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  • I am using this build but with Roar instead of Flourish, I also dumped Staying Power in favour of Disciple of War as majority of your damage comes from at-wills and not encounter powers and Disciple affects both (plus dailies) where as Staying Power only adds damage to encounter powers. The build is solid and the destroyer…
  • If it didn't have a cap on the amount of mobs it affected it would do that
  • I don't think it is a terrible design, you could knock stuff off ledges in SWTOR and it was intended there as well, one boss had to be killed this way as that is how it was scripted. The bad part is that it renders most part of the GWF as pointless, if they had the ability to do this as well it would provide them a use. I…
  • You know the likely fix will be to nerf doubling up on CWs for this. So easy to just add a debuff to mobs effected by this ability to make them immune to the same ability for x seconds where x would be the CD for the ability. Not saying it would force people to take a GWF instead but if GWFs were given some utility it…
  • It seems an easy fix would be to just give GWFs a way to knock **** over the ledges too, this seems to be the disparity with the class, at least from what I have read. Just add a knock back to roar or something so we can fill our AP and get slam turned on to go grab adds while running around to pull to a ledge and poof…
  • I am not so keen on staying power as it is only effecting encounter abilities, isn't Disciples of war a better investment as it will also effect your at-will abilities?