So, as a ranger, I must say... split shot 45% dmg reduction??? anyone ever heard of BALANCE? you dont just yank the slider down half way when you are making adjustments.... that is the most common OVER CORRECTION! wake up!
That is why it is on the PREVIEW server and not yet on LIVE. They are testing it at the new value. If they determine that it is too much of a nerf (which I think it is, 30% might be more reasonable, possibly even 25%) then expect them to tweak the reduction amount.
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
first off im want to introduce myself. I play since Beta-Weekends and im none of the fresh lvl 60s none of the people i see in the "Livestream" (btw i would fire these people asap. they represent your company and currently i have a headache from facepalming after seeing 5 livestreams on youtube. i was too afraid to check out the other livestream i onlysaw the german one).
I may not be the most "skilled player", my reputation is SC II Diamond League and touching Challenger Rank in League of Legends for a few days. However I'm really into theorycrafting and i can proudly say i have a decent idea of the mechanics in this game.
I have played all classes and did nearly every dungeon with all of them tested most paragon paths. I dont wanna talk about the guardian fighter we all know the hunter ranger was designed to cover up the lich of this poor guy. Its just sad.. just sad.
Lets start with PvE. This is first and foremost a PvE game (i hope). Before you do any new content you should fix some existing problems! And i dont mean that the Lair of Mad Dragon-dragon is a harder boss than Karrundax, while Phyrrenia beats both. I mean bugs!
Exploits! Wouldnt that be a good start for a new extension? Hmmm?
At the moment Dungeons arent scaling well... the fresh lvl60s fail cause they have no idea on T1 dungeons and currently a fellow GWF is close to the 2-GWF-CN run (i bet he does it today! 2-man-CN-run is already done but only with a CW). So please make easy dungeons easier or make a guide were its written capital: GET ***** BETTER GEAR FOR LESS THAN 1K IN AH BEFORE YOU ENTER T1s!
Or something more respectful.
GWF: I made a new GWF not even two months ago just sitting on r7s and 2 blue artifacts (gear done and p.vorp) i rock everything.
Going up to Legendary Artifacts and r10s along with Epic companions will just make me insane! But lets be honest the idea of the GWF is wrong if you patch him that way he will fade again and the thousands of people that have GWFs now will leave or just go back to their other chars. He was good cause he was easy and if you cut 50% DPS and break the whole Pure DPS build you break the GWF himself.
Iron Vanguard will remain a PvP class, to some extend only.
CW: GOD IM TIRED OF THIS CLASS! I played CW for one year now. And its nice but all you do is being a cw you can do everything and you get everything but thats kinda lame so thanks for new classes but this is our game! With the fix on GWF were back on 4xCW 1xDC (for the lols cause we imagine that real women play DCs or just for the sake of having a backup) or simply 5xCW CWS CWS EVERYWERE I SEE IT COMING!
HR: I made a new HR and its full PvP build, cause this class sucks balls in PvE why? 1. No CC! You have roots fine, but if you want AoE roots you have a build that ends up being complete dumbster. 2. Aggro = yup you gave him purely power and easy to obtain stats like armorpen (through STR and through mosts Sets) WHY? Damage only works with a GWF only or with CC! So were at 3. Tankiness, well if you have no CC everything will zerg on you and if you cant tank that your done! Everything i see from HRs in PvE is that they kite 3-10 adds while spamming shift backwards. PvE is nothing for the HR a nature or pathfinder HR will be and remain useless. Even on full buffing spec a CW is just better!
DC: I have a dc too and well being a DC is nice but soon i need to pay people to pick me up for VT... Players in Endgame know that pure CW and GWF parties are best! Were bound to drag unexperienced new players through T1 and T2 dungeons and if they are to dumb we cant heal that? Doesnt seem to good, sorry! Only exception is CN but that a main issue.. if you want to archieve something you have to run CN or know how the AH works.
TR: Okay the TR is usefull in PvE! He has .. Wicked Reminder for boss fights! And... well thats it. He is still outclassed by other classes.
