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Queue system do not to work as it should

tholthertholther Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 113 Arc User
edited March 2014 in PvE Discussion
I have been queueing for a dungeon (DV among others) for 3 days without any result. It seems that nobody queues. Everybody seems to use the [looking for group] I wonder why. I have tried it too but also without result. I see lots and lots of ppl asking for different dungeons. So many that you can't even read them well. It goes too fast. After spending like 1/2 hour typing in lfg I gave up.
I write this to bring it to the attention of the Developpers of Neverwinter so that they know that something is very wrong whith the queue system.
I hope the oportune changes are made by the responsables of NW so that people can use the queue because in my opinion it's better than spending your time typing and reading the chat 'looking for group'.
Thx for your attention.
Post edited by tholther on


  • grizzly1545grizzly1545 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tholther wrote: »
    I have been queueing for a dungeon (DV among others) for 3 days without any result. It seems that nobody queues. Everybody seems to use the [looking for group] I wonder why. I have tried it too but also without result. I see lots and lots of ppl asking for different dungeons. So many that you can't even read them well. It goes too fast. After spending like 1/2 hour typing in lfg I gave up.
    I write this to bring it to the attention of the Developpers of Neverwinter so that they know that something is very wrong whith the queue system.
    I hope the oportune changes are made by the responsables of NW so that people can use the queue because in my opinion it's better than spending your time typing and reading the chat 'looking for group'.
    Thx for your attention.

    The problem is that everyone wants to do speed runs so unless you already well geared no one wants to party with you. Seems that I can only get groups on my 14.5k gs CW; cant get anything on my TR that I would like to gear so I am stuck in GG gear with him. Sadly I dont see anything changing anytime soon. I guess everyone expects you to buy gear so that the runs are easy before you can run the dungeons that the gear drops from. A little ridiculous.
  • tholthertholther Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The problem is that everyone wants to do speed runs so unless you already well geared no one wants to party with you. Seems that I can only get groups on my 14.5k gs CW; cant get anything on my TR that I would like to gear so I am stuck in GG gear with him. Sadly I dont see anything changing anytime soon. I guess everyone expects you to buy gear so that the runs are easy before you can run the dungeons that the gear drops from. A little ridiculous.

    I suppose that if you are highly geared will be easier to find a party but the majority is not so something should be done about this problem. The queue system should work as intended and obviously it does not so it should be modified somewhat to satisfy the current needs.
  • skajikskajik Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The problem for you guys is that you are likely trying to auto-queue as a cw/hr/tr/gwf. The auto-queue will only complete a full group when there is a gf and dc available as well, unless it sticks you in a group already in dungeon that lost a member. Most of the NW population appears to be playing one of those dps classes and there are not very many dc and gf comparatively.

    You can make up your own groups outside of the auto-queue and these groups can consist of any combination of classes. Though if your group is full of people still gearing up and not qualified for those "exp" and "fast run" groups, you will likely need a dc and tank anyways. But forming your own group may be quicker than waiting on the auto-queue. Not everyone is looking for speed runs, you just have to network until you find like-minded people to group with you. Having a good guild helps, making friends with others in your situation to group with also helps.

    Though they are not popular at this time, you can roll up a dc or gf and pretty much get in a dungeon whenever you want through the queue system.
  • tholthertholther Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    skajik wrote: »
    The problem for you guys is that you are likely trying to auto-queue as a cw/hr/tr/gwf. The auto-queue will only complete a full group when there is a gf and dc available as well, unless it sticks you in a group already in dungeon that lost a member. Most of the NW population appears to be playing one of those dps classes and there are not very many dc and gf comparatively.

    You can make up your own groups outside of the auto-queue and these groups can consist of any combination of classes. Though if your group is full of people still gearing up and not qualified for those "exp" and "fast run" groups, you will likely need a dc and tank anyways. But forming your own group may be quicker than waiting on the auto-queue. Not everyone is looking for speed runs, you just have to network until you find like-minded people to group with you. Having a good guild helps, making friends with others in your situation to group with also helps.

