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Interview with a Hunter Ranger



  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Does anyone know if a respec token will allow me to re-roll abilities?

    EDIT: Nevermind, Wiki says the retraining token wouldn't fix my issue.

    EDIT2: The picture below looks alright to me, opinions?

  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    The Combat guide needs some more info. Itemisation is not as simple as 'get the gg gear'. Imho, 2 Royal Guard, 2 Lethal Stalker along with Noble beast rings are the best you can get. Also you should give some alternatives to CN weapon set, because right now they are out of reach for those who can't farm CN.

    Also, you should mention that the optimal way to run the build is going Aspect of the Lone Wolf/Stormstep action if you PvP.

    Max Con if you are not lucky to be a dwarf, along with max Dex.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    max con ??? not max wis and dex ?...and is half elf a good choice ?
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    ottoarc wrote: »
    max con ??? not max wis and dex ?...and is half elf a good choice ?

    Depends what you need to do. PvP best choice it's halfling or dwarf all day long. Also, max CON is PvP only.

    I am telling this, because really there is no other spec for PvP than Combat, so it's better to know where are you going to focus. Personally, I plan my toons for PvP...since PvP specs can PvE effectively while PvE specs get one shotted in Domination maps.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    oh only combat ?? so not hybrid or archery because i saw archery is kinda nice and YES combat is very nice too..im curious why not max dex and wis since this is HR build right ?? i bet voltomey also max these 2 ?? and also i know hafling best for combat paragon because this paragon ahve increase 10% deflect in melee ?? but why dwarf and also what about half elf ?? half elf knack of success also seems very nice ???
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Dwarf = +2 Con and +2 Str or Wis. Plus the Stun resist. + ULTRA coolness because they look awesome.

    But yeah, elves are nice also...

    As I told you, it depends on what you need to do. If you plan to go PvE, you go max Dex and one else of the relevant damage boosting stats. But in PvP, where Regeneration is quite important you need a high HP pool. You can't rely on 22k to get you through the onslaught.

    Also, a guide is not about copying it. It's about getting the basics (which is entirely what this guide does+pictures of failrangers and a Steve Argyle mtg elf). So feel free to experiment, it's really straight forward. PvP needs to boost your defensive stats since surviving>>>>nuking, while PvE is the other way around.

    Also, don't name your ranger Legolas or Drizzt. They already hit a population limit.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    basically wont name drittz or legolas it seems kinda lame to me !! i wont copy it full just need some advice pls ?? and is hybrid good ? like half archery and half combat although i know if going hybrid you cant reach master of combat or master of archery ...so which race i should go for..hafling or half elf im so torn between this two..and i pvp ALOT..i pvp almost every day..when its sunday i have like 10 hour to play i will mostly spend like 7-8 hour for pvp and 2-3 hour for pve to raise my level...
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    help me hidahayabusa..guide me
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Lol. Can't really guide anyone! Let's get to PMs.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    PM ? you mean in game ?
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    ottoarc wrote: »
    PM ? you mean in game ?

    Sure, find me in game if you want. Let's not derail this any more :)
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    how to find ?? this game cant whisper to someone if i dont find your name and click it
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    im at protector enclave.. where are you
  • trterror1trterror1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Boar hide triggers the movement speed buff from the forest walk.
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    The Combat guide needs some more info. Itemisation is not as simple as 'get the gg gear'. Imho, 2 Royal Guard, 2 Lethal Stalker along with Noble beast rings are the best you can get. Also you should give some alternatives to CN weapon set, because right now they are out of reach for those who can't farm CN.

    Also, you should mention that the optimal way to run the build is going Aspect of the Lone Wolf/Stormstep action if you PvP.

    Max Con if you are not lucky to be a dwarf, along with max Dex.

    None of these are guides there just walk throughs of each tree if they were guides i would have put a little more meat with them. And if i wanted to tell them the optimal way to run the build i would tell them to make a half-ling all the dwarf racial s are still partly broken.Also gear for melee ranger there many combination's that work fine for me i use all epic FiE and Forest Lord two parts and that gives me enough stats to do very efficient at pvp. Any way i will be explaining in the gear and how it works post.
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    someone help me hafling or half elf
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    ottoarc wrote: »
    someone help me hafling or half elf

    halfling. More Con & DEX + Deflection & CC Reduction
  • bjortheredbjorthered Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 7
    edited December 2013
    What movie is this pic from?
    voltomey wrote: »
    Interview with a Hunter Ranger Part 2 the combat edition because we all want to be like this guy down here:cool:
    Hello All Little one here back with are Hunter ranger of the Evening Big V to help shed some light on Hunter Rangers and their wicked sick and Mysterious ways This time were looking at the Hunter Rangers who have the balls to go all out in melee range.

