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What is up with my Tickets?

durgabhairavidurgabhairavi Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 16 Arc User
edited July 2014 in Bug Reports (PC)
I submitted two tickets; the PW-ARC Support Team redirected an account issue of mine to the "Report a Bug" feature inside the NWO game; another is about missing items.

Well, when I try to review my tickets inside the NWO game, they are nowhere.

I have the number of each one of my tickets (2.560.733, and 2.571.266), but they don't appear listed for reviewing nor tracking.

I wonder what happened with them? It looks like the "Report a Bug" feature isn't working at all.

So I'll try to post here in the forum the issues I'm having, for what is worth -- of course I'd like to get official support, after having asked for it at ARC Support Team outside the game and being redirected by them to the "Report a Bug" feature inside the game.

Ticket nº 2.560.733:

After finishing the Elminster event, I collected enough figurines to buy 2 Protector's Garden Keys with the same character. Having placed one of them in the Bank for the use of another of my characters (they were Account Bounded), I finally used my Key for entering into the Garden. To my surprise, by doing this *both* of my keys disappeared (that is to say, including the one reserved into the Bank).

So, having lost valuable, hard to earn items without reason, I submitted a ticket about this with the request of having my Garden key restored.

The friend I play with NWO, lost in this same way not a single Garden Key, but two, since he had four keys, two of each in two different characters: he can't review his own tickets, like me, and his is nº 2.560.719. He is also unable to review or track his ticket about this.

- - -

Ticket nº 2.571.266:

[System Notify] Successfully submitted ticket ID #2,571,266.

"Rewards don't match with their description"


Having asked before for a solution, the PW/ARC Support Team redirects me here, saying that I must to report a bug to you. Now, it's about my entire account, now just about this character:

At least from May 2014, my rewards are abnormally low quality-wise in comparison with the rewards of other people playing with me, and I'm speaking of Quest rewards, Dungeon rewards and Professions rewards.

In the same line, the problem extends itself to more areas: for instance, I achieved maximum level of Artificing (lvl 20) and I have been unable to make a single item because I lack of "Residuum", which is a component of just uncommon/green quality, not even "rare", so I should be able to have more of it.

Asking in the zone chat "Where is it possible to get things such as Eldritch Crystals or Arcane Shards?", I've been told they are available at skill nodes and Leadership rewards; now, I never get any of these items by means of skill nodes or Leadership...

After this, I started to pay intense attention to my Leadership rewards, finding that what I was actually getting didn't match at all with the description of the reward content.

This happens all the time.

Most often, my rewards are Junk quality even if the opened chest description is saying that I'm getting a "Rare"/blue item (see attached screenshots).

I'd like, then, to ask you to check and revise my account for bugs and anomalies, since it seems that something there is wrong regarding rewards and item quality.

I'm attaching here into the forum two screenshots (of dozens I have stored) of the rewards not matching with the description of what I'm receiving or, in other words, I should receive:

Additionally, this anomaly seems to extend itself even to the Journal: for instance I achieved maximum level of three Professions with one of my characters (name: Valinaar), and the Journal wasn't updated about it, which is other of the reasons for feeling something is not working as intended in my account.



Waiting for your answer
Post edited by durgabhairavi on


  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The first issue you had is an issue all of us had, the whole entire garden key situation has been messed up for everyone. The second ticket isn't really a problem, that happens with all of us, some of the rewards are more likely than others, that's just the way all MMO's work, although NW's RNG's seem to be particularly harsh imo...
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  • tripurantakatripurantaka Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Ticket nº 2.560.733: (...) So, having lost valuable, hard to earn items without reason, I submitted a ticket about this with the request of having my Garden key restored.

    The friend I play with NWO, lost in this same way not a single Garden Key, but two, since he had four keys, two of each in two different characters: he can't review his own tickets, like me, and his is nº 2.560.719. He is also unable to review or track his ticket about this.

    I'm that friend, and yes, it's as she is explaining here.
    Ticket nº 2.571.266: (...) I started to pay intense attention to my Leadership rewards, finding that what I was actually getting didn't match at all with the description of the reward content.

    This happens all the time.

    Most often, my rewards are Junk quality even if the opened chest description is saying that I'm getting a "Rare"/blue item (see attached screenshots).

    Same here. I'm having exactly the same problem, I never receive what the reward description says; otherwise I'd have many Blue/Rare items, and all what I get is Common/Junk.
  • durgabhairavidurgabhairavi Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    katamaster81899, it barely helps to misread a help request, minimizing it almost to the point of making a caricature:
    The first issue you had is an issue all of us had, the whole entire garden key situation has been messed up for everyone.

    Oh, but that doesn't explain the disappearance of my tickets.

    And on the other hand, "the whole garden key situation" must be fixed for all of us, right?
    The second ticket isn't really a problem, that happens with all of us, some of the rewards are more likely than others, that's just the way all MMO's work, although NW's RNG's seem to be particularly harsh imo...

    Wait, it isn't really a problem? That is funny to hear, since the PWE-ARC Support Team acknowledged it as a bug, and told me to use the "Report a Bug" in game feature.

    I wonder if you read what I posted, and if you saw the attached screenshots: what I'm receiving from Boxes, Drops, Leadership, etc... is abnormally lower in quality and different than the reward description; I've checked this with other players during weeks.

    Oh well; I guess that you aren't going to be the one verifying my account in search of any irregularity.
    I'd like to get official support

    Again, I'd like to get official support. So far PWE-ARC Support has redirected me nowhere; missing tickets are cool.
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Your chests are giving out the correct rewards , they have always given out poor quality rewards compared to the quality of the box and despite the fact it says you won a reward of rare quality , every large chest of goods you open you have a chance to win one or some of the things listed in this link - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Large_Chest_of_Goods

    same with the barrel of goods , http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/A_Barrel_of_Goods

    Leadership chests giving out bad rewards has been talked about before - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?520151-Leadership-chests&highlight=large+chest+goods
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    Okay, let's clear this up...

