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List what you would like to see in this mmo



  • bismar7bismar7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 252 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    I would like to be able to Visit Mithril Hall and Silverymoon... or Even Ten-Towns.
  • drentikadrentika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My wishlist:

    A- Raids need to be added, somehow. 5-man content would burn out too quickly, even with foundry. Especially D&D supports so many epic battles and monsters which are outstanding. This also could be done while expanding to the outside of Neverwinter.
    B- More races, more classes, swift updates. Especially the lack of healing classes should get fixed. We need bards and support classes as well, especially that would enlighten the roleplay.
    C- Higher difficulty in instances. So far what I have seen in the beta weekends, was really "easy" to overcome in a group.
    D- We need space for roleplay. We need certain areas to be suitable for a bunch of people meeting up. Maybe the foundry could provide no quest roleplay areas such as guild halls or restaurants, pubs and bars. That would be especially needed for the Roleplay heavy memberbase we carry in Neverwinter.
    E- As Neverwinter usually provides one of the bigger harbours on the Sword Coast, travelling lines to outer areas.
    *** Lots of fun events :)

    Else gosh, keep up the good work, you will get supported, if you handle it right!
  • druelspittdruelspitt Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would like to see exploration as the main focus in this mmo! D&D is all about exploration! I want to be rewarded for exploring!

    I want to see more character classes! I think that what they did to the fighter is sinful! There should be one fighter class with use of all weapons and armors! You choose what type of fighter he/she will be period! That goes for all the classes too! Give me choices and i want to look different than everyone else in my class!

    Leveling! I hate how fast you level up in an mmo! D&D is not about fast leveling it's about staying alive, exploration and being a hero or antihero in the process!

    Slower paced combat! I hate fast action combat where everyone is spamming the attack key and jumping around like a Tool! This game seems to follow that trend that DDO started please tone it down!!!!!!! D&D is a turn based game not a first person shooter!

    Out of combat actions and professions! We should be able to choose what we want to be as a secondary skill be it fletcher, armorer,miner etc.. We should be able to make useful items to sell and trade at the auction house that only someone with these professions can make!

    I too would like to see this be an open world game and not only limited to the city of Neverwinter!

    More monsters! At least give us the first monster manual book of monsters at release!

    Random encounters on the countryside! What's D&D without random encounters?
  • platinuplatinu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I to would enjoy the ability to explore the world. Achievements accompanying this would be a nice touch, but not a huge deal, though the eventual title 'The Explorer' or 'The Wanderer' would be fun.

    I loved the beta, though I only did beta 4, and as long as the game is like that was, I'm a happy camper.

    But, since this is a 'what we hope to see' type thread:

    I hope traps, especially in dungeons but also in wilderness encounters, are made more dangerous.

    I hope they put Secret Doors into dungeons. Unmarked ones that you have to actively search for, not a blank section of wall that sparkles like a Twilight vampire getting a tan...

    With Companions along, this gives the developers a perfect opportunity to have Dopplegangers in the game. I would LOVE to have 5 of us moving along, each with a Companion out and active, and we go through a very dark area, 'feel' our way through to the other side, and then we're attacked. What looks like a decently tough fight is suddenly revealed to be much more deadly because our companions were replaced by Dopplegangers in the darkness, and now we have a battle on 2 fronts. One battle in front, with the ambushers, and one battle behind, fighting those who had until moments ago been our allies... Fun stuff.

    So yes, I hope for Dopplegangers.

    I also hope for Green Slime, Trappers, Lurkers, Shambling Mounds, and all sorts of varieties of nasties.

    So difficult to wait for this game...
  • exhilolexhilol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 34
    edited April 2013
    Raiding.. if that be 10man or 15man whatever.. but something more then 5mans.. Endgame raid content is a must in my books!
  • mbomberdavidmbomberdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I do want an necromancer. they are such fun...
  • sahlohkinsahlohkin Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I want to be able to be a kobold, (yes, I go for small, lithe, hard-to-hit classes)
    and I want a more open world feel, with less story (or radiant stories), and more lore.
    as well, there's not enough of a survival feeling for a dnd game
    and learning preset skills sucks. I want to choose my path, or merely be specialized.
    conditional attacks that feel smoother. (different animations if you attack when moving different directions, at least.)
  • savraisavrai Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have a very simple one...

