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CW nerfs revisited

prettyceltprettycelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 777 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Library
Ok, well, I'm no expert, and I don't know exact dates, but I for one DEFINITELY remember a few mods back when CW was SEVERELY nerfed all across the board...damage on almost every power was reduced anywhere from 20-60%, Shard of the Endless Avalanche was made laughable, and about the only power that was actually improved was Steal Time. The newer players won't remember this, but trust me, it was bad. Well, we all made do by necessity, and one of the few bright spots in that horrible hamstringing was that Chill was no longer utterly disrupted by your own damage, and seemed to be working as intended all along. Result? More control, and a lot more CW's slotting Icy Terrain and the like. I could finally be the "Ice mage" I'd wanted to be. My CW actually ended up doing as much or more DPS than before.

Fast forward to the last patch and this Storm Spell nerf. Now THAT one hurt...I use a Spellstorm Mage Thaumaturge CW, and had always slotted Eye of the Storm and Storm Spell class features. There wasn't even a question of anything else. To that end, I invested in numerous Cubes of Augmentation to gamble on Artifact weapon powers, and was pleased to get (after spending probably a quarter of a million AD's!) the one that adds a 5% chance of Storm Spell proccing twice. That was awesome, and seemed to happen more than 5% of the time, though maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part. The synergy of the class features and a decent crit rating made for nice damage spikes whenever Storm Spell would critically hit. Was it 20% of my damage as some people have surmised? I don't know, but it was a VERY healthy chunk of it.

Like I said, I don't know the specific math and haven't kept running tallies for numbers besides glancing at the Combat log and trying to compare, but even to my untrained eye it is a noticeable dip in damage. I especially saw it in recent skirmishes and dungeons...suddenly I was dropping to 2nd or 3rd place in Paingiver. Now it seems I am stuck with a choice of either going back, buying more Cubes and trying for a different benefit, or totally respeccing and surrendering to the cookie-cutter Renegade build for the higher crit chance to make up for my lost Storm Spell crits. The kicker is that all of these forced changes seem to have stemmed from complaints in PvP...and I don't even participate in PvP! I know a lot of people love it...I hate it, that's just me. But now I am paying the price along with everyone else, left sitting here wondering just how to climb back to where I was. AGAIN.

All I know is I am getting really fed up with grinding/striving/paying through the nose to attain some semblance of competitive edge, only to have the rug swept out from beneath my feet again and again...in terms of powers, in terms of gear, in terms of fine tuning that is rendered useless, money and resources down the drain. It has become really very frustrating and disheartening. Yeah, I know, there will be those who get on here and sanctimoniously preach ADAPT...and I will. It's either that or quit, and at this point I am hanging in there out of sheer stubborn resolve and refusal to abandon all I've striven for. I don't want to quit. I love my CW and spare no expense when it comes to finding ways to improve.

I just really, REALLY wish we could quit with the nerfs in some back-engineering attempt to balance the classes for PvP, when frankly IMO the PvP in NWO seems as though it was an afterthought in the first place, and has been plagued with inequities, bugs and exploits since day one. Nerfing Storm Spell really seemed unnecessary, a kick in the pants for no good reason I can see, and it hurt my PvE in a big way. I suppose it's too much to ask that it be rolled back, but it sure would be nice to have something to counterbalance the loss...perhaps a higher chance of it proccing, a greater base damage for it, something. Anything. With the tougher mobs and dungeons of Mod 6, along with the Lifesteal nerf, we really needed those Storm Spell crits to even the odds!

Thanks for listening.
Post edited by zebular on


  • iamannoyingdeviliamannoyingdevil Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Gentlemancrush will never ever balance the game while powers have the same effects in both pvp and pve , people have tried telling him to copy the old GW1 system several times over the past 12 to 18 months but he pays no attention , pve and pvp in the game need to be completely split apart and powers need to be balanced separately depending on whether you are in pve or pvp..
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hi, my feedback to the actual CW-class in dungeons (not in PVP) running eCC pugging, another run with CW at VT ended similar
    all player about 2,5k GS CW-TR-WL
    CW end 50 mio damage, TR same, me 70 Mio
    i spend not a single CC in the hole run, nothing to make the group perform better, only passive procs from dark revelry
    CW: icy terrain + "meatball" some places + repell + entangeling forces - doing this, scipping damage, he dealt very solid damage
    TR: cc'd at least with his smoke bomb + dazing strike
    Warlock (me): all time WB, DT + SoulScorch, spammimg tyrannical thread every! mob group (thats the best damage setup the class has)

    after the run I only dealt 20 mio + damage compared to the other classes
    Since I know my class and run this dungeon with closed eyes, I really do not share your sorrows at all

