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  • Wouldn't be much of a boss fight, then. It would be dumb to remove the barrier. Then what challenge would the game pose? Absolutely none. You'd be able to down the bosses on your first time, every time.
  • What about all of us who didn't "cheat" our way to cap. Who didn't find the "cheap and easy" ways to farm for AD, etc? The ones who actually took time to enjoy the game and mosey about in a "proper" manner up the ladder to 60? Because as one of those people, I'd be pretty peeved if there was a character wipe (which there…
  • I don't mind the whole "if you aren't moving/dodging you should be severely punished". In fact, I completely agree with it. If you're standing in the bad stuff, you deserve to get hit. Hard. However; they seem to have just decided to make bosses "challenging" by giving them loads of health & a ton of adds. My issue is that…
  • Priority One: Dungeons with bosses that have a little more of a "challenge". By a challenge I don't mean a ton of adds and health and that hit really hard. I mean bosses with interesting and different mechanics that players will need to learn and work around in order to kill the boss. Priority Two: Rangers. Priority Three:…
  • It really didn't cause any inconvenience, just a bit of confusion. It isn't the way I would have done things, but this isn't my game, haha. Thank you for the quick response! I'm loving how on top of everything the moderators/devs are :)
    in Gauntlgrym? Comment by courtsee May 2013
  • Thank you! It just seemed strange to me that the dailies would be available to pick up, look at, etc if Gauntlgrym itself isn't live.
    in Gauntlgrym? Comment by courtsee May 2013
  • The only real issue I've had with any of the boss fights thus far is not that I find them too difficult... but because they've just been powercreeped. I do not expect boss fights to be easy by any means. Boss fights should be hard. That's why it's a boss. However, instead of actually introducing new mechanics to every boss…
  • Dat feel when server goes down as you're in the middle of a dungeon delve Q.Q
  • Bahahaha! Awww, sorry! D: But maybe it'll terrify people into reading my thread~.
    in Threat Comment by courtsee May 2013
  • I'm almost level 40 and I've seen a couple dungeons where the tanking/healing aspect is a bit more important. One of them was Lair of the Mad Dragon. I'm a DC as well and LoTMD was a bit brutal to heal through.
  • I wouldn't go as far as to say it could be done without a healer or tank. I wouldn't say it's a hard fight, per se. But it IS frustrating. Not because of the boss' health or the bad stuff on the ground, but because the adds can be a wee bit brutal. Other than that I think the fight is fun, personally.
  • I had the same thing happen to me yesterday when one of our DPS quit. When the party realized we couldn't requeue for a new member everyone dropped out. Really hope they get this fixed soon.
  • Don't wanna pay? Cool, there's this neat system in place where you can trade AD for Zen! Don't wanna farm AD for Zen? Then quit moaning about something you aren't willing to do anything about. The option is there. Whether you take it or not is up to you. If you choose not to then you have no place to moan about it.
  • Just going to point out real quick that your opinion on a lack of diversity in classes should not make up your entire opinion about a full game. Idiot.
  • I would absolutely love to see some Warforged in this game.
  • There IS a log out to char select. When you press ESC select "Log out" instead of "Exit Game"
  • Perfection. As someone who didn't shell out any money for this game at all, but instead waited until open beta (go ahead, kids, call me a freeloader for liking to try a game before I spend money on it) I'm still happy with the situation. Yeah, I got to play a bit when the Beta first started. I hung around through the…
  • Good bye and a nice big **** for being an ignorant **** that doesn't know how to read before he makes a purchase. Cheers!
  • Absolute. Perfection. Personally I didn't even shell out $20 for this game. Why? Because I like to test things before I decide if I feel it's worth my money. If that makes me a "freeloader" then so be it. Will I spend money on the game if I really enjoy it? Yes, definitely! Because good developers deserve my good,…
  • I'm getting pretty annoyed at all of you Founder players that are moaning about not receiving a priority in queue. You definitely read what you were going to receive in that package and not in one area did it say "priority in queue". You read what you would receive. I highly doubt that you would have shelled out that money…
  • Surely you actually read what it was that you were paying for, correct? When you shelled out $60 or whatever it is that you paid for Neverwinter, you definitely read what it is that you bought. You understood that you got early access, a special mount, etc, correct? Then definitely you understood that you didn't pay for a…
  • It makes me feel warm and happy that there are people like you with common sense to help me point out flawed, selfish logic. Cheers.
  • One would be lead to think you don't understand what a *BETA* is for. Seriously? It's an OPEN-BETA launch, not a full game launch. You don't deserve complementary keys, Zen, or otherwise just because you feel that you've been inconvenienced. If you didn't think that there would be SOME issues with an open-beta launch then…