Now lets talk about this funny thing you brought into this game and that you focus so much on: PvP. I have no idea what the designers of the game are thinking. I would suicide the work of mapdesign for example in dungeons would be my work! No jokes! Its so bad that after one year, ONE WHOLE YEAR(!) you can still exploit the same stuff! Is this intended? Do you try to make the maps so big and uneconomic that people with bad pcs ( i have stable 20FPS on the lowest and i mean the lowest resolution and settings possible) simply can't play the game? Do you only like 12-20 year old players with rich parents along with the old DnD fans that dont give a **** about what you do if you write DnD on it? Must be it! I expected a lot of this game, really, and im disappointed. Please change the name to: Could have been the best mmo of its time but NEVER will be cause we ****ed up "a little"- WINTER.
But back to the topic PvP:
TRs ridiculous - You give them the ability to not be seen or targeted and then you buff their AoE-DPS so they just run around you and kill you? And i dont even wanna talk about SE...
HRs they are beast okay! But if you wanna nerf them just nerf the build that focuses on ranged only playstyle that wrecks pugging (undergeared people die to Split Shot sure!)
But why is fox shift only a 1-hit per target? Why you dont nerf the damage only? If you lower the ranged potential of the HR why you kill all the reward for taking the risk of a melee range with fox shift? Yes CC immunity haha as if you cant get CC before or after!
But okay we (i) accept that and maybe a few very skilled players can still be able to do something if anything with their HRs in PvP only though...
The Community of competitive PvP is very small. Go out and ask someone of them or read xmousepadxs statement or from other people of chocolate shoppe they know, unlike me, what they talk about.
GF: no statement. just sadness
GWF: Yup you cant go close or they knock you down... thats it just standing on points and defending. Ive lost matches against 2-3 GWF while everyone of them had a 0.5 or 0.3 KDA but they just sat on points long enough
CW: Their CC and Burst is a real obstacle. But nerf the others and the CW might thrive again.
Now im very very curious about Power and from the actions cryptic or perfect world (whoever has the lead here) did, i am kinda sure you guys dont even know what will happen with that change, neither do i but we will see. we will see!
Now to the new content:
Okay new PvP/PvE mix no problem. Again easier for some classes, harder for others. But hey, DCs can hide behind a premade group or a guild, thats fair isnt it?
New gear okay extend late game as we expected thats fine for me! I even do like the weak story you put up there. And i like snowy/icy stuff thank you very much
Dungeons keys, i see some unbound-bound or some problems incoming were people will somehow abuse it! I swear there will be an issue!
But the general idea is nice, really!
Class Artifacts thank you! Its hard to obtain Emblem of Seldarine or Valindras Crown and this brings most players a way to actually use their 3 Artifact slots.
The 6-Day Coin Reward should stay as 30 Feysparks. The campaign of Sharandar is slower, nobody with a brain spends his resources on gauntlets over boons, you know that!
Overall i have to say: I expected more. We all know that Valindra has a phylactery and that one extension will bring us the quest to destroy it, but reasonable that this wont happen that soon. However a large group of players already left Neverwinter and the rest, so do i, demand a rework not an extension. Icewind Dale seems to be nothing more than a nice feature. The main problems arent fixed! If you wanna "gear-cap" you can only farm CN all day! Or do you really though somebody would be able to gain money from the quests you get by Rhix? My GWF is not two months old and i have 500k+ rAD and it still goes up!
There are 100s, no 1000s of problems and i dont even expect that all of them will be fixed but some major issues must be solved or this game gonna die. And that in a very slow and nasty way.
One Example how not to motivate players to play the game is this:
Preview: Respen's Marvelous Game
"Complete the game and you will be rewarded with amazing new items. Here’s a sneak peak of one of the rewards:"
And then you follow up with a picture of a HR in T2 PvP Gear standing at the entrance of the Chasm. Were is the reward? THE BLOB?
Come and play a game and get a most likely 100% useless BLOB? Oh nice you can pet it and maybe it sucks of your feets but hey its a BLOB... I cant stop laughing that somebody is trying to sell this...
I hope nobody picks this up to negative, I only focused on these things but the good parts of Neverwinter excist too!
I really enjoy this game and i would go so far to say i love it! But dealing with what i wrote above makes me sad...
Looking forward to critic and general answers
Your BlackyLuke
PS: I actually like the blob... just because its a blob. Could we have a day-of-the-tentacle companion too? ;x
kolbe11Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
GF: Did you see that? I did THREE points more damage with lunging strike just now!!!
GWF: Yeah, but your KC set didn't even make my sword tingle.
GF: But I did more damage and can play with you all more again, right?
Team: ......