    PVP is a complete different story, there you only find classes dominating that either pierce (TR/GF) or are tanky as hell (DC / Pala)
    this will not change until piercing damage is taken out of this game and the tenacity system gets improved or just deleted, since it makes things far too complicated atm
    they should tone down te over all damage in PVP (like a debuff)
    Tenacity is a real pain in case you can´t stack enough arp to mitigate it, and even if you do, some classes sit o their 70% overall DR wearing T Negation
    even having 2 million Arp, you would not deal 1% more damage, thats BS
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I would much prefer my CW to be more tanky or have more control, than have more dps.
    I don't understand how a little less dps causes pve to be significantly more difficult.
    If you really cared about succeeding in pve, you would be renegade because it buffs all in the party.
  • knoebelsknoebels Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    PVP is a complete different story, there you only find classes dominating that either pierce (TR/GF) or are tanky as hell (DC / Pala)

    GF has piercing damage?
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    seriously, crying about CONTROL class not doing more damage than DPS classes ?
    Paladin Master Race
  • nannhynannhy Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I am totally with you on this one, my CW is the same path as yours and i to don't care a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for PVP, i've been forced into it just to get the gear since this new mod hasn't been properly thought-out at all, and telling me to respec and choose a different path isn't going to work for me, i'll have to try and make do with what i have..my request to the Devs "Please return storm spell to its former glory even if its slightly reduced"
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Killing is an alternative to controlling. Killing is not a method of controlling.
    There is a big difference between prison camps (prisoners are controlled) and death camps (prisoners are killed).
  • norcaine1990norcaine1990 Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2015
    magenubbie wrote: »
    You do know that death is the best from of CC in this game right?

    When you walk you dog, you control it with leash or by kicking it to death?. You either control mobs or kill them. Killing is NOT control contrary to BS belief. Yes, dead mobs don't do damage but it's NOT control. You want to 'control' mobs by killing them?. Fine with me, just give up all your CC your powers have AT THE SAME TIME DOING HUGE DAMAGE.

    That nerf is a step in right direction. You EITHER do damage OR control. Not both at the same time. You've been privilaged for 5 Modules but now it's time to play the game as intended with no more BS around.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    knoe, yes, GF does the piercing damages, hit shift with shield up, and hit, that is piercing as you see animation as it stab instead of swinging.

    devs need to add a new combat hotbar for PvP menu skill tree, so it wont effect PvE contents. it need switch for PvE/PvP modes.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    i will start a forum show; the ZACAZUS top 3 about that expression

    "You do know that death is the best from of CC in this game right?"

    - and the best defense, is the attack. buff tanks!
    - death is the best control. listen cops? kill then all!
    -(censored to not offend some culture in the world) your childrens!

    i will interview today mike tyson, some hot girl and a boring rock-indie band.
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    The kicker is that all of these forced changes seem to have stemmed from complaints in PvP...and I don't even participate in PvP! I know a lot of people love it...I hate it, that's just me. But now I am paying the price along with everyone else, left sitting here wondering just how to climb back to where I was. AGAIN.

    It's been this way since I started and I have been asking for a separation for what seems like forever. My CW is a Renegade so I didn't see much of a change but the quoted section above hits us all very hard. We constantly have to change our builds, rotations, etc because PvE and PvP (seemingly) can't be separated. I don't buy that but I also don't work for Cryptic. I've said it before and will continue saying it - it's not the Devs that control what gets fixed, it's the managers that are monetizing. If PvE/PvP separation were seen as a way to make more money, it would get done. As it is, they really have no reason to do so.

    I both dread and look forward to seeing how the Strongholds are setup for this very reason.
    I aim to misbehave
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    That nerf is a step in right direction. You EITHER do damage OR control. Not both at the same time. You've been privilaged for 5 Modules but now it's time to play the game as intended with no more BS around.

