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Shocking Execution damage way out of bounds?



  • wh0wh0 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    Which, is exactly the reason why the key to "balancing" SE lies in not with damage, but with defense against it.

    Crescendo coming? Dodge. A CW giving off the audible **ching ching** queue? Dodge....The TR jumping up, making that deep farting sound **vrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmm**, and telegraphs the attack coming from 1 million light years away?

    ... Die.

    No dodge, no deflect, no invincible dailies, no stealth, nothing. Nothing except the GF with his shield. Drop dead face-down on the spot.

    ...This is what I propose -- increase the activation speed of SE. The TR immediately jumps up to full height, no slow-motion shi*, and then just lands attack immediately when reaches apex of jump.

    No nerf to damage. Heck, I don't care even if it does 100k damage.

    Just let it be doded/teleported/shifted away from like any other power, any other daily. If the TR lands that cheesy SE on me with impeccable timing, so I don't even see it coming, or I have no dodges left? That's good. Nice shot. Well timed, bravo. No qualms at all.

    But when the guy just lazily activates it at any timing, and there's no way for me to avoid that? Bullcrap. It's simply no-brainer, zero-skill easymode. Who the heck needs any skill when you don't need to consider any of the factors that normally requires to be considered when trying to land an attack against people?

    C'mon fellow TRs. Both you know and I know that the probability of a freak accident happening with SE that just blows AP without any effect, is very low and unlikely. Both you know and I know that as long as you get that full AP, it's gonna hit, and you're probably going to win. Doesn't matter even if its keltz0r you're fighting against. As long as somebody gangs up and brings down his health 40~50%, you know you're going to land that SE, and you know you're gonna kill him. Ain't got nothing to do with skill, this power. You know this.

    Well, IMHO SE's dmg comes with dependency on the life % remaining. Nothing wrong with that like you mentioned and i agree with it.

    However it is the hitting part that some are unpleasant with (which likely when low is life you still want to fight and don't use your brain to keep a distance or run and later hit by SE then crying for a nerf), and so If you suggest to make it able to "dodge" away, to be fair remove every other daily which is a sure hit such as cresendos, Indomitable strength, forest walk, etc. And to be even fairer since you want every class to be "fair", make everyone's AP gain homogeneously. So you don't see CW spam ice knife every rotation, etc etc.

    Fyi my TR/GWF/DC with decent gears has never once died by SE in full or 45% life. (Unless you are really spec for pure dmg i may likely die in 40-45%, contrariwise you are squishy that's the fact). So ppl pls don't exaggerate the numbers.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    wh0 wrote: »
    However it is the hitting part that some are unpleasant with (which likely when low is life you still want to fight and don't use your brain to keep a distance or run and later hit by SE then crying for a nerf), and so If you suggest to make it able to "dodge" away, to be fair remove every other daily which is a sure hit such as cresendos, Indomitable strength, forest walk, etc. And to be even fairer since you want every class to be "fair", make everyone's AP gain homogeneously. So you don't see CW spam ice knife every rotation, etc etc.

    ...so which of them is an auto-hit mega-damage power like the SE again?

    Don't even think of bringing the "homogenous" argument to use as an excuse in hopes to stop a nerf which is rightfully expected.

    Fyi my TR/GWF/DC with decent gears has never once died by SE in full or 45% life. (Unless you are really spec for pure dmg i may likely die in 40-45%, contrariwise you are squishy that's the fact). So ppl pls don't exaggerate the numbers.

    Which has, like, zero relevance to the issue at hand. The only thing relevant is there is a power which is undodgeable. And in a game where a squishy's defense mechanics almost solely depends on timed dodges, a power that ignores almost every possible defense mechanic and just guarantees a hit is by definition overpowered even without considering its damage.

    I sincerely hope you weren't part of the "fix the undodgeable Constricting Arrow, Grasping Roots" crew, because any TR who supported that those powers get fixed, is simply a hypocrite if he does not support the undodgeability of SE get fixed.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I survive SE hits all the time. On all three toons. The only time it kills me is when I'm on low HP - which is WAI. I have never once been one-shotted from anything over 50% health, even on my CW.

