i would like to have the option to get additional character build slots for my characters.
Swapping between them from PvP to PvE build, or from 1 to another paragon path would be fun and make things a lot easier.
Even if they would be needed to be purchased from the zen market like the character slots.
It would be great feature, having use different skill sets depending on situation... well at least some classes can
It is missed opportunity for the game where every progressing/convienience aspect can be improved with zen.
Additional loadouts in Defiance are cash shop item. There are 2 free loadouts. Each loadout has own slots with gear/weapons/perks/buffs.
— (The unwritten rule)
but that shouldnt be instant swap any time, smth with long animation like invoking and only out of combat
so if i want to pvp and pve on my gwf i either have to spend 20mil+ ad gearing another character and grind all the boons or waste time and 100k ad switching every time... riiiiiight maybe they should remove feat reset and respec ? and when you die your character is deleted ?
before artifacts it was possible to have to just use another character, now asking for that is bs since artifacts cost insane amount of ad to refine
aaaaand i p__s on gods
we already can do that at 100k a piece, switch would just make it more easy
pvp without switching ? cause it would be so fun pvping as a destro gwf with 14 con, get real
most ppl cant gear even 1 character close to bis, you want them to have 2... riiight
Ideally there would be at least two free powersets with the option to purchase more with zen.
The most typical use for this would be for boss fights, Tiamat and that sort of thing, maybe switching from AoE to single target, or from heal to debuff.
My CW main already manually changes a couple of skills for a select few of the harder bosses.
I would not support the ability to be able to switch between two complete builds, involving feats, boons, powers, and/or gear. I like it that we are forced to make decisions when levelling and that respeccing them is costly and thus only an occasional activity.
I don't see the need for more than two skill bars.
this is not D&D, its a mmorpg based on forgotten realms lore
the only role i play is getting my insert_whatever_i_use_to_kill_stuff in the targets face, and changing skills/feats/etc. as necessary doesnt conflict it
its not like you would be forced to use it even if they implemented it
we had 3 at each toon there.
I would suggest to add the this option after u r lv 60 ( or 70, soon ).
It means new (hopefully free) build slot(s) could be added as a mission reward after completion of a special mission. (Or after a purchase from the zen market.)
It would work like a second or 3rd choosable tab.
Like if u change chat ur channel tab.
just not at chat channels window.
At the main characters window. I am pretty sure it would need a short cooldown time after u changed build till u can do that again, might be like 10 or 15 min i think.
That new built slot(s) would be like a character naked character after using a full respec with all points and boons (only what u alrdy got till then) there, but none spend.
You would need to choose a paragon path and spend power, abillity, feat and boon points again.
Sure would it be nice to beeing able to reroll the abillty score there too. But i dont think that would be added.
Anyway, even if the new build slot does no abillity scrore reroll include, it would give us the possibillity to use the same character with 1 build made (abillity, feats and powers, boons) and equipped with armor and slotting for PvE.
The other build made for PvP with fitting choices of armor, slotting, etc.regarding that.
If u r no PvP player, u can use 1 build for example at a CW for Master of Flame, the other for Spellstorm.
At GWF 1 build Swormaster and the other one Iron Vonguard.
Or what ever else u want to do with it....u just cant be at1 build a CW the other a SW, thats clear. Also u cant use a different race each build..
We have lots of options to make different builds at every class and race.
But i dont want to need to make a knew one for everything.
Other thing is, if u have a good character that u like, u might wanna keep playing on with it like it is at one side. But also u might wanna try out somthing else with it, without always needing to respec it.
Or if u r not sure with a toon how to go on th best way for u, at the 2nd build u can try stuff out but keep the main build untouched till u r sure u doint ruin it.
Then maybe, to have to respec it back again.
In the end, everyone has to decide for himself if, or what he/she would do with a 2nd or 3rd character build slot option.... (or if he wanna get 1 if its not free).
I do know what would do with it and i personaly would love to see them to add that. In the near future.
Now its up to u all guys (the community), if it will ever happen.
If lots of u do like it and reply to this threat a zillion times to make it big.
Go and break the devs nerves with asking them again and again at Forums , Twitch, Fb, InGame, etc about additional character build slots.
They will add it one day
I just could start it and see if u like it and whats gonna happen.
Fullfilled my duty, laters guys
I do wish they'd allow us to reroll our stats with a respec though. I have some characters I made when the game first came out and I chose the wrong stats, like I'd rather my HR have a bit more con than he does and don't mind purchasing a separate respec token for that if they ever do change it.
whatmage nubbie said, theonly prob is the expense of enchants and the refining of artifact gear and artifacts
But for that i also agree with him, swap the enchants ,if u have to....( or for what else is the gold in NV if use...??! ) the gear and artifacts are bound to character since its not another toon , just another build. u can swap them for free. If u have too....;D
(Btw i have 10 full geared lv 60s with all around 16k to 18k (depending class and build) with all enchants taken off. Wasnt hard to do that since beta ........and yes, i have a real life apart from NV