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AFKer's in Tiamat Fights ?

drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
edited February 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
Seriously enough i HATE people who goes afk in the GY after they die not fair for other team that in there trying to down the boss ... wish they added system where if u go afk in tiamat fight for 1 min you be kicked and debuff from rentering in for a day (just to teach these afkers a lesson) ... seriously if you go AFK then your just a bad sport and a bad player im just sick of losing to Tiamat 90% of the time i want to see these number changed before MOD6 comes out >.<
Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
Post edited by drakeos99 on


  • neirgaraneirgara Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It could also be, the reason for the afk is some kind of real life emergency. Or some serious lag. In both cases it would be uncool to get kicked AND debuffed. Especially for the lag, as we know, that this is a technical problem that can not be solved by a player.

    Do you perhaps have some better ideas, that only punishes bots and lazy players? Preferably something, that does not involve too much work, time and dedication from the devs, because, as we already know, there are many different issues that need to get adressed and there are only so many devs that can do it?
  • d4rthd00fusd4rthd00fus Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think the game needs a very large troll to come out when anyone sits in that anteroom for more than 30 seconds and give those AFKers a good bashing. I've lost quite a few rounds when we didn't do quite enough damage to the 3rd head in the first round for the taste of these lazy pudz. Some rounds are truly unwinnable if you don't have the dps but lately folks are leaving entirely winnable rounds which is pretty exasperating for the ones still trying to succeed.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    drakeos99 wrote: »
    Seriously enough i HATE people who goes afk in the GY after they die not fair for other team that in there trying to down the boss ... wish they added system where if u go afk in tiamat fight for 1 min you be kicked and debuff from rentering in for a day (just to teach these afkers a lesson) ... seriously if you go AFK then your just a bad sport and a bad player im just sick of losing to Tiamat 90% of the time i want to see these number changed before MOD6 comes out >.<

    You can do this when you eliminate the bugs where the heads don't rise, or it stays stuck on the cleric phase and stops spawning mobs. Until then, your afk punishment will punish too many innocents.
  • drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    But still im sick of losing all my hard work putting the hoard over to 35% to try finish my **** set (or least get linus favor) >.>
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
  • zshikarazshikara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I need more pieces of cherry pie (I mean Linus favor) like everyone else. That said, all you can do is keep trucking and try to do the best you can do. Don't worry about others. Trust me, it would kill me physically if I stressed about things I couldn't control. Sure, I'd love to see everyone give it their all and actually play the game they are playing, but if they don't want to it won't stop me until I feel its unwinnable.
    Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
    Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
  • cetaceta Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    All in all, Taimat is too hard. There is no way to pray. They have it set up to where you have to hurt the first 3 heads on the first wave and then finish hurting them on the second wave. if you have not accomplished this, then its worthless to keep playing. Also, i have gotten better stuff from losing then from winning. So what is the point in winning ? just go through it afk as many times as you can. if you win, better.

    Also, im a ranger.. I get one hit deaths and i do little to no damage in taimat.. Worthless class. im at 16k gear score as well. So not the best, but yet not newb gear niether... This makes taimat not fun to play. It sux when i cant one on one a monster and there is a dozen of them. Also, Claric,GF,Wizard, all have push spells. Wheres the rangers ???

    I miss the real neverwinter. where there was no nerfing on charecters because the devs lack the knowledge to adjust the land. :(
  • wimpazoidwimpazoid Member Posts: 504 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ceta wrote: »
    All in all, Taimat is too hard. There is no way to pray. They have it set up to where you have to hurt the first 3 heads on the first wave and then finish hurting them on the second wave. if you have not accomplished this, then its worthless to keep playing. Also, i have gotten better stuff from losing then from winning. So what is the point in winning ? just go through it afk as many times as you can. if you win, better.

    What you're saying is not true. I have been in a number of Tiamats where the DPS was low and we could only bring down 2 dragon heads each phase, and yet still won.

