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We're your fake wizard friends from the PC version! Ask us anything about CWs!

ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Library
Hey Xbox guys and gals. From the looks of these forums and the /r/Neverwinter sub on Reddit, you guys are having a blast in Neverwinter. Unfortunately, there's not a ton of great information out there for the game as far as the Xbox goes, and things can be pretty confusing to new players. So I figured now that everyone's had some time to play around as a CW, get to 60 and finally ask themselves "what the heck am I doing", it'd be a good time to start a general "Ask me anything!" thread for people.

I posted another thread in the PC CW forum inviting those other expert CWs to check this out. So if you have any general questions about creating, playing or maximizing a CW, fire away. We know there's some differences between the Xbox and PC as far as content, but we'll do our best to steer you in the right direction.

So ask away!
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • sirfortysirforty Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2015
    Are cw really as op as we seem in pvp? And will it continue like this lol.
    Demon "Head Hunter" Spellstorm Control Wizard
    Skorn Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Midget Healz Anointed Champion Cleric

    Xbox One
    GT : SirForty
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Unfortunately, no. CWs tend to be very "middle of the road" when it comes to PvP. Outstanding in PvE, though.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • david44567david44567 Member Posts: 23
    edited April 2015
    Hey which set do you think is best? Im wearing a mix of 2 till i get the full shadow set
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Expectations of Crowd Control, and it's true definition? Specifically in T2+ Epic settings (and mini-boss/boss encounters).

    IE. Cycle IT/CoI (mastery)/ST/SS pepper w/ Chilling Cloud/RoF, keep as mush frosty as possible pop OF when it's up, stay relatively close to take advantage of constant IT & increased damage on at wills... fine when I can cycle through consistently, but... issue comes into play when CC breaks & I get swarmed.

    I wouldn't say I'm super squishy, but I'm not super tanky by any stretch.

    So CC breaks, I get swarmed, I die, group wipes... Is it not also up to the group to keep an eye on what everybody is doing & contributed to CC (and by contribute I mean kill the guys who are frozen ASAP rather than let them thaw) rather than to try and burn through boss ASAP?

    FWIW, I'm right around 13.4 GS, 25Kish HP, SS Renegade (followed your build pretty closely), rolling in full HV, working on getting Vorpal/Soulforged.
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And another question regarding spec/feats/powers:

    As I said, I've followed your build/guide pretty closely.

    Question comes down to Passive load out & last 5 feat points...

    Currently rolling w/ Chilling Presence & Storm Spell as passives & Chilling Advantage 5/5 which equals (if I'm reading it right) up to +18% damage (on targets w/ max chill applied), + 10% crit chance.

    I have toyed with the idea of swapping out Chilling Advantage for Chilling Control (Oppressor feat) & Chilling Presence for Eye of the Storm.

    I'd lose out on the additional damage from Chilling Presence and the +10% crit chance, but would gain instant chill stacks and 100% crit chance for 6 seconds whenever EotS pops...

    For all practical purposes, this would be done to add a bit more CC (and ties in with my 1st post in this thread) and heavy burst damage vs more consistent damage and a bit less CC.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You're going to find consistently hitting with Sudden Storm in PvP difficult. Also, EotS is nice, but it leaves you very vulnerable when it's on CD.

    So it's basically like saying I want a much, much better chance to win for those 6 seconds, and a much, much higher chance to lose during the 25 second CD.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    You're going to find consistently hitting with Sudden Storm in PvP difficult. Also, EotS is nice, but it leaves you very vulnerable when it's on CD.

    So it's basically like saying I want a much, much better chance to win for those 6 seconds, and a much, much higher chance to lose during the 25 second CD.

    Much more into PvE than PvP TBH, should have probably mentioned.
  • vintagevivvintageviv Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thank you for opening the dialogue IronZerg. I greatly appreciate that you are doing this Senpai. :D

    I followed your "death is the best crowd control" build and my CW is a monster now. Huzzah!

    On to my question. Your guide recommends the High Vizier set which doesn't have crit. I noticed that the Shadow Weaver (I think that's the name) set has crit but lower power which one can easily make up for with enchantments. Why do you recommend the HV over the SW? Are there some hidden perks in there?
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    4 piece set bonus (if I'm not mistaken).
  • marv1001marv1001 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hi Zerg,

    Just want to say thanks for a great and easy to follow guide. Following it to a T with my CW and only 1 point off from unlocking Storm Spell and I am already out dps'ing other people in dungeons and skirmishes. Absolute DPS monster build you have made and I am loving it.

