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  • Prema SoS was a bit of a problem, not SoS it's self, but just like everything else the confused souls who work on this game do, it was completely over done. Their solution to everything that people complain about is to over nerf the class, just like they did to us GWF's and the poor TR. This ends up causing people to…
  • I would also like to see Deep Gash improved a bit from the nerffing it got.
  • These are great Ideas, I'd like to go back to battle awareness for the power boost from slam in pve as I had to drop it for powerful challenge to recoup lost DPS. A buff to B/A for PvP would be awesome.
  • I'm enjoying the new content, it's challenging, but having said this I'm at 21.5k GS. I am still very squishy in ELOL, anyone with 16-18k is going to suffer. I do well in PvP with a team that can support me and keep me up, however with KV+SOS and a DC on the opposing team I'm lacking in Burst damage, this coming from a…
  • I really wish they would change the Pseudo dragon into an augment pet, especially seems how they are supposed to be familiar, abd the only companions worth keeping active are augment pets.
  • Hopefully with the useless buff on this one they will change it to something great later on, as I ended up with three of them in the process of getting my ferocity. It would've also been nice if they would have given the Artifact weapons more Refining points worth due to the cost of making them.
  • This figure is very over estimated from what I understand for Kaelac's work cited here: "Many players overestimate the amount of time they deal CA damage in a dungeon run. Usually it's in the order of 25-30%, and you can add perhaps an extra 10-15% if you have a CW in the party. For HRs, I highly highly recommend you slot…
  • The main issue with V/A is it's only when you're in combat advantage. It's not a flat damage increase as your presuming. A GWF doing what they are supposed to be doing can't stay in C/A all the time. Keeping targets marked up works from any position giving you more damage over time, and is extremely effective when you have…
  • SoS has been Nerfed so badly that its not worth feating to get to V/A. My Crit chance is already 56.3% with out it. P/C utilizing Threating rush works very effectively for massive single target damage. It's also very good for PvP burst damage.
  • Yep unfortunately this is a must for Crit based extremely High DPS GWF's in mod4. It recovered maybe a third of the damage I lost in this mod compared to mod2/3
  • I run the CON belt for PvP against better geared teams for two reasons. Better survivability and a bit of a damage increase from the RI that CON gives. I've started running the STR belt in matches against under geared teams because I can practically one shot them with IBS.
  • Then farm it back dude, there is no substitute for AoW in PvE. It's a difference of 4 million damage for me in paingiver.
  • I'm now in the same boat, and figure I'll probably be working on sword five after tonight. There really needs to be a way to petition them to either change the stats on the two other swords, or make them worth something more than 1500 refining points considering the amount of resources that are put into them. I will not be…
  • This is a spot on summation. Sent's need DPS from their team, just as I need Buff's Heals and CC's from my team to belt out the kills as destro.
  • No wrath sucks because the stacks wear off as soon as you get to the third stack. Someones already reported on parsing it and it's a fail until it's buffed to sustain the stacks. So far Ferocity is the only one worth it.
  • I've been running CON+ first simply because it increases Damage and Survivability in PvP, and slightly increases PvE damage, But I've also been working on leveling the STR+ belt for PvE. I think for me it will give more DPS because my crit is already over 4500. If you have Higher power and lower crit DEX+ is probably the…
  • I can go between 30-50 kills a match against undergeared players. Staying at the top of the gear food chain is the only way for Destro to stay competitive in dom. Find some videos of this guy against equally geared players and see how well he does. Without enough burst damage against high GS HR's or perma TR's it's…
  • I spammed slam constantly PvE in mod 2/3 For the power boost which kept my power at 14k Mod 4 changes I had to toss it. Never use it now
  • Yes IV is still the god of DPS, I'm still a couple mill ahead of my CW's in dungeons on paingiver after I get to Fulmi or V and belt out the single target DPS. But I had to drop battle awareness power boost and part of deep gash to get into powerful challenge to make that DPS back up and get back a modicum of burst damage…
  • You are queing alone...... DUH your going to smoke scrubs all day dude. Que up with your guild premade, or maybe your not good enough to get in one? S#&t changes real fast when you are fighting players equally or better geared than you. Think about it before you open your mouth. I Q separately and can go 48-1-18 easy cause…
  • The short animation on wicked strike will stack up 200k in the same time that 75k reaping strike goes off.........
  • I'm not sure what situations your talking about 110k IBS? But I hit Valindra routinely for 130k-160k when everything is procing and she has been fully debuffed. I've had a coupe IBS's land for 200K+ highest being 263k. The past couple times I've run VT since respecing into powerful challenge I've had hits for 199K and 200K.
  • While Sent's or Sent hybrids may be ok in PvP, the Destroyer is not. Destroyer needs some survivability built back in, and burst damage increased to kill fast enough to get have a chance 1v1. Destroyer has never been worth a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> one vs one but was very good asset in domination. Now the…
  • What ever was ninja nerfed last night has caused a 3million total pve dps loss for me in VT
  • It's not fixed because Destro. does not have the DPS in PVP to equal it's PvE prowess. Instigator is rubbish and the whole tree should be scrapped, not re vamped. it will never be viable.
  • You're completely lost.... Your GS is 17k and your talking about being in a bracket against players with 9-14k. Of course your going to get kill streaks that high. Yesterday I was on page 391 got matched into a game in a similar bracket and went 48-1-18. My GS is 19.4k in PvP and 20.2k in PvE. I should be competitive…
  • This mentality is another reason we can't have nice things. Mod 3 I had 28k and with Purified Black ice armor I had a very viable DPS build, mainly because at a 19k gs it provided enough survivability and the control was there to land big hits, especially when putting players prone with IBS+crit. Why should Desto's be…
  • Sword master is still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, it did not get the buffs in Damage needed to out weigh the loss in DPS through the long animations SM has.
  • Read the threads on GWF on Mod4. Destroyer is totally un viable in PvP now
  • IMO your a little off base here. I've always been top DPSer in the party, I play Destroyer spec and am purely offensive. Now HR's and CW's are More tankier then the dude in full scale plate armor. This makes no sense. Sent GWF's are fine, but Dest. GWFs are totally unviable. And now HR's Do as much as more DPS then me. In…