Well same HAMSTER happening to me. And the new character "switch" not working. With as many posts here and no response not going to hold my breath on a quick fix.
Blaue, i mean Sentinel through the capstone. So i have 5 points left. Currently in Unstoppable Recovery just not sure if its worth it. Sn, yeah trying to get groups to get some Avatar pieces. Ark
Thanks for the kind words Flat. Glad I was able to chat with you the other day :) We are still looking for good folks. We are running nightly Heroics and could use a few more bodies for the grinder! Necro
Thanks guys. How are you getting your crit so high? I think my issue is neither titan not Vigilant have crit. I like the 1800 HP from Titans 2 piece and the 450 Recovery from Vigilant. I tired to Gem crit and recovery but still not close to 3k. I'm still leveling my Ioun Stone (only 15) so hopefully with it i can crank the…
Got several 60s now and starting to work on Heroic Dungeons. Small tight group but we are still looking for quality folks. Please feel free to stop by. Necro / Auda Band of Brothers http://bandbrothers.enjin.com/