    Like archery the path is simple melt face from melee range hey fool look i shift so much i am like a blur to you while i fox burst you dead where you stand.

    Top Races Choices
    Half-Orc Halfling Half-Elf Dwarf Tiefling Sun&Moon Elves

    Strengths: They are Fast and Very Mobile if they don't want to be caught you will not catch them. They can Burst down targets with High amounts Unmitigated dmg They have Strong Grasping Roots KD snares and Invulnerable frames that help them Kill targets and evade capture. There quick to change it up on you and are very capable from at fighting from ranged as well. They have Higher defense and deflection then the normal the ranger and a higher base crit chance.They can also have 20% to 30% or more run speed and can reach deflection lvls of a TR and GWF. They have more leeway on stats and can go full defensive and maintain a high offense think of them as the Anti TR.

    Weaknesses:There Melee Ranged any competent long ranged class can kill them there best burst skill fox shift has a cast time. Ther very susceptible to Stuns CC KD. Position dependant you can easily tell good ones from bad ones in how they approach you. Again laziness and Not being aware of your surroundings will get you killed.

    Combat Feats

    Seeker:Melee attacks Grant Stamina This is good cause we do a lot of AoE dmg so being able to shift more to avoid a onslaught of skills is key for us.

    Retreat Technique: Grants 5 AP when shifting: I believe The AP is boosted from the recovery stats also

    Agile Hunter: Like bloodthirsty this is a hybrid feat But its also very good to use as melee ranger to kick it up in ranged mode from time to time when situation calls for it.It Lowers the CD on ranged skills whenever you use a melee skill by 1 second

    Wardens Caution:This is another hybrid skill it benefits ranged player more who like to burst things down from ranged. It add 5% more to the dmg boost throw caution gives.

    Lethal Hunter: Melee attacks do 15% more dmg. This is one of our key feats its just like sniper aim for melee stance with out the drawback of getting weaker.

    Elusive Hunter: 10% Deflection chance while in melee stance. Another key feat This allows us to reach High deflection lvls On part with TR's and GWF max it.

    Bleeding Precision:10% more crit chance while in melee stance. This gives us the ability to hit 50% base crit another key feat max this

    Expert Skirmisher: 10% more run speed Adds more to are Mobility this is optional but most max it any way it gives use the ability to get to 20% or higher run speed whats not to love.

    Master of Combat: 17% chance to attack twice the second attack dealing weapon dmg and cannot be mitigated.This is what puts the whole thing together double dmg this is what makes Fox shift Murder shift along with the rest of the key feats.

    Getting started

    Ok Big V take it away what makes Combat HR different from a TR. Oh well good question little one lets start well we do things slightly different then TR's let me explain We kill differently then a TR we don't have long stealth like the TR we rely on Out smarting are targets to Outright overwhelming force to kill targets. Oh is that so Big V well tell me more How can i be a better Combat ranger should i decide to go that path.

    First things First lets get Harder Better Faster Stronger
    So Now that you know The whole combat path is about Enhancements lets Get dirty and add more to it lets fill in the holes of this ranger again defensive stats are key to survival the thing is you can stack less of them and stack more offence if you wish or go even more balls to the wall in defensive stats.

    Questions any one?. Yes yes Voltomey what do i put on my Combatant to make him a better fighter than he already is.

    Regen: Again Regen is key for us to live get the rings and you will be golden

    Crit Strike: I usually say get this from gear Alone but you probably will have to stack this to get to the 50% mark if you aiming for it

    Lifesteal: Unlike are Archer Counterpart this is very good to have we attack fast and do good burst dmg enough to warrant a large heal from this stat. Stack this if you want some extra Umph in your heals and tankyness.This stat works even better in conjunction with regen and deflection.