CW: Hey HR, I think you need to sit this one out... go stand by the GF.
"It is said that idle hands are the Devil's tools: Idle geek hands, however, came up with gunpowder, nuclear weapons, and toilet plungers." -Illiad
You haven't increased the size of the currency bag , unless you give players the ability to dump old useless currency or significantly increase the size of the currency bag a lot of people will begin to run out of space this module.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You haven't increased the size of the currency bag , unless you give players the ability to dump old useless currency or significantly increase the size of the currency bag a lot of people will begin to run out of space this module.
I'm a bit disappointed none of the currency tab suggestions made it into mod 3. Same with the continuing lack of an account bank.
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
edited March 2014
Any chance a Cryptic employee could take a minute to tell us what enemies from Icewind Dale are being added to the foundry?
I assume the barbarians, giants, polar bears, yeti, and undead are all being added. What about the rogue? The Remorhazz? (The young ones. The boss one would be awesome but I'm guessing that is very unlikely at this point.)
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
And HR keeps getting uncalled nerf. Vines is the only encounter that should be getting nerfed, instead they turn HR into the worst class the game has to offer after people invest money and time building one. Split was good as it was, let alone nerf Fox which was btw the only reason why HR can go melee, there are no real dps encounters HR has besides fox, and it gets nerfed as well. Congrats.-
btw, making GWF more OPd than it already is wont help balance at all, considering HR will be a worthless class once this is released.-
And HR keeps getting uncalled nerf. Vines is the only encounter that should be getting nerfed, instead they turn HR into the worst class the game has to offer after people invest money and time building one. Split was good as it was, let alone nerf Fox which was btw the only reason why HR can go melee, there are no real dps encounters HR has besides fox, and it gets nerfed as well. Congrats.-
btw, making GWF more OPd than it already is wont help balance at all, considering HR will be a worthless class once this is released.-
And that is why the changes are on the test server , instead of coming to the patch notes complaining it's probably a better idea to go to the HR feedback thread and explain in a calm way why the changes are too much and what alternative is a better option.
Im fairly new to the community ^^ and forgive my tone but it is simply ridiculous how one of the classes that needs the most love is getting the worst out of mod 3. New paragon path hardly makes up for the nerf HR gets. As for what i said about GWF it was not aimed to PvE but to PvP. I dont know a single person who would disagree with the fact that GWF is way too OPd. But i guess iambecks is right, this doesnt belong on the patch notes, i get too carried away ^^
Split shot damage needed to be lowered. it's crazy that people could spam an at will skill and still get on the top positions of paingiver for CTA's for example. Even at lv 13. (that could be a problem with damage scaling too though)
Maybe 45% is too much but that's why it's a preview server, we have to see how it plays.
In general I love most of teh stuff for module 3, it' works different than the other 2 modules, and I like that. Variation is fun.
Love that we're getting m,ore music events for the foundry too, I hope you cna fix the bug with the sounds that don't play though. I remember some of the devs saying that was going to be fixed shortly after, but so far nothing has changed.
and more hairs, nice!
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Split shot damage needed to be lowered. it's crazy that people could spam an at will skill and still get on the top positions of paingiver for CTA's for example. Even at lv 13. (that could be a problem with damage scaling too though)
Paingiver is because of the damage scaling. But everyone figured Split Shot damage being where it was was a design decision made due to HR encounter and daily powers offering very little by way of damage. If I have time, I'll have to port my HR and see if the feel in Dread/Sharandar is dramatically different to live. If it is no longer possible to one-shot a mob of powries, there's a problem, because I can do that with a DC or GF.
Maybe 45% is too much but that's why it's a preview server, we have to see how it plays.
Correct me if I am wrong...
But wasn't the original damage for Split Shot tested internally and on test servers?
And yet they got it wrong...
So what makes you think that they will get it right this time?
And I have to agree with someone earlier (pages back I think) that these changes are done mostly for PvP.
And seriously... Who really cares who is on top of Paingiver? Besides those who like to brag about how cool they are.
And on a side note...
I wish they would fix the bugs in foundry instead of adding more things that will probably be bugged...
Sweet Water and Light Laughter Till Next We Meet.
Who really cares who is on top of Paingiver? Besides those who like to brag about how cool they are.
