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Banelorne's Stealth-Based Executioner Builds: Maximize Your TR's Solo Capabilities.



  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    New to the game.I thought gloaming cut only replenishes stealth on a kill?

    Sneaky Stabber paragon feat makes it replenish on hit.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • santigonzalezsantigonzalez Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Oh thats right! Iam only 35, I started putting the points in that tree first before going executioner. Figured the stealth will go a ways longer while I level and pvp. What skills should I be using at my level for pvp? As in encounters and at wills?
    Btw, great guide. Very helpful community too!
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    roguish98 wrote: »
    The persistent AOE and/or high mobility in some bosses (when grouped as opposed to solo) is what lead me to move away from duelist's flurry. As I've mentioned, I have problems getting the necessary full rotation of DF in before I have to dodge out of the red or the boss teleports half way across the battlefield (the first boss in MC is a good example) I started slotting in abilities that would allow me to swoop in, do the most damage per single hit, and be ready to have to start over again. So, SS and BaS to keep stealth up and Lashing Blade to swoop in and deal a heavy blow from stealth. Gloaming Cut as at-will to help with stealth and deal good damage if I can only get one or two hits in. I'll use a combo of LA and SE for dailies. I start to favor SE as the boss gets lower in health, because again, I can do a fair amount of damage in one hit with this daily.

    The main caveat is, I haven't done any math, so I have no idea if I am gaining or losing dps here...it just seems intuitive for these situations.

    It may also be possible that I just need to practice with DF, maybe my timing just isn't there currently.

    Banelorne, are there bosses that you've faced (while grouped) that you find are a good fit for getting full DF's in?

    Thank you!


    For DF, we have ITC to eat up the red zones and make sure we get those DF stacks in. For highly mobile bosses, as long as you get the third strike of DF in and stack the bleeds, you're good to go. But these mobile bosses aren't always teleporting around the field so use the moments when they aren't mobile to land the DFs, and when they're in the phases where they are teleporting around, use Gloaming Cut. Gloaming Cut is incredible once the opponent's HP is below 50% as it does an extra 30% more damage per hit which makes up for its 1 second activation time.

    For a list of bosses where you can ensure that you can get clean DF's in, there's a lot. Not sure where to start. I'll just mention the ones which I know will be hard to land DF's on because they are smaller in number. There's Vansi Bloodscar from Cloak Tower, Traven Blackdagger from Cragmire Crypts, Ethraniel Marrowslake from Grey Wolf Den, Syndrith High Priestess of Lolth from Temple of the Spider, and Valindra from VT. If I missed anything feel free to raise them! So far those are the ones I remember where I had a harder time landing DF, but it's not totally impossible because we have Lurker's Assault to teleport us much quicker to the boss. For every other boss that I have not mentioned, they are easy to stack DF's on as long as you eat up the reds with ITC.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Oh thats right! Iam only 35, I started putting the points in that tree first before going executioner. Figured the stealth will go a ways longer while I level and pvp. What skills should I be using at my level for pvp? As in encounters and at wills?
    Btw, great guide. Very helpful community too!

    Thanks! We're always glad to assist a fellow TR. For PVP, once you get your Gloaming Cut to 3/3 and Sneaky Stabber to 5/5, start using it in PVP. Gloaming Cut works tremendously well once the opponent's HP is below 50% as it inflicts an extra 30% damage. Always have Bait and Switch in your bar, and Impossible to Catch. Use another encounter of your choice until you get 1 point in Shadow Strike. The build will start shining once you get Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike, Impossible to Catch and Gloaming Cut in your skill bar.
  • roguish98roguish98 Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2014
    Many thanks for your well-considered reply Banelorne. I have one further question. Impossible to catch breaks stealth, does it not? Are you then losing dps if you pop it directly before going for a full 1,2,333333333333333333 duelists flurry rotation?
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    roguish98 wrote: »
    Many thanks for your well-considered reply Banelorne. I have one further question. Impossible to catch breaks stealth, does it not? Are you then losing dps if you pop it directly before going for a full 1,2,333333333333333333 duelists flurry rotation?