    Maybe I've just been incredibly lucky? Seems unlikely.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I survive SE hits all the time. On all three toons. The only time it kills me is when I'm on low HP - which is WAI. I have never once been one-shotted from anything over 50% health, even on my CW.

    Maybe I've just been incredibly lucky? Seems unlikely.

    And how long do you survive after that?
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • slushlikewindslushlikewind Member Posts: 272 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    I survive SE hits all the time. On all three toons. The only time it kills me is when I'm on low HP - which is WAI. I have never once been one-shotted from anything over 50% health, even on my CW.

    Maybe I've just been incredibly lucky? Seems unlikely.

    You sound like someone who only play pug PVP and are lucky enough to never run into a well geared TR.
  • froszztfroszzt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 284 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Tbh, I have no clue why there is an argument about this at all. An undodgable power, any power, in a PvP setting? Nevermind the hilarious damage it can do, undodgable in PvP is a big fat NO. That is why people call it "I Win Button". Because it requires ZERO skill on the TR's part and it can very well end the fight right then and there. Sure it has been there since the start but that does not make it suitable for PvP. If you really have a hard time grasping why this power is not suited for PvP then I will pose a suggestion that I am sure all TR kids can relate to. Imagine if they made CW's Ice Knife undodgable and able to hit for the same damage. Hoho, it would be funny as hell because not a single TR could whine about it. But as it is right now the IK deals 10k on a good crit and it sounds like a fire alarm before hitting, giving you all the time in the world to step aside.

    If you want to add to that argument, imagine that the CW used it from stealth and you had no idea what was coming.
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You sound like someone who only play pug PVP and are lucky enough to never run into a well geared TR.
    Yup, I'm one of the 90-odd percent who only PUG in PvP. Can't say whether I've never run into a well-geared Rogue or not, but it seems improbable given the number of rouges in PvP and the number of matches I've played.

    Or are we saying that SE is only a problem for the small percentage of elite players at the very top of the tree?
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Or are we saying that SE is only a problem for the small percentage of elite players at the very top of the tree?

    Been hit for 27K SE crit by pretty noobish r6-7 TR with Perfect Vorpal, while I was at 80% HP. Even the guys without wep enchant will crit for 16-17K - while I am above 50% HP :)

    So... yeah.

    Hard to understand this thing goes through every protection layer? While all other DPS has been nerfed severely by Tenacity?
  • kaicrimkaicrim Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Shocking Execution's damage does not matter, neither does it's increased damage bonus requirement. It's the mere fact that it's undodgeable. And if this were any other game, this would mean, yes, it is broken.

    This game isn't Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, or any other click/tab MMO. This game uses a semi-action combat system. And when I say semi, it's because unlike Dragon Nest, La Tale, Vindictus, etc.., one does not have full control over actions, unaided by auto targeting and whatnot (I really wish Cryptic went the full action route but they expected the average players to find manual aiming a tad too hard... lol).

    So basically to achieve near balance in any action based game specially fighting games or in this case, Player-vs-Player, it's standard to have almost all moves be BLOCKABLE and for anything that isn't blockable, they are and should be DODGEABLE. It's a golden rule, any move that violates this rule is broken. Now this game doesn't provide a blocking option to all classes like other MMOs (eg. RaiderZ) so everything, and I mean EVERY SINGLE OFFENSIVE MOVE, should be DODGEABLE.

    Shocking Execution needs to become dodgeable. No IFs, no BUTs. Period.

    PS. For people who do not get this (ie. those who do not give a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about skill based combat), I recommend playing something... a little bit more dated. I-WIN buttons are a dime a dozen in those games. Cheers.
  • xthebluespiritxxthebluespiritx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    its times like this im glad pwe doesnt listen to your suggestions
    you got killed by an assassin? sad story
    i already quit dc since the last nerf, im running out of classes to play, stop nerfing everything
  • willsommerswillsommers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 103
    edited March 2014
    Hard to understand this thing goes through every protection layer?