    I fine with that as long as Cryptic does the same for every single class that has powers with CC components, like dazes, stuns, knockdowns, etc. Remove all the damage from those powers for the GWF, GF, SW, TR, DC, HR and OP and we'll have a level playing field. :)
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    I fine with that as long as Cryptic does the same for every single class that has powers with CC components, like dazes, stuns, knockdowns, etc. Remove all the damage from those powers for the GWF, GF, SW, TR, DC, HR and OP and we'll have a level playing field. :)

    in theory (lets ignore the dynamic of the game) only gwf sws and paladins is not a controllers. so is just change the prones for stun... whats happening in pvp for gwfs.

    Defenders take a lot of damage, mark targets and protect the rest of the party. If enemies they target try to attack another member of the party the defender will attack to stun, damage or taunt enemies to protect their companions."

    but that is not about eliminate some possibility, but give some hierarchy.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    zacazu wrote: »
    in theory (lets ignore the dynamic of the game) only gwf sws and paladins is not a controllers. so is just change the prones for stun... whats happening in pvp for gwfs.

    Defenders take a lot of damage, mark targets and protect the rest of the party. If enemies they target try to attack another member of the party the defender will attack to stun, damage or taunt enemies to protect their companions."

    but that is not about eliminate some possibility, but give some hierarchy.

    I don't see what the problem is. Defenders can still stun and taunt mobs. They just can't do damage with it.

    That's consistent with your this OR that philosophy, is it not?
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • norcaine1990norcaine1990 Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2015
    rodandog wrote: »
    if thats the case then gf should not be dealing out the damage it does now as it is a tank period, tr should not be invisible the entire time , never mind for only 2 seconds as invisibility is not a constant and was only to help the tr sneak up or run an hide because of their limited ability to withstand actual war type situations , a healer is not a tank and unless protected by others dies like a paper, a warlock is no different then a cw other then its pets, hr is suppose to be an attack from distance an if gets up close stands no chance against melee just like a tr, an subject to squishyness just like any of the other classes such as cw/warlock, gwf is basically a all in battlebot that with out a healer should not be invincible , as for the paly they are the only class that has the combo of minor dps an heal which if thats the case all should just make palys as they are the only class that have self surviveability, but at this time gf tr paly dc and gwf with negation enchant are all pretty much unbeatable, yet you talk about play the game as intended, LMAO obviously you do not understand the roles of each player the same as cryptic doesnt, yet both you an cryptic walk the same line.

    In all your saltiness you must have confused me with someone that gives a **** about PvP. Newsflash - I don't. 'gf should not be dealing out the damage it does now as it is a tank' this line says a lot about you, I guess you're one of these guys that believes in 'perma stealth, perma daze, piercing damage, tons of HP and deflect, 1shot' TRs.

    I'm not saying that ie. CWs shouldn't have damage on CC powers or CC on damage powers. I've simply implied that huge damage output shouldn't be in line with the best CC capabilities. Like it's been said many times before (using CW as an example but not limited to CWs only), if you want CC you go Oppressor but your damage output is low, if you want damage you go Thaum or Rene (whatever) but you have none/close to non-exsistant CC.

    But like I said, it's not limited to CWs. TRs ie. shouldn't do obscene amounts of damage remaining in stealth all the time (PvP) and so on and so forth.

    The point of my post was basicly: the balance is beyond off in this game, but recent SS nerf was a step in right direction. Now we can only hope that this step has a follow up and we will witness more and more changes to all classes that will bring us as close to balance as possible.

    But next step should be complete split between PvP and PvE else we will never see a true balance at all.
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I could regularly score first in paingiver with my MoF in dungeons. (Except of course if a Stormspell Mage was in the group) From my perspective, this is a non-issue. The control wizard is still one of the strongest classes in the game, in groups or solo, yes even for damage.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    I don't see what the problem is. Defenders can still stun and taunt mobs. They just can't do damage with it.

    That's consistent with your this OR that philosophy, is it not?

    and cws still do great damage. no complain about that. but rangers/gfs/dcs/rogues dont should be punishid if is the case.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I've simply implied that huge damage output shouldn't be in line with the best CC capabilities.

    Thats absolutely correct.
    the balance is beyond off in this game, but recent SS nerf was a step in right direction.

    Correct too.
    But next step should be complete split between PvP and PvE else we will never see a true balance at all.

    And also correct. Thumbs up

  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm not saying that ie. CWs shouldn't have damage on CC powers or CC on damage powers. I've simply implied that huge damage output shouldn't be in line with the best CC capabilities. Like it's been said many times before (using CW as an example but not limited to CWs only), if you want CC you go Oppressor but your damage output is low, if you want damage you go Thaum or Rene (whatever) but you have none/close to non-exsistant CC.

