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  • As a paid up member of easy mode myself I endorse this thread, all you DC's and CW's better L2p because IR Rogue!
  • I cant understand people who continue playing pve in this game, there is 0 skill to it , there is at best 5 abilities spread amongst all the enemies and bosses. there is no feeling of an epic encounter, its the basics of pve. At least with pvp there is some skill involved. However, although pve is not for me I agree that…
  • Nope not just from chars with enchants, my TR has done it to every class, its not hard at all, it has very little to do with gear (my gs is 9.7 with no ten or vorp) it can also be done by a gf, knights challenge /villians menace/lunging strike/bull charge, it doesn't happen as much and I've never been able to hit those…
  • meh why even have a second ranged dps class? After all we already have TR's for that. Apart from bots, I cant really remember the last time I've seen a TR actually stand toe to toe and melee someone. CW's are fine. If your copying off "some" of the builds on the forums your going to have a bad time. they are outdated or…
  • That made me laugh putting TR's in the same bracket as cw's Just for clarification I have all classes @60 apart from GWF, I play them all in pvp, I don't see the reason to play pve , I had enough of dungeons and skirmishes leveling (seems like pve is loads hp. ten spells divided among 10 different mobs with around 20…
  • Haha that is priceless, I'll let you think about it for a second.... Some of the comments here are still treating pvp as pve, One Domination tactic is not a sure fire get the win scenario. while i appreciate that "the Tactic" is the best one. it isn't the be all and end all tactic to win a domination game
  • Oh please, If your going to read between the lines of what I said at least read one or two of the lines. PVP is ever changing, If you rely on one strategy to win every match then your going to have a bad time. * The OED defines "Pedantic" as a "excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous:. Well done.
  • these people are the ones typing a long drawn out synopsis in our spawn point on the reasons why the team is rubbish, while the rest of us are trying to cap points while being a man down. Pvp is not PVE yet you attack it like a boss fight, there is no guaranteed win strategy in a node game, yes taking dominance on two…
  • I did come here to gloat, but then I thought about it for a sec and I think cryptic went to far again, I was all for some reduction but this is just silly. just one of the nerfs related to stealth and cloud of steel would have be enough imo. lurkers sounds like its going to be destroyed to the point that no one will have…
  • In all those years you've only seemed to master the art of speaking without saying anything.
  • five node instead of 3 maybe the answer, impossible for all to be guarded , then the other side gets points
  • firstly . 1 fix it so that people who are qued can auto join a group when someone leaves. 2 fix the glory awards for the losing team/healers. 3 Fix the kill award from KB to damage done 4 Fix the bot epidemic 5 Fix voting so bots can be removed at anytime. 6 Fix rogues jumping and dogeing into the spawn area to get cheap…
  • You don't need good gear to one shot people I have the pvp gear on my TR some cheap ad weaps from the AH and some cheap neck and rings. I use lurker daily and the big knife thingy(cant remember the name of it) it does 23k+ most of the time. I am a nooob when I play my tr yet I come top in kills and I don't even know what…
  • Perhaps change the main mechanic at end game. You get 5 bosses and two teams, each team starts off at opposite ends of the map(will have no interaction with each other). Each team must kill 2 bosses to go onto the the final boss who resides in the middle of the map and can only be reached by two gates on either side and…
  • Not being a hipster or anything but I first seen this around a month ago, haven't seen it that much since, but it did sort of add to the negative reasons on why not to invest more time in this game atm.
  • so almost a 3rd difference in price is very similar.. oh please, these forums lack so much logic that it seems that the majority of the positive posts for cryptic/pwe are either staff of these companies or arguing for the sake of an argument.
  • The only problem with that is however is companies like pwe will find ways of giving you less and less for your money. and although you might think your supporting the game, you are in fact damaging it because in the long run they know they can make the money without putting in the effort. this especially effects new…
  • You mean I couldn't care less. as in you have no more caring. Spawn camping is bad and you should feel bad. I can go toe to toe with anyone 1v1 on my GF, hell I might even let you hit me once or twice. On my DC however when there's 2 cheese rogues with 2 CW's dropping smoke bombs as soon as the 3 people left of your team…
  • If you guys/suckers knew how little time recoloring models takes to make you wouldn't pay a fraction of the these prices.
  • look everyone there a rogue! ...and he's stealth ed, and hes killed the healer and the cw. Stop making excuses , the build is broke, on the + side the cheese build is no good for pve so nerfing it wont cause much uproar from the pve crowd. As for CW I think its probably one of the most solid classes that doesn't need op or…
  • There seems to be no thought in the fixes they put out. Seems to me they add the minimum amount of collision geometry as a fix. instead they should use a mechanic like the TR's smoke bomb ability. keep it active for the duration of the match and you have no more ganking at spawns.
  • Sorry, I know its pedantic but this annoys me a lot. Its couldn't care less and not could care less. Could care less means you could care less if you want to but your level of caring is stagnant for now. Couldn't care less on the other hand, means you are finished caring about the issue at hand and therefore you have…
  • Try "A fateful encounter" you can set the difficulty on that one, unfortunately the cleric is the worse class for soloing, I too had a hard time on ravensloft ... other ones to try are Bill's tavern, and the 27th level which I find quick and not to stressful. I rerolled a TR as I can do foundrys in under 10 minutes and…