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No compensation for Stalwart Bulwark rework?

bratzinatorbratzinator Member Posts: 68
edited September 2013 in The Militia Barracks
Hey, has there been any announcement about if there will be any form of compensation for it? I don't want to start another thread about the rework being a fail, but as the rework failed to take the set most GFs used from overpowered to decent - but instead made it the worst GF set availlable in the game - many people will their enchantments locked into equipment you would normally sell to a vendor.

People would not complain about that so much if the rework would have made the set a decent or situational choice, but it is not. A decrease of the set's power was surely expected by many. But what players expect is that an overpowered ability is reduced in damage, an overpowered buff is reduced in stat value etc. When putting pricy enchantments into a set that might be OP players take the risk that a patch will take the set and decrease the set's strength to a balanced state while keeping it viable. But getting a set from best in slot to worst in slot while completely changing the mechanics is not something you can blame the players for not to have expected.

I, myself don't have too much AD invested in my Stalwart set (3 Dark 6s, 1 Radiant 7, Lesser Soulforge, 3 items transmuted, which combined with the AD cost of the equip should still be below 1M AD), but others with Greater Soulforged Enchants or Rank 9-10 enchantments and 4 pieces transmuted may feel a little frustrated selling their equipment to a vendor for 6 gold and 40 silvers.

Was there any form of compensation announced for the players, or not? Did they say anything if they would look into the set further (maybe reworking it again to make it balanced instead of underpowered?). Did they at all respond to guardian fighter related threads or just in the TR/GWF discussions?

OT: What about you guys? Did you sell your stalwart set to the vendor already to free up inventory space or do you keep it in your bank as a memento? I personally did not sell mine yet, because of the transmutes - still looks cool at least...!
Post edited by bratzinator on


  • flamexsoldierflamexsoldier Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2013
    Hah, compensation? We didn't even get an acknowledgement of our concerns from the Devs. Not even a 'thank you for your feedback.' Feelin' the love, Devs, feelin' the love.
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Cryptic didn't even take us out to dinner first. :(

    I feel dirty like one of those Craig List Girls.
  • slayorianslayorian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You got to use a way overpowered armor set for quite a long time. Meanwhile cranking in loot and have way OP damage in pvp. Compensated in advance.
  • silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    i hope that the same happen to every class someday so they can feel our pain.

    anyway well the DEV team seems that do not like the GF community they not even answer any of the post, Mods on theother hand are with us for most of the problme however most of them just tell to move on and do not have any update from DEVs either, i will save my set probably they will give use something like the ption to take out enchants for free who knows.

    but you will probably see less GF around, and a lot more timeless armors as well, and now that timeless will be the norm there will be a lot of crit and 2 hit kills in pvp, and since people is telling that that is the way it should be then they do not deserve to cry about it in the future.
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
  • caelithcaelith Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 66
    edited August 2013
    i hope that the same happen to every class someday so they can feel our pain.

    anyway well the DEV team seems that do not like the GF community they not even answer any of the post, Mods on theother hand are with us for most of the problme however most of them just tell to move on and do not have any update from DEVs either, i will save my set probably they will give use something like the ption to take out enchants for free who knows.

    but you will probably see less GF around, and a lot more timeless armors as well, and now that timeless will be the norm there will be a lot of crit and 2 hit kills in pvp, and since people is telling that that is the way it should be then they do not deserve to cry about it in the future.

    I wouldn't mind having a OP armour set for a while, but I would be smart enough to realise it wasn't meant to be that way and then waste aload of AD on it.
  • silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    caelith wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind having a OP armour set for a while, but I would be smart enough to realise it wasn't meant to be that way and then waste aload of AD on it.

    the problem was that teh DEV at any point mentioned in any post that the set needed a nerf, so if the set made it after open beta then would mean the dev team accepted that it was going to remain the same, they even adjust the lv of the equip and never mention that the set was going to change.

    again the problem is that even a nerf would be better, decrease the stack% but mantain how the set works.