    And the icing on the cake was when I got a msg last night after finishing the Throne of Idris dungeon to thank me for doing what CW's do best and thats control. Thnks again for the monster build and looking forward to seeing what your results will be for the level 70 build
  • pharohtpharoht Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    IS there a guide for dummies like me? I just spent the weekend leveling up my CW to 30 and i don't see any improvement to my character, i have no doubt i have spent points without any thought and it seems apart from the two starting spells i pretty much don't use anything and i struggle with enemies when i am surrounded, any guide/advise for someone not too good with this level of customisation and thought required?
  • trustissues1trustissues1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    pharoht wrote: »
    IS there a guide for dummies like me? I just spent the weekend leveling up my CW to 30 and i don't see any improvement to my character, i have no doubt i have spent points without any thought and it seems apart from the two starting spells i pretty much don't use anything and i struggle with enemies when i am surrounded, any guide/advise for someone not too good with this level of customisation and thought required?

    I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the CW. Drop your gamertag and I'll give you some lessons.
  • obliviouslusterobliviousluster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    pharoht wrote: »
    IS there a guide for dummies like me? I just spent the weekend leveling up my CW to 30 and i don't see any improvement to my character, i have no doubt i have spent points without any thought and it seems apart from the two starting spells i pretty much don't use anything and i struggle with enemies when i am surrounded, any guide/advise for someone not too good with this level of customisation and thought required?
    Steal Time and Shield will be your friends for a long time... I played PC as well and as a CW there... I can say a few things about it. So don't mind if I throw my 2 cents in.

    1: CONTROL Wizard- we're thought of as DPS but really we only do so much damage because we hit dozens of mobs in dungeons at once. We're very squishy and most of our power comes from our Storm Spells and Eye of the Storm powers. Most of the time we appear weak in comparison when it comes to DoTs when matched up against (good) GWF, TR, and HRs.

    2: When in PVP, a CW should be using mostly DoTs (Direct on Target/ Damage over Time). We're squishy...so we rely upon teamwork more than anything (except for the incredibly well-built PvP CWs who tend to stack Lifesteal/power/crit/def). We lack crowd control during PvP because our debuffs are weakened substantially.

    3: When it comes to gear, it is best to wear a full set for set-buff rather than mix and max for tier 2. PC has Dread Ring and Feywild campaigns and I mixed those gear sets because I could at that time. (*Draconic gear was usually frowned upon because... well, not really any decent set buffs from that).

    4: Watch your timers! Some spells work well with others, and their timers are near-matching in some cases/with enough Recovery. For dungeons: Shard of Avalanche - Steal Time - Icy Terrain - *Mastery* Shield is a working combo that usually keeps mobs from swarming.

    Soloing: Use whatever you want.. you're on your own so go with whats most comfortable for you.

    5: Don't be disheartened by stronger players... Just because people have better CWs than you doesn't mean anything... You can become strong as well. There are many different guides to CW (pvp, pve, hybrid, massive control, pure damage output, etc...). Figure out how you want to play and find a guide that works for you- adjust gear accordingly- and relax.

    If you find someone in this thread that has the play-style you want, I recommend you jot down notes/bookmark the page, and stick with the guide!

    LASTLY!!!!!............Just have fun with it! Control Wizard is pretty relaxing and not too over demanding. :)
    Walk on wandering souls
    For your respite we pray
    Let our humble song clear your hearts of dismay,
    Rekindle the flame in your souls and set you free
    So walk on and become the light that guides the way~
  • dreadkissdreadkiss Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    is dragon born best race ? and what is best for my stats to be at for mod 5 im on xbox 1 and trying to make best cw there is

    i have almost every pack....
    SS CW/iron vanguard GWF
    Look Good Play Good
  • sobritish1sobritish1 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dreadkiss wrote: »
    is dragon born best race ? and what is best for my stats to be at for mod 5 im on xbox 1 and trying to make best cw there is

    i have almost every pack....

