That's great. But you'll notice no damage figures are given for the skills. Without some basic value common to all things, "magnitude" is meaningless except to say that this skill does more damage than that skill. But as we all know, the actual damage a skill only a part of the equation when valuing one over…
Just bring back the percentage indicators period. For YEARS people have played and evaluated their stats based on that percentage. An example, you needed "x%" Armor Penetration to be effective in "y" zone/dungeon. Now, you've wholly screwed that.
TL;DR: Make the trash mobs valuable to the player base and people will kill them. XP, Gold, and RP trash aren't valuable enough to warrant the time spent killing the trash. Here's the need you two aren't seeing (and forgive me if someone else already corrected you) (forgive me further if this seems arrogant but it's the…
Here's an interesting thing for all of us to think about. Unlike many MMOs, Cryptic created an economic system you're hard pressed to find outside of Eve and a very few other games. YOU DON'T NEED TO SPEND A SINGLE PENNY OF REAL WORLD CURRENCY. All you have to do is a couple of hours of dungeon running per day, among every…
Okay, thanks for the information. :) So this is mine, from Springfield, IL. Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms homeportal [] 2 24 ms 18 ms 18 ms [] 3 18 ms 19 ms 25 ms 4…
I skipped over a lot of this but I have this to add as a noob, EverQuest II includes an XP limiter with the AA line and Tradeskill XP lines on a slider so you can spec the percentage of adventure XP your toon gets as opposed to how much goes to AA advancement or Tradeskill advance. That being said, in that game, unless you…