    Fine. But remove all damage from all CC powers then. I know SW's are complaining that the prone is broke on Harrowstorm, but according your philosophy, that's how the power should be to begin with. It does damage, therefore it shouldn't CC.

    Or they can remove the damage from Harrowstorm and keep the CC.

    Which is it?
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • zickyjackszickyjacks Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    Again, I will say--seems as though we're being pigeonholed into playing Renegades if we want damage, and I hate cookie-cutter builds. Every path should have viability with the correct feat choices, and Thaumaturge was always supposedly the high-damage path (maybe I'm wrong on that count, I don't know, but I can tell you that before this latest nerf to Storm Spell I'd beat out a Renegade every time). Now I'm not so sure anymore. My build was always angled toward doing more damage, and control was a happy byproduct (via Chill and freezing them, or stunning them with Steal Time)...as has been stated numerous times, a dead mob needs no controlling. Comparing that to a real-life situation like beating your dog or cops shooting suspects is...beyond ludicrous. The only comparison that would even be close would be real-life war...and soldiers do not taze or handcuff enemy troops. They kill them.

    I have to laugh every time someone says CW's should stop crying about their control class not doing as much damage as a dps class...I have (prior to now) outstripped the so-called dps classes in damage on a regular basis, in almost every run. The only class that would surpass my CW with any frequency was GWF, and then only if they were geared. Every once in a blue moon a TR would be up there, but rarely. The rest of the time, no, and that probably has to do as much with players' lack of skill or crappy gear as their class. I wasn't going out of my way to top the Paingiver charts...I wasn't running ahead of the party or sticking solely with high-damage single target attacks like Ice Knife...yet still I'd do more damage than those "dps" classes. If you've run with a pug lately, you'd see what I mean. If I hadn't been doing that kind of damage, many times the run would have been doomed. Should the "dps" classes have been doing more damage? Yes, definitely...but you don't achieve that by just hamstringing the CW. You do that by making the dps classes better.

    If everyone was good at their job, CW's could stick with just being control and the world would be a happy place full of rainbows and ponies. Sadly, that isn't the case more often than not. Certainly this is truer than ever with the advent of Mod 6 and tougher mobs & dungeons...you need every class that isn't the tank or the healer to be dishing out boatloads of damage if you'd like to get done sometime that same day.

    So if the dungeons aren't going to be balanced (and I daresay any future content will only exacerbate that situation) and we all aren't lucky enough to have l33t dps buddies with uber gear and mad skillz to accompany us in our endeavors, then you need your CW's to dish it out. And if that somehow unbalances PvP, well I'm sorry, but that's not my problem, that's a problem with the PvP system and needs to be handled as such. Nerfing a class every time the PvPers whine loud enough is simply absurd. They've made separate PvP gear with a separate PvP stat (Tenacity), so please keep the PvP nerfs separate as well, tyvm. I dont want or need it.

    This I truly agree with. There should be more ways to spec outside of just one cookie cutter one to achieve damage. I wouldn't mind being able to mix trees in some light and only have so many slight differences.
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    ...you need every class that isn't the tank or the healer to be dishing out boatloads of damage if you'd like to get done sometime that same day.

    But why does only 1 class want huge dps AND cc? To kill bosses you got great dps classes. Also for trash and trash mob grps. Dunno why CWs still thinking they must have both: DPS + CC.
    Gimme time steal and will give you ibs for it.

  • vvergvverg Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    When Spell Storm finally gets fixed most of the CW's indeed qq that they don't deal damage.. and that killing is the best cc... The problem with Spell Storm was so big that you simply had to slot it and go Spellstorm path, though I prefered MoF CW's in my parties seems they tend to be more cc and teamplay orientated. Pure DPS Class Features shouldn't deal such % of your total damage and really never should have critted all the time.

    Remember all those (many many) topics about TT of SW's from CW's? (or any other topic about other classes, but here I can say faster killing = faster clearing) Simply cause they losed the Paingiver status. Nerf this, nerf that, nerf everything except the CW cause we want the best cc/dps/mitigation (Tabbed shield + negation ae).
  • aryan8791aryan8791 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3
    edited June 2015
    When you walk you dog, you control it with leash or by kicking it to death?. You either control mobs or kill them. Killing is NOT control contrary to BS belief. Yes, dead mobs don't do damage but it's NOT control. You want to 'control' mobs by killing them?. Fine with me, just give up all your CC your powers have AT THE SAME TIME DOING HUGE DAMAGE.

