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Did PVP finally die?



  • sweetpwnysweetpwny Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2015
    By your logic, if pvpers left this game "in droves", that'll be an act of liberation. I understand that your are a bit distressed because PvP and PvP community is not the best part of the game at the moment, but "slaves"? "Oppression"? Really?

    Yeah having PVE'ers constantly saying we are a minority therefore our ideas aren't welcome or trying to minimize pvpers and getting upset if we talk about adding something new for us. It is a classic sign of oppressing people using minimizing tactics to make sure those people aren't viewed of as welcome. "Minority" "Vocal Minority".

    Treating pvpers as though it's all on their shoulders when they are out on the test servers to tell devs what is broken is in fact treating pvpers as though they are slaves. That is a job for a QA department and devs but blaming pvpers when things are broken?? That is in fact treating pvpers as though they are unpaid employees. There are people that get paid to do that.

    Basically, stop treating us like we're "vocal minorities". PVE'ers have time and time again bashed pvpers, lumping them all in the same negative category, suggesting we shouldn't have anything new as it's a PVE mostly game yet their content doesn't require awesome gear. What they fail to understand is, pve, pvp, foundry, roleplayers....we're all players. It's highly unfair that there is more of push to get pvpers to buy stuff since we require the best gear, enchants in order to compete with the big dogs. Do PVE'ers experience that??
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    Yeah having PVE'ers constantly saying we are a minority therefore our ideas aren't welcome or trying to minimize pvpers and getting upset if we talk about adding something new for us. It is a classic sign of oppressing people using minimizing tactics to make sure those people aren't viewed of as welcome. "Minority" "Vocal Minority".

    Come again? PvE gamers oppress you? No, for real? And the simple statement about the percentage of PvP gamers in this largely PvE game is...oppression? XD
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    Do PVE'ers experience that??

    Well, yes. If you want to run high-level content with nicely geared and experienced players, you need good gear. If stuff won't drop for you, you must buy it. If RNGJesus hates you, you also must buy it.

    And for PvP in Neverwinter gamers need top-gear only because the PvP community is so small, that 7k-13k scrub is likely to be steamrolled by 24k monster... God, so sorry for oppressing you. I suppose my PvE privilege lefts me blind to the suffering of others. :o
  • sweetpwnysweetpwny Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2015
    Come again? PvE gamers oppress you? No, for real? And the simple statement about the percentage of PvP gamers in this largely PvE game is...oppression? XD

    Well, yes. If you want to run high-level content with nicely geared and experienced players, you need good gear. If stuff won't drop for you, you must buy it. If RNGJesus hates you, you also must buy it.

    And for PvP in Neverwinter gamers need top-gear only because the PvP community is so small, that 7k-13k scrub is likely to be steamrolled by 24k monster... God, so sorry for oppressing you. I suppose my PvE privilege lefts me blind to the suffering of others. :o

    Must be nice being so condescending all the time. I'm sure you're a doll :P

    Pvpers should have something new. It's not going to detract from PVE'ers is it? I bet if one mod left out PVE'ers completely, you guys would probably sound like us. If in order to PVE, you were required to pvp to get your gear (Tiamat) (Icewind Dale for Black ice gear) or required to wear the best enchants you'd get it but since that doesn't apply to you naturally you don't. Just wait until they start coming up with ways to milk your BIS PVE gear...then see how you like it.

    If they pulled the same money making scheme on pve'ers as in you'll not be up to standards to run the content you wanted to, you'd fully understand. That's not happening in your neck of the woods so it's safe for people who like PVE to judge without any understanding as it doesn't affect them personally. Lack of empathy is a toxic trait btw.
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    Must be nice being so condescending all the time. I'm sure you're a doll :P

    What would that mean and how is that even relevant?
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    Pvpers should have something new.

    Possibly. Is it PvE gamers' fault that you are being overlooked? That's one giant persecution complex, buddy, and NWO is only a game! You should try to chill and try some other game for a while.
  • suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    You just described Icewind Dale and Dwarven Valley. Have you been there yet? If not, it's a fun place.

    Been there plenty and I enjoy it most of all of the pvp but what I described takes it a bit beyond that.
  • sweetpwnysweetpwny Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2015
    What would that mean and how is that even relevant?

