Has anyone mentioned that their shift ability to cancel their animations still allows their attacks to go through, essentially increasing their attack speed by ohhh 30%, and that they can cast 2 dailies at the same time?
I know that when I tested it on the target dummies in the Trade of Blades, my cooldown timer in the mastery slot was not reduced at all. Same amount of time with or with the 4 piece.
As a CW, and a fairly competent pvp'r i don't think rogue nerfs are necessary (although i once did). If a rogue ganks you, your dead 90% of the time, the way it should be. I've been taken out many times, but have also won more than my share of 1v1 against rogues. Pvp comes down to group coordination, not 1v1 battles.
We are not strikers, but I rolled my CW for pure damage, and can beat most rogues in total damage done (single target never). I ALWAYS beat GWF's total damage, and I mean always. Our contribution to boss fights isn't our single target abilities, but our add control. Having reached (and defeated) second boss in Castle Never…
It really isn't a matter of being considerate, as a cw we will do far more damage and control not knocking enemies around. Our only viable damage options are AOE's, we need to group up the mobs so our aoe's hit all targets. At lower lvls this is harder to accomplish due to our limited skill choices, but on 50+ repel and…
The cat does not just give crit/recovery. You get ALL stats it is equiped with. It just gets some crit/recovery when it ranks up, around 200 at max rank. Equip it with any stat you like, and you will receive the bonus, mine gives me 1k crit, 700 recovery,300 armor pen, 400 life steal.
Best end game build imo is chill strike tabbed, entangling snare, sudden storm and steal time. 3 stuns (1 an aoe), and our 2 best aoe damage outputs. I went full arcane, and have yet to be out damaged by a chill CW.
Our aoe spells are stronger than our single targets (except chill strike non-tabbed). Just they way we are built. And no, there is no effective single target build. You can just use all single target spells, but your damage output will be very bad in dungeons/groups. The only frost spell I use is chill strike, and have no…