    That nerf is a step in right direction. You EITHER do damage OR control. Not both at the same time. You've been privilaged for 5 Modules but now it's time to play the game as intended with no more BS around.

    Intented by whome? You? When you can compare walking your dog with playing a game and clearing overpowered almost UNCONTROLLABLE ai, I think you expect to wake up in morning and finding out valindra having a morning walk on your lawn with her undead bodyguards......real life and this game are two very diffferent things you and all of you must understand first, who are talking about this control is not killing such kinda thing.

    Hell in real world also depending on terminologies control does mean killing,,,ever heard the word paste control? Or you prefer to control all the cockroaches and flies in your house by storing/stunning/chloroforming (lol :D) them somehow just because the term contains the word "control"?? This depends on how it is getting used, control wizard needs both, control and dps so he can control and kill, specially when in this mod controlling mobs are joke.

    What about almost single boss fights where there is almost no adds,like elol final boss, vt valindra etc? Does cw have any role there if he cant dps? No team will likely ask for a cw at a place where the mobs are either almost immune to cc or elites/bosses with full cc immunity. Then cws are not supposed to play those is that what you mean?

    I dont care about the top dps chart but if a gwf after this nerf to cw with blue "cruel amulet of reviving" is beating a full epic + legendery tr (another meele hitter class with ls set) and my full epic cw by a huge amount ofdamage , at least more than 25% then clearly everything is broken, and needs fixing or reworking. I am agree with same il, gwfs shld be The hitter, but not this, this is abomination and insult, not to only cws (as controller class) but to other primary striker classes as well.
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    prettycelt wrote: »
    Again, I will say--seems as though we're being pigeonholed into playing Renegades if we want damage, and I hate cookie-cutter builds.

    Player may choose only one of three capstones.
    In your terminology, this would be

    cookie A
    cookie B
    cookie C

    Cryptic does not allow players to put feat points into any feat. Cryptic only allows putting feat points into pre-determined feat paths. All feat builds are "cookie-cutter" builds. Choices are very limited.

    If you despise cookie-cutter builds, then I suggest playing a different game without classes.
  • norcaine1990norcaine1990 Member Posts: 93
    edited June 2015
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    Fine. But remove all damage from all CC powers then. I know SW's are complaining that the prone is broke on Harrowstorm, but according your philosophy, that's how the power should be to begin with. It does damage, therefore it shouldn't CC.

    Or they can remove the damage from Harrowstorm and keep the CC.

    Which is it?

    I am pretty sure I've never stated that CC powers should do NO damage AT ALL. What I've said though is that CC powers shouldn't be those with ridiculous damage on them (if we're speaking of powers precisely). I have no problem with CC powers doing damage, it's just unreasonable for a class (any class) to do BOTH enormous damage AND control AT THE SAME TIME. This should go either way, not the best of both worlds.

    aryan8791 wrote: »
    Intented by whome? You? When you can compare walking your dog with playing a game and clearing overpowered almost UNCONTROLLABLE ai, I think you expect to wake up in morning and finding out valindra having a morning walk on your lawn with her undead bodyguards......real life and this game are two very diffferent things you and all of you must understand first, who are talking about this control is not killing such kinda thing.

    By a voice of reason, which you clearly lack (bet you love overperforming stuff). When splitting CC and damage apart, next logic step would be to reduce monsters CC resist so that it matches changes. That's pretty logical thing to do. With obscene amounts of damage like currently, mobs would be either CCed or dead 100% of the time. This way there would be no place for a tank. Hence: lowering damage -> upping control strenght/lowering mobs control resist.

    Hell in real world also depending on terminologies control does mean killing,,,ever heard the word paste control? Or you prefer to control all the cockroaches and flies in your house by storing/stunning/chloroforming (lol :D) them somehow just because the term contains the word "control"?? This depends on how it is getting used, control wizard needs both, control and dps so he can control and kill, specially when in this mod controlling mobs are joke.

    I don't know what you like to do with your pests but I like mine dead :) If I happen to have any, I exterminate them, not control them. By analogy, following your line of thoughts, CWs should have their damage increased by around 1000% and all CC removed since when you kill mobs with one 'pest killing dose' they die and you don't have to control them. Congratulations, you know can faceroll through the content yet again!.

