorry to see so many pricks treating you like you’re nothing. No one cares that you would leave, given, but everyone should care WHY you would. This is a cash market MMO era we are living in. Fifteen years ago developers made their online games not purely for profit, but to create a world they themselves would want…