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  • Many thanks for sharing and adding to the data ForumAccount! It's much appreciated! Luckily, most GPUs will shut down when they overheat too much, which is what the real issue with the max GPU utilisation will be - significantly increasing thermal temperatures, and in this respect, players experiencing this issue over a…
  • My apologies buddy if you helping to clarify for me has created any difficulties. It wasn't my intention. Thank you for your assistance. It is greatly appreciated!
  • To confirm from your response; limiting your FPS ensures your GPU usages remains within normally acceptable levels, yet removing the FPS limitation results in your GPU usage reaching 90%? If so, may I ask what GPU you're using please?
  • Would you mind checking whether you have your FPS limited please? Some players have identified that limiting the frame rate resolves the issue for them (some others report that it does not too). The more information which can be gathered about this bug the better the chances it can be fixed. I know you're an old veteran,…
  • While this may be true to some extent, stats influence and restrict game play. As an over-simplification, previously there were tanks who preferred to run into a mob and slaughter them on the run to the next mob. Then there were tanks who would run straight through those mobs and bunch them all up, while other tanks…
  • These are all wonderful, yet they are not static, but temporary. Not all of these are available to players of all levels, and not all of these are able to be used simultaneously. To clarify, Vanguard only has one Daily which provides actual direct +DR - Phalanx. Bladed Rampart, while providing +Defense, it is not actually…
  • I am amused that people continue to possess such a narrow focus that they only seem to be focussing purely on geared players for end content while continuing to lack any understanding, knowledge or perspective, of the experience of tank players at all TIL and levels. I find it highly amusing that some people claim they…
  • I agree with what you posted, and particularly with the above quote. This is not a bad suggestion, and it would certainly go a long way to improving the current system for tanks. I believe that the suggestion for tanks to receive a +20% DR role bonus as an addition to their +20% HP, would actually be a far more effective…
  • Wonderful! So, the forum rules then only apply to those General Discussion subforums? If not, then if someone does not actually visit those subforums, they will never read the rules, but be posting in other subforums and being moderated for rules they know nothing about? I fail to perceive how this is, even remotely,…
  • As a Fighter Vanguard tank, i used a "HDPS companion build" (thanks Eightydarkbob!), and as a result, i was, without fail, the top of the paingiver chart in any content unless a pure DPS build was of a similar IL and also using an identical quality of companion build. These whole 'combat changes' were originally touted as…
  • The issue i've experienced is that formerly experienced, long-term (i.e. playing for greater than 5 years) and highly-geared players are now quitting the game. Whether they will return or not is anyone's guess. However, the unanimous reason amongst all of these players, is that they enter into scaled content, then perform…
  • Coolgor, you've been around for a very long time, and I'm sure you've seen it as much as i have - the players who discover these 'cheese' methods for completing end-game content, are often the ones advocating for nerfs in other aspects, so their capacity to complete end-content unimpeded provides them certain 'financial'…
  • Would you be able to elaborate a bit further on what you mean by the term 'edgy' please buddy?
  • I must inquire... What is "Lurging Strike"? It sounds awfully like a power where the player vomits... :D
  • I think this is a great improvement in addressing the needs of all roles, yet i believe there is greater room for improvement to ensure that there is incentive for all roles to actively desire to participate in the new content. Currently, as it stands, many tanks and healers do not seem to be interested in participating in…
  • A small thing, yet i believe you may be reliving old mods - there are no "Control Wizards", or even "Guardian Fighters" in this game anymore - There're "Wizards" and "Fighters" though. To the best of my understanding, while a Dreadnought Fighter may typically have greater burst AoE damage than a Wizard, a Wizard should,…
  • I think you'll find the Wizard will be buffed when:* Hell freezes over, * "Buff" = "Nerf", * Dreadnought Fighters are, without doubt, the best DPS, or * There's a change in the development team
  • Still, out of all of this, what completely infuriates me is the lie that 'players would not be worse off with these changes'. Too many people recognise and realise that this is a lie, yet appear to be content doing nothing to hold @"noworries#8859" to account for it. "All it takes for evil to triumph is for one good person…
  • I couldn't agree with you more!
  • @wilbur626 I think you have kind of hit on the major issue, as a whole, with these changes - progression has been made irrelevant. This reminds me of a post in a thread a couple of years back by @autumnwitch, where they had a friend 'try out' the game before the Mod16 changes, to gain their perspective of the difference…
  • You can certainly increase your Deflect Severity in very minor ways through the use of potions etc. yet it is impossible for a tank to reach 90% Deflect Severity. Even Incoming/Outgoing Healing, Control Bonus/Resistance etc. can be obtained far more readily and easily than Deflect Severity, as companion equip powers stack…
  • And the nerfs just keep coming... From @"noworries#8859": "There has been a lot of talk about Celestial Vs Lionheart weapon sets. On the stream I mentioned that for Celestial I removed the lockout timer so that if a player is constantly engaged they can keep the celestial effect up continuously. There were still complaints…
  • My apologies. I should have clarified that 'no tank Incoming or Outgoing Healing seems to generate Threat'.
  • That's not true. I've seen friends testing their DPS characters who have managed to cap Defense with ease, with very slight sacrifice to their offensive stats. They do have serious difficulty capping Awareness, but then so do Tanks. If a Tank was able to utilise a perpetual 40% 'bonus' to survivability derived from their…
  • Others above have kindly answered your first question, so i won't bother to repeat. When you refer to "Increases their stamina", I assume you're referring to the Anniversary Ham. From my testing many, many months ago, this did, in fact, increase the amount of damage being 'reduced' by Block. For example, at that time, it…
  • Again, i think it's important we attempt to consider this entire situation from the context of what each class needs in order to be able to do their job in a reasonably effective manner, and not necessarily as a competitive comparison between what one class may or may not have against another. As it is, which tank classes…
  • The unfortunate reality is that decisions are made regarding characters and their capabilities based upon both PVE and PVP, as the developers struggle to strike a 'balance' between the two with changes which they make. You've been around in the game for a while now, and I thought, for sure, you'd be aware of these ongoing…
  • AFAIK, the answer is "Yes" to both.
  • I'd never seen it before you introduced it to me - this was simply my attempt referencing my source. Exactly! Given the increase in NPC damage generally, and in particular the increase in damage output at end-content, the current EHP values are insufficient for tank survivability. These changes still leave it in the same…