    It's no prob, man! And you are correct, ITC does break Stealth. But maximizing your DF uptime against the boss by popping ITC to eat a red zone is a much better choice than dodging the red in order to maintain Stealth. In essence your DPS will increase since you didn't need to dodge the red. Not to mention dodging the red zone can make you end up in another red zone made by a separate enemy. So best to just eat the red you currently have (if you can) instead of risking to land on another one in which you may not have foreseen. Only dodge and get out when you have ITC on CD.
  • sharpfangjr#5006 sharpfangjr Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey, guys. Just thought I'd get this out here.

    I'll be posting a new stealth-based alternative build within the coming days, preferably today or tomorrow if I get the time to finish the overall draft which is almost done. So for those who have been wanting to play as a Whisperknife, rejoice! I recently cooked up a build for it and I finished my tests a while back. It is meant for Solo PVE, but it can also be used in PVP matches. It doesn't have the burst of the Gloaming Cut build, but this one can inflict insane sustained damage and can do it from range.

    I hope you guys enjoy the new build and the new stuff it can offer!

    Has this been posted? The #5 post link in the OP still references the "old" alternative stealth build.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey, Trendor! I'm still working on the mini-guide. :) But it's nearing completion so it should be done by the end of Sunday.
  • grimel1010grimel1010 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hi todesfaelle!
    My question is, have you ever tested one of your builds against a dps rogue using bilethorn in pvp? What is the general strategy in this case? Is there some way to save the own rotation using ITC or is opponent always able to break this rotation because of delayed damage?
    Would be helpful to hear your experiences so far. TC could be lifesaver, but i am not certain of it.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey, Grimel! I've been using Bilethorn since Open Beta and IMO it shouldn't be a problem any TR. Whenever I am up against a Bilethorn user, I slot Tenacious Concealment in place of Skillful Infiltrator. This almost completely negates all forms of damage to our Stealth Meter like Bleeds, DoT's, Path of the Blades and of course Bilethorn. You move slower and you'll have to position yourself more carefully, but it's worth it, not getting your rotations screwed up thanks to BT. ITC is also a lifesaver and can help you correct your rotations. The 5 seconds of damage + CC immunity it provides is more than enough to get you back on track.
  • sharpfangjr#5006 sharpfangjr Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    How do you swap skills quickly during or before combat?
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I highly recommend you practice doing this during combat specially in PVP. There are countless situations which could be avoided by swapping skills in the middle of the fight in order to better adapt to your opponents. I do this most of the time with Skillful Infiltrator and Tenacious Concealment. If I need to be hidden, I'll go for Tenacious. If no one's using PoB or any other scary DoT's that will take me out of Stealth, I go for Skillful for the movement boost. I also do this when fighting varying opponents. For instance, CW's, TR's and HR's can be whittled down with Cloud of Steel, but not GWF's, GF's and DC's. I slot DF for them in the middle of combat. Likewise, you'll have a better shot in whittling down the Hp's of CW's, TR's and HR's with CoS, so I slot CoS in place of DF if I'm fighting them most of the time in a match as Gloaming Cut never leaves my bar. It works well for all classes.

    The trick to this is finding a safe spot where you are sure your opponent will not detect you. Usually on the outskirts of the node. Keep in mind that you have to be able to switch all the skills you need within the duration of your stealth. 5 seconds is the maximum I'll take to switch a skill. It'll be easy by pressing "P" to open the power list, then rather than dragging and dropping the skill to your bar, right click on the skill of your choice and choose the correct slot you wish to allocate it on. It shouldn't be too hard to get a hang of.
  • roguish98roguish98 Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2014

    My guildmates and I ran Epic Pirate King last night. I went in to the Ethraniev fight with the following load-out:
    At-wills: Duelist's Flurry, Gloaming Cut
    Encounters: Impossible to Catch, Shadow Strike, Bait and Switch
    Dailies: Lurker's Assault, Shocking Execution

    While the other four team members focused on the phantom wolves and other adds, I went to war with Ethraniev. I discovered to my great delight, that I could pop ItC in the middle of a DF rotation and not have it be reset! Thus, even when he was shooting around the battlefield, I was still damaging him through bleeds. He dropped extremely fast on our first try (and none of us had done this particular dungeon)!

    Thank you for the insight!
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It's no prob. I'm glad the tips worked out for you, man. Great job! And yes, ITC doesn't interrupt the animation of DF which is the best thing about using it while eating up the red zones. DF combined with ITC is one of the best tools for DPS in both PVP and PVE.

