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  • I think they can do it.. they got Batman..
  • Foundry PVP arena.. mmmaan id love that! I can see my CW rushing to bomb site on de_dust2!
  • I thought he says "I Have One Word For You...Glitches!" It did make sense to me..
  • They will not do it. They will not give us GS based arena. Im sure the only thing they spotted in your post is " like the CW and the CW is good in any way, right out of the box, where some other classes are hopeless or need a huge amount of AD or ZEN to iron things out." and will soon announce CW nerfs..
  • Same story with Bear Tribe Orb.
  • If someone in party in my party would roll Need on an epic class item that isnt BoP, then would rub it in saying "Good job, thanx for the item" - I would concider them sarcastic ninjas, put them on ignore list to make sure I never invite/get invited by them to the same party :D
  • Well, I don't do need runs rlly.. but i got a solution :) We could make the Need option possible on specific items that your character never got before. That would corespond with the Collection thing under Ctrl+J. That would fix most problems with ninjas i suppose. You need it? You got it. You wanna sell it? Sure, sell it…
  • Disagree.. Me and many other ppl would like to have GS based matches. The system is not good at all because if it was ppl would like it, wouldnt whine about it and would enjoy pvp. Now only ppl who go to pvp in precomposed parties enjoy matches. I dont want to stomp on lowbies and i dont want to loose matches because of…
  • I dont know if there are enought pvp-ers for that, but im am sure there would be. Right now most ppl I know hate pvp and dont attend, because most of the time you get lowbies against high GS pt. And as i said and will repeat. Offering an arena with GS based matches, doesnt imply removing FFA arena. At worse case scenario…
  • GS based queues.. that would fix it.. nobody want lowbies in PVP. Look at that this way.. you gear up, get 18k GS, you want to grind glory or just want to get the quests done, you come there and u see 7k GS ppl in your team when enemy is 15k+. It just makes u feel like quitting PVP once and for all ^^
  • Guys, i got over 18k GS in BI set.. i get rally frustrated if i see 6-9k GS members in my pt if the team has the minimum of 15k gs.. i cean easily crush 15k GS enemies, but not when im the only one trying.. if lowbies enter and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, they just stay and the campfire saying "it will all be over…
  • Well it's weird.. CoI, Sudden Storm, Icy Terrain count as single target when you use Evocation Class Skill, but when u try to push their limits with feats like Focused Wizardry, then guess what.. they count as AoE.
  • Right now making a toon that can use chat takes like 5 min.. if you need to get that toon to lvl 20 it will take significatly longer, even with bot. Right now they can spam "we are back blablabla" and change character so fast that we cant even keep up reporting them. I believe that with the 20 lvl requirement eventualy we…
  • Until lvl 20 i had no questions.. the question ppl have AT lvl 20 is about 5g for horse and that is probably first question :P
  • Leveling 20 lvls just to make 3 annoucments and getting chat banned after that doesn't seem very practical for me..
  • I an not sure if this was stated yet in this thread tho it is obvious. The proposed changes are not fun at all. From a interesting and fun to play tho fast to die, with very immersive combat system, CW became just easy to die withouth any dynamic class. In order to control mobs you have to just stand there, next to mobs,…
  • PVP in this game is bearly ever 1vs1 anyway. CW so op in pvp? GF slams my CW against wall and then knocks him down and again and again and my poor CW can't even cast his OP CC spells. GWF gets immune to evryting, knocks down, DPS to 0 in like 1,5s and im dead. TR kills me before even revealing himself. HR suppreses my…
  • I honestly don't think that they need a change in PVE. GWFs always outdamaged me in dungeons anyway. If you think about it you could figure out, that it would be better to enhence TR performence in dungeons then to nerf other classes to the point where they are as usless as TR. I mean come on, its a wizzard, a mage. He is…