    but then they just rework the set, yes the stats are the same but the set now work completely different so all build araund that thet and rings and other stuff is uselles now, cause they are bind to you character and you cannot use them with the set, yes you can adjust it to other build, but for that you will spend the money again since you already did it (some even twice due to the change in lv of the pieces).

    again the respec is something that will help a little in comparison to what we need to do in order to use other sets, just think about it, to move my GPF and my greater souldforge i need 600k.

    so that is why i am telling you hope this will happen to everyclass someday with the same rules, the BiS equip on the game for everyclass that at any point hasbeing mentioned by the DEV team that requires a change, then in a patch just rework it to something totally differnt that render it useless again your set of rings/neck/belt and build, so you will have a piece of garbage for a set with a greater soulforged and rank 7 enchants that if you use it you will be the worst player around.

    to give you a better perspective, if you are a TR and then cryptic decide that TR will be the new tank so lets change all the feats and dailies for them to increase defence, reflect and lets take out crit and damage buff, what would you feel?, most of the sets and equips are focused on damage and now they are useless to you, you will need to find something for defense that maximize your usage. all the time it took to build up and money if you invested some are now useless, you cannot sell them cause they are bind to you and cannot use it cause you should be a tank now (this is a drastical comparison but you might imagine a little) again, dont care anymore no DEV has come up to say something, i will adapt and move one i already had timeless and CN ancient set before the patch and anouncement so i am lucky, others are not that lucky.
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
  • fallenangel1911fallenangel1911 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Meanwhile, GWFs didn't even have a single proper 4 set bonus till they buffed AoW and everyone ran around with 2/2...man I totally feel the pain of GFs who have to change from a phenomenally super-op 4/4 to another still good 4/4...yeah, no.

    Come again when they've broken your class mechanic in half, nerfed every single daily you have to the point where it might as well be an encounter and butchered half your feats.

    All this entitlement whining ala "Oh no, my super-mega-so-op-you-know-it's-gonna-get-nerfed armor set loaded with perfect/rank10 enchants did get nerfed!" is just making people who are facing actual problems bitter.
  • bratzinatorbratzinator Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2013
    slayorian wrote: »
    You got to use a way overpowered armor set for quite a long time. Meanwhile cranking in loot and have way OP damage in pvp. Compensated in advance.

    Stalwart never was OP in PvP, most GFs I know of didnt even use it in PvP since it provides no ArPen, Crit or Regen and you have no augmentive companions in PvP. Also the effect required you to take damage first to work, which means lowering your shield and being undefended against crowd control and that you dont have the set bonus activate when you initiate the fight, which is what you want in many cases.

    And cranking loot?! If you take all possible drops a GF can get from a chest you get the worst AD income except for clerics. Also GF was and maybe still is the class most parties leave out.

    Calling the set "way overpowered" is also a bit exaggerating. The damage boost you get from the set is on par the T2 sets of TR and GWF, but the unfair advantage was the set being "way overdefensive", offering 2-3% more damage resistance and deflect than other equipment choices.
    caelith wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind having a OP armour set for a while, but I would be smart enough to realise it wasn't meant to be that way and then waste aload of AD on it.

    The bonus is very easy to understand and it was not buggy or so. Clearly the set bonus was 100% intended to work that way and the set was around for soooooo long, without there being any announcement of plans to change that set, while in the meantime other classes sets were changed, having there bonus decreased by percentages. You could maybe expect the buff to be decreased by a certain percentage, I give you that. But changing a set in a way it can no longer be used to be playing with is not predictable and sure you put AD into your stuff. The new mechanic is so dumb, it gives you bonus damage for emptying your guard meter which lowers your damage.

    Imagine they would change Avatar of War (BiS GWF) set bonus to "Everytime you are affected by control powers gain 20 bonus damage on your next attack. Stacks 10 times." Or take the set bonus of Swashbuckling (one of the best TR sets) to "When you lose stealth due taking damage you gain 20 bonus damage on your next attack. Stacks 10 times." Would make just as much sense and even then the sets would still be better because they have decent stats and a decent 2 set bonus.
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    bratzinator - The only reason you think the STAL was not OP in PvP is because you never faced a Regen/Deflect GF with 11.5k Power & 9.6% Regen / 28% deflect / 46%+ Damage Reduction.