    Pop up box permanence. Could we put a 'pin' option in each box to make it stay in place even after its closed. I hate opening my character sheet and having to move it left every time. And my bank will only be big enough to show the number of slots that it came with, but I bought more so I have to enlarge it every time I open it.

    Oh, and have an option to use the same key binds on all characters across one account!!!
    *Legit Community*

    Heather - Ranger
    James - Paladin
    Jet - Warlock
    Royal - Cleric
    Gray - Rogue
    Red - Wizard
    Ios - Barbarian
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    fun classes! and unique class mechanics.

    Bard: must use your microphone to actually sing the songs, the worse the sound and more off key, the more effect it has (to encourage the worst singers to take up the class for extra realism)

    "buff, buff buff the ninja looting randomers"

    Dashing swordsman: complete with unique puns and quips

    Paladin: must take a personality test before choosing the class, requires a specific amount of arrogance, narcissism and has a passive effect which automatically forces you to target the undead first when one is within a large distance of you

    special class bonus would be "don't ya wish your GF was a tank. like. me" due to self heal aggro has no problem making everything stick to him and thus gains a massive bonus to threat from self healing... does not require you to hold shift to avoid a few telegraphed attacks...

    Thief: similar to a rogue in many ways but gains a +50 to all need loot rolls, and a +100 to all greed rolls. all party members gain 30% less from gold drops, and the thief gains +120% gold, every time the thief dies in a group, every non thief party member gains full action points and 1000 AD, and the thief cannot roll on any drops for a set amount of time/til the end of the instance.

    special class trait: "Dude, There's nothing wrong with needing on everything stop crying" every time he loses a roll the thief gains a +5 increase to his need and greed rolls.

    lol :P
  • malvoumalvou Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013

  • jimbobslimbobjimbobslimbob Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Personally I would like to see a larger range of different looking armours for your character. This far (I am only level 28) I have been wearing what looks like the same base armour since the beginning of the game.
  • romiousromious Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Would like to have the "Need" option greyed out for people who can't use the said item.
  • piratedrugallpiratedrugall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 45
    edited May 2013
    Wow, lots of asking for playable kobolds! I suppose that would be pretty cool :P

    Also, I'd really like to see how the Shaman class would work in this game. I LOVED the idea behind the class, but felt it was really weak in 4E. If you guys were able to balance it, I think it would be an absolute blast and I'd play it in a heartbeat.
    romious wrote: »
    Would like to have the "Need" option greyed out for people who can't use the said item.

    Haha, THIS. So annoying!
  • pzzdachupzzdachu Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. The Larch.
    2. More of my gaming friends playing.
    3. The naughty bits of The Larch.
    4. More weapon selection for the GWF
    Allow me to introduce myself, I am P'zzd Achu.
  • arcbladezarcbladez Member Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    1) Sexy vanity items on the Zen market. Yes I'm talking about Armorkinis! I've seen a lot of D&D art where the girls are wearing Armorkinis, don't deny it, you've seen'em too! Please don't start an argument that Armorkinis don't make sense and don't protect the girl who is wearing it, because this is not true! The logic behind Armorkini is that the small piece of armor is emitting an invisible shield kind of aura to protect the revealed skin! Not only that, but it's also better than full body armor because it gives the wearer more mobility! See? Armorkini does make sense! :D

    2) Automated Spam-Filter! Most MMORPGs have this and do not allow players to write more than 2 or 3 lines of text in a row within a certain period of time after the last thing that they wrote.

