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QQ about Q's and Matchmaking in PvP

urd01urd01 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
edited June 2014 in PvE Discussion
So yesterday I found myself in a PUG party that could't do any good if they wanted to.

First the queue took a very long time, so - I kind of knew that it could be a disaster matchup.
When I finally got in I found my TR (15k+) with a HR, a GF and 2 DC's in our homecamp.

Hmm, how to win this?

I suggested we'd try and contest and hold mid for as much as possible whiel I'd try and cap some outer nodes now and then.

The team split up not going for mid when we started and I think all of our team was dead within the first 40 seconds, including the HR and DC that went to homebase instead of comming along to mid.

Strange, I thought , we shouldn't have done that badly.. this takes some looking into.

Appareantly one DC was guilded with the HR and they had teamed-queued into this, so we were facing an atleast partially premade on the other side. This DC had 7,9k in GS! Blue and green stuff, some as low as level 49 and a green lantern as artifact.

The other guys in my team had 11,1(the HR) - 12,2k (the GF) GS, so they didn't have too much to offer in a fight such as this either.

The team we were facing had 2 GWF's constantly spamming (reportable exploit?) ROAR and what seemed like 2 well playing CW's and a HR.

I managed to sneak up on one of the CW's once but my whole team was torn into pieces faster then they could jump out of the nest, so I mostly got 2-4 enemy players on me all the time I tried something (and of course they needed to ROAR me even then).

So from what I understand:
¤ A guildie decided to show his friend how PvP was done, so they queued together and because of this we got to face a premade?
¤ I was PUGing it, and got into this because there weren't many games and there was some spots open on this team.
¤ Whatever chance our GF and (decent) DC had on mid point quickly got CC'd out of existance with 2 ROAR'ers.

Me 15k+ GS got PUG'ed into a team with a 7,9k GS against a premade, because someone was queueing together with the 7,9 to show him a little PvP.
ROAR should be a bannable (or at least reportable) offence until they fix the GWF's exploiting of PvP and broken mechanics.
Post edited by urd01 on


  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    There should be 10k GS (minimum) requirement to enter PvP.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • koppspaltakoppspalta Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2014
    urd01 wrote: »
    ROAR should be a bannable (or at least reportable) offence until they fix the GWF's exploiting of PvP and broken mechanics.

    Where were you as binding arrow and hindering shot ignore all cc immunity powers? yelling for ban too?
    its payback time right now^^
  • urd01urd01 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dunvan wrote: »
    Where were you as binding arrow and hindering shot ignore all cc immunity powers? yelling for ban too?
    its payback time right now^^

    I was here, since Beta last year, and I have never felt anything remotely as gamebreaking (in terms of ruining the game for other players) as ROAR is.
    HR uber combo was annoying, TR was able to oneshot characters but that got fixed and CD's could outheal dmg quite well but it was taken away.
    GF's never got any love at all, and is the only class I never played.

    The difference now is that you are so uber in PvP as a GWF with broken CC-mechanics that skill has nothing to do with it anymore.
    GWF's should be nerfed hard, and all selfheal should be taken away as a factor in PvP. That way our DC's might get a chance to be viable again too.
    Since you asked.....
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    urd01 wrote: »
    So yesterday I found myself in a PUG party that could't do any good if they wanted to.

    First the queue took a very long time, so - I kind of knew that it could be a disaster matchup.
    When I finally got in I found my TR (15k+) with a HR, a GF and 2 DC's in our homecamp.

    Hmm, how to win this?

    I suggested we'd try and contest and hold mid for as much as possible whiel I'd try and cap some outer nodes now and then.

    The team split up not going for mid when we started and I think all of our team was dead within the first 40 seconds, including the HR and DC that went to homebase instead of comming along to mid.

    Strange, I thought , we shouldn't have done that badly.. this takes some looking into.

    Appareantly one DC was guilded with the HR and they had teamed-queued into this, so we were facing an atleast partially premade on the other side. This DC had 7,9k in GS! Blue and green stuff, some as low as level 49 and a green lantern as artifact.

    The other guys in my team had 11,1(the HR) - 12,2k (the GF) GS, so they didn't have too much to offer in a fight such as this either.

    The team we were facing had 2 GWF's constantly spamming (reportable exploit?) ROAR and what seemed like 2 well playing CW's and a HR.

    I managed to sneak up on one of the CW's once but my whole team was torn into pieces faster then they could jump out of the nest, so I mostly got 2-4 enemy players on me all the time I tried something (and of course they needed to ROAR me even then).

    So from what I understand:
    ¤ A guildie decided to show his friend how PvP was done, so they queued together and because of this we got to face a premade?
    ¤ I was PUGing it, and got into this because there weren't many games and there was some spots open on this team.
    ¤ Whatever chance our GF and (decent) DC had on mid point quickly got CC'd out of existance with 2 ROAR'ers.