    If you had issues with a GWF this build was even stronger as it did more damage and just as tanky plus the CC's. And PvE with 14.8k Power with 20% CRT/24% ArP was the highest damage set with very high tanking. A very broken combination as a tank build should not also do the most damage.

    Now the highest damage will be DPS builds with low survival as it should be.
  • womendriverslolwomendriverslol Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The love your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> feels should be compensation enough.
  • bratzinatorbratzinator Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2013
    Meanwhile, GWFs didn't even have a single proper 4 set bonus till they buffed AoW and everyone ran around with 2/2...man I totally feel the pain of GFs who have to change from a phenomenally super-op 4/4 to another still good 4/4...yeah, no.

    Come again when they've broken your class mechanic in half, nerfed every single daily you have to the point where it might as well be an encounter and butchered half your feats.

    All this entitlement whining ala "Oh no, my super-mega-so-op-you-know-it's-gonna-get-nerfed armor set loaded with perfect/rank10 enchants did get nerfed!" is just making people who are facing actual problems bitter.

    I feel the pain of GWFs complaining about having the best TAB skill ingame reduced in effectiveness... wait? what does GF have? single target mark? ...yeah, no

    Running around with 2/2 at least makes sense on GWF. GF sets except for one dont have 2 part bonusses that match the set and there is no set with a offensive stat distribution on it that could be compared to Avatar of War in any way. Did you even play GF with the set?! It was best in slot but not phenomenally super-op.

    But I did not start the thread to argue if the set was OP. There should just be a compensation as the set is the worst in slot option now and people have spent much on it. GFs now need to maximize their character in a different way as the mechanic of stacking health for power bonus was removed from the game. Just like classes that get their skills changed get a chance to move their feat points to a new build the classes that gets their sets changed should get a chance to move their enchantments.

    And I think you dont get the magnitude from this change. You cannot compare it from reducing Unstoppable uptime. You could compare it to removing the entire skill from GWF and giving them something completely different. If they gave GWFs the crappy mark TAB-skill for example and remove unstoppable.
    dkcandy wrote: »
    bratzinator - The only reason you think the STAL was not OP in PvP is because you never faced a Regen/Deflect GF with 11.5k Power & 9.6% Regen / 28% deflect / 46%+ Damage Reduction.
    Now the highest damage will be DPS builds with low survival as it should be.

    I think its not the fault of the set that the BUILT is OP. There are other items you can use for that and they might even be more viable. Its not about if the set was OP however, but about that its <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> now and you can basically sell it to a vendor because they failed to do a decent rework at it and there is no compensation for it.
  • fallenangel1911fallenangel1911 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    And I think you dont get the magnitude from this change. You cannot compare it from reducing Unstoppable uptime. You could compare it to removing the entire skill from GWF and giving them something completely different. If they gave GWFs the crappy mark TAB-skill for example and remove unstoppable.

    When they change your armor you can use a different set, when they change your feats or powers you can respec, when they break your class mechanic in half, you have nowhere to go, so your comparison doesn't hold water.

    I rather think you're underestimating the magnitude of the changes(or rather bugs, hopefully...) to Unstoppable. It's not just slightly reduced uptime or something, the entire mechanic is so broken it isn't the same ability anymore.

    What are the three things Unstoppable did? Increase outgoing damage by increasing at will speed, reduce incoming damage by raising damage resistance while active and make you immune to CC. Why did it have to do both offense and defense together? Because unlike everyone else, GWFs lack a dedicated evasion mechanic like dodging or blocking. Especially in PvP, a GWF has to just take hits that other classes simply dodge or block.

    What has changed? Well, two of those things are basically gone. Forget Unstoppable for reducing damage and forget it for weathering CC while you advance. Oh and forget increased damage as well, if the target is hitting back, so I guess the third is half gone as well. Why? Because in addition to its cut uptime when no one's hitting you(down from 8 seconds with a full determination bar to 6.something) Unstoppable simply turns off entirely when your tiny temp HP pool is gone.