    However what results in this borderline win/lose scenario to lose often lies with the second half of what you said. Many players like yourself believe that it's pointless to contribute if 3 heads isn't down, and leave or AFK further reducing any chance at a win.
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015
    ceta wrote: »
    Also, i have gotten better stuff from losing then from winning. So what is the point in winning ? just go through it afk as many times as you can. if you win, better.

    Out of the mouths of the babes. I do hope that this will reach the devs: removing the consolation prizes will help to deal with AFK problem.
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    If the battle is definitely lost and you have a bit of time to kill you can amuse yourselves by pulling the aggro all the way back to the campfire. You'll be surprised how many of those AFKers and suddenly not so AFK...

    For an extra challenge see if you can tempt a dragonbreath attack on the camp fire. I've got close but not quite managed it yet.

    Oh, and I was quite amused in one instance where someone was just stood there naming and shaming the AFKers in zone chat. Of course, it won't do any good but I guess it passed the time.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    This is why you need to let us queue with our own groups. Forcing every player to pug 100% of the time isn't the best way to do any content
  • mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Not all people which AFK are doing it willingly.
    Sometimes lag is so terrible, that you can't move, can't even die, or even if you die, you can't respawn. For others it looks like you are AFK, This happened to me at least twice for my ~200 runs. The only solution is to restart game, but for some reason when you disconnect without proper logout, your char is still visible for some time and it looks like AFK. You can recognize those if they die, they stand still instead of falling down. Restarting game client leads to another problem - you usually end up in another tiamat instance ...100% of time on loosing one, because some people realized it will be loose and left, leaving open slot for you.
  • berhudarolberhudarol Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    DPS size determine your loss or win in Tiamat. There are 2-3 afks in every group thats not a problem. But if you have dps members you are lucky. If not you will %70 loss it.

    DPS = quick kill for mobs and dragons = win
  • drakeos99drakeos99 Member Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    But still im trying to earn myself linus favors to able to get geared for next mod and i cant do that IF people keep failing 99% of the time as PUGS now if dev's goes and fix this BEFORE next MOD get released MAYBE we will have chance of farming linus favor without the stress and constent boring failing groups every time ....
    Drakeos Lightblade - Human - Oathbound Paladin (Protection) (MAIN)
    Drakeos Shadowbow - 60 Combat Pathfinder Hunter Ranger (Alt/retired)
    Falados - Drow (Mez) Level 60 Trickster Rogue - Offically retired
    Drakeos - Drow (Mez) Scourge Warlock/Druid (retired)
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    If they where able to make this a premade instance with kick option, all would be well. Everything else is a band aid. Winning is the result of a que time or dumb luck atm.

    I defended a cleric alone with my GWF, we lost bc the party sucked. We did more dmg with 5 ppl, than the other 20 combined, we lost bc the party sucked. You can have a BIS char with optimal build and skill, if 20 of your 25 teammates lack in skill, gear, fps or the will to contribute to the fight, you will lose, no matter what.

    Give us a 10-15 players premade option and the chance for the premade to win would be better than a random Tiamat run with 25 ppl.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    asterotg wrote: »
    Give us a 10-15 players premade option and the chance for the premade to win would be better than a random Tiamat run with 25 ppl.

    Join a zerg channel, win rate is > 90%
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    mmm1001 wrote: »
    Join a zerg channel, win rate is > 90%

    I was in a zerg channel, after some time I saw 20-50% low GS guild mates in the runs. I discussed it with friends, who gave the times to guild mates. 'they know how to play', 'we can carry them' etc. Thing is, that 10 players with the right group setup and gears could do this and a 25 ppl zerg fails 10%? Thats 10% to much.

    We wanted to see, if 5 ppl can kill Tiamat regardless of the zerg. We went with dps SW, DC, 2 CWs and GF. SW and one CW with leg. gear, the rest epic. Even with the GF disconnecting after 30 seconds (-75%dmg buff) and a whipe bc we had to split to defend the clerics (the rest sucked that much) we killed 2 heads in the 3rd phase and did at last half of the 3rd one (we went blue/ white red, while the other 20 ppl tried their luck with black and green).

