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iluvatarrules Bounty Hunter


  • Well that's the definition of a brainfart from Cryptic. Until it's changed then:D
  • Am I correct to assume that one has to be in a guild to take part in the new pvp and pve events? The notes seem to state something like that
  • CW IS op for PvE if played correctly by an experienced player plus the term is used mostly for end game dungeons where a CW is very very strong. You are not in end game yet ,as I'm sure you know, plus you are far from experienced in playing a CW..If you want to check the specifics of the changes just play the test shard…
  • Given the fact that I never loose a dps race (even against end game geared TR) these are insane buffs that fix the single target damage for GWF. Anyone who has a clue about the class (you obviously don't) can see that so I really don't get your pointless doom and gloom post. All the fixes are legit for all classes and make…
  • Oh they are fixing my GWF. Time to get back to the game I guess. Also no <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> double AS and tanks buffed. For the first time since the day 1:well done cryptic
  • When you're doing statements like these you need: 1) To be level 60 for quite sometime and have experience about the end game mess in NW 2) To have played as a GWF and a GF If you are on your leveling process i agree that the game is Awesome. If you are only playing foundry quests at 60 just to have some fun with the user…
  • Cryptic has already earned millions from the people that wasted their money for mounts companions,gear and cosmetics. These people are casuals and most of them haven't even reached level 60 yet. The patch will come only when people stop buying shiiit from the zen store. This is simple economics. This will take long though…
  • That always sucks and should be easily fixed if Cryptic gave a shiiit. That doesn't seem the case so I will give you an advice as I am a very old MMO player: People that are cheating like this are usually silent or rude through all of the dungeon. Join a party. Say "hi". Check responses. Play for about 10 min. Point some…
  • Top of this forum. Big Thread from mod. Hard to miss
  • As I am GWF I must say that this statement is completely wrong. It is true that we GWF have a tougher time than other classes to find a group for T2 but we are not being cut out. The only dungeon that is out of limits for a GWF atm is Castle never because 1TR, 2DC,2CW is indeed the best comp for it. I managed to complete…
  • You are right ofcourse. The only problem is that when a game opens as a beta ( and a very incomplete beta too) it shouldn't have real money involved in it.. Cryptic is focusing mostly on making money from the zen market than in fixing the game. I hope that this is obvious even to the biggest fun of this game. Many gameplay…
  • There is already a mass exodus. The first players than reached 60 (such as myself) are leaving due to serious lack of content, class imbalance, dungeons that feel like pre-alpha releases and abysmal itemization (no bound items,Seriously now..). This next patch will be crucial indeed but I really doubt Cryptic has what it…
  • That's too much yelling. People have the power to report and ban other people. They will abuse it for whatever annoys them. This is bound to happen. On the other hand, although I have never used the report faction, I DO find trade spamming in the general chat very annoying. I don't think it's the trader's fault though.…
  • I actually have a good reasoning to keep telling you that you are wrong but sadly this cannot be proven. Yesterday I private msged a guy that was spamming the chat with trades. I wasn't offensive or anything mind you.I was banned in the next 2 minutes for 24 hours. That didn't even needed 21 people m8. ONE person did it…
  • lol you are confused man. You're not a character in a Noir film. Yes it is not concrete proof. How could it ever be on the internet? Anyone can photoshop anything these days. There are 2 facts in this one: 1) the link is probably true 2) you're very young Even if the link was a vid of someone doing these exact steps you…
  • omg I'm trembling. First you insult me and then you are reporting me. I'm sure I will get insta banned lol
  • It's funny that you are bashing me for my English in one thread and agreeing with me in another. I find the internet very funny. Consider the heavy insult I threw in Greek at you in the other thread only for that thread then. I like you in this one ps: what can I say?My English ARE atrocious
  • @lilmonkey222 : θες να συνεχισουμε στα Ελληνικα?Ζωο
  • ye man I know but if you scroll a bit up in the forum section you will see that they consider these kinds of threads a violation of the forum rules. This is because they don't want a large amount of people complaining in the forums. It is a typical policy for companies like Cryptic
  • Get ready for this to be moved to the lower depths section. Cryptic's customer support consists of 4 steps: 1) They prompt you to send a ticket 2) They ignore the ticket 3) They remove your desperate thread that you create to try to get some kind of response 4) If you then send a ticket to a mod, the mod threatens you with…
  • Why did you posted that? Now I won't have none to laugh at in the forums. You drove him away
  • Do you seriously consider aesthetics a serious matter? First they must fix the bugs,glitches, exploits, classes,items, AD prices, AH, bots, report spammers,chat, queues, end game content and THEN they can start fixing pointless things like this one. Don't you agree?
  • Theviking-numbers : It is 21. I will not provide a link because you're funny when you rant and post pointless arguments.. Also it can be exploited. One person can report 21 times and he can do it instantly. Given the fact that Cryptic hasn't fix more serious and glaring issues l I wouldn't have much hope for this to ever…
  • Haha ofcourse man . I was partly joking but that would be cool as an RP function indeed. As an in game it would not be viable. Imagine every dwarf charging a bunch of hulks in Spellplague hahaha
  • Yes the bug is gone if you wait a bit. Btw while this was mentioned since day one several patches later it still isn't fixed. That, along with the bug filled dungeons, says a lot about Cryptic and this game's future
  • AMEN to that. I also want to have an option to auto attack a giant-goblin-orc when my dwarf comes across one. A dwarf comes across a giant?He just charges blindly yelling threats.I'm not even joking
  • I spent 10$ to buy 1000 zen when I was new in the game. Then I reached the end game and realized that 360k AD=1000zen=a joke to make in game. I just sell <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and I'm making at least 300k per day. This ,along with the fact that Cryptic has the worse customer support of all time, is enough for…
  • I actually got banned without even posting on the zone chat. I already made a thread about it yesterday which was moved to the "lower depths" section because people like you jumped on me yelling "lies". It is obvious that people have found a way for multiple reports and the system is not fair. On a different note: spelling…
  • Your name suits you juuuust fine m8. Juuuust fine. On a more serious note, ignoring people with primitive IQ, this thread highlights many problems this game has. We DO need 10000000 threads like this one. It's the only hope I have that Cryptic will notice the problem anytime soon...