Only disables the chat to where he is reported at (zone,say,whisper,guild, party) though this seems impossible as it is only linked to the account not the chat channel. But as of now, silencing should have have been on zone and say only.
I was just conspired an hour ago by four people. They intended to kick me after we finish the run. We took 3 tries just to killed it and they just played along with it. They are now very happy that they have one less on the roll. fckng fagggs.
How do we use autocomplete again? Is there some tab key? For being a complete troll on chat mechanics, it still has some good use like quick party invites. So, is there any tab key for autocomplete?
Since this anti-spam system is not as flexible as it is and can cause inappropriate flagship to some players, they should have created some sort of counter-fix. Probably some kind of command (like /stuck), or any other way that could quickly check the players data and recover from mishandled report.
I'm from Einsof( and our NW community is not quite big but I think others do use Raidcall. I use most of my time in the game chatting and the spam just ruined it. Very inappropriate and very unjust.
Nightstalker plox :P It doesn't actually matter which class would be released. What I wish is they should release two or more classes at a time so it won't spoil and flock a particular class.