I usually stick Training runes on new companions until they hit max rank, then I stick Arcane Runestones in the offensive slots so they attack/heal more (from the +Recovery), and Eldritch Runestones in the defensive slots to buff my character.
Note that +Recovery will lower their cooldowns. So a cleric will heal more often, and so on. They also seem to get considerably more out of +LifeSteal than a player. I didn't find +Regen to do anything notable though.
The HUD and keybinds can be saved, and then loaded on another character. The Chat settings are per-account, but as far as I know, you have to arrange the tabs per-character.
There's also still a bug (since Open Beta!) where the numbers won't fit into the columns if you resized your UI (using the in-game settig), causing them to just constantly fly in and out.
In 4e, Warlocks and Wizards were always close. Wizards were Controller-Strikers, Warlocks are Striker-Controllers, depending on which build you chose. The primary difference was how they played - the Warlock inflicted curse marks which had effects depending on what powers and aspect they had, as well as semi-passive…
When I play Star Trek Online, a party of random players in the best gear can be challenged in the end game content, but even with repeated deaths victory feels close and attainable. In Neverwinter, a party of random players in T2s and Rank 6+ enchantments gets their face stomped. You need organized groups of the right…
Hm, that makes sense. That's really a "First World" issue I guess, since it's hardly like I can afford to upgrade my Rank 5-7s any higher anyway. :p Seems more like a "Once I've gotten all my other slots full of Rank 7s and higher, this could allow for more relevant enchants". The only Recovery enchant I have is a Rank 7…
I don't understand this. As a CW, the prices are still very high for these, and I just don't get it. Without trying my Recovery is way past the soft cap where it gives any noticeable returns, and other than slightly higher damage and Power, Regen is only slightly useful and Deflection is worthless. The Orb of the Champion…
Armor Penetration is applied before debuff effects. It causes your powers to treat the target as if they had lower defense, up to 0. Debuffs then apply after that and can cause them to effectively go into negatives, making them take extra damage.
"The Closet" for fashion items would go well with "The Stables". That kind of ease of use and quality for life improvement could only serve to increase the desirability of mounts and fashion items. Get cracking, Cryptic!
Comparing the two enchantments isn't really apples and oranges. The Greycloak one replaces the need for early offense enchantments, and rapidly becomes obsolete as a result. The Loamweave replaces the need for early armor enchantments, and doesn't become obsolete until you're able to afford the one you desire. There's…
They need to implement the Fleet system from STO for Guilds. So we can contribute towards Guild Holdings and build up a Guildhall. Not to mention so we can just contribute AD to a "Bank Upgrade" project as opposed to one person having to buy Guild Bank slots in one go.
I pay attention to the rolls in the status screen. If people start Needing on things, then I'll Need. In general every PUG I've been in since Feywild went live has gone Greed or Pass (Need on Enchants/Crafting). Nobody really needs any actual gear, so it's just a matter of being fair with the purple drops (that we only…
I thought the fastest way (the most efficient XP/Time ratio) was to do the 2-hour Explore and Chart tasks repeatedly. Leadership is easily the slowest profession to level. I started with Leadership first, started Tailoring when it was level 10 or so, and started Alchemey when Leadership was level 18. They both hit level 20…
Yes, and yes. It depends on what you have already. The next upgrade for me in terms of acquiring my optimal/ideal set (which includes "Epic augmentation pet") costs way more than 750k AD, so this was actually the cheapest upgrade available. Basically you shouldn't be looking at upgrading your cat/stone unless you already…
That's because the "important" things may be more complex, or involve different teams, and aren't ready yet. There's pretty much only one or two "real" things patched here (CPU and the cursor display issue), everything else are minor issues they didn't really need that much effort to change. Allowing the Favors of Sune to…
The thing is that the inflation will result in zero changes in purchasing power for the rich who are complaining, completely negating the reason they want it in the first place (which is greed). It just doubles the amount of work you have to do in order to keep up with all the other rich people. If you can't keep up with…
It doesn't go to your PWE account, because you didn't buy Zen with AD. When you make a transaction on the Zen/AD Exchange, it goes to your Exchange account, not your Character's balance. In the Exchange window, near the bottom, there should be a balance and a Withdraw button.
You know, if there were hair clipping issues they could just remove the hat. I think just the mask would be pretty cool (alongside with your hair and ears, of course).
I like the Campaign system, at least compared to not having it before this expansion. It gives me something to do, as opposed to not having any sort of real focus.