I guess paingiver is important to the classes that offer zero utility/cc. What exactly is the HR supposed to do in dungeons if mobs run around wildly and split shot does low damage? When I started playing this game, I figured the classes were designed around what they could offer in dungeons, but I don't think Cryptic is interested in making a D&D game. I hope focusing on PvP works out for them, but I do think they should change the name of the game.
I guess paingiver is important to the classes that offer zero utility/cc. What exactly is the HR supposed to do in dungeons if mobs run around wildly and split shot does low damage? When I started playing this game, I figured the classes were designed around what they could offer in dungeons, but I don't think Cryptic is interested in making a D&D game. I hope focusing on PvP works out for them, but I do think they should change the name of the game.
It's funny you say that...
I played the old PnP DnD game more then 20 years ago. And I swear that the vast majority of those games did not take place in dungeons. Yes we went into "dungeons", but most of what we were doing was getting to the dungeon area.
And let's face it... It is almost impossible to create a real DnD MMO. What I mean is that PnP DnD was meant for 4-8 players meeting once a week for a few hours. Not a constant persistent world where you play in it every day for hours.
And I will admit that I do not like the direction they are taking Neverwinter...
Sweet Water and Light Laughter Till Next We Meet.
NO CONTROL WIZARD NERF ????? Are you serious guys ? CWs have broken the game, they have b-r-o-k-e-n the game..
Don't you see that this game will DIE if you continue to fail to deliver to balance things out ?!
--Second Step: current content/epic dungeons is fine for newcomers but seasoned players DEMAND more suitable content for them, harder, intelligent, faster enemies with strong immunities that require strategies to beat INSTEAD OF class nerfs to try to balance the game.
You fail to deliver. You send your old players the message to abandon your game because there is no point in daubling over the same old. Then you throw boons to bait them into making their players more powerful but then all that power causes you to apply class nerfs, all the while IGNORING the game-breaking CONTROL WIZARD. The cycle goes on and on.
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
NO CONTROL WIZARD NERF ????? Are you serious guys ? CWs have broken the game, they have b-r-o-k-e-n the game..
Don't you see that this game will DIE if you continue to fail to deliver to balance things out ?!
--Second Step: current content/epic dungeons is fine for newcomers but seasoned players DEMAND more suitable content for them, harder, intelligent, faster enemies with strong immunities that require strategies to beat INSTEAD OF class nerfs to try to balance the game.
You fail to deliver. You send your old players the message to abandon your game because there is no point in daubling over the same old. Then you throw boons to bait them into making their players more powerful but then all that power causes you to apply class nerfs, all the while IGNORING the game-breaking CONTROL WIZARD. The cycle goes on and on.
Wouldn't buffing the other classes be better?
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
Regarding the new options in customising the appearance of the characters: the old hairs now look like hair for a scarecrow, would be really nice to see the old ones improved as well in the future.
Seriously not, power creeping is never a good idea.
The content is well playable as of now and any further buffing would make it all even easier; this is not a race of over powered classes chasing each other to the moon and further.
(All classes get enough stats via Artifacts and Enchantments and equipment, no need to power up the powers too over the top.)
And I am not sure, that someone said it before, but, HR's are well paid for using Split Shot by getting all the agro, whether in dungeons or CTA. So, if they reduce the damage that much, it will be just silly.
And I see that a lot of people are complaining about HR's in pvp, but first - it's not a pvp game. It has a pvp stuff, but still.
And the second thing is that HR's are the weakest class in game. I mean encounter and daily skills. No, really. I guess, no one of those who agreed with reducing the damage of split shot and "fixing" Fox's shift are never played HR.
P.s.: and it's kind of silly, too, to worry about being not on the top of Paingiver...
P.s.s: And it looks like by adding module 3, devs are killing the class that was one of the main feature in module 2. Well done.
Well i've been testing in preview on my DC... and w/o any changes to the build, im healing my self less than before on pve too...
We ask for some love and we get another Nerf. I was sad already they weren't removing righteousness and just rephrasing it. But now i realize it is not just a rephrase. This is probably beacuse of the touches they have been doing in the feats. We, DCs, need some love at this point. Not another nerf. We are already useless in pvp because of HD+Righteousness. Totally killed the class. Please don't nerf us in pve too...