    Also, another tip for that boss fight; you can solo the boss next time in case your entire party dies. She doesn't see through stealth. :) It'll take time but it sure as heck beats wiping when she's at her 30% HP right?
  • ximaeximae Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    hey tods,

    Just respecced yet again my former mi scoundrel and wk perma exec into your 25% rsi gloaming cut perma, and i can just say its **** fantastic!.

    In just switched up the sab ap feat for speedswindle for more mobility as im a high elf and already have a similar ap boost from the racial.

    Huuge leaway on the stealth as i can just perma with gloaming and ss which is so handy on those pbaoe casting bosses as u dont generate any agro with bns... u can do alot of nifty stuff whith so many stealth options, like not relying on gloaming cut for stealth with just the dodges (like i was used to with the wk) for pvp, running.... or dragging half the dungeons mobs to campsites filled with leechers XD.

    Im having a blast in cn now, shame all the bull**** kickvoting and leeching going on.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hehe it's fun, right? :D So much room for error. Send me a Tell sometime in the game. :p I'll show you some places where our build can effectively farm for gear that sells good, so you don't have to worry about those leechers and irrational kickvoters. But we may need some help to Q.

    Which is why I'd like to get the Stealth TR chat going very soon, so we can all coordinate with each other and have some fun. It's being a slow process and it's been planned for quite some time now, but I'm sure we can arrange it easier now that I've got more time in my hands (hence why I've been able to post some more in the forums as compared to before).
  • sharpfangjr#5006 sharpfangjr Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'd be interested in the TR channel. Just pm me details. Also, still waiting, rather impatiently, for that mini-guide....unless I've completely overlooked it.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Oh sure. And hehe, my apologies for the delay on the mini-guide! It's taking quite a while due to my other GF guide. But no worries, I'll be sure to have it up as soon as possible. ;)
  • xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I've had a TR since the day Neverwinter started.
    My Screen Name = my Forum name

    I stopped playing for a little bit, but have been consistent since for a couple of months again. I tried out the WK, and it's really fun. In PVE, I can solo and crush, but I do think I was a better MI
    Better/Faster AP gain, more damage, and still had good stealth.

    I have grinded for so long and don't feel like starting another character from scratch [Already did that with a HR which has been fun]

    I have a Drow with the following ability scores. [rolled]/[modified by level]

    13/18 Strength
    10/12 Con
    20/26 Dex
    08/10 Int
    10/12 Wis
    15/18 Char

    It looks like I have a good enough[Not Great but decent] rolled character to do a non Int based version.

    If I respec
    It looks like I can come up with the following (with drow char bonus)

    13/19 Strength
    10/12 Con
    20/22 Dex
    08/14 Int
    10/12 Wis

    How does that look?

    I have Level 7 Radiants currently in all Offense and Defense
    and have Level 7 Darks in my utility
    So lots of Power add, and a good amount of HP.

    Would you recommend me swapping the offense ones for Silver?

    Here is a link to my character sheet

    Any comments are welcome
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey, Xyn. Welcome to the thread. First and foremost, since you do not have a 14 INT initial roll for your starting stats, do not use the alternative build. Go for full STR + DEX and maximize your damage and crit, as you will be using the original build. Second, you may want to get a Battlefield Skulker set from Gauntlgrym. The increase in Stealth will be noticeable.

    Just follow the feats in the guide and you're all set. You can tweak them in however way you like, but it is an absolute must to get 5/5 in Improved Cunning Sneak and 5/5 in Sneaky Stabber. Gloaming Cut will be your main method of prolonging your Stealth, and for full Stealth refills, you'll want to get Shadow Strike and Bait and Switch. Impossible to Catch will be used as an escape button just in case you are affected by a CC in mid-stealth.

    And yes, I recommend that you switch your offense slots with at least Rank 7 Silvery Enchantments. You will want at least 2540 Recovery to get 20% RSI. In order to do this, you will want to switch your belt to Occult Belt of Respite, and change your rings to Ancient/Grand Slavemaster's Ring of Control. Either should work. And lastly, you can get the extra needed recovery from Artifacts like Waters of Elah'zad and Bloodcrystal Raven Skull.