    Its debatable

    I was teifling for most of My time until rerace came out, i went dragonborn and didnt see a huge difference as i was 24 int so not intel based.

    I looked into what i could get if i went human

    I would get 3% Def Plus 3 Heroic Feats which means what?


    This adds 3% to all stats not including AP Gain or CaB or Control Bonus

    so lets add this Up

    6% More Defence

    3% Power, Crit, AP, Recovery, Deflect, Regen, Life Steal

    I think the 6% Defence Plus everything else beats having +2 more intel.
    NW Xbox - Howie
    Class - Control Wizard
    GT - Howie EU
  • schtick23schtick23 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    First want to thank Zerg for all the info you've provided. Compared to many other MMOs, I've found advice based on the right combination of facts and experience quite challenging to find. You've provided some of the best information I've found.

    ************ EDIT **************

    I realized soon after this post that most of the questions I was asking were easily testable, and therefore have turned this part of the post into an informational one, rather than asking a bunch of questions.

    So I have verified the following (maybe common knowledge, but wasn't to me until yesterday):

    1. Sudden Storm can in fact crit. (no bug)
    2. Icy Terrain and CoI can both crit. If they crit on the first tick of damage, they will crit on every tick, and every tick has the potential to proc storm spell. If they do not crit on the first tick of damage, then they will not crit on any subsequent tick. I assume this is both working as intended, and common to all dots in the game, but that I haven't yet tested.

    And so I finalize my load out (for now) as the following:

    At will: Chilling cloud for AOE, Magic Missle for Single target (sometimes sub RoF instead of MM when needing more CC)
    Tab: CoI
    Encounters: Icy Terrain, Steal time, Sudden Storm
    Daily: Oppressive Force for AOE, Ice Knife for Single target
    Passives: Storm Spell and Chilling Presence

    I ran it for a bit last night and was very happy with it.

    For gear,
    Just picked up HV set and consider it best in slot most of the time.

    Working towards JC to 20 for the Personalized rings, which I consider best in slot.

    Have a lot of work to do on gear otherwise.

    If you see something that stands out as terrible, please let me know.

    Thanks in advance for any advice. Previous MMOs I've played I've always felt on top of my game and ahead of the curve when it comes to theorycrafting/builds etc. I admittedly feel out of my elements for some reason with Neverwinter.
  • sobritish1sobritish1 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    schtick23 wrote: »

    First want to thank Zerg for all the info you've provided. Compared to many other MMOs, I've found advice based on the right combination of facts and experience quite challenging to find. You've provided some of the best information I've found.

    I have a few questions I'm hoping you (or other experts) might be able to clarify.

    Is it true (despite colored numbers) that Sudden Storm has a bug that causes it to never crit. Is this still true in the XBOX version? Can sudden storm proc storm spell?

    Same question as above for Icy Terrain, except my understanding is that in the case of IT, it is working as intended as opposed to a bug.

    I'm currently under the impression that this is the best loadout for my play style as SS-Rene (mostly following your death is the best CC guide from when it was a level 60 guide). Speaking of which, is there a copy of the guide from before you updated it that I can reference while xbox is level 60 cap?

    At will: Chilling cloud for AOE, Magic Missle for Single target (sometimes sub RoF instead of MM when needing more CC)
    Tab: CoI
    Encounters: Icy Terrain, Steal time, ????
    Daily: Oppressive Force for AOE, Ice Knife for Single target
    Passives: Storm Spell and Chilling Presence

    Not sure about my third encounter yet. I'd really like it to be sudden storm. But that wouldn't make much sense with this build if it can't crit. Hence I'm looking for an answer to my first question. If it can't crit, then I'm considering moving CoI and using a tabbed Chill Strike.

    Just picked up HV set and consider it best in slot most of the time.
    Working towards JC to 20 for the Personalized rings, which I consider best in slot. (speaking of which, do epic bezel's even exist on Xbox? I've seen the gemmed rings that require them, but have yet to see an epic bezel for sale ever. I've heard mixed responses as to whether they actually exist on XBOX at the moment.
    Have a lot of work to do on gear otherwise.

    If you see something that stands out as terrible, please let me know.

    Thanks in advance for any advice. Previous MMOs I've played I've always felt on top of my game and ahead of the curve when it comes to theorycrafting/builds etc. I admittedly feel out of my elements for some reason with Neverwinter.