Dear HR class players devs hate you and decided to make it so you will no longer be allowed into any pvp or pve parties so be ready to be kicked from parties just for being HR so for those that live for Skirmishes and delves and all things PVE time to swap to control wizard as they are the class everyone will want in parties... as if being HR wasnt hard enough to be partied now we wont be in any parties.... (hands devs a shotgun) here just kill the HR class off fully and write it off as an oooops we dont like bow classes. There problem solved. Now the sharandar cache bein removed for a useless dread ring that is not really used umm why? Dread ring is over rated by far considering other then knox daily dungeon quests the others are useless unlike sharandar cache that is used daily to help build 60s up and the new artifact quest where we need 2 60s just to get it well big mistake taking the shara cache out just a heads up the new map goooood the other nerfs droppin hr to useless and still not giving clerics a healing buff that we need is kinda lame when a cleric is more tank then healer and hr is deemed useless ummm what's the deal?
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited March 2014
Hi dear devs this is my feedback:
You force me to make Perma hide TR or CW. I have spend ower 80 mill ad to GWF&GF (also have DC & HR ) but i have now no options left only 2 classes reain usefull. My GWF " destroyer path " dont deal any dmg in dungenons can be killed by 1 perma TR easly ,you maked this char to eat all dmg also GF then why we can at least do some dmg ?
So what shoud i do or better say make ?
Most pvp pve"solo" OP perma TR?
Or the king of ranged control dps machine CW?(what can i say here armor penetration bugged and still the king in dps OMG)?
Pls give me an answer i deserve it i spend too much in this game my second char ruined agan to the deep abyss?
Also negative feedback :The music in icewind dale is awfull the same as in any orc rushed place no music desing.
Positive feedback the encounter are intresting and nice farming place realy i loved it . Also i love the remoraz raid but no revard:(
HR class players devs hate you and decided to make it so you will no longer be allowed into any pvp or pve
With your split shot, nerfed or not, you know you are strong in pvp and always welcome, stop joking.
And if we don't want HR in PVE it's because split shot take too much aggro and mob are always chasing you.
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
With your split shot, nerfed or not, you know you are strong in pvp and always welcome, stop joking.
And if we don't want HR in PVE it's because split shot take too much aggro and mob are always chasing you.
This would be a valid point if
1: The Guardian Fighter skills were what they should be for a Tank class i.e a decent block/guard ability and better threat levels, and better O.S Skills The Biggest Example of this being Iron warrior, When below 10% health can give a max of 5500 Temp health but the Tool Tip kind of indicates it recovers your guard meter and can sustain more damage before breaking.... pfft yeah right..
2: It was not utter nonsense, CW and GWF is exactly the same in terms of AOE, the only difference GWF - Unstoppable and melee based and CW Stun/CC to pull them together and more stuns so they can resist alot more Damage to them
P.S I can pull Agro of ANY GF/GWF with Aimed shot on solo target so the point is mute
That is why it is on the PREVIEW server and not yet on LIVE. They are testing it at the new value. If they determine that it is too much of a nerf (which I think it is, 30% might be more reasonable, possibly even 25%) then expect them to tweak the reduction amount.
thats untrue in So many ways, and the Damage from split shot is needed to offset the weakness of our encounters
or did you forget its already had a 10% and a 30% nerf, we dont need another 45% nerf on it
first off im want to introduce myself. I play since Beta-Weekends and im none of the fresh lvl 60s none of the people i see in the "Livestream" (btw i would fire these people asap. they represent your company and currently i have a headache from facepalming after seeing 5 livestreams on youtube. i was too afraid to check out the other livestream i onlysaw the german one).
I may not be the most "skilled player", my reputation is SC II Diamond League and touching Challenger Rank in League of Legends for a few days. However I'm really into theorycrafting and i can proudly say i have a decent idea of the mechanics in this game.
I have played all classes and did nearly every dungeon with all of them tested most paragon paths. I dont wanna talk about the guardian fighter we all know the hunter ranger was designed to cover up the lich of this poor guy. Its just sad.. just sad.
Lets start with PvE. This is first and foremost a PvE game (i hope). Before you do any new content you should fix some existing problems! And i dont mean that the Lair of Mad Dragon-dragon is a harder boss than Karrundax, while Phyrrenia beats both. I mean bugs!
Exploits! Wouldnt that be a good start for a new extension? Hmmm?
At the moment Dungeons arent scaling well... the fresh lvl60s fail cause they have no idea on T1 dungeons and currently a fellow GWF is close to the 2-GWF-CN run (i bet he does it today! 2-man-CN-run is already done but only with a CW). So please make easy dungeons easier or make a guide were its written capital: GET ***** BETTER GEAR FOR LESS THAN 1K IN AH BEFORE YOU ENTER T1s!