    This should give you the stats you need in order to maintain stealth for an indefinite amount of time. I hope you enjoy your revamped TR after respecing. :)
  • xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Since a respec is only 300 zen, I did it and laid it out as it is above. I might go back and up swap the int for dex, but it really seemed to work great. I was farming today and actually got 4 silvers up to 6 already and 2 darks up to 6 as well. I also earned a boon from each section today.

    My gear score increased by 400 with the same EQ.

    I was messing around in the dread Ring and sharandar and killed 2 bosses without using a single health potion. 1 was Celedine and the other was the boss from the Dread Ring you fight after you destroy the research. I was actually using deft strike, lashing blade and shadow strike up until I got to celedine. That made killing the red caps a blast. Teleport in, lash the next one, stealth, GC and SS until there was nothing but a bunch of dead question marks.

    Count me in for an all rogue Epic dungeon. With ITC instead of lashing blade, i can see that being totally possible.

    My gloaming cuts were doing 7-almost 10k damage about 5 out of 7 shots. As such, I am not sure if I will subtract the 4 points from int to put in Dex. It really seems like I am critting more than enough

    When I have bns and shadow strike in my encounters, Even with the master assasins gear, I can just about maintain perma stealth in PVE. If I drop out I just roll dodge, whip a 180 and throw shadow strike and am right back in it. The times when this have occurred have mostly been a result of me being greedy and trying to get in one more Gloaming Cut. The 4% of recovery seems to keep bns and ss ready to go when I need them. 20-25% more stealth and I am positive I could avoid the drop completely even if I goof.

    I remember when I watched a TR preview and thought how cool GC was, only to have it suck due to it only working on a kill. Now, with the proper feats its awesome. In the quickling den, i got surrounded by the little buggers and was one shot killing them and it was like my stealth bar wasnt even moving. Loads of dead question marks once again.

    The minor tweaks I made in the feats were sacrificing toughness completely and going 5/5 on everything that gives you action points. Other than that I am pretty close to the posted build.

    Its sick how fast I hear the ding of full action points. So, fast that, more than not, I don't need to use the daily all the time. This is because the damage I am doing is exceptional.

    I need 8k more glory to get the Blood Raven. That will be nice as will more regen for pvp. Ive got the mechanics down great for PVE, I suck at PVP, but am getting better. I get too aggressive and need to pick my spots and be patient.

    So 2 thumbs up for an excellent build that is extremely fun and insanely effective.

    Thanks! (Sorry if I rambled, I had so much fun today that im still excited)
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
  • grimel1010grimel1010 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey Todesfaelle,
    Back to a current pvp topic. Btw, nice matchup last week between Banelorne and Mask. This fight could last longer as time given in pvp without seeing one side win. But I had to concentrate all the while, cuz you had the harder hits :eek:
    Good training none the less!
    So the actual problem is: The ranks from HRs. As i have experienced, those cannot be undone with itc, even doing it from stealth. The ranks are a serious threat to your rotation. Maybe you can go to stealth again, but the overtime prone may hinder you to use the next encounter. Even if you are able to do so, you got hold some time while proned, so its quiet easy to find you.
    Is this a bug? Normally itc should break all forms of cc when coming from stealth. What do you say about this? And what do you do to get rid of these ranks?
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    xyntrynz1a wrote: »
    Since a respec is only 300 zen, I did it and laid it out as it is above. I might go back and up swap the int for dex, but it really seemed to work great. I was farming today and actually got 4 silvers up to 6 already and 2 darks up to 6 as well. I also earned a boon from each section today.

    My gear score increased by 400 with the same EQ.

    I was messing around in the dread Ring and sharandar and killed 2 bosses without using a single health potion. 1 was Celedine and the other was the boss from the Dread Ring you fight after you destroy the research. I was actually using deft strike, lashing blade and shadow strike up until I got to celedine. That made killing the red caps a blast. Teleport in, lash the next one, stealth, GC and SS until there was nothing but a bunch of dead question marks.

    Count me in for an all rogue Epic dungeon. With ITC instead of lashing blade, i can see that being totally possible.