    First off you can only use normal bezels and best chance of gemmed items is 28% with 3 Mithral Crucibles.

    And I can't say if CoI is best for tab but Sudden storm gives aoe which can be pretty good.

    But as anything

    It's debatable..
    NW Xbox - Howie
    Class - Control Wizard
    GT - Howie EU
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    sobritish1 wrote: »
    First off you can only use normal bezels and best chance of gemmed items is 28% with 3 Mithral Crucibles.

    And I can't say if CoI is best for tab but Sudden storm gives aoe which can be pretty good.

    But as anything

    It's debatable..

    Sudden storm is bugged on tab, if it's cast while EoTS is in effect, the enemies damaged by sudden storm gain the EoTS effect as well. You don't want that to happen, trust me.
    || Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
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  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Another CW from PC who can help you guys out :)
  • danyenginedanyengine Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hi. My english is not so good, but I try to do the best.
    I want to ask:
    - Is it possible that from 3 or 4 days, our CW on xbox one has been "debuffed" on Xbox One(I mean, i do less output damage than before)? Other CW say the same, but I would like to say: could be a bug, a debuff of the designers of the game or what else? It seems that our equip does not increase our damage. Has it never happen on PC?

    Then: I followed PVE crits build (Thaum) , and I use Eye of the storm. Someone say that it is not the best way to get the last chance of critic (I have 100% for 6 seconds, and thena about 33% during the cooldown at the moment, but I hope i can increase that 33%). Is there a way to have a better chance of crits?
  • dinglstainsdinglstains Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm trying to figure out which Tier set is best for my Renegade Control Wizard. I've looked online and can't find a clear answer since most of the information out there is related to PC gear that is not available on XB1. Someone I was talking to set the Shadow Weaver set is the best, but I've heard the High Vizier is best too. I want the gear that will best benefit the entire group since my Renegade buffs are more about buffing everyone than me obtaining the highest DPS.
  • palizangetsupalizangetsu Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm trying to figure out which Tier set is best for my Renegade Control Wizard. I've looked online and can't find a clear answer since most of the information out there is related to PC gear that is not available on XB1. Someone I was talking to set the Shadow Weaver set is the best, but I've heard the High Vizier is best too. I want the gear that will best benefit the entire group since my Renegade buffs are more about buffing everyone than me obtaining the highest DPS.

    From my understanding if you want the best to benefit the entire group then I believe High Vizier would be best.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    danyengine wrote: »
    Hi. My english is not so good, but I try to do the best.
    I want to ask:
    - Is it possible that from 3 or 4 days, our CW on xbox one has been "debuffed" on Xbox One(I mean, i do less output damage than before)? Other CW say the same, but I would like to say: could be a bug, a debuff of the designers of the game or what else? It seems that our equip does not increase our damage. Has it never happen on PC?

    Then: I followed PVE crits build (Thaum) , and I use Eye of the storm. Someone say that it is not the best way to get the last chance of critic (I have 100% for 6 seconds, and thena about 33% during the cooldown at the moment, but I hope i can increase that 33%). Is there a way to have a better chance of crits?

    It is possible, but unlikely. If you want to check then take a screenshot of the xbox gear/feats and I can compare it to the legacy pc versions. Whats more likely is that because its new to xbox, players have not yet had time to develop their gear to the same level as it was on pc and so therefor in comparison it isn't as good.

    In terms of crit chance, if you get your charisma to 20+ thats a bonus of 10%+ crit chance, then get you crit stat to 3k thats even more crit chance and finally if you are a renegade, have the chilling advantage feat and use chilling presence instead of eye of the storm, it will add an extra 10% crit chance. At the end you should have a sheet crit of ~48-60%.

    The high Vizier set is the best set for pre mod 6 CW, for anyone who is asking. If your character is squishy and you are lacking stats, draconic is also good. However, draconic in no way makes up for the loss of the hv set bonus. HV set bonus increases the parties damage by 30%, which is a massive increase. I still have links to my mod 5 build if anyone wants to look at it, bear in mind though, I do not own an xbox so I cannot attest to how effective it is there.
  • dinglstainsdinglstains Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The high Vizier set is the best set for pre mod 6 CW, for anyone who is asking. If your character is squishy and you are lacking stats, draconic is also good. However, draconic in no way makes up for the loss of the hv set bonus. HV set bonus increases the parties damage by 30%, which is a massive increase. I still have links to my mod 5 build if anyone wants to look at it, bear in mind though, I do not own an xbox so I cannot attest to how effective it is there.