    Though they are not popular at this time, you can roll up a dc or gf and pretty much get in a dungeon whenever you want through the queue system.

    Yes, I understand what you are saying but what I am addressing here is the fact that the queue system -just because of what you correctly state- does not function as it should. That's why I am bringing this to the devs attention so that they think of a better method.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The problem is that everyone wants to do speed runs so unless you already well geared no one wants to party with you. Seems that I can only get groups on my 14.5k gs CW; cant get anything on my TR that I would like to gear so I am stuck in GG gear with him. Sadly I dont see anything changing anytime soon. I guess everyone expects you to buy gear so that the runs are easy before you can run the dungeons that the gear drops from. A little ridiculous.

    It's really not about speed runs.

    While I'm sure there's part of it, the reality of the matter is that in many dungeons they just don't work the way the game is advertised. So the standard ways of doing things don't work.

    As an Example:
    I saw a thread here where a Guardian Fighter was complaining about having to be the one handling adds rather than on the main boss tanking it. Well he's kinda right, depending on the dungeon. When you consider that a lot of these fights tactically don't work in the standard way at the boss battles.

    Frozen: Here the end boss battle, none of the control powers work on the adds. The Ice Golems are immune to stun, and you can't choke them. Even for most of the minor Boss battles up to that point its the same, so damage is the only way to go and turns into a major AoE fest. So... the only way to actually keep them under control is to have the GF agro them and run them around while everyone else stays on the main boss. BUT... the main boss doesn't use melee attacks, so having a GF tanking him is kinda useless.

    Spellplague: Here the end boss battle also means a control wizards control spells are useless as the Aboleth Suitors are immune and shielded from control powers, hence... the only way to control them is have the tank agro them and run them around to the back where they can be thrown off the ledge once they are out of range for the Aboleth. And the Cleric can do this. So... that leaves everyone else to DD the Aboleth, who once again doesn't melee anyone. So no reason for a tank. Its all DD on the main boss.

    Karrandax: The Red Dragon doesn't melee at all, so you don't even need to have someone tanking it. You can take a bunch of distance attackers and one person to handle the adds, and just slaughter him from a distance and he'll never come claw and bite you to death.

    Spider Queen: I once did this one all the way up to the end boss with just a Rogue and me (CW) and another Control Wizard fighting all the bosses up to that point. Yeah the Rogue tanked everything. Was pretty spectacular.

    While there are many others I can name... this kinda gives you an idea. I don't run Castle Never over and over again, to me that's boring so I like to do any of the dungeons on occasion, regardless of what drops or doesn't. I'm doing it for the challenge and variety.

    Things get very backwards depending on the dungeons, and standard tactics or groups just don't work with everything. Certain party configurations are better for some dungeons than others. Heck certain powers are useless in some vs others.

    I think some people get locked into one dungeon, that has a specific configuration that works and then do that one dungeon over and over again. To me that's boring, but hey when upper level loot only drops from that dungeon, well...
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    That ---^

    Plus when you're in Q, you have to keep in mind, the system looks for a DC and (or?) tank to form a dungeon party. Those are not widely available since most elitists consider them useless. So if there's no cleric/tank, waiting in Queue, there's no way you're getting in using the queue system. I don't consider it a fault in the system, rather a fault in the people demanding speed runs and not caring for other classes.

    This is it pretty much in a nutshell. :(

    The normal LFG is a bit of a...yeah...

    However the Legit Community LFG is a bit less demanding of the players and normally also welcomes the classes the more elitist players consider useless. Try them out as long as you also like the play the game as intended. :)
  • maxilockheartmaxilockheart Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2014
    queues work quite fine while leveling, because dungeons arent that hard and it almost doesnt matter what gear you have, but epics are harder and people dont like to die so they will rather make a group of overgeared people and do a speed run then form a common party... solution can be to find a guild which supports novices and make parties like 2 oldschool and 3 new people or something like that :)
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The GF was a welcome addition until the Stalwart Bulwark "incident" that pissed off a great lot of GFs (demanded by lots of CW/TR/GWF due to the GF dealing damage).
    Why would I play a GF today, except to use ANOTHER T1 set (Knight Captain) to be any use at all.