    Possibly. Is it PvE gamers' fault that you are being overlooked? That's one giant persecution complex, buddy, and NWO is only a game! You should try to chill and try some other game for a while.

    I've tried other games and I like this one the most. But thanks for telling me to leave to go to another game. If another clone of Neverwinter comes out with the same combat style, same graphics, maybe nicer people, sure thing!
  • zshikarazshikara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You all need to get a nice big cup of sweetened iced tea and take a chill pill. This is a game. Have fun with it. If you're not having fun with it then you're doing it wrong. I casually play pvp, and I really enjoy pve. Dungeons and dragons has always been a pve game, even the pen and paper version.

    I'd love to see some new pvp stuff, and I hope we get some neat level 70 pvp, but for now I am happy with what exists and if I lose I lose. If I win I also win. No big deal either way as long as I am having fun. If the only way for you to have fun is to win, maybe you're playing the wrong game.
    Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
    Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    I've tried other games and I like this one the most.

    Based on what you wrote, it's hardly believable. You said that you feel oppressed by other gamers and enslaved by the devs. These words are not something that can be expected from happy person who likes the game that they play. And you know, whining in such a fashion is a very toxic behaviour. You're trolling, aren't you?
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    I bet if one mod left out PVE'ers completely, you guys would probably sound like us.

    No mod has ever left pvp out. Every balance change is because of you. You get 99% of the feedback all about you.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    I've tried other games and I like this one the most. But thanks for telling me to leave to go to another game. If another clone of Neverwinter comes out with the same combat style, same graphics, maybe nicer people, sure thing!

    I too find this claim difficult to believe.

    The entire business model of PVP in this game is to treat it like a cash cow, to extract cash from you all in order to subsidize the PVE aspects of this game. Basically, you're a mark. Sorry, but that seems to be the truth.

    And I don't think anyone is saying that PVPers don't deserve more toys. The problem is your belligerent attitude which suggests that PVP and PVE ought to be on an equal footing (they shouldn't) or that because you've spent a lot of money, that somehow entitles you to dictate the content of the game (it doesn't).

    Having Guild vs. Guild PVP only means that every guild will de facto be forced to be a PVP guild. I am not interested in being forced to PVP just to remain in good standing in my guild. Now you are going to say "but but but us PVPers are *forced* to do PVE in order to gear up! Fair is only fair, isn't it????" But that again assumes a false equivalence between PVP and PVE. THEY AREN'T EQUIVALENT, NOR SHOULD THEY BE.

    And incidentally, the only PVE that you are "forced" to do is to get to lvl10. That's it. From that point forward, all other PVE can be avoided.
  • sweetpwnysweetpwny Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2015
    pointsman wrote: »
    I too find this claim difficult to believe.

    The entire business model of PVP in this game is to treat it like a cash cow, to extract cash from you all in order to subsidize the PVE aspects of this game. Basically, you're a mark. Sorry, but that seems to be the truth.

    And I don't think anyone is saying that PVPers don't deserve more toys. The problem is your belligerent attitude which suggests that PVP and PVE ought to be on an equal footing (they shouldn't) or that because you've spent a lot of money, that somehow entitles you to dictate the content of the game (it doesn't).

    Having Guild vs. Guild PVP only means that every guild will de facto be forced to be a PVP guild. I am not interested in being forced to PVP just to remain in good standing in my guild. Now you are going to say "but but but us PVPers are *forced* to do PVE in order to gear up! Fair is only fair, isn't it????" But that again assumes a false equivalence between PVP and PVE. THEY AREN'T EQUIVALENT, NOR SHOULD THEY BE.

    And incidentally, the only PVE that you are "forced" to do is to get to lvl10. That's it. From that point forward, all other PVE can be avoided.

    Putting down pvpers is okay BUT HEY MAKE SURE YOU PAY SO THAT WE CAN PLAY!!! If you don't like it, right there is the door!

    You do realize that if pvpers all walked out, they'd have to come up with ways to make their money and it would be off the backs of PVE'ers right or sink.

    I think people like you should stop disrespecting pvpers so much. Asking for anything seems to be a way for pve'ers like yourself to come in and put someone that enjoys the pvp aspect of the game down.