    My gloaming cuts were doing 7-almost 10k damage about 5 out of 7 shots. As such, I am not sure if I will subtract the 4 points from int to put in Dex. It really seems like I am critting more than enough

    When I have bns and shadow strike in my encounters, Even with the master assasins gear, I can just about maintain perma stealth in PVE. If I drop out I just roll dodge, whip a 180 and throw shadow strike and am right back in it. The times when this have occurred have mostly been a result of me being greedy and trying to get in one more Gloaming Cut. The 4% of recovery seems to keep bns and ss ready to go when I need them. 20-25% more stealth and I am positive I could avoid the drop completely even if I goof.

    I remember when I watched a TR preview and thought how cool GC was, only to have it suck due to it only working on a kill. Now, with the proper feats its awesome. In the quickling den, i got surrounded by the little buggers and was one shot killing them and it was like my stealth bar wasnt even moving. Loads of dead question marks once again.

    The minor tweaks I made in the feats were sacrificing toughness completely and going 5/5 on everything that gives you action points. Other than that I am pretty close to the posted build.

    Its sick how fast I hear the ding of full action points. So, fast that, more than not, I don't need to use the daily all the time. This is because the damage I am doing is exceptional.

    I need 8k more glory to get the Blood Raven. That will be nice as will more regen for pvp. Ive got the mechanics down great for PVE, I suck at PVP, but am getting better. I get too aggressive and need to pick my spots and be patient.

    So 2 thumbs up for an excellent build that is extremely fun and insanely effective.

    Thanks! (Sorry if I rambled, I had so much fun today that im still excited)

    Glad you're enjoying the play style, Xyn! I tried to make it as flexible as possible in order to make room for player creativity and it seems you're already exploring how you can personalize your stealthy play style even more. Keep up the good work! Feel free to drop by whenever you feel like posting. I personally like reading the experiences of the players who use this build!
    grimel1010 wrote: »
    Hey Todesfaelle,
    Back to a current pvp topic. Btw, nice matchup last week between Banelorne and Mask. This fight could last longer as time given in pvp without seeing one side win. But I had to concentrate all the while, cuz you had the harder hits :eek:
    Good training none the less!
    So the actual problem is: The ranks from HRs. As i have experienced, those cannot be undone with itc, even doing it from stealth. The ranks are a serious threat to your rotation. Maybe you can go to stealth again, but the overtime prone may hinder you to use the next encounter. Even if you are able to do so, you got hold some time while proned, so its quiet easy to find you.
    Is this a bug? Normally itc should break all forms of cc when coming from stealth. What do you say about this? And what do you do to get rid of these ranks?

    Hey, Mask! Yep, it was a nice match up. :D I enjoy TR vs. TR fights the most, specially if the TR is one that uses a similar build. I love the mind games, the thrill of not being the first to die, the thrill of finding the unseen and killing an opponent with an equal class build. It will get a lot more funner once the PVP Healing Depression comes in! No more regen healing too much HP, and someone has to die. Sounds more bad *ss right? And I'm pretty sure you'll be able to do the same thing as I was doing in that match, being able to find an opposing TR even when he's in Stealth. Some players do this as well but they resort to a game bug which allows them to hard lock on a TR and follow them even when they're in Stealth.

    And as for ranks... do you mean the HR roots that go through ITC? Yep, they most certainly will not break when you use ITC against them. But one of the coming patches for PVP should fix that because it's a bug. No CC should go through CC immunity unless the tooltip specifies that it goes through CC immunity (like Courage Breaker).

    In order to get rid of them, well... actually I can't get rid of them. I just wait for the roots to disappear. What I do is I make sure my Stealth is up, until I have ITC ready. When my Stealth is about to run out, I just pop ITC to make sure I don't get hurt even though they have me rooted. This gives me a chance to dodge their next volley of arrows and escape their roots by waiting until the roots disappear.

    But the best defense against this is to not get hit by the rooting arrows.
  • xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    That's something where the WK path has a slight advantage using Vengeance Dagger vs ITC.
    Here is how I did it while playing as a WK
    With the Vengeance dagger, when the vines release you can tag the HR. It interrupts them, so if they are trying to build their big one shot arrow, it will have to re load.
    The next time they release you teleport to them and drop a lashing blade or a dazzling strike.
    Another interrupt
    then after the next one, you finish him.

    Deft Strike on the MI build would help this, but you would need to slot it instead of ITC.

