It would bring a choice for the group, you can take a TR OR a GWF. It will be ezer to gather a group too, now you MUST have a TR, you MUST have a CW. How much cooler it would be if you could choose to get either a TR or a GWF. TRs won't become obsolete, but they shouldn't be top spot for a party, while a GWF gets the shaft.
Could you tell my how much crit chance did you do these tests with? In theory i think vorpals scale with crit chance better, while the dot and procc of GPF can't crit, ergo it's better for lower crit chances and may be outperforming the vorpals because of that for you.
My personal preferrence is Destroyer, i tried all 3 speccs in t2s, and i perform best with it by far. The sentinel is a beast of survivability, truly unkillable, but the dps is severely lacking and since you don't have a hard taunt you are just being carried by the others while feeling immortal. Instigator is great on…
The 2200 armor pen is for other classes, only GWF and GFs have a way to get passive armor pen, CWs and TRs don't. It does't show, but it's there, it has been tested enogh times, but its a recent fix: the % is additive, so your plan about 1700 is sound. If you plan to PvE tenebrous is not that good imho, especially after…
Your armor pen is way above cap, you have 22% from your armor pen and 7% from your con, which is 29% armor ignore in total. Imo lose armor pen till it is 22 or 24% WITH your con bonus, then put the stat in either life steal as some suggested or go power, which while subpar is still a dps increase.
There are two types of Stalwart set, one is the old one with low lvl req, and the new one with 60 lvl req. You can't mix them, because they dont give bonuses, you have to use either the lower req ones, or the 60s ones.
Some ppl like it, others don't. I personaly use it, since i have 3k recovery and find it easier to get armor pen capped+i like the effect of gear giving me a bonus stat when it has recovery + i like it when i socket recovery to get a lil armor pen on the side. It's a matter of personal choice.
I can answer about 1: Skills that reduce defences below the target mitigations can go into negatives, granting direct dmg increase, only armor pen cannot go into negatives, hence the 22% trash cap and 24% boss cap. If you are capped at these values, then SotS and similar effects (like the CW thaumaturge debuffs) and plague…
Do you use WS for single target dps too? Cause according to this thread: SS is the best single target by far, and we have quite a few fights with single target dpsing with only the occasional AOE.