    I'm not saying I don't believe you, but how does taking 450 defense help the group that much? I just don't see it unless bosses only have around 1500 defense. It seems like the extra crti severity of the Shadow Weaver set would offer more damage for the group. I believe the tooltip says the effect stacks 3 times so that would be an extra 9% crit severity or 18% if both effects are active since it doubles. That stacked with a vorpal would be even better.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm not saying I don't believe you, but how does taking 450 defense help the group that much? I just don't see it unless bosses only have around 1500 defense. It seems like the extra crti severity of the Shadow Weaver set would offer more damage for the group. I believe the tooltip says the effect stacks 3 times so that would be an extra 9% crit severity or 18% if both effects are active since it doubles. That stacked with a vorpal would be even better.

    Its because monsters don't actually have defense and the hv buff doesn't actually steal defense from them, instead the debuff increases the damage you deal to them at 10% per stack of the debuff. If you like, I can link the tests people did on the tests to determine this, but this is why hv is better then SW. You also need to use abilities to activate it though, like steal time, icy terrain and oppressive force.
  • dinglstainsdinglstains Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Its because monsters don't actually have defense and the hv buff doesn't actually steal defense from them, instead the debuff increases the damage you deal to them at 10% per stack of the debuff. If you like, I can link the tests people did on the tests to determine this, but this is why hv is better then SW. You also need to use abilities to activate it though, like steal time, icy terrain and oppressive force.

    I get it now. If you don't mind, could you find those links. I'm just curious to read the info about it so I make sure and use it properly when I get the full set. I can't get the stupid helmet to drop for anything.
  • midorioku114midorioku114 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm looking for feedback on my current Spellstorm Renegade build/gear. I'm kinda stuck and don't really know where to go from here outside of leveling up my enchantments and artifact gear. Unless that's all I can do? Anyway, here's my current gear.

    High Vizier's Cap
    -Reinforced with power
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    High Vizier's Tunic
    -Reinforced with power
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7
    -Lesser Soulforged Enchantment

    Draconic Gloves
    -Reinforced with power
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    Spellstorm of the Golden Dragon
    -Rank 15 (Keeping it there until I can get Chilling Eye of the Golden Dragon)
    -Black Ice Enchantment Rank 7
    -Vorpal Enchantment

    Shadow Weaver's Talisman
    -Azure Enchantment Rank 7

    Draconic Boot's
    -Reinforced with power
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    Burning Necklace of the Shore
    -Radiant Enchantment Rank 7

    Barbaric Ring of the Shore
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7

    Draconic Ring of the Shore
    -Azure Enchantment Rank 7

    Sash of Charisma
    -Rank 36
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    Gemmed Exquisite Shirt
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7

    Gemmed Exquisite Pants
    -Draconic Enchantment Rank 7

    Lantern of Revelation
    -Rank 61

    Waters of Elah'zad
    -Rank 58

    Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue
    -Rank 59

    My current active bonuses from my companions are as follows:

    +55 Life Steal, and +55 Deflect
    7% chance to slow target
    +3% Incoming Healing
    Reduce threat by 25%
    +100 Critical Strike

    I always have my Ioun Stone of Allure summoned. Gear equipped to it is as follows:
    -Lessar Bonding Runestone (Offense Slot)
    -Eldritch Runestone Rank 6 (Offense Slot)
    -Eldritch Runestone Rank 6 (Defense Slot)

    Master Slaver's Ring
    -Radiant Enchantment Rank 6

    Ancient Necromancer's Necklace of Undeath
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7

    Greater Icon of Retribution
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 5

    My Tyranny of Dragons Boons are as follows:
    -Dragon's Claws - Grants 200 Power
    -Dragon's Gaze - Grants 200 Critical Strike
    -Draconic Armorbreaker - Grants 200 Armor Penetration
    -Dragon's Greed - Grants 200 Life Steal

    I'm still not sure what to pick for my final boon since we can only get one as of right now. I'm thinking either Dragon's Thirst or Dragon's Fury. I'm leaning more towards Dragon's Fury though. I can get it right now if I wanted, I just figured I would see what others think before I do it.