    I was getting T-d up by some people yesterday and it seemed really fishy. I did not know there was a bug that could be exploited to track a Rogue in stealth. That makes total sense as to what was occurring in this one game I was in.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The good news about the Roots is that it'll eventually get patched. The devs have a fix ready for it and it is now tagged as a Control Power in Preview, so it will no longer go through ITC and Unstoppable once it gets implemented in Live. This way, the only advantage a WK will have over MI's will be their ability to deal insane amounts of AoE damage in dungeons. VP doesn't have a cooldown so it's easy to stack some DPS using this skill.
  • xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    The good news about the Roots is that it'll eventually get patched. The devs have a fix ready for it and it is now tagged as a Control Power in Preview, so it will no longer go through ITC and Unstoppable once it gets implemented in Live. This way, the only advantage a WK will have over MI's will be their ability to deal insane amounts of AoE damage in dungeons. VP doesn't have a cooldown so it's easy to stack some DPS using this skill.

    I have a perfect Elven enchantment and that is supposed to give me 200% resist to control and it seems to work excellent in PVE but doesnt seem to do squat in PVP
    Is that part of this bug?

    Basically it should be almost like having ITC on all the time
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
  • xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    OK Here is what I took for feats. Pretty close. I like to dodge.

    Action Advantage (5/5):
    Swift Footwork (5/5): I took this to help with my stealth regeneration. I can dodge more to get behind people to avoid being hit and avoid damage reducting my stealth more and gain stealth back. Helpful in PVP especially when running.
    Twilight Adept (5/5):
    Improved Cunning Sneak (5/5):

    Paragon Feats

    Cunning Stalker (5/5):
    Sneaky Stabber (5/5):

    Thrill of the Kill (5/5):
    Devastating Shroud (5/5): This was chosen for PVP to follow up a seriously big hit with a potentially second serious hit
    Brutal Backstab (5/5):
    Critical Teamwork (5/5):

    Overrun Critical (1/1):

    I just killed Jawbone without losing stealth once, I was able to get Lurker 3 times and did not need a single health potion.

    My wife looked over and asked
    Are you cheating?
    Why do they all have question marks and no one is attacking you


    O yea, I am a guy but play a girl. It's because I prefer to look at a chicks behind vs a guys.
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    xyntrynz1a wrote: »
    I have a perfect Elven enchantment and that is supposed to give me 200% resist to control and it seems to work excellent in PVE but doesnt seem to do squat in PVP
    Is that part of this bug?

    Basically it should be almost like having ITC on all the time

    200% only to slows and immobilizes. Not sure what counts as an "immobilize" though. Maybe Stun? Haven't really tested it extensively because I'm just using it for looks so far. I'm using an Elven as well simply because my Soulforged covers the transmutes I worked so hard on for Bane 2.
    xyntrynz1a wrote: »
    OK Here is what I took for feats. Pretty close. I like to dodge.

    Action Advantage (5/5):
    Swift Footwork (5/5): I took this to help with my stealth regeneration. I can dodge more to get behind people to avoid being hit and avoid damage reducting my stealth more and gain stealth back. Helpful in PVP especially when running.
    Twilight Adept (5/5):
    Improved Cunning Sneak (5/5):

    Paragon Feats

    Cunning Stalker (5/5):
    Sneaky Stabber (5/5):

    Thrill of the Kill (5/5):
    Devastating Shroud (5/5): This was chosen for PVP to follow up a seriously big hit with a potentially second serious hit
    Brutal Backstab (5/5):
    Critical Teamwork (5/5):

    Overrun Critical (1/1):

    I just killed Jawbone without losing stealth once, I was able to get Lurker 3 times and did not need a single health potion.

    My wife looked over and asked
    Are you cheating?
    Why do they all have question marks and no one is attacking you


    O yea, I am a guy but play a girl. It's because I prefer to look at a chicks behind vs a guys.

    Yeah that build is close enough! I'd use the same Heroic Feats if I were to go full Saboteur. Devastating Shroud could work well in PVE from time to time, btw. Specially since it can give DF an extra 10% Crit chance and Severity.
  • andferne3andferne3 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Was able to solo the first boss in MC tonight. That was actually a lot of fun. Time consuming, but fun. lol

    Looking forward to this Rogue channel, and will be checking out your guides for WK and your GF one.
  • frankmcguimfrankmcguim Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    How u guys avoid ppl who stay inside dungeon w8 for the loot?
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