    Recovery:This will boost ap gain from RT feat and AP in general and shave off A few seconds from are CD Sun and Moons elves with high Int can take advantage of this stats even more and reach even lower downtimes on skills.I advise getting this from gear alone do not stack.

    Defense:Boosting dmg Mitigation for close quarter combat is good make sure you at least have 25% dmg resistance lone wolf will give you that extra Umph to have 40% DR.

    Movement :Its important for a Melee HR this is a very mobile path so moving faster during combat lets you run circle around your foes.

    Key skills for melee destruction

    Boars charge/Hide: This is a defensive as well as Offensive skill It gives you 10% more dmg mitigation the melee version is a Knockdown it hit hard and when they're down Fox them and boom death.

    Hindering shot/strike:This is good dmg and utility from ranged it has three charges can crit hard on occasion and be used to snare runners and get back up on them in melee range. Its melee version give strong roots meaning they're not going anywhere this lets you wail on them till they turn blue in the face.

    Fox Cunning/Shift: This is TR insurance since its been nerfed its less effective against CW but can still Avoid a TR lashing with this. Its melee Version is what makes up most the burst we have it can do alot of dmg enough to kill a undergeared target and half a unprepared targets health.This is the key skill in a melee build don't leave home with out it.

    Constricting Arrow/Steel Breeze: Sometimes i swap out Hindering for this its ranged power is a nice stun its melee power is nice stamina management.

    ME/MR: What do i say your main get in and get out skills melee version is a nice hard hitter you can also kill a fleeing target with this.

    Looking for a good armor set for my melee ranger
    Ok Bug V what sets Are good for melee rangers gear me up i am ready. Well Personally i find that wearing a full set as a melee ranger dose not do the build justice and to hit the milestones i require stats bonuses not necessarily a set bonus. Oh so you mix sets what set do you mix dose it depend on the stats you want to run with a particular build. Yes it dose little one i have to find that zen between offense and defense with my stats as a melee ranger. None the less i will give you a set with set bonuses that is actually worth using

    The Only full set wurth using IMHO for melee

    T2 PvP Master Predator
    Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
    Set 2 Bonus You Run 15% Faster and when you deflect you have a chance to Regenerate 1.5% of your Hit Points
    1271 Armor Pen
    1271 Crit Strike
    1216 Defense
    574 Power
    126 Movement

    CN Bow set
    Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
    1848 Power
    442 Crit Strike
    206 Armor Pen
    206 Deflection

    Master predator and CN bow set this armor is very defensive if you wanted you can hit 2444 defense with just gear and boons alone and still cap out on Life steal and Regen and still use the slots for high crit rating.

    Combat Summery
    Ok Big V thats it for this quick review of the combat ranger any last words for are viewers yes i still have more to go over but i will explain what i did not explain in this part in later sections its about time for the nature review my last words are if you plan to go melee ranger its a higher skill cap then the archer or nature paths and requires more focus don't expect to jump right in it and own. Just be smart and build your ranger right and you should be good.
  • proqludumproqludum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 83
    edited December 2013
    bjorthered wrote: »
    What movie is this pic from?

  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,983 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bjorthered wrote: »
    What movie is this pic from?

    It's from the movie Hellboy 2 - The Golden Army ... The character is Prince Nuada Silverlance of the Clan Bethmoora elves ... Sadly he doesn't use a Bow, but he is a real Bada$$ with a blade!
    Is it finally a T5/U/T6 KDF Science Ship?
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Nope, just a McKrenim Happy Meal toy.
    IMPERIAL AUSMONAUTS - STO Klingon & Rom-Klink Fleet.

  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Dwarf = +2 Con and +2 Str or Wis. Plus the Stun resist. + ULTRA coolness because they look awesome.

    But yeah, elves are nice also...

    As I told you, it depends on what you need to do. If you plan to go PvE, you go max Dex and one else of the relevant damage boosting stats. But in PvP, where Regeneration is quite important you need a high HP pool. You can't rely on 22k to get you through the onslaught.

    Also, a guide is not about copying it. It's about getting the basics (which is entirely what this guide does+pictures of failrangers and a Steve Argyle mtg elf). So feel free to experiment, it's really straight forward. PvP needs to boost your defensive stats since surviving>>>>nuking, while PvE is the other way around.

    Also, don't name your ranger Legolas or Drizzt. They already hit a population limit.

