Okay, to get my thoughts through on this now that I'm looking. Sure Slam/On the Move: Neither of these are very useful at all. Other Sentinel users feel free to tell me otherwise, but I've not seen any real utility in either. I will run Sentinel Slash w/Frustration Slash feat, and then either Sure Strike or Challenger's…
Healing Word and Divine Touch CANNOT compete with one another at any stretch of the imagination. One is a regen spell with a 20 second effect and cooldown that is very-much for "set and forget" levels of gameplay. You use it, you cycle other abilities and burst-heal when someone on your team is on the ropes. Divine Touch,…
Sucks. There's so little actually unique weapon sets in the game. The Earth set was quite a boost for tanks. Situational, yes, but you'd be shocked how many times you can just stand still and strike a boss. Given news of M27, they're still going along design-wise with "buff the whole team". Real shame. No unique carrots to…
I promise Fighters aren't leaving the game over this. And given what happened to Clerics, you should have known this was in the pipeline. Having never abused this on my pally or barbar, I'm less concerned about this and more concerned about them making Divine Touch absolutely useless.
Gonna be the adult in the room for a little bit and ask the serious question. Hey, staff: Are you guys okay? Like, seriously okay? There's apparently, according to IGN, a big sale headed at Gearbox and, as a result, this direction after half a year of Embracer group bleeding out massive value and closing several other…
I'm gonna keep it 100, as I always try to: This is irrelevant. I'll repeat: this 900 item level increase outcry is irrelevant in the long run. Why do I say such? Because the gear is marching up at a higher IL rate than the enchants. We've gone from 1550 average IL armors to now something around 2k in about a module and a…
Why not just ask if the devs have another new item for mob use down the road instead of suggesting they should nerf yet another beloved staple of the playerbase's power kit?
Until they get their inventory to the level of Bungie's Destiny (one of the few things I'll praise that game for these days), anything involving inventory management, player or developer-supported, should be placed on a shelf in moderation for a rainy day. I also don't disagree much with OP. I understand most vets will…
This theory doesn't hold up. And it doesn't hold up because what is developed, is actually recycled content, and deliberate killing of old content. There was a public discourse over how difficult it was to program around apparently two particular items of desire: Band of Air and Devil's Ribcage. And in response to the…
Update: that it seems to have cleared up, though the Fey Crossing option still appears on the Map Selection screen (no idea why). I'll go back to playing as usual, then. That was weird.
They're "raising the item level" in order to save face. Point is, the dungeons getting that raise were never meant for such low level entry tickets, and they screwed over a host of newberries in keeping it that way for so long. Instead of holding their water, instead take a swing at holding the developers to a standard.…
1. In order of importance: - Spend on the Companion Rune. Because getting that to rank 5 means sharing it with your other toons at no further cost or hassle. - Combat Rune - If you play support, then Soul Rune is a good choice to max out first. If you focus on DPS, then Poison, Cursed, or Thorne: take your pick. - Look at…
Just a bit of a correction: You keep your item level, you LOSE stats thanks to some enchantments no longer having Combined Rating, meaning a 1% - 5% effective drop in your stats. So yeah, it's a nerf, but not only a nerf, but a step backward from where you were stated previously.
I'll help clarify since there's confusion. A brand new player, not digging through any other source, nor signing up for VIP, can right now get through the Leveling Adventures and the postgame Adventures, and come out with about 300k in AD, and 24k IL or so with the giveaway of mounts and companions, as well as insignia…
Okay, so I have one serious question for this reworking: How are new/non-endgame players to earn 100K AD per day to be able to buy into the new forced enchantment system? Asking because given the item level limit is going to 100k, I cannot imagine the scaling on enemies across all content, the RADQ, RTQ, RSQ, etc, for…
If we're taking on little things, I'd like to point out something for the console kiddies. Making a long story short, has the game's clock been adjusted for Daylight Saving's end? As I just invoked not four minutes ago, and apparently despite it being a quarter to 6am EST, the game itself has already reset the invoke clock…
Guess the first post will be a land mine. Ah well. Good evening, this is a terrible idea. I don't say so as a hater, but as a player assessing value. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aside of raid-locked loot and farm-locked items such as Juma Bags or Avernus treasures, the core player issue seems to be items they want to…