    3) Make our "arrow" in the map system more visible and also for our party members! Whenever I open the map it always takes awhile to find my location because the map is dark and so is our tiny little arrow! It blends with the background and sometimes the arrow is on top of another icon on the map and I just lose complete sight of it! It's even worst with party members! Sometimes I wanna find out where my party members are but it takes so long to try and find'em!
  • aerreaaerrea Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As an old-timer MMORPG player, there are a number of features I have seen in other games that I have grown to love:
    1. Options to automatically deny invites to group, join guilds, etc.
    2. A command to load many options, keyboard mappings and HUD settings from another of one's characters to avoid having to make the same changes each time a new character is created or the settings get messed up.
    3. Keyboard commands for "Turn Left" and "Turn Right". The current "Move" left and right is a strafe or move sideways without actually changing direction.
    4. Storage for runes and enhancements, similar to the currency tab or a special bag just for them, rather than keeping them in the main bags. It takes two giant bags to hold them all. With the limited number of bags and bag size they consume a considerable amount of precious space.
    5. Storage for mounts on the Character dialog to allow a character to bind multiple mounts and select the mount to ride.
    6. Costume or appearance slots to allow a person to equip items that are for appearance only and do not affect the stats so a character may have a "permanent" appearance rather than changing each time a new piece of armor is equipped in the main characters slots. "Outfits" could be sold in the market or a player could just move a piece of armor or weapon they liked the looks of into the costume/outfit slot and the visual characteristics for that item would be displayed rather than the actual combat item. I have a character in EQ2 that I costumed at around level 5 and it is now level 90 and has always looked exactly the same even though armor and weapons have progressed.
    7. It took me a while to figure out the shared mail concept. Using "permanent" shared mail as a storage device is ridiculous. Why not have a shared area in the user bank to pass items between characters or store items for later.
    8. The character bank vault is too small to be of much use. If more slots for bags were available and vault bags were larger the individual bank vault would be of more use.
    9. I don't see anyway to transfer funds from one character to another. Maybe this is considered exploitive but to move funds from one character to another within an account would allow a long-time player to give an alternate a boost. It's not bringing funds into the game or affecting the economy. It just saves having to do things like buy coal for the other characters professions crafting and mailing it to him. Or buy a piece of armor and send it to him. We had the same problem in other games until shared banking was implemented to our relief.
    10. Window options such as LOCK to allow positioning of windows and locking them in place. I am forever missing the ultra-slender scrollbar and click on the frame of the window and move the window rather than the scrollbar. I like to position many windows and lock them in place. Some others I would allow to float, usually ones that don't have a scrollbar.
    11. A companion control panel to have more control over the movement and actions of the companion. I want to be able to request the companion to remain at my side and not to charging into battle across the area. The cleric companion goes running off to attach a mob across the room while I'm fighting a group and I can't protect her so she becomes incapacitated and unable to fulfill the task she is supposed to be performing, healing me. My only other recourse is to run to her, dragging a train to try and draw off the mobs from her onto me all the while still being attached by the mobs I dragged with me creating an even bigger group of enemy mobs to kill and also causing more adds from nearby.
    12. And my BIGGEST WANT: 1st Person play mode!!! I detest games where I am forced to always play in 3rd person mode. Dungeons and buildings can cause massive amounts of "rubber-banding" of the camera. It can become disorienting and sometimes extremely aggravating when the camera goes behind objects that obstruct the view preventing the me from properly engaging in combat. I usually have to move the camera to a position above the action so the turning of my character isn't throwing the camera all over the place. When the camera moves too frequently and doesn't pause very long, the system doesn't seem to correctly make the objects in the camera's path become transparent quick enough so I am blinded for a while or in some cases permanently until I move. All other MMORPGs that I play, consistently, I play in 1st person mode almost all the time.
    These are my "hot topics" for the moment. I'm not trying to make this like other games, just suggesting some common features that I found useful and made playing a MMORPG with multiple characters more enjoyable.
  • docstarsdocstars Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    id like to see some more sociel stuff.

    1. From SWG... buffs given from guys who play music made ppl gather up in places (was fun imo)
    2. Guild halls/castle or towers or even guild citys like the once in SWG
    3. More looks for the armor and weapons (Wizard should have a staff imo)
    4. A mule ^^
    5. will add more when i get to it in my mind :P
  • fdruid76fdruid76 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    -Druid class. Please.
    -More iconic locations and enemy factions from FR. More star npcs (Jarlaxle was a great surprise)
    -More powers to expand classes, or new paragon paths
  • izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited June 2014
    fdruid76 wrote: »
    -Druid class. Please.
    -More iconic locations and enemy factions from FR. More star npcs (Jarlaxle was a great surprise)
    -More powers to expand classes, or new paragon paths

    Do you not see how old this thread is?
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Holy extremely necro'd thread. Kelemvor is not pleased.

    Especially since the thread starter is "Archived Post"--reserved for when the boards were changed over from Cryptic's old setup after the PWE merger, and that's more than two years ago. Anywho....more than 30 days, please start a new thread.

    And don't reply to necroposts--use the report post function and the mods will respond when we can. Usually we close them for outdated info, however, at our discretion and depending on relevance/subject, we can elect to leave it open.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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