    MOST games I've played have more PVE content than PVP. This is the first however where pvpers are constantly marginalized to make PVE'ers happy. You guys act like the world revolves around just you and talk down to pvpers all the time meanwhile claiming we don't pay when it's convenient to your point of view then turn around saying "well you're the cash cow". So why are we being treated as though we don't belong here?
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    asking for anything seems to be a way for pve'ers like yourself to come in and put someone that enjoys the pvp aspect of the game down.

    I have noticed this behavior too. Definitely odd. (i guess they really do like the PvP :p)
  • theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    Putting down pvpers is okay BUT HEY MAKE SURE YOU PAY SO THAT WE CAN PLAY!!! If you don't like it, right there is the door!

    [Citation needed]. Nobody was putting you down.
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    You do realize that if pvpers all walked out, they'd have to come up with ways to make their money and it would be off the backs of PVE'ers right or sink.

    Wait a second, so pve gamers don't buy mounts, slots, additional bags, races? Only PvP gamers do that?
  • thehumancodexthehumancodex Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    (Post Removed)
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    I think the goal is to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off everyone enough until the only people playing PvP are the 25K monsters. Until match making changes the community will shrink as nobody likes to lose match after match because they face off with someone that outgears them ten fold. Personally I don't like winning because someone on my team has a super geared 25K'er either. As it stands domination is a joke for anyone under the threshold "BiS everything". This will just be amplified with rank twelve enchantments. You can play, but be ready to lose over and over again with very little wins on the return.

    Not <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off but I think the goal is to slowly transition out of any skilled-gameplay and rewards. PVE farming has been nerfed to being irrelevant while BIS gear has slowly transitioned towards the auction house. Gone are the days were you can get BIS gear through challenging dungeons. You now get green gear that you must spend upwards of 10million AD to refine all slots.

    And yes, roflstomps in PVP are not fun for either team and just wastes both teams' time especially since both teams lose ranking on the leaderboard and have to wait for the next queue again.
  • thehumancodexthehumancodex Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    (Post Removed)
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You are going to die in PvP. This is inevitable. Unfortunately this also sparks a lot of "What you need to do to fix the other guy so I can win instead is....."

    I prefer the people that go "I died. Now what can I do to better my build/tactics/gear to die less next time?" They take death or loss in PvP as a learning opportunity. They don't give up when you don't get three towers in 2 minutes of a PvP match. They don't whine/troll shout in Icewind Pass or Dwarven Valley constantly when typing is dying. They're not the ones barking out orders in Tiamat instances declaring it a "OMG FAIL" when it's not full of 20K+ GS people and only two heads are down.

    (Hang on a moment. Did she just bring PvE into a PvP discussion?)

    Yes, I did. See, it doesn't matter PvE or PvP discussed here as quite simply you are not going to win 100% of the time at everything. Not everything is going to favor you, nor are all the dice rolls going to be epic 20's.

    So, you die in PvP or PvE. It happens. Either go it alone with complaints, or be more MMO instead of MSO and take the time to learn with others. You have complete control over what you do yourself.

    (MSO : Massively Soloing Online)
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sweetpwny wrote: »
    Putting down pvpers is okay BUT HEY MAKE SURE YOU PAY SO THAT WE CAN PLAY!!! If you don't like it, right there is the door!

    You do realize that if pvpers all walked out, they'd have to come up with ways to make their money and it would be off the backs of PVE'ers right or sink.

    I think people like you should stop disrespecting pvpers so much. Asking for anything seems to be a way for pve'ers like yourself to come in and put someone that enjoys the pvp aspect of the game down.

    MOST games I've played have more PVE content than PVP. This is the first however where pvpers are constantly marginalized to make PVE'ers happy. You guys act like the world revolves around just you and talk down to pvpers all the time meanwhile claiming we don't pay when it's convenient to your point of view then turn around saying "well you're the cash cow". So why are we being treated as though we don't belong here?

    Where is the put-down? That PVP is a tacked-on addition to the main game? I don't see that as a put-down, I see that as a fact. PVP was added at the last minute, at the very end of closed beta, and has been languishing using the same two maps for a very long time now. I really don't think PVP was a part of the original gameplan for this game. It sure doesn't look like it.

