I'm going to be making a new video this week explaining the PvE build a bit more, but its Stormwarden, encounters are: Longstriders (or Thorn Ward depending on the team your with), Plant Growth, Throw Caution. Twin Blade Storm and Blade Storm for class features, Main At-Will is Electric Shot/Clear the ground, and the other…
Ah, yea not sure probably from a guild or from running around in NW, you still playing then? Havent seen you lately, but I've been in like every guild, Killing Kings, Best Vines, Denial, Asylum, prob more I cant think of, and finally LGPG.
yay it just started working for me on Xbox again, I have been trying VPN stuff with no success and it looks like its fixed now (it was working also this morning but stopped again after a few hours). Hopefully it stays working :)
Gamertag: Jase4yaz Twitch name: Jase4yaz Link to Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/jase4yaz How often do you stream Neverwinter?: When I can, but I have been hesitant to stream due to a lack of viewers. I dont have a means to get my content out there so no one really knows I am streaming. As I'm progressing with my character and…