    I would also like to point out that I'm still looking to get the full High Vizier's set. As of right now I have three parts, but I figured it would be better to have two 2/4 set bonuses until I can get all four parts. The Draconic Gloves/Boots were a cheap alternative for now since the High Vizier Gloves elude me. I would rather find them in the chest than buy them. I'm also looking to replace the Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue with a Belial's Portal Stone.

    Any feedback is appreciated! :)
  • zeroedout1zeroedout1 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm looking for feedback on my current Spellstorm Renegade build/gear. I'm kinda stuck and don't really know where to go from here outside of leveling up my enchantments and artifact gear. Unless that's all I can do? Anyway, here's my current gear.

    High Vizier's Cap
    -Reinforced with power
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    High Vizier's Tunic
    -Reinforced with power
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7
    -Lesser Soulforged Enchantment

    Draconic Gloves
    -Reinforced with power
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    Spellstorm of the Golden Dragon
    -Rank 15 (Keeping it there until I can get Chilling Eye of the Golden Dragon)
    -Black Ice Enchantment Rank 7
    -Vorpal Enchantment

    Shadow Weaver's Talisman
    -Azure Enchantment Rank 7

    Draconic Boot's
    -Reinforced with power
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    Burning Necklace of the Shore
    -Radiant Enchantment Rank 7

    Barbaric Ring of the Shore
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7

    Draconic Ring of the Shore
    -Azure Enchantment Rank 7

    Sash of Charisma
    -Rank 36
    -Lesser Dragon's Hoard Enchantment

    Gemmed Exquisite Shirt
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7

    Gemmed Exquisite Pants
    -Draconic Enchantment Rank 7

    Lantern of Revelation
    -Rank 61

    Waters of Elah'zad
    -Rank 58

    Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue
    -Rank 59

    My current active bonuses from my companions are as follows:

    +55 Life Steal, and +55 Deflect
    7% chance to slow target
    +3% Incoming Healing
    Reduce threat by 25%
    +100 Critical Strike

    I always have my Ioun Stone of Allure summoned. Gear equipped to it is as follows:
    -Lessar Bonding Runestone (Offense Slot)
    -Eldritch Runestone Rank 6 (Offense Slot)
    -Eldritch Runestone Rank 6 (Defense Slot)

    Master Slaver's Ring
    -Radiant Enchantment Rank 6

    Ancient Necromancer's Necklace of Undeath
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 7

    Greater Icon of Retribution
    -Dark Enchantment Rank 5

    My Tyranny of Dragons Boons are as follows:
    -Dragon's Claws - Grants 200 Power
    -Dragon's Gaze - Grants 200 Critical Strike
    -Draconic Armorbreaker - Grants 200 Armor Penetration
    -Dragon's Greed - Grants 200 Life Steal

    I'm still not sure what to pick for my final boon since we can only get one as of right now. I'm thinking either Dragon's Thirst or Dragon's Fury. I'm leaning more towards Dragon's Fury though. I can get it right now if I wanted, I just figured I would see what others think before I do it.

    I would also like to point out that I'm still looking to get the full High Vizier's set. As of right now I have three parts, but I figured it would be better to have two 2/4 set bonuses until I can get all four parts. The Draconic Gloves/Boots were a cheap alternative for now since the High Vizier Gloves elude me. I would rather find them in the chest than buy them. I'm also looking to replace the Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue with a Belial's Portal Stone.

    Any feedback is appreciated! :)

    This sounds awesome! Why did you go lesser dragon hoard? Why not purchase a 2% dragon hoard for each slot, that would give you 8% chance. But as it stands now you have 4% which most keep between 3-5%. When I get the funds I'll be looking for Lesser soul, Regular Vorpal, and some regular dragon hoards to increase my drop rate.
  • omi43221omi43221 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Why no love for Master of flame. Seems like storm is heavily favored. Does it do significantly less damage.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    Unfortunately, yes. It's a very neat spec, and was really competitive a few modules ago. But when they revamped the CW a while back, the changes benefited the SS much more than the MoF.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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