Or something more respectful.
GWF: I made a new GWF not even two months ago just sitting on r7s and 2 blue artifacts (gear done and p.vorp) i rock everything.
Going up to Legendary Artifacts and r10s along with Epic companions will just make me insane! But lets be honest the idea of the GWF is wrong if you patch him that way he will fade again and the thousands of people that have GWFs now will leave or just go back to their other chars. He was good cause he was easy and if you cut 50% DPS and break the whole Pure DPS build you break the GWF himself.
Iron Vanguard will remain a PvP class, to some extend only.
CW: GOD IM TIRED OF THIS CLASS! I played CW for one year now. And its nice but all you do is being a cw you can do everything and you get everything but thats kinda lame so thanks for new classes but this is our game! With the fix on GWF were back on 4xCW 1xDC (for the lols cause we imagine that real women play DCs or just for the sake of having a backup) or simply 5xCW CWS CWS EVERYWERE I SEE IT COMING!
HR: I made a new HR and its full PvP build, cause this class sucks balls in PvE why? 1. No CC! You have roots fine, but if you want AoE roots you have a build that ends up being complete dumbster. 2. Aggro = yup you gave him purely power and easy to obtain stats like armorpen (through STR and through mosts Sets) WHY? Damage only works with a GWF only or with CC! So were at 3. Tankiness, well if you have no CC everything will zerg on you and if you cant tank that your done! Everything i see from HRs in PvE is that they kite 3-10 adds while spamming shift backwards. PvE is nothing for the HR a nature or pathfinder HR will be and remain useless. Even on full buffing spec a CW is just better!
DC: I have a dc too and well being a DC is nice but soon i need to pay people to pick me up for VT... Players in Endgame know that pure CW and GWF parties are best! Were bound to drag unexperienced new players through T1 and T2 dungeons and if they are to dumb we cant heal that? Doesnt seem to good, sorry! Only exception is CN but that a main issue.. if you want to archieve something you have to run CN or know how the AH works.
TR: Okay the TR is usefull in PvE! He has .. Wicked Reminder for boss fights! And... well thats it. He is still outclassed by other classes.
Now lets talk about this funny thing you brought into this game and that you focus so much on: PvP. I have no idea what the designers of the game are thinking. I would suicide the work of mapdesign for example in dungeons would be my work! No jokes! Its so bad that after one year, ONE WHOLE YEAR(!) you can still exploit the same stuff! Is this intended? Do you try to make the maps so big and uneconomic that people with bad pcs ( i have stable 20FPS on the lowest and i mean the lowest resolution and settings possible) simply can't play the game? Do you only like 12-20 year old players with rich parents along with the old DnD fans that dont give a **** about what you do if you write DnD on it? Must be it! I expected a lot of this game, really, and im disappointed. Please change the name to: Could have been the best mmo of its time but NEVER will be cause we ****ed up "a little"- WINTER.
But back to the topic PvP:
TRs ridiculous - You give them the ability to not be seen or targeted and then you buff their AoE-DPS so they just run around you and kill you? And i dont even wanna talk about SE...
HRs they are beast okay! But if you wanna nerf them just nerf the build that focuses on ranged only playstyle that wrecks pugging (undergeared people die to Split Shot sure!)
But why is fox shift only a 1-hit per target? Why you dont nerf the damage only? If you lower the ranged potential of the HR why you kill all the reward for taking the risk of a melee range with fox shift? Yes CC immunity haha as if you cant get CC before or after!
But okay we (i) accept that and maybe a few very skilled players can still be able to do something if anything with their HRs in PvP only though...
The Community of competitive PvP is very small. Go out and ask someone of them or read xmousepadxs statement or from other people of chocolate shoppe they know, unlike me, what they talk about.
GF: no statement. just sadness
GWF: Yup you cant go close or they knock you down... thats it just standing on points and defending. Ive lost matches against 2-3 GWF while everyone of them had a 0.5 or 0.3 KDA but they just sat on points long enough
CW: Their CC and Burst is a real obstacle. But nerf the others and the CW might thrive again.
Now im very very curious about Power and from the actions cryptic or perfect world (whoever has the lead here) did, i am kinda sure you guys dont even know what will happen with that change, neither do i but we will see. we will see!