    If the old mechanic of the Stalwart Bulwark were available again I'd play my GF again. As this will never happen he keeps on getting older and his belly growing wider.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    queues work quite fine while leveling, because dungeons arent that hard and it almost doesnt matter what gear you have, but epics are harder and people dont like to die so they will rather make a group of overgeared people and do a speed run then form a common party... solution can be to find a guild which supports novices and make parties like 2 oldschool and 3 new people or something like that :)
    It would not be an issue if you could only open 1 or 2 dungeons chests during DD. As long as elitists (a lot from the Legit Channel) can do up to 5 dungeons during DD ... why should they bother?
    However the Legit Community LFG is a bit less demanding of the players and normally also welcomes the classes the more elitist players consider useless. Try them out as long as you also like the play the game as intended.
    More or less this is true, especially if you "have a name" already. But the "Legit Community" deities often demand for "Fast T2 runs, no unexperienced, bla bla" and usually the 15k GS named TR offering his services will be picked over you as a TR with 12k GS.
    Nevertheless, it is better than the common lfg channel.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tholther wrote: »
    I have been queueing for a dungeon (DV among others) for 3 days without any result. It seems that nobody queues. Everybody seems to use the [looking for group] I wonder why. I have tried it too but also without result. I see lots and lots of ppl asking for different dungeons. So many that you can't even read them well. It goes too fast. After spending like 1/2 hour typing in lfg I gave up.
    I write this to bring it to the attention of the Developpers of Neverwinter so that they know that something is very wrong whith the queue system.
    I hope the oportune changes are made by the responsables of NW so that people can use the queue because in my opinion it's better than spending your time typing and reading the chat 'looking for group'.
    Thx for your attention.

    You have to keep in mind that the queue sort of has "slots" - one for a tank, one for a healer, and 3 for damage dealers. The problem is, with only 1 healer and tank class, and both of them being less often played, the wait time can be kinda long. If you are on a premade team, you can queue with whatever team makeup you want.

    I find that forming your own team is a much better alternative. Sometimes you have to take the reigns and form the team yourself. I have had nothing but good experiences using the legit channel. As it is open to anyone who wants to use it, you will find all sorts in there. Sure, some people want to get as many runs in as they can during the hour dungeon delve window, but there are plenty of others that just want to participate, (usually 2 runs in my experience). Regardless, I implore you to at least give it a try and judge for yourself.
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    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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  • sicxs666sicxs666 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i cant believe ppl really saying:
    - go play a dc / gf if u wanna queue up and join a dungeon
    - go create ur own group

    funny stuff is: u r right, the number of cw / hr / gwf / tr is higher than dc or gf. because its 4:2 classes, jesus.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Also doesnt help that the GF's Swordmaster paragon path performs worse in everyway than thier Iron Vanguard. The only benefit to this paragon path to a GF is Steel Defense.
  • skajikskajik Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    sicxs666 wrote: »
    the number of cw / hr / gwf / tr is higher than dc or gf. because its 4:2 classes, jesus.

    It is not just that ratio of 4 classes to 2 classes. There are probably more CWs around than DC and GF combined. Same likely goes for HRs and GWFs now too.
  • chrcorechrcore Member Posts: 329 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    The problem is that everyone wants to do speed runs so unless you already well geared no one wants to party with you. Seems that I can only get groups on my 14.5k gs CW; cant get anything on my TR that I would like to gear so I am stuck in GG gear with him. Sadly I dont see anything changing anytime soon. I guess everyone expects you to buy gear so that the runs are easy before you can run the dungeons that the gear drops from. A little ridiculous.

    I do pretty much agree with you. There are a few reasons for this issue though.

    1 - the recommended gear scores are absurd. It would take complete experts and some luck to complete some of the (T2, T2+) dungeons using blue gear, no enchantments, no boons with a party at the minimum gear score.