    I would say the same thing about the Moonstone Mask, incidentally, that it is just a small add-on to the main game, to the extent that the Moonstone Mask represents the roleplaying community that we have. I don't mean that as a put-down in any way. But on the other hand, the RPers don't march to the forums on a daily basis, incessantly demanding equal respect and a greater proportion of dev resources to make roleplaying better. If that were to happen, I might get a little bit annoyed at them too.

    And incidentally I said, right in the spot where you quoted above, that I am okay with PVPers having more toys.

    And as far as this game is concerned? Yeah it does revolve around PVE. Because that is the raison d'etre of this entire franchise. This game is based on D&D, which is PVE; and even if you don't accept that this game is based on D&D, then look at Cryptic's own actions: they marketed and billed this game overwhelmingly based on a PVE experience, and as you have exhaustively noted, every mod has lots of new content for PVE and comparatively little for PVP. That should tell you something about what the company's priorities are.

    My strong cynical suspicion is that the only real reason PVP exists in this game is as a cash grab from ultra-competitive people who are willing to fork out lots of real life cash in order to bash people's heads in. That doesn't mean I support such a cynical strategy. I'm simply noting it as what I view as a likely possibility, based on the evidence.

    I still would like to know why people come to a game, which is based on fighting dragons in dungeons, with very little interest in fighting dragons and would rather fight each other. I really don't get this. It's like going to a seafood restaurant when you are allergic to fish.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I can't count how many matches I have done where either my team, or the other team stops playing and the remainder of the match is spent just sitting there waiting for it to end. It's very rare that a match is played through to the very end by both teams. This should seriously tell you something about PvP and the current state it is in. I would guess two out of five matches that I have played are seen through to the end. It's very sad...

    Actually, that happens not terribly often in PVP matches in the 10k-15k level.

    I just finished 4 or 5 matches with my 12.6k HR. He's currently on page 700 of the leaderboard (he was at page 2,000 so he's made quite a lot of progress!). Every match was competitive; of course, every match also had characters that were in the same GS region as my own. I really think Cryptic balances PVP at the 10k-15k level, and their algorithms simply cannot scale correctly to 25k so at that end it's all an imbalanced mess.

    Now I have had matches where I queued late at night or at weird hours and the matchmaking at that point just picks out whoever is in the queue, and so yeah those matches are over in 1 minute. But I think that is a population issue, not a matchmaking issue.
  • setimoselosetimoselo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Please keep the topic on the issues pertaining to PvP. I understand some people don't like pvp. If the last sentence applies to you it means this topic is not for you, discuss your opinion elsewhere.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i play a 16k WL ad a 17 k DC in PVP, never wait more than 7min, normally 2-3min
    matches are often callanging, sometimes very inhomogen groups
    don´t see a lot of bots any more nor many farmer at the campfire
    if they only would fix some of these broken things it would be much more fun
    most issues about TR everbody knows -- onehitting perma staelth nubs, ah i ment sabs, and permadazing ...scoundrels i think?
    this has to be fixed and would not change anything in PVE since there are no mobs with tenacity, and there are no mobs anyone wants to perma-daze .... i hope?
  • starheretic70starheretic70 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Did PvP finally die ?

    Yes , the game also... dont get me wrong I love it. But at every mod, Cryptic makes an overpower class that dwarf the others. So players are thinking, well my GF is worthless now, I will up a HR. Ah! the HR ain't so strong compare to a TR, then I will up a TR....

    A lot of people are TR and thinking : "so easy to use" ... then the super-paladin comes... etc... etc...

    I'm not wrong, Cryptic wont ever nerf the TR... TR/players will scream... they slowly becoming majority...

    In Team Fortress 2, every class got + and - from the start

    Cryptic must cancel mod6 and says : Sorry for the TR, we will give you a balance between class and GS classification, give a radiant rank9 to the TRs to shut them up. More gear and more power aren't the answers. My friends are playing less time every day, slowly leaving the game and so do I.