    For now, it might as well read:
    While active, your at will attacks are faster but weaker. You break out of control effects when you first activate the ability. If you suffer 3 hits or are hit for over 8% of your hitpoints in a single attack, you are dismounted...oops, I mean Unstoppable instantly cancels.
  • gonnymgonnym Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    slayorian wrote: »
    You got to use a way overpowered armor set for quite a long time. Meanwhile cranking in loot and have way OP damage in pvp. Compensated in advance.

    I have the Stalwart Bulwark set and have been reporting several times that it gave me power increase but no damage increase with that power, so I have not benefitiated from it.
  • distopiancitizendistopiancitizen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    As people have stated real currency is involved for many on this situation. PWE has the ability to continue to profit financially from actions such as these for those loyal customers they decide to screw over with similar changes in the future.

    Even though they are not an official business on the Better Business Bureau they have responded there previously. Send in a complaint on their website for resolution if you have spent real money and object to these kinds of changes.

    Also there is a petition here to bring attention to these kind of practices here. Please sign this if you feel as though changes like this have violated your rights as a consumer.
  • ruonthehuntruonthehunt Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    caelith wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind having a OP armour set for a while, but I would be smart enough to realise it wasn't meant to be that way and then waste aload of AD on it.

    I started the game late and didnt even know it was way overpower and broke. Forums I read said that was the best armor to get so that is why I got it. As a new player I did not know anything about other classes and gear. The dev's put it in, it was their fault to begin with and so they shold have had some kind of compensation for those that used it. Costs alot of AD to unsocket rank 7's/8's greater/perfect. That is all people are asking for. The dev's could have easily unsocketed every GF in the patch and all complaitns would have been solved. So simple
  • vallivvalliv Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I feel the pain of GWFs complaining about having the best TAB skill ingame reduced in effectiveness... wait? what does GF have? single target mark? ...yeah, no

    o.0 I got a gf, and gwf, and currently the GF is so OP compared to the GWF it's not even funny.. actually , all the classes are OP compared to the GWF, atm, so that was probably the worst comparison you could've made =)
  • fleberedflebered Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bump this up i hope the devs see this not that they care
  • hinageshi79hinageshi79 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    for me no compensation means to quit the game. I don't have resources to build a new whole build with a new whole gear and i can't restart from zero.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They set a precedent with this, without a word from the devs, no one will know which set will be considered OP next and gets nerfed beyond recognition.

    It means it's completely up to them that you need to either purchase or farm your enchantments again, including the wards to fuse them, or pay even more AD's to unbind them from your old and now obsolete set.

    Couple this with the congratulations to the folks who made use of the lockbox fiasco (the bug was known a couple of days in advance on the preview server) and the 'fix' to not being able to unbind companions by calling it a feature, I find it rather big FU towards the playerbase.
  • hinageshi79hinageshi79 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 246 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Don't let this thread slide away... we still need our compensation. We spent months, money, AD, time to a set that now doesn't exist anymore. I was like devps simply deleted the stalwart set from the game.

    I want my AD back.
  • banaancbanaanc Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    and u got to use broken op set for that, so stop crying

    only thing they should do is allow to take sockets out for free

  • alergy222alergy222 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Very very silly idea with this change, when pplz spend cash on smth thay want stability (and no its not the same with skills you dont spend cash or farm long hours for skills you get them in the process +its very easy to reskill) when you create possiblility of pplz going to sleep 1 day and waking up with their cash/time just made useless it creates incentive to stop spending or playing at all. Im not saying this set wasnt OP (i have no opinion) im just saying the way it was handled is quite insane. so...

    gg PWE very smart policy very smart

    ps. as for ppls who say it was obv this will happen - you guys suggest ppl should use worst possible items cos thay sure as hell wont be made useless? Or every1 should just ask you if thay can use some item combination or you think its OP?
  • silverfox1313silverfox1313 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    alergy222 wrote: »
    Very very silly idea with this change, when pplz spend cash on smth thay want stability (and no its not the same with skills you dont spend cash or farm long hours for skills you get them in the process +its very easy to reskill) when you create possiblility of pplz going to sleep 1 day and waking up with their cash/time just made useless it creates incentive to stop spending or playing at all. Im not saying this set wasnt OP (i have no opinion) im just saying the way it was handled is quite insane. so...

    gg PWE very smart policy very smart

    ps. as for ppls who say it was obv this will happen - you guys suggest ppl should use worst possible items cos thay sure as hell wont be made useless? Or every1 should just ask you if thay can use some item combination or you think its OP?

