If they nerf bondings or stronghold boons the game will severely be crippled by the sheer amount of people who will leave. It will be the worst mass exodus neverwinter has ever seen. To be all honest it truly would not be surprising since our community manager calls the neverwinter community the peanut gallery and it is in…
White Lotus is a very active guild. They house 130 gamer tags with almost everyone playing daily and donating. They PVE and PVP. They have way more than 10 players above 3K item level. Also they are stronghold rank 11 with 12 being constructed right now.
It is a complete joke that you are punishing legitimate players because they sell something on the Auction House and someone who has purchased 3rd party buys it. What exactly are you saying to your customers that the AH is completely unsafe to use? Then I see other players getting unbanned while others are still banned.…