    10 ppl premade can do it and for 15 ppl premade it would be a faceroll.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Personally i hate afkers in Tiamat. I am a pvp player and rarely do pve content. I did not do more than 10 tiamats and more than half of them failed because of afkers. My experience today is even worse, whole map left around 6 people fighting while the rest afking or left the map when we are defending the clerics for the second time. Even i scored gold it is useless as we didnt win that match. I think if every time my Tiamat run got afkers (even only 1) i will join them instead of fighting. Waste my effort only...
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You should absolutely definitely always fight hard and true until the start of the second defend the cleric phase. If, by then, you have not got at least 2 dragon heads down to 15-20% then, frankly, you ain't going to win. You will not win in the third "head" phase and you will not reach a fourth phase. Any instance that is good enough to reach a fourth phase does not need it.

    So that second cleric phase is when the dilemma kicks in and the cracks start to appear. Some leave, some give up and stand at the camp fire for their consolation prize, some fight on with no hope of winning. I've done all of these things but I'm never the first to give up.

    But all that stuff makes it sweeter when you do win. I would not support pre-mades and a kick mechanism. That would exclude a huge proportion of the players, not just new 10K'ers but I've seen people demanding minimum 16K, 17K and beyond. I like the random democracy of pugging it, even if it sometimes fails.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Ten good people can carry a instance, 15 people who understand the instance /buffers/debuffers will blow it away.

    The problem EVEN with timers, is that you are likely never to get even ten people in the same one.

    People who bug instances, people who aggro mobs TO the cleric, people who dont debuff/buff.

    These are the highest issues when you enter. IT only takes one moron to destroy your whole instance.

    Are there a few people who give up too early ? Yes, Ive seen people go afk AFTER first phase and even with 2 1/2 heads cleared. Thats not right, thats a easy win instance really.

    Its like if people cant 2 phase it, they will give it up.

    To me every normal instance can be done with 3 phases as long as you clear close to the 2 1/2 heads, you will most likely succeed every time. ITs more difficult with less then that, but 2 heads , is doable, if people try a little harder on second phase.

    If a instance cant even clear 1 1/2 heads, its near impossible at that point. ALMOST no instance that cant clear that much, is not going to hit 4 phases, so almost no point.

    IF you dont want AFKers, you also need to do your job, if you are not debuffing /buffing, gearing up at a acceptable level (or build) for your class and you want to come complain, you really have no right to do so. No one should have to carry you, it takes all of 30 days to get to at least 14k (with the approiate t1 or t2 set for your class and a 2-300 k in ADs spent (r6s, 3 blue artifacts, draconic weapon at least, and LVL 55 pants/shirt with gems) and about 50% of the boons done.

    Thats what I figure is basically the minimum to be really effective in this instance. Much below that level isnt helping (yes I know there might be exceptions, but those are usually veterans anyways, who know how to build and wisely spend a few 100 k on thier alts to get them to this minimum level anyways)

    BY the way, what I described IS easy to get at the moment, there is absolutely no excuses not to have that!

    This is NOT asking that much of playerbase, I could take anyone's toon and do this for them, but thats not the point, they need to do it if they want to be of help.
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My case is, we got 2 heads down and the third one is around half before the second cleric phase. Someone typed out "gg" and at least half of the crowd go to campsite to afk while only me and another cw protecting the cleric. The crowd who defend clerics starts to reduce dramatically and finally only me and 5 more guys still fighting. They give up other people chance to win because of laziness imo. It is doable to kill according to what u all had said.
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    IF you dont want AFKers, you also need to do your job, if you are not debuffing /buffing, gearing up at a acceptable level (or build) for your class and you want to come complain, you really have no right to do so. No one should have to carry you, it takes all of 30 days to get to at least 14k (with the approiate t1 or t2 set for your class and a 2-300 k in ADs spent (r6s, 3 blue artifacts, draconic weapon at least, and LVL 55 pants/shirt with gems) and about 50% of the boons done.

