Glad I haven't wasted my time on this game in the past week. Track records speak volumes. Don't see myself playing anytime soon. Maybe when the expansion comes out but I think I'll be preoccupied with something else by then.
I am very patient. Patiently waiting for a game that isn't f2p with a cash shop. Cash shops destabilize everything. While I'm still logging in daily to invoke out of false hope this game will actually turn into something worth investing time into the repetitive nature of the whole game is off-putting. No explorable…
Ethereal boon is ok but I don't need it at all. You may and that is fine if you tweak whatever as I'm not playing your character. Dgain is fine without it in this build. Divine advantage because...not only pvpers get combat advantage. Sb procs LS when you swap it. It's not that the knockback is bad. You just need to be…
100% this man. I have stats rolling out my eyeballs. Investing into some non-traditional cleric stats at this point may prove to be far more beneficial then sticking with something that is being reduced highly by a cap. I have wanted to get stats in other areas I just have not had time to swap things around atm. Busy past…
This is my only issue with power of oppression. Instead of healing you have to spam cast astral seal on as many targets as you can. While in theory the 5% reduction seems nice on many enemies; in practice it can be quite risky. Now if it applied an aura effect in a small radius it may be worth it to invest(say 5 feet or…
More like ,"Sorry you hated grouping with 4 random *insert whatever derogatory comment here* players. In order to improve the play experience you now need to do it with 19 others." Also.....what is with all of the lifesteal on the new cleric pvp gear...seriously I'm loosing all of my crit for...lifesteal...ok...They…
Well. Bastion isn't really worth casting unless it is divined unfortunately. The easiest way to sustain it is SB. The good news is the build allows BoH to always be cast in divine mode so no worries.
I agree completely. The only change I decided to do different than yours was to go into divine advantage instead of restoration mastery. Punisouffle was spot on about using it instead of the 5% defense bonus. It turns Bastion into quite a crazy thing.
I'm positive it will actually be fixed (soon) but I do feel there is a good amount of leeway with divinity to allow SB to be cast legitimately. Now...How do you pull it off without making the CW in your group /wrists. That is the question :P
Hah your heroic feats were exactly what I had assembled in my mach feats in my other tab :P So weird...I'm looking at some other ways to build atm. The hardest part is that there are seemingly no calculations on certain abilities and feats (and/or the feat description is complete garbage and widely incorrect) which would…
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it. Like I said still working it out. I'll just respond accordingly :) 1.)yea I totally agree with you when it comes to buffing stats and this build. It's actually something I have considered but just havn't got around to changing. I'm at work now so I will play around later(but am…
You could put the other points into benefit of foresight but from my experience it's nice to have those extra ticks in there from it then not. I was really trying to buff up my heal amount as much as possible while not hurting my damage reduction in the process. I wouldn't say no to it but as the build already incorporates…
I would like to see this, possibly up the seal cost in return, but me like many others are sitting on hundreds of drake seals for....yea. Also it would be nice if I could use my drake seals to say, buy gear for my guardian fighter or cw or w/e. I know I can trade with other people for items, but it would generally just be…
I also had foresight out for a while there but I think the constant reduction outweighs anything else for the slot. Mainly why I tossed the two points from Rising Hope back into it for a little extra. The last boss in CN really is about how well your team controls and knocks the adds off. Sometimes I have to help with the…
well I am making a few adjustments to the build. The wall I'm at right now is that since I keep stats up pretty much 100% of the time I'm thinking about dropping rising hope and throwing those two points elsewhere since the 15% is so diminished as is when linked spirit is proccd on a good number of things. hmm decisions…
Yea at work atm. Once I get home I will look more closely at my build. I switched to using deepstone as well and am wanting to possibly move a few other things around. I'll let you know
I'm just going to agree with deitsk that them waiting so long to implement this is what the real problem is. If this was their true intent from the beginning (which I don't think it was and have no clue why it wasn't ((gear beta players possibly??)) I think the main problem of this system is the salvaging. Why am I getting…
It doesn't matter how much time or effort you put into the foundry when everything that comes out of it is garbage. You guys have a truly epic chance to make player made content a huge addition to the game; instead it's just mediocre at best and a huge time-sink. Yes, the current loot system just makes the game P2W in…
I'll agree 100% with the foundry issue. It doesn't matter how much time or effort you put into a map when everything that comes out of it is garbage. You guys have a truly epic chance to make player made content a huge addition to the game; instead it's just mediocre at best and a huge time-sink. Yes, the current loot…
It's another useless pet, just like the stones if you're a cleric. Man this game is wearing thin on my nerves. I already can't log into my cleric because endgame just doesn't exist. The one thing I would do which is pvp is just broke as hell for the class and I don't get HAMSTER for stressing like a hooker in harlem and…
I just am really enjoying on demand healing when I need it, instead of having to wait x seconds to gain the full benefit which may not save anyone's HAMSTER. HG is very good don't get me wrong. I have saved quite a few people's butts (mainly people damaging from the nosebleed section) with DA/divine bastion. For certain…