    It can be deflected, and is quite regularly. I assume if I use it on a combat HR It'll be deflected more often than not. Above 50% it is not a one shot then even crit.
    way more damage from SE even at almost full hp than crescendo or ice knife.

    So striker class doing more damage than defender or controller? Quick nerf. OP.

    SE has been nerfed already, it used to do enough damage to even be useful in PVE (imagine that). Pretty much all of TR damage has been nerfed into ground because of ppl with slow reaction times.

    Prior to mod 3 I'd have a much better chance one shotting someone with lashing blade vs shocking execution. But hey this game wants PVP to be a boring, snoozefest war of attrition. Which it is.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It can be deflected, and is quite regularly. I assume if I use it on a combat HR It'll be deflected more often than not. Above 50% it is not a one shot then even crit.

    So striker class doing more damage than defender or controller? Quick nerf. OP.

    SE has been nerfed already, it used to do enough damage to even be useful in PVE (imagine that). Pretty much all of TR damage has been nerfed into ground because of ppl with slow reaction times.

    Prior to mod 3 I'd have a much better chance one shotting someone with lashing blade vs shocking execution. But hey this game wants PVP to be a boring, snoozefest war of attrition. Which it is.

    This is about PvP not PvE. Nobody cares if you deal 300K lashings on bosses. I do care when some newbie TR hits my 35K HP 20% Tenacity 31% DR CW for 20k+ damage while I'm at almost full HP, and I cannot dodge it.

    All damage was nerfed. SE is out of line. Put it where it belongs, ie together with the rest of the pack.

    Also not our fault it's a war of attrition, take that out on the devs. I personally asked for Tenacity to never hit Live yet it did, GG.
  • willsommerswillsommers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 103
    edited March 2014
    I do care when some newbie TR hits my 35K HP 20% Tenacity 31% DR CW for 20k+ damage while I'm at almost full HP, and I cannot dodge it.

    And that's exactly what a TR is supposed to do. CW is a control class not a damage class. It SHOULD do less damage than a TR. A TR should be able to one shot you if it gets the drop on you. The fact that they slowed down, dumbed down PVP (all 2 maps of it) is ridiculous. The slowest most boring pvp since people have been playing against each other over modems. Doom had more exciting PVP. It's a joke.

    Just be glad you aren't be killed by TRs using lurkers (again nerfed) with tens and cloud of steel.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    A TR should be able to one shot you if it gets the drop on you.

    Nice bait. If you think like this, the argument is over from my part.

    BTW, devs tried to removes exactly this part from the game - who gets in first rotation wins.

    You do know that the current BiS permas are either hidden either CC immune almost all time? While dealing damage with their <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> PotB and at wills, then SEing you? You think this is OK? Fine by me... suit yourself.
  • wh0wh0 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    ...so which of them is an auto-hit mega-damage power like the SE again?

    Don't even think of bringing the "homogenous" argument to use as an excuse in hopes to stop a nerf which is rightfully expected.

    Which has, like, zero relevance to the issue at hand. The only thing relevant is there is a power which is undodgeable. And in a game where a squishy's defense mechanics almost solely depends on timed dodges, a power that ignores almost every possible defense mechanic and just guarantees a hit is by definition overpowered even without considering its damage.

    I sincerely hope you weren't part of the "fix the undodgeable Constricting Arrow, Grasping Roots" crew, because any TR who supported that those powers get fixed, is simply a hypocrite if he does not support the undodgeability of SE get fixed.

    SE is "mega-damage" with dependancy while the rest are fixed w/o it, Pls be clear.

    Don't u think that u are over whinny and come up with so many of your personal assumptions. I don't care whether there's a nerf coming or whatever. Well, simply adapt and play! Else move on.. Why harp on something as if the dev owes you? If they feels that whatever is OP i am sure they will do something, just like how they fixed GWF's immortal survivability.
  • willsommerswillsommers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 103
    edited March 2014
    BTW, devs tried to removes exactly this part from the game - who gets in first rotation wins.

