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  • And now your assuming that I'm not sorry about assuming assumptions in this assumptuous world that we assumidly assume in. Err... yeah. This is just getting silly now. I think I'll stop there.
  • Well, I'm sorry for assuming that people aren't crazy enough to throw $200 at a few in-game items and not utilize everything it had to offer. I'm also sorry to assume that the people who did so would have preferred to spend less to get the specific pieces of a pack that they want rather than throwing away half of the value…
  • Why would they take it down? It costs absolutely nothing to leave it up there on the off chance that someone would drop that much money into it. What I'm saying is that it was clearly not that successful because they aren't trying it again, with this pack, with Moon Elves and a Unicorn. Besides that, how many people do you…
  • You're right... I don't have access to those numbers. I would like to point one thing out, though. We're talking about a company that had a $200 pack. Obviously we all know how well that actually went in the numbers, because that pack is completely missing this time around.
  • Personally, I think the problem lies with the emphasis on solo play that has risen from the games nowadays. You can either go through the hassle of finding a group to go into a couple of areas for some better gear, or you can do the solo thing almost immediately. Most people will solo their way through a game, never learn…
  • I said this a couple of times already, but I feel they just need to separate them from all the other incentives and price them out lower. I understand the f2p module means dumping money into it to get the most out of it, and while I don't really like having to shell out money for every little thing, I understand that it…
  • Hey now, there's nothing more manly than riding into battle on a pearly white unicorn, as a pointy-eared slender elf, shining like the pale moon, with your fairy companion hot on your heels. If I were an orc, I'd be blinded by the sheer manliness of the sight alone.
  • I agree with you on the dye system being pretty good. Most games with this system only allow you to tint the entire piece one color. Separating it into three different colors was a very good move. What I don't agree with, however, is the decision to focus on higher levels for different equipment. Yes, most of this stuff…
  • I'm going to assume that the race itself isn't really an item, since you don't "collect" it, same as the extra character slot. On the topic of paying for it, I'd be more willing to drop $15-$20 for just the race itself, rather than getting all the extra items that I really don't care for. Sure, there's value there in what…
  • Pay 2 Win implies that there's something there that makes you win. All I see is a bunch of useless junk and basic services such as character slots and inventory space locked up like Fort freakin' Knox. I understood what I was getting into from the very beginning, but at least be more reasonable with what you charge for and…
  • Okay, what the hell? You're charging the full price of an entire friggin' game on a high end console for these things? You don't even see full-fledged expansions for this price point on any mmo out there on the market. I can't help but feel you're going to be trying to price-gouge us all the entire way for the privilege of…
  • Okay, I don't do this very often, but I have to apologize for my previous post. Merely ten minutes after submitting my ticket, the issue was resolved, I received an email from someone thanking me for my patience, of all things, and everything was where it should be. Seriously, if I had just done that first before coming…
  • Okay, this is BLOODY STUPID. I'm getting really tired, really quick here, with the services in this game, or LACK THEREOF. I had to jump through several hoops just to get my activation email so I could simply purchase zen, and now I'm waiting for my guardian's pack items, after you've already taken my **** money. I have…