    Submitting a Bug Report is not a Support Ticket.
    Bug Reports will not result in the reimbursement of lost items. If you have lost items you will have to contact support to get them reimbursed rather than or in addition to filing a Bug Report.

    Furthermore you will not receive any responses to Bug Reports unless the developers need more information.
    Nor may you get support on the forums. The support team must be contacted by filing a ticket.

    As for the second report...
    An uncommon chest will give the rewards listed for uncommon or rare chests while rare chests will give the rewards for a rare or an epic chest. In short the description at the top is about which chest quality reward you are getting not the quality of the specific items.

    Read the tooltip. It tells you exactly what can come out of the chests and those screenshots are within the bounds of the possible rewards of each chest quality.

    Now if you want to say they are bad rewards, as iambecks1 suggested, that would be feedback but it is not a bug that needs to be reported.
  • durgabhairavidurgabhairavi Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    iambecks1 wrote: »
    they have always given out poor quality rewards compared to the quality of the box and despite the fact it says you won a reward of rare quality

    Wait a moment: so the mismatch between the reward message in, let's say, boxes or chests (for instance, Rare) and the actually obtained reward (usually, common or junk) is happening to everyone?

    Well, in that case maybe we can't do anything and I'm a bit puzzled. In any case a reward message would be easier to understand if the phrase had something to do with the contents one's getting. It's hard to see the point in the "Congratulations!" message when one is getting common or junk items. Am I complaining about the low-rate contents of chests, boxes, etc? No, I'm speaking about coherence. Bug or not bug, this could be fixed, changed, you get the idea.

    Thanks for your answer.
    Submitting a Bug Report is not a Support Ticket.
    Bug Reports will not result in the reimbursement of lost items. If you have lost items you will have to contact support to get them reimbursed rather than or in addition to filing a Bug Report.

    Well, I know the difference between a "Bug Report" and a Support Ticket; precisely from one of these Support Tickets I was told to submit a "Bug Report" about my account state.

    What I didn't know is the need of making a Support Ticket in addition to a Bug Report, for a case like the one of the lost Protector's Garden Keys. I'm on it. Thanks for letting me know it; otherwise I still would be waiting some hint of life from the Bug Reports.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    More or less, yes. Read the tooltip.
    It gives a larger quantity of lower tied items to make it still worth the rare tag.

    The Large Chest of Goods will always give a rare or epic value regardless of the colors on the items within. Only one possible reward from the Large Chests of Goods is actually of a rare quality and none of the Very Large Chest of Goods items are of epic quality. They simply give a larger quanitity of lower value items to add up to what they feel is a rare or epic value.

    Support will tell you to report a bug if they can not directly resolve your issue. However Bug Reports are not a means to get support. The devs will fix the bug when they do but they will not reimburse lost items except in extremely rare cases. Bug reports will get the developers to fix the cause but it is normally up to support to resolve any negative impacts if they can.
    If they can not or will not and the devs do not include a retroactive fix then as much as it pains me then that's the end of it.

    FYI - I accidentally lost a key too. It sucks but it is what it is.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If you hover your mouse cursor over a chest before you open it, it will list all the possible rewards you can get from said chest. Not a bug or an issue, unless you are receiving something that is not listed. Chest colors matches the highest reward you can get from them.
  • durgabhairavidurgabhairavi Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Well, I appreciate your explanations. Now, let me add something brief as conclusion for my part:

    1) "Read the Tooltip". Well sure, of course I've been reading the tooltips for each chest, box, etc. But the info there doesn't explains the "Congratulations" message when one is getting just low quality items. The reward message display / way of working is what has the appearance of a bug because of its misleading potential. Otherwise, this point has been explained by you, thanks.

    2) The in game Bug Report Tickets: I don't know why there is a in game window for reviewing and tracking your own ticket's status, since in my experience, it's impossible to see anything there (in contrast with website based Support Tickets). When it's about in game Bug Report Tickets, it's just blank, empty, even after submitting two in game tickets. Oh well.

    3) The unusual low-rate quality of my drops and chests rewards: as I already said, people I talk to is getting much better rewards than me with the same effort and nº of boxes, etc, which is puzzling. After speaking about this with people in parties and in the zone chat for a time, I arrived to that conclusion. It goes without saying that, given the clarifications offered in this thread, such thing doesn't seem to be directly related with the way the aforementioned reward messages (like the ones in the screenshots above) are designed to work. So if there is no bug in my account, then I'll need to assume that I'm having a sort of "losing streak" concerning Drops, Rewards and Leadership earned items more or less since the launching of the NWO Module 2. Please note that I didn't open a thread just for complaining about NW's RNG harshness.

  • tripurantakatripurantaka Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    2) The in game Bug Report Tickets: I don't know why there is a in game window for reviewing and tracking your own ticket's status, since in my experience, it's impossible to see anything there (in contrast with website based Support Tickets). When it's about in game Bug Report Tickets, it's just blank, empty, even after submitting two in game tickets. Oh well.

    FWIW, exactly the same happens to me here.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    . . . I know it sounds like I'm being witty but seriously, please file a Support Ticket about your support ticket issue. I can see all my Support Tickets just fine, in-game too. So, you may have an issue Support can correct. As Ambi said, Bug Reports will not ever be view-able as Support Tickets as they do not garner responses from Support, they go straight to the Developers.

    . . . Never-the-less, there's no need to argue what's going on or why. It's a bug, you've reported it here. Your next options are to make an in-game bug report or a Support Ticket. This isn't a discussion forum, it's for bug reporting. Thanks!
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