    Me 15k+ GS got PUG'ed into a team with a 7,9k GS against a premade, because someone was queueing together with the 7,9 to show him a little PvP.
    ROAR should be a bannable (or at least reportable) offence until they fix the GWF's exploiting of PvP and broken mechanics.

    You know the really sad part ? It is fights like these that lead to all the "GWFs are OP" threads. When in fact my own 17K Destroyer has been in your shoes many times ( very recently with a 6.5k GS player in a PUG ) and all I could do was get destroyed. Didnt get a chance to do much destroyin' myself. The very bad pugs we all get into give a distorted image of how classes perform vs each other.

    On the other hand how can someone get to 60 with 6K is a mystery when even my crafting toon who lvled from 40 to 60 by invocation and crafting alone has better GS..
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    There should be 10k GS (minimum) requirement to enter PvP.

    This, so much this ^ !. 10K minimum plus some basic rules regarding team setup because you know you're done when you exit base only to see yourself vs 2 GWFs + 2 GFs plus one..
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • urd01urd01 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    emilemo wrote: »
    You know the really sad part ? It is fights like these that lead to all the "GWFs are OP" threads. When in fact my own 17K Destroyer has been in your shoes many times ( very recently with a 6.5k GS player in a PUG ) and all I could do was get destroyed. Didnt get a chance to do much destroyin' myself. The very bad pugs we all get into give a distorted image of how classes perform vs each other.

    On the other hand how can someone get to 60 with 6K is a mystery when even my crafting toon who lvled from 40 to 60 by invocation and crafting alone has better GS..

    True what you're saying!
    I don't mind loosing to players playing well.
    Irather lose a good fight with mere a few points because some on my team - or myself- couldn't defend a node well enough, or the opposite team played smart and stole some points from us at the end.
    The main issue here is the bad queue- system!

    (But - as noone can miss- I really dislike the state of the game and the rising amount of people abusing, sorry "using" roar at the moment, that can't play.)
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I know how it is to get PUGed with 6k GS mates against a premade and it is bad, but it is funny, how every second post gets a 'nerf roar' thrown into it.

    Is it broken, yes. Should they nerf it, yes. Do I use it, yes. Why? Bc moral superiority does not win matches and the fact is, that most of the players use/ used bugged/OP skills, to get their advantage till they get fixed (HR healset, stormstep, HR/MC artefact,...) so I adapt and survive.

    Bann people for using bugged skills, really? The server would be allmost emty. DC chasts sunburst and switches in divine mode pre mod 3, to get the boon, banned. HR uses stormstep action pre mod3, banned. CW uses HV set pre mod 2, banned. This list could go on for some time.

    The problem is not one skill or several OP skills/classes, but a ELO system that is so broken, it sucks the fun out of the game. They should either fix ELO or make GS brackets, so BIS players can kill each other and not stomp newbies together with the unlucky players teamed up with them.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    urd01 wrote: »
    When I finally got in I found my TR (15k+) with a HR, a GF and 2 DC's in our homecamp.

    Not so bad. Some people already suggested a sticky thread dedicated to the terrible matchups created by the queue.
    Last time I played my DC I got this one:
    2 DCs, 2 HRs, 1 CW
    Yes, two clerics and three ranged.

    Even if the queue system was using pure random, it could not create something worse. Certainly not 40% of the players are DCs.
  • psychaos999psychaos999 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    emilemo wrote: »
    You know the really sad part ? It is fights like these that lead to all the "GWFs are OP" threads. When in fact my own 17K Destroyer has been in your shoes many times ( very recently with a 6.5k GS player in a PUG ) and all I could do was get destroyed. Didnt get a chance to do much destroyin' myself. The very bad pugs we all get into give a distorted image of how classes perform vs each other.

    On the other hand how can someone get to 60 with 6K is a mystery when even my crafting toon who lvled from 40 to 60 by invocation and crafting alone has better GS..

    Ohhh c'mon!! You know very well that your 17k destroyer can kill everybody in few rotation (one?) even player with your gs. I'm a dc with almost the same gs, I know that for a fact.
  • ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Ohhh c'mon!! You know very well that your 17k destroyer can kill everybody in few rotation (one?) even player with your gs. I'm a dc with almost the same gs, I know that for a fact.

