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Companion Role-playing Concepts?

myles08807myles08807 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 410 Arc User
edited March 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
I'm curious as to what other RP-oriented players out there see when they summon a companion. Yes, I choose my stable of companions based on the passive bonuses I get and the combat orientation of that specific character...but my half-orc TR has a Ghost (no longer a "former halfling", but now described as a "former servant") named Mother, which implies worlds of sorrow and a never-ending lust for vengeance against Dad's kind...
Post edited by myles08807 on


  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sometimes I think the white cleric companion gets that dead eyed stare from being killed so often. She's seen things man.
  • evxlonewolfevxlonewolf Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sometimes I think the white cleric companion gets that dead eyed stare from being killed so often. She's seen things man.

    Cleric companion is sort of useless lmao

    Forsaken Angels Veteran Scorpion
  • thebrimanthebriman Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have to admit, I geek out pretty bad in this area. I try to pick companions for each of my characters that are both useful and make sense from a RP standpoint, and I have some relationship/backstory in mind for pretty much every companion on every character. For example my GF is a drow and his favorite companion is a phase spider who was his childhood friend while growing up in the underdark. If I can't come up with a reasonable story for why this person/creature/item is traveling with the character, I don't add it regardless of how good its active bonus is.
  • azahronazahron Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    thebriman wrote: »
    I have to admit, I geek out pretty bad in this area. I try to pick companions for each of my characters that are both useful and make sense from a RP standpoint, and I have some relationship/backstory in mind for pretty much every companion on every character. For example my GF is a drow and his favorite companion is a phase spider who was his childhood friend while growing up in the underdark. If I can't come up with a reasonable story for why this person/creature/item is traveling with the character, I don't add it regardless of how good its active bonus is.

    I do the same thing for the most part, for example my Tymoran Cleric usually has his Sellsword companion out, which I've designated as his second in command for the small mercenary band he leads (inspired by Leadership skill being his main skill), sometimes he'll call on a fellow cleric for aid though.
    I don't do it for all my companions (especially the ones that don't get summoned), but there are quite a few that have companions with "head canon"/RP.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    thebriman wrote: »
    I have to admit, I geek out pretty bad in this area. I try to pick companions for each of my characters that are both useful and make sense from a RP standpoint, and I have some relationship/backstory in mind for pretty much every companion on every character. If I can't come up with a reasonable story for why this person/creature/item is traveling with the character, I don't add it regardless of how good its active bonus is.
    Pretty much this for me.
  • djtlitedjtlite Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    A few of my characters' companions are picked from an RP standpoint. My TR has the theif type companions as she is wanting to become a high captain of Luskan. My drow GF's mercenary companion is his brother and the only other survivor from when his house was destroyed by House Xorlarrin. There are others but off the top of my head that's it.
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I too, try to make my companions fit with my character. My Tormite Guardian Fighter (Wanna be Paladin) has the Ghost Paladin as a Companion, and I upped him to 30th level.

    I do level up others (With Incantations and Quest Completion Rewards), and am trying to get a collection of all companions for this character. But I adventure only with the Paladin Ghost.

    My Dwarf Devoted Cleric Rides a War Pig into Battle and has a Pig Companion (Haven't worked the latter up to 30th level yet. But I will)

    I want to get my mounts to Epic too. I do not see my "Paladin" riding a Unicorn or Nightmare into battle. The normal Horse Mounts are meh, so currently I use the Sleigh. I want an epic Horse Mount that would suit him.
    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yes I named them with reasons in mind. And yes some of them have side-kick theme songs.....
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Cleric companion is sort of useless lmao

    She's good at backpedaling halfway around the map and dragging every mob she comes across back so they can take liberties with you while she casts her pitiful healing spell at you xD
  • myles08807myles08807 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    My main is Myles from Nowhere, a male Sunite DC; he's been a 60 since last August. What few quests I do (mostly Sharandar for the 30k+ AD every few days) with him these days, he is accompanied by Jack, the basic Man-at-Arms I got as my freebie companion ages and ages ago, for reasons both statistical and story-oriented.


    Upped to rank 30 and outfitted properly, Jack (not his name...his JOB) locks down whatever foe Myles targets first and most often, creating so much threat that 90% of AI opponents target him instead of Myles. This allows Myles to stand back and lob fiery radiant death at all and sundry while Jack just raised his shield and takes the hits. I can't remember the last time Myles wasn't either at full HP or about to be with Jack watching his back. Back in the bad old days (This was my first MMO and I'm strictly a tabletop RPG gamer) when Myles would die on a fairly regular basis, Jack stayed alive. Always. Never once did I have to revive him, and I had always kind of wished that HE could revive Myles...


    "Myles from Nowhere" is my story as well as my name. As near as I know I was born in Westgate, ******* son of a rich human merchant prince and the eladrin woman he had killed for daring to birth me. My earliest memory is of swords clashing all around me and a burly, bearded young man in heavy armor running with me in his arms. I don't think I was yet three summers old. He took me to a place with lots of beautiful women, all races and ages and kinds, each beautiful in their own way, that smelled so nice compared to the open sewers of Lowtown where I had lived. Next thing I know I'm on a boat, and I'm off to Marsember in Cormyr and an orphanage run by priestesses.

    "Long story short: I thrive, learn my letters, and come to understand the faith of Sune over the years. I spontaneously healed a younger boy with a bad splinter in his leg at the age of twelve, and was taken to formal training thereafter. By the time the hostel had no more need of me and released me into the world as a young cleric, I had learned vague answers to the questions that had always burned inside of me: My mother had been murdered by my father, who himself had turned up a few years later in seventeen separate fishing nets after running afoul of the Fire Knives...and the guardsman who rescued me was known to have fled to Neverwinter looking for new opportunities.

    It took me a month or so to find him, making a reputation and running this way and that for Sergeant Knox as I was. I watched him for a while, and saw that he was still the decent man who had saved a child from foul murder. It was a simple thing to buy out his contract. I was wondering how to tell him who I was when we were introduced, but that issue was solved for me at our first introduction. I shook his hand and he grinned. "You'd be Myles, then. Your mother was kind to me; I couldn't save her but I got you out of there. What in the nine hells took you so long to find me?"
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