You made no argument...your example was inaccurate and misleading; meant to support your premise that money spent on "pixels" is money wasted. It doesn't take a philosophical dilettante like yourself to understand this simple concept. You are talking pixels and you inference is that money spent on virtual goods is…
Pro-tip #2: Don't employ fallacious reasoning to attempt to make a point. Do you pay for cable? Ever gone to a movie? Have you been to a music concert? Do you own those shows or that movie? Nope. But you have used those things before--what is the difference? There is none. A lack of tangible value does not mean something…
Awesome. Thanks, Xmean. Good stuff. I see you went higher in Strength than Wisdom..why is that? Most other things I may have questions on I haven't asked because I don't know what I'm doing lol...lvl 28 now though!
Thanks for the posting--very interesting. Would you mind linking to a build--also what do you recommend as a cleric levels? I'm only at level 20 right now.
Yeah I noticed the same thing. AD&D clerics have always been my favorite and I've always played as a guy. I agree though that the lady avatars look far better--the males look comical...that's why I need a helmet to cover my cartoony face. LOL