    I know old school PVP is over cause of whiny casuals. Don't have the reflexes, PC, ability to strike first. QQ. Slow down PVP for them.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I know old school PVP is over cause of whiny casuals. Don't have the reflexes, PC, ability to strike first. QQ. Slow down PVP for them.

    Bullchi*. Gimme a vid/pic of;

    (a) someone deflecting SE
    (b) someone dodging SE

    There are a zillion MI TRs out there, so I'm pretty sure you won't have a problem finding someone trying to use SE on you any given day, any given moment when you are playing PvP.

    Preferably I'd like to see your "reflexes" in dodging/deflecting SE.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    wh0 wrote: »
    SE is "mega-damage" with dependancy while the rest are fixed w/o it, Pls be clear.

    Don't u think that u are over whinny and come up with so many of your personal assumptions. I don't care whether there's a nerf coming or whatever. Well, simply adapt and play! Else move on.. Why harp on something as if the dev owes you? If they feels that whatever is OP i am sure they will do something, just like how they fixed GWF's immortal survivability.

    So you're saying a power, even if it is conditional, that can hit for over 30k a pop, that cannot be escaped from in any way, is not OP?

    Cool story, bro.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • bonusitembonusitem Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And that's exactly what a TR is supposed to do. CW is a control class not a damage class. It SHOULD do less damage than a TR. A TR should be able to one shot you if it gets the drop on you.

    I hate to break this to you, but with tenacity, CWs lost a huge amount their control (and also their crit damage).

    Did TRs lose any SE damage with tenacity? Nope. The new sets gave rogues power. Your ITC wasn't nerfed by tenacity either. And your stealth was increased. You can't compare SE to "control" wizards.

    Furthermore, to the people that think someone should be able to one-shot someone at 50% health, really?
  • bonusitembonusitem Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Nice bait. If you think like this, the argument is over from my part.

    BTW, devs tried to removes exactly this part from the game - who gets in first rotation wins.

    You do know that the current BiS permas are either hidden either CC immune almost all time? While dealing damage with their <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> PotB and at wills, then SEing you? You think this is OK? Fine by me... suit yourself.

    Pers3phone is 100% right.
  • adernathadernath Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And that's exactly what a TR is supposed to do. CW is a control class not a damage class. It SHOULD do less damage than a TR.
    LoL what a hilarious argument. Then a trickster rogue should make zero damage as well. He should just use tricks and cunningness to deceive his enemies.
    Suggestions to improve NW:
    - Dualspec
    - Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
    - Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
    - Armory
    - make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    adernath wrote: »
    LoL what a hilarious argument. Then a trickster rogue should make zero damage as well. He should just use tricks and cunningness to deceive his enemies.

    Touche, adernath, touche :D
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • jiglesjigles Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    adernath wrote: »
    LoL what a hilarious argument. Then a trickster rogue should make zero damage as well. He should just use tricks and cunningness to deceive his enemies.

    HIEHEHIEHIEHIE still laughing! xD Then the solution is easy... Devs should meld all classes into 1... all fight from equal parts, and from the same point.... good? o.O

    Seriously.. with all nerfs TR has had... if u cant survive/kill one.. then u should go play flappy something! (or even just FAP FAP FAP) ;)
    Collision - LVL 60 TR ○○○ ENYO - LVL 60 CW
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm prety sure the TR is primarly a striker role, and the CW is primarly a controller role. So a TR *should* in theory do more damage than a CW.
  • sanesjkasanesjka Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The thing that cracks me up about you all crying about YET ANOTHER TR ability...

    is you all only look at the number that pops up and dont even pay attention to the fact of how much health you lost...

    Shocking Execution does more damage based off how much health you have already lost.

    So I can hit you for 80k if you only have 1 % of your health remaining if your debuffed.