    Such elitist, idiotic attitude is what leading to the least pleasant experiences in the game. No, we have the right to complain regardless of AFKers' perception of how things "should be" (and these may vary greatly, too). If you got into the temple - you're expected to fight for 15-20 minutes straight. If you don't want to fight - don't go there, so someone else can take your place. It's that simple. That's the only reason Tiamat raid exists in the game.

    One thing is to lose the fight because DPS is insufficient, lags are plentiful, etc etc. Quite another - because a bunch of *expletive* decided to warm their bottoms at the campfire. There is no excuses for such behaviour, zero, and the sooner devs will figure out how not to gift lazy gamers with the (meager) loot they don't deserve - the better.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Such elitist, idiotic attitude is what leading to the least pleasant experiences in the game. No, we have the right to complain regardless of AFKers' perception of how things "should be" (and these may vary greatly, too). If you got into the temple - you're expected to fight for 15-20 minutes straight. If you don't want to fight - don't go there, so someone else can take your place. It's that simple. That's the only reason Tiamat raid exists in the game.

    One thing is to lose the fight because DPS is insufficient, lags are plentiful, etc etc. Quite another - because a bunch of *expletive* decided to warm their bottoms at the campfire. There is no excuses for such behaviour, zero, and the sooner devs will figure out how not to gift lazy gamers with the (meager) loot they don't deserve - the better.

    Again.. your blaming me, I do my part, I would only quit if the group cant get the first two heads down.

    There is no elitism involved, what I proposed as a bare minimum, can be done with any player, with bare amount of EXERTED effort, without spending a dime of real life money, in 30 days timeframe.

    So your basically saying its ok for players to not even try to gear up, then yell at people for going AFK. I didnt say either was right, but your saying its ok for players to roll in with bare minimum effort, but try thier hardest. Why not try a little harder before you even go?
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    IF you clear 2 heads and the group is a little more cohesive for second phase, it can be done, there probably is enough dps, just not enough cohesiveness, Ive seen plenty of groups that got it done after only clearing 2 heads first phase and people shouldn't give up so easily.

    I typically would only give up if the group couldnt even do the 2 heads, it goes from like 80% doable to like 10% at that point. Usually those groups also have issues with clerics , so there is almost no way to do 4 phases.
  • damnaciousdamnacious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    After reporting numerous players sitting AFK at campfires I received the response that unfortunately, there is no way for the game to control players like this. It is their decision to participate in the fight or not. One thing that a lot of people are doing is partying up before the fight in order to kick people who become AFK.

    I was not overly satisfied with the response as it did not seem logical or relevant ("partying up before the fight in order to kick people who become AFK").

    So, it seems there's not much we can do other than just take it on the chin like the blow that it is and just make the best with what we have.
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    So your basically saying its ok for players to not even try to gear up, then yell at people for going AFK. I didnt say either was right, but your saying its ok for players to roll in with bare minimum effort, but try thier hardest. Why not try a little harder before you even go?

    I didn't say that they should go naked, re-read my post. I said that attitude is bad. For you 14k is minimum, for someone else that'll be 20 (and on the classes that has hard time reaching such numbers). One will go AFK because two heads aren't down, other - because they expected three or even four heads to go down. And some will feel sad that nobody ressed them at the cleric stage and go AFK just to spite everyone. Understand what I'm talking about? Any explanation that excuses AFKing is bad because there could be the number of reasons gamers can pull out of their collective <expletive> to excuse bad behaviour. And this won't change the bad outcome of AFKing.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I didn't say that they should go naked, re-read my post. I said that attitude is bad. For you 14k is minimum, for someone else that'll be 20 (and on the classes that has hard time reaching such numbers). One will go AFK because two heads aren't down, other - because they expected three or even four heads to go down. And some will feel sad that nobody ressed them at the cleric stage and go AFK just to spite everyone. Understand what I'm talking about? Any explanation that excuses AFKing is bad because there could be the number of reasons gamers can pull out of their collective asses to excuse bad behaviour. And this won't change the bad outcome of AFKing.

    Ok, yes Ive seen all of that, and I agree with some of it.

    But are you seriously saying , its "never" ok to finally give up?

    1 head down only?
    bugged black head?