    2 - There are not many people left playing this game so you have either top end folks still playing this game or very new players. These are complete opposites. If you have a 14K+ with stone+perfect enchants, why wouldn't you want to do fast AD runs with comparably equipped folks? It just seems there isn't much middle ground.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    chrcore wrote: »
    I do pretty much agree with you. There are a few reasons for this issue though.

    1 - the recommended gear scores are absurd. It would take complete experts and some luck to complete some of the (T2, T2+) dungeons using blue gear, no enchantments, no boons with a party at the minimum gear score..

    You know,

    That's the part I don't get, about 6 months ago I did just that, because there were no boon in this game, there was no uber gear like that, and the end game people had gear scores of 12.5k an that was considered high end. Granted I did have enchantments in my armor.

    But seriously I actually did almost all these dungeons and successfully at almost minimum gear scores.

    So that does surprise me people think it cant be done.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You know,

    That's the part I don't get, about 6 months ago I did just that, because there were no boon in this game, there was no uber gear like that, and the end game people had gear scores of 12.5k an that was considered high end. Granted I did have enchantments in my armor.

    But seriously I actually did almost all these dungeons and successfully at almost minimum gear scores.

    So that does surprise me people think it cant be done.
    You mean the times when entangle created AP like crazy, when you could push the wizards in CN off the balcony, when you could double AS and most skills had a higher target limit, if any at all? When repel worked on lots ob mobs and not only on three? When the GF in his Stalwart Bulwark armor actually was kind of useful? When the HV sets stacked like crazy?

    Yes, I also don't know why the weaklings of today complain so much about hard dungeons after all these improvements!
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You mean the times when entangle created AP like crazy, when you could push the wizards in CN off the balcony, when you could double AS and most skills had a higher target limit, if any at all? When repel worked on lots ob mobs and not only on three? When the GF in his Stalwart Bulwark armor actually was kind of useful? When the HV sets stacked like crazy?

    Yes, I also don't know why the weaklings of today complain so much about hard dungeons after all these improvements!

    Well you do have a point, they probably should have left well enough alone, BUT....

    I had minimum gear score, so I didn't have HV, I didn't go to Castle Never, I was doing all those dungeons with an 8600 gear score, and eventually a 9000 gear score... nor did I have to use entangle much. Admittedly I used to have to use Repel in Spellplague, but it still works there. I never used it anywhere else though.

    I as able to go through all those dungeons at minimum gear score and complete them successfully. So I am shocked that people think you can't do it now.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well you do have a point, they probably should have left well enough alone, BUT....

    I had minimum gear score, so I didn't have HV, I didn't go to Castle Never, I was doing all those dungeons with an 8600 gear score, and eventually a 9000 gear score... nor did I have to use entangle much. Admittedly I used to have to use Repel in Spellplague, but it still works there. I never used it anywhere else though.

    I as able to go through all those dungeons at minimum gear score and complete them successfully. So I am shocked that people think you can't do it now.

    Sigh. No-one is saying that the dungeons can't be done at minimum GS, although there are a couple I am not so sure about.

    BUT several things that made life 'easier' before have been fixed, so comparing how easy it was do dungeons previously and how easy they are to do now at the stated minimum requirements is not really fair.
  • chrcorechrcore Member Posts: 329 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Well you do have a point, they probably should have left well enough alone, BUT....

    I had minimum gear score, so I didn't have HV, I didn't go to Castle Never, I was doing all those dungeons with an 8600 gear score, and eventually a 9000 gear score... nor did I have to use entangle much. Admittedly I used to have to use Repel in Spellplague, but it still works there. I never used it anywhere else though.

    I as able to go through all those dungeons at minimum gear score and complete them successfully. So I am shocked that people think you can't do it now.

    Notice, I did say some. SP, FH, PK are easy and can be done with minimal GS. I don't think you could beat the first boss in Karrundex though with a minimal GS party (without vorpal etc enchants). To my understanding, all those groups back then that did it just let the first boss suicide in the lava. Last boss is easy so minimal GS could do it.

