Compy isn't in the dungeon Loot Table. Juma bags items (except avernus gear/vanity pet) are from the dungeon loot table. Companions from juma bags are account bound.
I already dislike the field of view change. I don't want that. Quarantine is a good moment to try other games with irl friends, i might find something better to play after all.
I think i've same issue. can't get my second fire pit fiend ( got my first last week). Edit: don't even received it on my dc. I might have messed up with greed or need and it's WAI.
I like the idea as well, but difficult to implement. I personally don't care to what my companion look like but i know some people that prefer cuteness over performance/power.
I played a bit my Tr on preview, this is what i think. ( English is not my main language). I dislike the new stealth mechanic: granting me combat advantage, i will probably have combat advantage anyway by positioning toward my pet or my teammates... Wk is underwhelming: - I was using, PotB, Sb, blitz, Wob, Tactics, Razor…