    Haven't spent a cent since this patch nor have I logged in. FFXIV suits me just fine and maybe EQ Next will be everything it is being reported to be. Either way, I don't like being mistreated when I spend money on something. If I bought super awesome training shoes from Nike and they helped me perform better when I was working out and then Nike came into my house and took them replacing them with sh1ttty a$$ shoes I would never buy from them again either. This isn't hard to put into perspective, it is simply an unethical con from a greedy gaming company.
  • chipsterchipster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Haven't spent a cent since this patch nor have I logged in. FFXIV suits me just fine and maybe EQ Next will be everything it is being reported to be. Either way, I don't like being mistreated when I spend money on something. If I bought super awesome training shoes from Nike and they helped me perform better when I was working out and then Nike came into my house and took them replacing them with sh1ttty a$$ shoes I would never buy from them again either. This isn't hard to put into perspective, it is simply an unethical con from a greedy gaming company.

    Sad to hear that pal. The training shoes that you brought comes with wings that it allow you to fly while running~ cool isn't it? Then one day, they decided to take away the flying ability...omg~ Enjoy while it last. Move forward :D
  • silverfox1313silverfox1313 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    chipster wrote: »
    Sad to hear that pal. The training shoes that you brought comes with wings that it allow you to fly while running~ cool isn't it? Then one day, they decided to take away the flying ability...omg~ Enjoy while it last. Move forward :D

    Yah this is a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> poor analogy with absolutely no value to the actual issue. I didn't ask for a side of troll with any of my purchases. Although.... if I could purchase troll restraining orders, I would surely do so, and you would have to find another way of being idiotic.
  • sslothzzsslothzz Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    chipster wrote: »
    Sad to hear that pal. The training shoes that you brought comes with wings that it allow you to fly while running~ cool isn't it? Then one day, they decided to take away the flying ability...omg~ Enjoy while it last. Move forward :D
    If i pay money for shoes with wings, i have all the rights to use those wings till i die (or the shoes wear out). Message to the Nike company: Either be an honest seller or GTFO.
  • darkami669darkami669 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I spent real life money and time on enchantments for the armor, I will not spend another dime with this company. I am done !! I am going on to other games . No way I let a company treat me like this. I put hundreds of hours farming those enchantments , if they let me take them out for free I would of been ok with it all , but to have to farm new a set with new enchantments or spend crazy amounts to take out my enchantments is stupid.
  • chipsterchipster Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 128 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Yah this is a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> poor analogy with absolutely no value to the actual issue. I didn't ask for a side of troll with any of my purchases. Although.... if I could purchase troll restraining orders, I would surely do so, and you would have to find another way of being idiotic.

    Take it easy. It is just another one of your poor judgement and poor investment in stalwart. Tissue for you..
  • darkami669darkami669 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    chipster wrote: »
    Take it easy. It is just another one of your poor judgement and poor investment in stalwart. Tissue for you..

    I was using what was in the game, I get the nerf , but they should of let us take the enchantments out. There was no poor judgement , it was the best in slot of GF bottom line. I spend real life money and time , they should let us get out of it , since it was THEIR issue. It was not like it was a bug or exploit .
  • yogokouyogokou Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The real issue is not the stalwart set change, honestly you spent what you thought was right (time/money/both) and got your worth back for as long as the company seemed right to keep it like this (which has every right to decide when and how to change something). We all understand the reasons for the change.

    The real issue is the broken game mechanic of un-socketing enchantments. In a few months new tier equipment will be introduced in the game, and everyone will be expected to suddenly pay millions of diamonds to transfer his enchantments? Making all player's time and resources spent void is a sure way to drive players to stop playing. Un-socketing prices should be seriously lowered, or some other mechanic should be introduced, the current one is not efficient, and irritating to players.
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