Now to the new content:
Okay new PvP/PvE mix no problem. Again easier for some classes, harder for others. But hey, DCs can hide behind a premade group or a guild, thats fair isnt it?
New gear okay extend late game as we expected thats fine for me! I even do like the weak story you put up there. And i like snowy/icy stuff thank you very much
Dungeons keys, i see some unbound-bound or some problems incoming were people will somehow abuse it! I swear there will be an issue!
But the general idea is nice, really!
Class Artifacts thank you! Its hard to obtain Emblem of Seldarine or Valindras Crown and this brings most players a way to actually use their 3 Artifact slots.
The 6-Day Coin Reward should stay as 30 Feysparks. The campaign of Sharandar is slower, nobody with a brain spends his resources on gauntlets over boons, you know that!
Overall i have to say: I expected more. We all know that Valindra has a phylactery and that one extension will bring us the quest to destroy it, but reasonable that this wont happen that soon. However a large group of players already left Neverwinter and the rest, so do i, demand a rework not an extension. Icewind Dale seems to be nothing more than a nice feature. The main problems arent fixed! If you wanna "gear-cap" you can only farm CN all day! Or do you really though somebody would be able to gain money from the quests you get by Rhix? My GWF is not two months old and i have 500k+ rAD and it still goes up!
There are 100s, no 1000s of problems and i dont even expect that all of them will be fixed but some major issues must be solved or this game gonna die. And that in a very slow and nasty way.
One Example how not to motivate players to play the game is this:
Preview: Respen's Marvelous Game
"Complete the game and you will be rewarded with amazing new items. Here’s a sneak peak of one of the rewards:"
And then you follow up with a picture of a HR in T2 PvP Gear standing at the entrance of the Chasm. Were is the reward? THE BLOB?
Come and play a game and get a most likely 100% useless BLOB? Oh nice you can pet it and maybe it sucks of your feets but hey its a BLOB... I cant stop laughing that somebody is trying to sell this...
I hope nobody picks this up to negative, I only focused on these things but the good parts of Neverwinter excist too!
I really enjoy this game and i would go so far to say i love it! But dealing with what i wrote above makes me sad...
Looking forward to critic and general answers
Your BlackyLuke
PS: I actually like the blob... just because its a blob. Could we have a day-of-the-tentacle companion too? ;x
GWF: Yeah, but your KC set didn't even make my sword tingle.
GF: But I did more damage and can play with you all more again, right?
Team: ......
CW: Hey HR, I think you need to sit this one out... go stand by the GF.
I'm a bit disappointed none of the currency tab suggestions made it into mod 3. Same with the continuing lack of an account bank.
I assume the barbarians, giants, polar bears, yeti, and undead are all being added. What about the rogue? The Remorhazz? (The young ones. The boss one would be awesome but I'm guessing that is very unlikely at this point.)
btw, making GWF more OPd than it already is wont help balance at all, considering HR will be a worthless class once this is released.-
And that is why the changes are on the test server , instead of coming to the patch notes complaining it's probably a better idea to go to the HR feedback thread and explain in a calm way why the changes are too much and what alternative is a better option.
Maybe 45% is too much but that's why it's a preview server, we have to see how it plays.
In general I love most of teh stuff for module 3, it' works different than the other 2 modules, and I like that. Variation is fun.
Love that we're getting m,ore music events for the foundry too, I hope you cna fix the bug with the sounds that don't play though. I remember some of the devs saying that was going to be fixed shortly after, but so far nothing has changed.
and more hairs, nice!
Paingiver is because of the damage scaling. But everyone figured Split Shot damage being where it was was a design decision made due to HR encounter and daily powers offering very little by way of damage. If I have time, I'll have to port my HR and see if the feel in Dread/Sharandar is dramatically different to live. If it is no longer possible to one-shot a mob of powries, there's a problem, because I can do that with a DC or GF.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Correct me if I am wrong...
But wasn't the original damage for Split Shot tested internally and on test servers?
And yet they got it wrong...
So what makes you think that they will get it right this time?
And I have to agree with someone earlier (pages back I think) that these changes are done mostly for PvP.
And seriously... Who really cares who is on top of Paingiver? Besides those who like to brag about how cool they are.
And on a side note...
I wish they would fix the bugs in foundry instead of adding more things that will probably be bugged...