    What about almost single boss fights where there is almost no adds,like elol final boss, vt valindra etc? Does cw have any role there if he cant dps? No team will likely ask for a cw at a place where the mobs are either almost immune to cc or elites/bosses with full cc immunity. Then cws are not supposed to play those is that what you mean?

    Oh, ok. Next time I'm with you in any T2 as my SW I'm just gonna afk at the entrance till you kill all the trashes and then you can afk during 'single boss fights'. Wait, you want to contribute to BOTH trash clearing AND boss fights?. If that so then I'd like to also have crazy trash clearing capabilities coupled with boss fights. See what I did there?. It's a 5 man party for a reason. AoE classes take care of trashes, while single target classes take care of the boss. Just like tank is tanking and healer is healing. Everyone have a job to do and it shouldn't be like that so that everyone excells at everything. That's the beauty of rainbow parties instead of previous 5 CWs/GWFs/whatever stacking.

    I dont care about the top dps chart but if a gwf after this nerf to cw with blue "cruel amulet of reviving" is beating a full epic + legendery tr (another meele hitter class with ls set) and my full epic cw by a huge amount ofdamage , at least more than 25% then clearly everything is broken, and needs fixing or reworking. I am agree with same il, gwfs shld be The hitter, but not this, this is abomination and insult, not to only cws (as controller class) but to other primary striker classes as well.

    I bet that this GWF had a Lostmauth set, not a 'cruel amulet of reviving' like you said. They are strong, but not THAT much. You know what they say - ss (screenshot) or not happened :D (but yes, Lostmauth set needs a tone down and THEN class balancing needs to pop up).

    My repiles are those in green text.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    prettycelt wrote: »
    Fast forward to the last patch and this Storm Spell nerf. Now THAT one hurt...I use a Spellstorm Mage Thaumaturge CW, and had always slotted Eye of the Storm and Storm Spell class features. There wasn't even a question of anything else. To that end, I invested in numerous Cubes of Augmentation to gamble on Artifact weapon powers, and was pleased to get (after spending probably a quarter of a million AD's!) the one that adds a 5% chance of Storm Spell proccing twice. That was awesome, and seemed to happen more than 5% of the time, though maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part. The synergy of the class features and a decent crit rating made for nice damage spikes whenever Storm Spell would critically hit. Was it 20% of my damage as some people have surmised? I don't know, but it was a VERY healthy chunk of it.

    Been waiting all week to reply here.

    Don't change your off-hand feature. What is does (whether intended or not) is give Storm Spell to proc on ANY damage, and that proc CAN critical strike. With the nerf to Storm Spell, it actually makes the off-hand feature comparatively BETTER, and you'd be dong yourself a disservice to either stop using Storm Spell or the off-hand feature.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • smulchsmulch Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 625 Arc User
    I wouldn't bother trying to argue with the player base. Most players can't understand that a CW should almost always top paingiver charts simply because of their intended role (which is, aoe damage dealer). Go read the 4th edition definition of a controller and MAYBE, MAYBE you'll finally understand. In term of single target damage, a CW is much lower dps than a GWF or TR.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    prettycelt wrote: »
    I especially saw it in recent skirmishes and dungeons...suddenly I was dropping to 2nd or 3rd place in Paingiver.

    3rd is middle and 2nd means you were a (as in one of 2) primary DPS. So your complaint is ????? That your controller is not also not primary DPS? That other classes (most of which have less utility) are competitive with you in DPS? The horror. The shame. Truly this game is now broken.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    Fine. But remove all damage from all CC powers then. I know SW's are complaining that the prone is broke on Harrowstorm, but according your philosophy, that's how the power should be to begin with. It does damage, therefore it shouldn't CC.

    Or they can remove the damage from Harrowstorm and keep the CC.

    Which is it?

    Who said all damage? All he said was that if you have damage and CC your damage should be less than a class without as much CC. Which would be, y'know, balanced.
  • kolatmasterkolatmaster Member Posts: 3,111 Arc User
    smulch wrote: »
    Most players can't understand that a CW should almost always top paingiver charts simply because of their intended role (which is, aoe damage dealer).
    In the older Dungeon content? For sure, as there were mega-eff-tons of Adds there...

    In the newer Dungeon content such as eLoL, the single target DPS should shine as there are significantly less Adds then in older content.

    #JustSaying ;)

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