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  • Because they spent that money spread out over those many years. Plunking down roughly the price of a box and a year's worth of sub on a game that isn't even out yet is foolish. Doing the same for a game that's been around for a while, has proven itself and shows no signs of going anywhere, that makes more sense. Still, "a…
  • Is Lashing Blade also a 3' cylinder AoE? I know I jump for joy when a CW drops a Singularity because it means I can daze a ton of mobs at once with Dazing Strike, or just out in the world if the enemies are clumped up on me it's also pretty sweet. But I've never seen Lashing Blade hit more than one target.
  • Test it with an allowance you give players, the way respectable companies do it. And if some betas don't allow respects for some reason, fine. Doesn't make paying for em any better.
  • It's "beta", respecs should be free. Hell, the cash shop shouldn't even be open yet. And I wouldn't mind one free respec a month or something once the game goes "live". Still, I usually only play MMOs for a month or two before I get bored so in that short of a timeframe this is cheaper than buying a box and paying a sub.
  • Plus, without the f2p 'scrubs' there wouldn't be all that many players around to group with or dungeon with or PvP with. Might not be an issue at 60, a nice little cosy group spread across every time zone, but leveling an alt will be a lonely and boring journey. And the Foundry? Probably dead.
  • Instead of 2 stacks of 10 Bleeds, it's 1 stack of 20 Bleeds with the damage going to whoever stacked a Bleed first right? So 2 Rogues still output roughly* 2 Rogues' worth of damage, which is presumably still more than 1 Rogue and 1 CW or whatever. It's not ideal, of course, but unless you get off watching the scoreboard I…
  • Orbakh, the Manshoon vampire clone. Now just goes by Manshoon because who's gonna argue. Nobody, that's who.
  • Maybe enemies are finally starting to hit hard enough where I noticed it, or did we get ninja nerfed? Because I thought being hit while in stealth dropped your stealth bar, meaning you'll be out in the open that much sooner, sure. But when not in stealth, getting hit should just stop the bar from regenerating, right? Not…
  • I think the consensus is that the Rogue should solo the boss because he's got the highest single target dps, while the rest of the group takes care of adds. I don't think you really need to respec or anything, the non-red-shapes-of-doom/massive-telegraphing attacks coming from bosses don't do all that much damage anyway…
  • Ah, I think I got it! Phase 1 -- normal floor, whatever Phase 2 -- remove floor pieces, but lo and behold, underneath those is another floor piece, but lower and with a cracked decal on it and a bit slanted. Phase 3 -- remove the second floor piece, so now if they run into it it's their own fault. The floor was visibly…
  • Ooh, and change the arena! Custom create an internal arena or room floor from single floor pieces, then after phase 1 some of them disappear and there's lava underneath. Could be tricky, though, players could be standing on one of them just as they disappear which would be pretty cheap. Maybe lava streams from the ceiling?…
  • I like it, you could also add a "Clone phase", where the same difficult 'boss' mob spawns with a bunch of easy mobs with the boss' costume. Scare the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of your players for a bit and add some flair to the standard "big mob + adds".
  • Turn on Godmode before working from some temporary scaffolding 200 Y-axis units up lest you accidentally look down and die a horrible death, meaning you now have to exit the entire thing because it keeps respawning you underneath the map. God I want flying.
  • Okay? What's your point? I didn't say give defined tasks to a limited number of players, did I? I said focus as many players as possible on one aspect of the game. Right now, only a fraction of the playerbase is doing end-game content. Get the entire playerbase into end-game and let them do their thing and you'll find a…
  • http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2012/11/meet-the-whales/ They don't need a lot of people buying $1 stuff, whales are the ones that bring in the profits. They have zero reason to charge reasonable prices.
  • Right, because QA testers are just free to roam around in a game and do as they please. No, they get tasks they repeat over and over until something breaks. Then the devs fix it. And that's why you wipe, and often. Get everyone into end-game, let them try it out. Let them try and break it. Wipe. Give everyone a buttload of…
  • The Founders Packs headstart thing was applied to Open Beta access, correct? And they're taking your money, instead of giving everyone free Zen to test all the stuff and then wiping it on launch? I think they even said they won't be wiping anything anymore before launch. No increased drop rates on rare and epic stuff so…
  • I'll look again, but my distance slider was set to max so I could see and interact with the handles for items halfway across the map, but these houses didn't seem to have any. But speaking of handles, there's a bug where if you copy-paste something its handle is invisible so you just have to guess where it is which becomes…
  • If it's a premade house, just select the entire house as the exit, it'll automatically make just the front door sparkly and interactable.
  • It seems you can't move houses around in 3D-mode. I couldn't find the white rectangular anchor in any case. So, assuming I'm not just blind, that needs to change. I can fling about mountains, a small village house shouldn't be a problem.
  • This is a temporary fix while the devs try to iron out this bug, right? It's not a new 'feature' or anything?
  • I agree, all we needed was a "Farming" category. That's it. With that, everybody would be happy. People who just want to get to end-game faster, or kill a buttload of monsters, or whatever can do so, and people who want to make engaging quests no longer have their content swallowed by the tidal wave of farming maps.
  • I don't think these were mentioned in the original list, forgive me if they were: When selecting a "special effect" object, such as the cloth door or a lava-fall, replace it with something, anything, instead of making it invisible. A featureless grey box roughly the same dimensions would be fine. And I just want to second…
  • And I was just finishing off a heavy round of 3D-editing. Please be saved, please be saved.
  • And I was just finishing off a heavy round of 3D-editing. Please be saved, please be saved.