if you are upset about a 24 hr chat ban I think you are going to have a stroke after PWE suspends or bans your account for you maliciously attacking the ingame chat like that.
really ? 5pm to 10 pm? PST? or EST or GMT? Hopefully you see the problem with a set time now :) That does not even take into account people that say work a second or third shift have night classes or perhaps come home and want to spend some time with their children before they log in. Perhaps, for all of these reasons they…
Different times so the numbers mean different things. Old EQ at its height had just over 1 million subs which is less that WoW at it height. On the other hand at its height EQ had over 65% of the market wow has never gone above 30%. When WoW launched more people had access to pc's and the internet was far less expensive in…
Actually, no everyone else does not. Yes there is etiquette unfortunately, it is lacking in some.:( What the should do is have the system not allow classes that could not use an item to roll need. Yes that is a way to force etiquette and yes it will not stop those people who actually do not need it but are of the required…
the problem with that logic is the current cash shop. They would have to refund not just the zen but the actual real dollars spent purchasing the zen ( does not include zen purchased with AD) As an example GW2 announced during beta that any money spent in the cash shop would be refunded prior to launch as they wanted to…
actually, it would make a difference maybe not to your specific case but to others. I would think if there were people who were being muted for no legitimate reason by the same people they would take action against said people.
I do not know what the actual issue is. I have a TR I love to be in groups with a good GF they hold argo reasonable well letting me DPS full out. Yes when a Boss dungeon is over and the tables come up I might have done 3 times the damage but their job is not DPS. One has to remember though they can not dish out the dps the…
actually they are trade-able in name only at this point. You can not actually mail them to another toon on the same account as the mail does not except them.
I agree with the fact we were not "entitled" to a point. However, you are leaving out the fact that many people lost C coins and are still waiting to be refunded Zen and AD. I do think their big mistake was when they announced it as being "Robust". ps to the OP could the xp can be used at 60 to lvl your companion a bit…
I agree but they could have atleast allowed the cloak to be used to change the app of a neck slot item or allowed the "account" bound items to actually be mailed to an alt on the same account.
except you can not use that cat cloak to change the app of another item. I tried it with my maelstom cloak and it would not allow me to place the cat one in the appearance slot
It is a pretty sad thank you to be honest. A mask to replace the one we got as founders. A non stat cape that can only be placed in the stat necklace slot. If the cap could have been placed somehow as a fashion item might have been useful. or if it was account bound even to use on a new alt. The xp is usefull at 60 to help…
since they stated in the annoucment that they perma banned the exploiters i do not think they will be getting the packs even the ones that only got a 72 hour bann would not since their accounts would be inactive at the moment
Since they intened to merge all the servers prior to the official launch opening a new one and having people start fresh so as to avoid the current economy would serve little purpose
I would disagree with this statement. Those you were in STO beta know that cryptic actually does try to be fair to their players. As an example... Near the end of STO beta they offered all the beta players incentives to purchase lifetime and yearly subs. Concerns were raised as to the what the state of the game would be at…
Wiping might not wise at this time. First, they need to find and fix the issue. Then take what they feel is appropriate action with regards to the accounts that caused the issue. Followed by, deciding what is the best course of action with regards to the game. In order to do a wipe they would have to back trace all the zen…
Well I would hope they would do this before the game goes officially live. However, at this point I do not think they need to do a wipe till they have fixed all the bugs and exploits they can. Otherwise they would just hear calls for another wipe latter on.