    Yes I have my own judgements, and yes, I do try to continue as long as I think there is a reasonable shot, heck yesterday I tried with only 16 people left in instance and probably 3-4 left on AFK, because in my head, there was still a shot at it and ya, if people didnt dump so quick, I think we wouldve won the instance.

    But ya, there are times when I get into a instance, run to black and NO one, is debuffing. I debuff/buff with my toons that have the ability, but my GWF only has a greater terror, I use it during the instance, dont know how much Im helping give or take, but I shouldnt feel compelled to ALWAYS run with my DC, because 4 other DCs in the same instance, cant get their <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> together.

    Your pointing fingers at ONLY one group, there is a percentage of players, NOT taking the time to build right to help others out, those people are just as much at fault AT failures as people who give up too early.

    In my mind a 14kish gear score is just about right to really help out the group. If only all sub 14's ever got in, it would be rather difficult. I also contend, ITS very easy to get that gear score, its not elitism , its simply a matter of actually preparing your toon.

    Both groups are in fault.

    Cryptic should allow grouping and should have had this higher minimum entry then it did. They did not allow it, by thier own admission, to artificially increase the difficulty of the instances.

    I go in with legit 80% of the time and we Never tell people not to enter, but most of the people who take the time to find Legit, also take enough effort to get most of the boons and enough gear to help out. ITs a great place to ask questions on how to do stuff, fast, efficient and gear up without spending 200 dollars at legendaries.

    We have never said, you need 4 legendaries, ect.. but we would give advice to people to spend 80k on two lvl 55 blues if they asked, and tell them there isnt much difference between that and the purple pants/shirts.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    We have never said, you need 4 legendaries, ect..

    How could you even enforce that? Its ALL PUGGING.
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    Ok, yes Ive seen all of that, and I agree with some of it.

    But are you seriously saying , its "never" ok to finally give up?

    Yes, it's never okay to finally give up. 30 seconds to go, not a single head down? Get your toon out and pew pew. Why, you ask?

    Because, as I said several times, attitude! If it will be socially acceptable just to stand on the spawn before the first cleric phase, people will do just that in hopes that others will get the job done for them. There are plenty of other MMOs where players are more than willing to justify doing nothing and getting the reward anyway - veterans, newbies, geared and undergeared do it all the time. These same people play with you now. There's also no way to kick AFKing person from Tia raid, social pressure is the only tool available to regulate this situation. Therefore, total unacceptability of giving up is the way to go.

    Undergeared players will get their stuff eventually. Maybe, even change their build to accomodate the group better. Entitled *expletive* won't change, unless you force them to and keep the pressure going at all times.
  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I've taken to calling out AFK'ers in /say - usually something along the lines of "Fight is this way <name>" if I have to respawn, just to put it out there. It's been moderately successful in getting people moving - that motivation to prove that they weren't actually afk'ing.

    People who give up early are the worst though. 5 heads, divided by 3 phases = 1.67 heads per phase. If you can get to red on phase one, you're still doing fine, it's just going to take until phase 3. This is especially true if you're doing well on the cleric phase of the fight - sometimes the first phase is slower. It happens. But red and blue are closer to the main mass of people (center cleric) and DPS should improve on phase 2.
  • clericalistclericalist Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Going off topic (but not too much), what will happen to Tiamat over time ? Some people here believe its supposed to be end game content, but I disagree, surely most people do Tiamat to complete their boons. This is only my anecdotal observation, but doing Tiamat with my alts I am getting a lower and lower success rate, either I am unlucky or the super high gs are done with their boons. If Tiamat is going to become increasingly impossible to complete, this will mean future players or players that want to get boons for new classes can never do so. They can obviously get all their boons with dragon coffers or dragon coins, but that will require either 120 000 coins or 8000 coffers (and any combination of those two), I cannot see too many grinding that insane amount.

    This could mean that Tiamat is essentially going to become a reward for having played before module 6. I don't think that is a good thing, they need really make Tiamat easier, perhaps create a hard and easy mode, with easy giving one linu and hard something like 3 linus.
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