    Save your breath bro... I've only seen maybe 3 GWf post honestly and say they needed toning down, the rest just love having the advantage.
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
  • lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    emilemo wrote: »
    my own 17K Destroyer has been in your shoes many times and all I could do was get destroyed. Didnt get a chance

    Yep, ppl say gwf now for IV as they were saying gwf before for Senti. The WAI gwf, the SM Destr, has zero chance of success in pvp. Remove the IV and give it back to its legit owner, the GF, then buff the gwf so he gets at least a chance to win a 1v1 against an undergeared opponent.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    After doing quite a few PvP matches on my GF (pugging) I noticed a few things about matchmaking

    It does seem to attempt to match people closer to your rating but theres not always that many queuing at that given time so it will put you into a group depending on the current pool of people queuing (at times this will include few higher ranking and more lower ranking) it will try to match two teams with equal team rating

    So if you get a team high rating + 4 with blues/greens (lower rating hopefully) most likely the opposing team will have weak opponents too, or maybe some geared but low ranked ones. There is not class matchmaking, so if you get 2 DCs thats just the luck of the system.

    As for premades, i think grouping puts you into a different kind of selection pool. I think i came across only 1 premade whilst pugging (about 60 matches) and that time i might have been in a group i cant remember.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Your pugging , its drawing from whatever available pool it has and matches it to elo system, I actually think the system works sorta, but I dont know if there is a time kick in it that reduces it down the longer you wait, eventually placing you into whatever pool is available eventually.

    Do bad matches happen? Yes, But what makes you think they can stop that, there simply is only so many players to draw from. I try my best until its unreasonable lopsided (like 700 to 200..) then usually campfire sit at that point. nor do I get upset if the opposite happens.

    Should there be a GS requrement to enter? No, here is the reason, the elite wouldnt even want the 15k in, we cant compete , so why have us there, if it was up to them, it would be a small queue for maybe 500 players who can compete at that level. What I would do instead is the following.. a under 10k queue, a 10-15k queue and a 15.1+ , at which point I would drop gear to stay in the middle range =P.. But seriously, that might be better.

    Im near or over 15k on three toons so far, but ya, I can see the difference immediately if I go up against a 17, 18k+ with pefercts on, Im rolfstomped into the ground fairly quick.
  • proneificationproneification Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 494 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    You can have all 16K GS, if you go even against a semi-premade with experienced PvPers with perfects and min-maxed gear&build, you're toast.

    I've seen a lot of these very good gear guys not even coming down from spawn after 3 minutes into the game cause they didn't know what to do basically against a premade, and people rotating destroyed all their hopes.

    GS is not the answer. There needs to be better match-making and stricter brackets. It was suggested before that the ladder should belong to registered teams only, I think it's a good idea. Nobody would take a 10K GS guy to compete, correct?

    Non-ladder random games for pugs.

    Registered team games for those that desire to compete.
  • crazymikeecrazymikee Member Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Both the GWF probably queued together and because those other 2 guys were together the *intelligent* game figured, since there cooperating then maybe then can fight these 2 who are also cooperating... oh yea lets throw some other people in there as well to spice things up.
    Coach Mike - 19.1k PvP CW
    CRAZY MIKE - 14.6k PvE CW

    Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I'd like to see separate queues for premades and regular groups. That way the regular queue crowd would not have to deal with the premades and the premades could enjoy playing against eachother. Now, people are going to claim... "BUT, BUT!?!?!, the waiting times!?!?!" Well, you chose to go premade, expect to get paired up against another premade. With 2-3 guilds doing this it may take a while. In other words, think before you actually queue and ruin people's evenings with those freaking premades because said people's feedback regarding the matter is most likely going to result in what i just suggested and then the premades are the ones being left out (the way it should've been from the get go).


    Separated queues, gogogo.

  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Sometimes the matches that get made really do seem pretty whacked out.

    I solo pugged into one match where most of my team didn't even have a guild and were obviously just there for the AD reward, and the other side was four people from the same guild and a random CW who probably saw his team and went "YEAH easy win". There may have been a bit of low-class spawn-camping going on there. (For the record, it was not anyone from one of the big PvP guilds behaving badly.)

    Another night, I let myself get talked into one of those "premade" situations where you're going in with a guildie who has never PvPed before and his kid's CW and his kid's friend's other CW. The other team appeared to all be solo queueing... one person from EoA, one person from AC, one person from some Brazilian PvP guild, etc.... lulz. They proceeded to slaughter us in a very respectful and businesslike manner.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • tcarncetcarnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 976 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i`m 18k pvp gs, which isn`t that high with the new ice gear.
    but i come in parties with people below 10k gs too.
    the persons who can change this look at stats and not what realy is happening.
    they don`t put in effort to make it work more because their stats say high and low gs do both equaly well in the scoreboard.

    but the real story is often, 2 players about 7/8k higher gs in each team and the rest lowbies.
    result, the high gs players have to play their ... off.
    while whoever wins, the lowbies on 1 party go up along with the higher geared ones, result in a matchmaking where single players
    mostly have to do the most work with risk doing it for nothing because some don`t know how to stand on a circle.
    the end.

    comments about i have to play a lot of matches aren`t valid in my case, already have dominion champion for a while.
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