    The number is not the issue. the issue is you putting yourself into position for Shocking to hit those numbers, which means you pretty much are already dead.

    The OP mentions "I couldnt dodge it ". Which tells me we are dealing with yet another person with minimal knowledge of PvP complaining about abilities and this is, quite frankly, getting very old.

    Learn about other classes abilities before you come in here and complain about them.

    Please... I think every person with knowledge on this server begs of you.

    Know what your talking about before coming here and crying about it.
  • lazureelazuree Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    sanesjka wrote: »
    The thing that cracks me up about you all crying about YET ANOTHER TR ability...

    is you all only look at the number that pops up and dont even pay attention to the fact of how much health you lost...

    Shocking Execution does more damage based off how much health you have already lost.

    So I can hit you for 80k if you only have 1 % of your health remaining if your debuffed.

    The number is not the issue. the issue is you putting yourself into position for Shocking to hit those numbers, which means you pretty much are already dead.

    The OP mentions "I couldnt dodge it ". Which tells me we are dealing with yet another person with minimal knowledge of PvP complaining about abilities and this is, quite frankly, getting very old.

    Learn about other classes abilities before you come in here and complain about them.

    Please... I think every person with knowledge on this server begs of you.

    Know what your talking about before coming here and crying about it.

    a large portion of the pvp community agrees it needs nerf... I have a DC with 45% tenacity have 75% hp which from 36k is still quite a bit. When I get shocking'd it takes me to 5%... seems like something's a bit off no?

    The problem with TR daily is that it is the only one that goes through both tenacity and defense while also taking in account the hp lost. However, if I lose 25% of my HP it should not be critting me for 20k already.
    They need to either make tenacity affect shocking or reduce the base damage. They are already planning to do the latter, but in it's current state, it is definitely not balanced

    Anyways, I have a tr too so it's not like I hate shocking execution b/c OMG TR's OP. it's more like I feel like it's easy mode when i play a TR b/c you just press 1 or 2 and you are guaranteed a kill
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't think they should reduce the damage or thefact that it goes through defenses, but they should change the % of remaining HP where it starts making serious damage. Doing a SW to someone with 50%-100% damage shouldn't do 20k, it should do 5k or something. but if you're under 30-40% HP then I'm fine with the damage it does.
  • akemnosakemnos Member Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    so you want a daily power to do less damage than an encounter power 50% of the time?
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I said 5k as a random number, could be 10k or something, but my point is that the bonus damage is what should makes it really powerful, and using it outside of the bonus range shoulsn't be too powerful.
    Besides is the damage is kept the same, it's not too hard to wait till the enemy has less than 50% HP
  • adernathadernath Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    sanesjka wrote: »
    The thing that cracks me up about you all crying about YET ANOTHER TR ability...

    is you all only look at the number that pops up and dont even pay attention to the fact of how much health you lost...

    Shocking Execution does more damage based off how much health you have already lost.
    So I can hit you for 80k if you only have 1 % of your health remaining if your debuffed.

    The number is not the issue. the issue is you putting yourself into position for Shocking to hit those numbers, which means you pretty much are already dead.

    The OP mentions "I couldnt dodge it ". Which tells me we are dealing with yet another person with minimal knowledge of PvP complaining about abilities and this is, quite frankly, getting very old.

    Learn about other classes abilities before you come in here and complain about them.

    Please... I think every person with knowledge on this server begs of you.

    Know what your talking about before coming here and crying about it.

    I really do not understand why people like you come here and start arguing without even carefully reading the posts about this topic. Because then you would recognize that there are enogh reports of SE doing that insane damage at almost full hp. (I have now made it bold and with underline). The issue is not a large hit at 1% hp lol.

    Second: You should perhaps post a video of you dodging that ability. It seems like you have no idea about the difference between dodging an ability and going out of range. I would say you have to learn a bit more before you come here and 'cry' around.
    Suggestions to improve NW:
    - Dualspec
    - Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
    - Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
    - Armory
    - make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
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