    Remove daze effects everywhere... doing nothing and die = stupid, it makes players angry and becoming boring after a long time.
  • xxxgriessonxxxxxxgriessonxxx Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Its not just the matchmaking thats pulling ppl of pvp though. Its also the 0 updates to pvp since release, except for the "class balancing" . (well there was IWD but its not accidental that i 1st unconsciously wrote 0 updates... Don't like to spit on ppl's work but IWD is just 2 empty zones with nothing going on, and if we not sure if domination is dead or not IWD certainly is). Domination with its 2 maps its a pretty cheap pvp offer and mod6 better deliver something in that area.
  • faerbotfaerbot Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Lol yeah theyare fixing idiotic stuff and not a word in over 6 weeks about how ridiculous the
    TR is.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    You are going to die in PvP. This is inevitable. Unfortunately this also sparks a lot of "What you need to do to fix the other guy so I can win instead is....."

    I prefer the people that go "I died. Now what can I do to better my build/tactics/gear to die less next time?" They take death or loss in PvP as a learning opportunity. They don't give up when you don't get three towers in 2 minutes of a PvP match. They don't whine/troll shout in Icewind Pass or Dwarven Valley constantly when typing is dying. They're not the ones barking out orders in Tiamat instances declaring it a "OMG FAIL" when it's not full of 20K+ GS people and only two heads are down.

    (Hang on a moment. Did she just bring PvE into a PvP discussion?)

    Yes, I did. See, it doesn't matter PvE or PvP discussed here as quite simply you are not going to win 100% of the time at everything. Not everything is going to favor you, nor are all the dice rolls going to be epic 20's.

    So, you die in PvP or PvE. It happens. Either go it alone with complaints, or be more MMO instead of MSO and take the time to learn with others. You have complete control over what you do yourself.

    (MSO : Massively Soloing Online)

    I love this argument. ''What can I do to be better?''. Or put more accurately, ''L2P''.

    Please tell me, what is your secret to dodge a stealth 100% SE/LB crit and the ensuing SOD proc? I'd sure love to know how you escape SOD, because right now TRs can one shot my GF from full health.

    Also, how do I bridge the 3 - 4k GS gap without spending 100s to 1000s of dollars that I don't have?

    The only people that make this argument are very rich players or players of the better PVP classes.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • szejhuludpuchaczszejhuludpuchacz Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Funny thing i made my 1st toon, a GF, for PvP. I read Envy's guide and made him conq. 2nd toon, a GWF was hybrid (not immortal ;)) for both. I really enjoyed early pvp until i met immortal GWF. From this point i have started play more pve and have only periods of pvping. Now we see more issues than before. Not only OP classes, we have fail matchmaking, 2 a n c i e n t maps, things like glyphs or potions... Its broken and only hope in mod 7 i guess. Mod6 will bring more piercing, sod mulitiproc...
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    thestaggy wrote: »
    I'd sure love to know how you escape SOD

    You can sprint away as a SW or GWF, and if it was far enough, SoD will tick for zero damage. You can try to repel TR away as a CW as well and try to run. If you survived the initial LB/SE hit ofc. SoD procs only if you're in range of TR (80 feet probably). I'm writing this and lmao'ing about the fact, that TR is soooo overpowered, that the only way to play against them is to avoid them at all cost, it's not even a matter of fighting toe to toe, it about trying to prolong your life for a few seconds only to be killed a bit later.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    one issue seems to be that the developper underestimates the need of PVP and a balance system, even if it seems to be a small communuity, but all in all not that small i think
    most of these player pay, discuss and try to make things better, without any reaction from cryptic
    i too agree, this game will definitley die when PVP community and PVP is gone
  • faerbotfaerbot Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Every month I would buy $20.00 worth of keys just to support the game, even when the GWF was so OP. You could at least drag them away from a node, but with the TR so broken and nothing from cryptic in over 6 weeks about what they are going to do about it. I refuse to give them a dime.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    one issue seems to be that the developper underestimates the need of PVP and a balance system, even if it seems to be a small communuity, but all in all not that small i think
    most of these player pay, discuss and try to make things better, without any reaction from cryptic
    i too agree, this game will definitley die when PVP community and PVP is gone

    All I'm going to say is know your neverwinter history. Most have not paid.
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