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  • That is very disappointing. So the $30 companion I bought is stuck on one character. What a crock of s##t.
  • This comment is made even funnier by the fact that the game does have camera zoom. Doh!
  • lol I'm lovin' this thread. I wish I had read this before my cleric got 2nd in points in pvp, with no deaths despite the SUPER OMG OP ROGUES all trying to kill him. Clearly you just don't know what you are doing, and that is not the rogue's fault. As for not needing a Cleric for dungeons.. I don't NEED a car to get to…
  • Considering that this is an action-based game, perhaps tanks are not intended to hold every mob in play. It seems more logical that a tank's job would be to target the highest damage mob and hold that one while everyone focuses down the smaller, less threatening enemies. With that in mind, aoe taunts and such would be…
  • How exactly do you solo with a friend? :confused:
  • It is probably not wise for any company to emulate something that people consider to be "awful".
  • You'll live, I'm sure.
  • Admittedly I only allowed myself time to do one pvp match as I was trying to get to lvl 20 to see the next At-Will for Clerics (which I love) and the 9 second CD stupid-awesome aoe (which I love love love), as well as trying out the Wizard and Guardian (which felt horrible after 20-ish levels of Cleric play). But…
  • I am not sure what people are talking about. I found the Cleric to be the most self-sufficient class of them all. I quickly saw the value in wearing defense gear, and after that it was just a face-roll all weekend. I think I ended up with around 60-something health pots on my bar, and I had only needed to chug around 5…