    Actually man, I think their are better Stalker pieces on the Market: Stalkers Hood of Restoration / Boots version for one. Has the same Itemisation with +420 Arp +420 Deflect, But also gives 160 Defense and 230ish Lifesteal. Which Imo is much better than the lethal Stalker. Also,

    I think One Ring of Health and one of the pegasus seal rings are a better match than just two of the pegasus seal rings, You lose out on 200 ish Regen but gain 500 flat HP (+Bonus from toughness).

    Also IMO The Fallen Dragon Weapons are BIS purely because of their stat layout. We get that many free stats on our gear, the only thing we have left to stack is Lifesteal (Im personally at 1672 Regen and 1500 Lifesteal) (11.4% Regen ticks and 10.4% life Steal - Tick for 1500 at half health with 30k HP.)
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Probably, if you go heavy on Life Steal. I went for lethal due to Crit over LS, since I find it quite important. Of course if you climb up to 1500 LS, then it's totally worth it.

    I wouldn't drop lower than 40% crit when in Melee though.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Probably, if you go heavy on Life Steal. I went for lethal due to Crit over LS, since I find it quite important. Of course if you climb up to 1500 LS, then it's totally worth it.

    I wouldn't drop lower than 40% crit when in Melee though.

    I Plundered and retired my CW. Crit chance is in a Low 47%.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    personally i cant wait for SsA to get its nerf so i can stop endorsing that bug any way i will add more meat to the pages
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Ok i have a few question
    1)hafling have thier bonus cc resistent..what is the meaning of crowd control?
    2)if i use hafling i should max dex/wis or dex/con..if i max con that mean i would lose alot of crit chance since wis give crit chance..
    3)and half elf compare to hafling why is hafling stronger..is it because the 3% deflect..but half elf have 1% delect 1% crit severity and 1% gold gain compare to hafling 3%.is it not wofth it..and half elf also get +1 to non CLASS ability..what is this class refer to..is it i choose hr ..so hr ability is dex wis str..so the +"1 eill not be this three so i can +1 to con am i right
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    voltomey wrote: »
    personally i cant wait for SsA to get its nerf so i can stop endorsing that bug any way i will add more meat to the pages

    Even without the 'abuse' Combat is just amazing. Also, if you are so much against using the mechanics given to the class, then you can go the legit way and NOT play with Stormstep.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    And also what is lone wolf mitigation means?is that mean i gain more def? EXAMPLE: i have 30% def +lone wolf 25% = 55%def is it like that? If nt than what is it,and also someone pls answer my previous post thx..someone answer all thx
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Yes. This is what it means.

    As far as your previous post is concerned: CC is crowd control meaning stuns, prones, snares, slows...anything that controls you.

    The rest are a matter of choice and quite self explanatory.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Yes. This is what it means.

    As far as your previous post is concerned: CC is crowd control meaning stuns, prones, snares, slows...anything that controls you.

    The rest are a matter of choice and quite self explanatory.

    ok hidahayabusa..thx for answering my first question.. ok now 2nd question and 3rd question and about the lone wolf question !!! someone pls answer it thx alot
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ottoarc wrote: »
    Ok i have a few question
    1)hafling have thier bonus cc resistent..what is the meaning of crowd control?
    2)if i use hafling i should max dex/wis or dex/con..if i max con that mean i would lose alot of crit chance since wis give crit chance..
    3)and half elf compare to hafling why is hafling stronger..is it because the 3% deflect..but half elf have 1% delect 1% crit severity and 1% gold gain compare to hafling 3%.is it not wofth it..and half elf also get +1 to non CLASS ability..what is this class refer to..is it i choose hr ..so hr ability is dex wis str..so the +"1 eill not be this three so i can +1 to con am i right
    1) Answered already.
    2) As long as you get 15 Str, 23 or higher Dex and 19 or higher Wis at end game (without campfire) your other stats are a matter of taste. If you plan to do a lot of PvP, make sure you pump Con.
    3) Halfling > Half-Elf because +2Dex is greater than anything else the half-elf brings. Also last report I saw (could be out of date) was some half-elf racials are bugged.
    4) Lone Wolf does exactly that. Of course how useful is it when most enemies will close to melee with you and do their damage there? Its not a bad feature, but its just not as good as the alternatives.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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