    In any case, you can't consider the majority of folks playing this game as experts and I have seen many folks even with 10k GS have issues with some dungeons. I just don't think the difficulty is tweaked correctly if they expect you to complete it with an 8300 gs and no vorpal etc enchants.
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    chrcore wrote: »
    In any case, you can't consider the majority of folks playing this game as experts and I have seen many folks even with 10k GS have issues with some dungeons. I just don't think the difficulty is tweaked correctly if they expect you to complete it with an 8300 gs and no vorpal etc enchants.

    Well I would concede that too, there is of course player skill to account for, so I suppose there is a possibility player skill level and tactical thinking may have dropped severely with the current higher level crew.

    Which may be why they seem to need 16k gear scores to complete these things. I would consider them overgeared though.

    Even to this day I don't have some ungodly gear score, I'm only working with a 12.6K which is more than enough to complete these things.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I had minimum gear score, so I didn't have HV, I didn't go to Castle Never, I was doing all those dungeons with an 8600 gear score, and eventually a 9000 gear score... nor did I have to use entangle much. Admittedly I used to have to use Repel in Spellplague, but it still works there. I never used it anywhere else though.
    It's fine that you had minimum gear score, the rest of the party is interesting as well. Of course a 13k party can drag a 8.6k GF along.
    And if that GF spams Into the Fray and a few low cool down encounters he would really contribute in a way.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It's fine that you had minimum gear score, the rest of the party is interesting as well. Of course a 13k party can drag a 8.6k GF along.
    And if that GF spams Into the Fray and a few low cool down encounters he would really contribute in a way.

    Actually back then they varied.

    Keep in mind this was 6 months ago. And queued dungeons at that. And the gear scores around me ranged from other 8600s to 10k's and an occasional 11-12k. Back then Gear scores rarely passed the 12.5k mark. You'd see a 13k on occasion, but high end was considered 12.5k.

    Little history, I started the game back then and left just before Feywild, but then I had a girlfriend who somehow fried my computer. And she sucked up a lot of my time... not that I minded. So about a month ago I got my computer fixed after her and I broke up, and was able to come back to a world of changes.

    But I can tell you, prior to all this, those were the gear scores we were doing Dungeon Delves with.

    Was it easy? Well no.. of course not. But we did do it.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think that it is harder today to run and finish a dungeon with the same GS as half a year ago.
    Lots of things and mechanics have been changed, fixed or nerfed, but the GS requirements for dungeons are the same as ever. That's why I think it is harder today than half a year ago.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think that it is harder today to run and finish a dungeon with the same GS as half a year ago.
    Lots of things and mechanics have been changed, fixed or nerfed, but the GS requirements for dungeons are the same as ever. That's why I think it is harder today than half a year ago.
    non-sense the dungeons difficulties have been repeatedly nerfed. There have been some changes to classes so some things would be done differently (CW ap generation is a big one, as is TR single target dmg) but there have been improvements to other aspects as well.

    Dungeons are easier now that they've ever been. classes are stronger now than they've ever been. gear score is easier to achieve now than they've ever been.
  • chrcorechrcore Member Posts: 329 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    non-sense the dungeons difficulties have been repeatedly nerfed. There have been some changes to classes so some things would be done differently (CW ap generation is a big one, as is TR single target dmg) but there have been improvements to other aspects as well.

    Dungeons are easier now that they've ever been. classes are stronger now than they've ever been. gear score is easier to achieve now than they've ever been.

    That's not exactly true. They have closed down tons of grey area exploits that people used to use back then. All things being equal I'd say the difficulty is the same. Yes it's easier to get a higher GS but that is irrelevant too as a newly minted 60 will still have the same GS as before if they didn't "buy" gear. Likewise, the minimum GS requirements have not changed and you can't consider that some 13K+ folks will carry the 8300 folks through the dungeons as a factor in it's difficulty.
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