As a dwarf, you are obligated to put your house into the side of a mountain somewhere to raise your clan until it is attacked by bugbears. Problem with this though is like how Neverwinter has changed so dramatically over time, so has the rest of Faerun. So in the process of opening additional housing zones for the keeps,…
If it was a small household sure, but a developmental keep HAS to be guild housing. I agree that forcing players into a guild is a terrible thing, but something of such a large nature as the de'Arnise keep is just not feasible to give to a solo player. Not to mention completely and utterly lorebreaking, since there's not…
Us GWFs tank gud when the broken shield still will get more threat then us. Plus if a GF is dead just because the shield broke, then he's doing it wrong.
I agree completely. At first when people were getting it it was a rare "Congrats, you got it." Now it's a "X has gotten it" 2,652, "X has gotten it, 2,653. It's pretty much gone past the point of having bragging rights from your luck to a "Yaaay, another one."
It's not the admin talking in foreign, it's a system message. Just as you see people getting the nightmare inferno from the boxes in english, people with other languages set gets their name put into that language. So if my language is set to german, that system message will appear to everyone in german. On-top of that,…
Just want to put this here from the MMORPG Neverwinter interview in regards to #10 Ividnaelax: Q: Are there any intentions of adding player housing? Andy Velasquez: The design team has definitely discussed the possibility of player housing. While it won’t be available at launch, it’s certainly on our internal list of…