I guess paingiver is important to the classes that offer zero utility/cc. What exactly is the HR supposed to do in dungeons if mobs run around wildly and split shot does low damage? When I started playing this game, I figured the classes were designed around what they could offer in dungeons, but I don't think Cryptic is interested in making a D&D game. I hope focusing on PvP works out for them, but I do think they should change the name of the game.
It's funny you say that...
I played the old PnP DnD game more then 20 years ago. And I swear that the vast majority of those games did not take place in dungeons. Yes we went into "dungeons", but most of what we were doing was getting to the dungeon area.
And let's face it... It is almost impossible to create a real DnD MMO. What I mean is that PnP DnD was meant for 4-8 players meeting once a week for a few hours. Not a constant persistent world where you play in it every day for hours.
And I will admit that I do not like the direction they are taking Neverwinter...
Don't you see that this game will DIE if you continue to fail to deliver to balance things out ?!
--Second Step: current content/epic dungeons is fine for newcomers but seasoned players DEMAND more suitable content for them, harder, intelligent, faster enemies with strong immunities that require strategies to beat INSTEAD OF class nerfs to try to balance the game.
You fail to deliver. You send your old players the message to abandon your game because there is no point in daubling over the same old. Then you throw boons to bait them into making their players more powerful but then all that power causes you to apply class nerfs, all the while IGNORING the game-breaking CONTROL WIZARD. The cycle goes on and on.
Wouldn't buffing the other classes be better?
Seriously not, power creeping is never a good idea.
The content is well playable as of now and any further buffing would make it all even easier; this is not a race of over powered classes chasing each other to the moon and further.
(All classes get enough stats via Artifacts and Enchantments and equipment, no need to power up the powers too over the top.)
And I see that a lot of people are complaining about HR's in pvp, but first - it's not a pvp game. It has a pvp stuff, but still.
And the second thing is that HR's are the weakest class in game. I mean encounter and daily skills. No, really. I guess, no one of those who agreed with reducing the damage of split shot and "fixing" Fox's shift are never played HR.
P.s.: and it's kind of silly, too, to worry about being not on the top of Paingiver...
P.s.s: And it looks like by adding module 3, devs are killing the class that was one of the main feature in module 2. Well done.
We ask for some love and we get another Nerf. I was sad already they weren't removing righteousness and just rephrasing it. But now i realize it is not just a rephrase. This is probably beacuse of the touches they have been doing in the feats. We, DCs, need some love at this point. Not another nerf. We are already useless in pvp because of HD+Righteousness. Totally killed the class. Please don't nerf us in pve too...
You force me to make Perma hide TR or CW. I have spend ower 80 mill ad to GWF&GF (also have DC & HR ) but i have now no options left only 2 classes reain usefull. My GWF " destroyer path " dont deal any dmg in dungenons can be killed by 1 perma TR easly ,you maked this char to eat all dmg also GF then why we can at least do some dmg ?
So what shoud i do or better say make ?
Most pvp pve"solo" OP perma TR?
Or the king of ranged control dps machine CW?(what can i say here armor penetration bugged and still the king in dps OMG)?
Pls give me an answer i deserve it i spend too much in this game my second char ruined agan to the deep abyss?
Also negative feedback :The music in icewind dale is awfull the same as in any orc rushed place no music desing.
Positive feedback the encounter are intresting and nice farming place realy i loved it . Also i love the remoraz raid
This isn't one of the stickied feedback threads, and please use brighter colours, my eyes are dying.
With your split shot, nerfed or not, you know you are strong in pvp and always welcome, stop joking.
And if we don't want HR in PVE it's because split shot take too much aggro and mob are always chasing you.
This would be a valid point if
1: The Guardian Fighter skills were what they should be for a Tank class i.e a decent block/guard ability and better threat levels, and better O.S Skills The Biggest Example of this being Iron warrior, When below 10% health can give a max of 5500 Temp health but the Tool Tip kind of indicates it recovers your guard meter and can sustain more damage before breaking.... pfft yeah right..
2: It was not utter nonsense, CW and GWF is exactly the same in terms of AOE, the only difference GWF - Unstoppable and melee based and CW Stun/CC to pull them together and more stuns so they can resist alot more Damage to them
P.S I can pull Agro of ANY GF/GWF with Aimed shot on solo target so the point is mute