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Reimburse For Nerfs??? THOUGHTS?

freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
So like most GF's I used a stalwart set. I found out Timeless can be more effective so I switched to that. After this patch the stalwart set will literally be worthless. I have all rank 8's and spent over 400k making it look pretty.. Do you guys think after a set nerf especially one that renders it useless that we should get all gems unsocketed and dyes back; as well as the AD spent modding it?

Or is it that Cryptic just loves money too much so they screw people who used the set so they have to spend more?


Not being salty, just think it is kind of ridiculous honestly. I've had a lot of people agree, especially the very small GF crowd.

So again, thoughts?
Post edited by freshour on


  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It is not a nerf. It is a balance as that set was too OP for it's tier lvl. I have every class so I don't agree with you. People should have learned in other MMOs not to go overboard with gearing up so early in a new game, as there are going to be changes to balance stuff.
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,259 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Everything in an MMO CAN CHANGE with time. You should know that when you spend your money.
    Admins you should create a "Crying posts" category in the forum.
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
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  • katryna29katryna29 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The issue for GFs isnt that the set is being nerfed (Its being radically changed, not nerfed), 99% of them will agree it was way too overpowered for a T1 set and needed a nerf. The changes to it arent a Nerf, they have completely changed the design of the suit making it useless. The real complaint is the millions of AD spent in cutomisizing it with enchants, skins and dyes. A nerf making the suit less powerful, but still useful would have been acceptable. As it stands now, the Stalwart set will be worthless and it will cost millions of AD to remove enchants, replace dyes and skins with the next set.

    Quite rightly the set needed nerfing, but Cryptic have gone too far and rendered it useless, people rightly feel that having spent RL money on this game, they should be intended to a refund.
    "Yey though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. For I am the evillest thing in the valley"
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If something sounds too good to be true....

    The simple fact is that the Stalwart set was way, way too powerful for a T1 set ... and, depending on your build, even compared to the T2 sets. It should have seemed very likely that it was meant for a redesign/nerf. Now, you can blame Cryptic for not changing the set during the open beta phase - they should really be expected to be monitoring what is "most popular" in some sens, as it is probably either overpowered or vulnerable to exploits, and then fixing those things, and something like this should really have been caught earlier - but its simply not a surprise.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • jacksoonjacksoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    why refound? chage can happen in to a game. A lot of GF told that set was overpowerd, so why they invest money on it? you didn't expect they will rebalance it? in all the game, when a class get a radical fix, all the guy that abused of the error come to cry for try stop it. So, what the Tr or Dc or Cw or GWF have to think's about it? We got radical fix to on set or power, but we have learned how to use it now. you have simply need to find the good way of a new use for it
  • mqgnusmqgnus Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's impossible. You can't just give us something and let us using it whatever it is during 4 months and just decide to remove it from the game and leave us without any plan B. Would you kick a whole familly out of his house to serve global purpose without helping them finding a new "Home sweet home" ?

    That's the point. We're not crying about paying few others hundreds AD, we're complaining about this uncomfortable situation. But enough thread about that, Riots and Anarchy had never make things getting better.
    Top tip for passing the time : Read a book, write a book or book a holiday for your book !
  • blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I love how rohric and darkpoatater talk about things they dont know nothing about....

    Its a balance says one...
    its not a balance... its a new 4/4 set bonus and a worthless one ... having to block 10(!!) hits to get the stacks then using just 1 encounter wastes the stacks....or if you have an enchantment that reflects damage on yor chest armor piece you can NEVER stack anything....
    Genious set , right?

    To the rest of you saying "you should not gear up in a new game,game changes and all of those bull**** spewed by morons like in this thread... i have to ask you...
    I know that MMO changes constantly, i played MMO for almost 9 years now, but NO mmo makes a move like this on LIVE..
    thats what BETAS/Open Betas/ Mimic servers are for....
    not on live..
    this move makes players feel like they wasted 3 months of gameplay....this is not a nerf on X or Y ability, that you can change by pressing 1 button and chose another to fill that slot....
    if that was the case no GF would complain... to fill this "slot" we have to farm countless hours of dungeons and atleast 3 Million ad for enchantments, dyes and transmutes all over again...
    the whole 3 months i have played are going to the trash by this move.... tell how do you feel if the Devs sudenly said tou you :" well we are months in live game but screw you, you are back at the starting line!"

    this is not a "balance"

    but in your eyes "the game changes" on LIVE,so tell me why should i waste my time farming gear or ad? you talk that every MMO changes..... can you tell me wich ones does a move like this on live servers? I have played WOW, SWTOR, GW and GW2 and cant remember of a single <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> move like this...
    this is not a simple class nerf, where you spend 200 zen points to a respec...

    who is going to tell me that if 90% of the GF's change to Timeless hero they wont change that set too? so i will never be able to gear up, enchant my gear, using dyes and transmutes to make it look good because game changes on LIVE?
    If i cant be secure about my choices, so whats the point on playing? i think we are not playing the open Beta anymore, are we?

    if the changes were from content patches, where we get new upgrades, the so-called "carrot on a stick" NOONE would complain... but with this new module we get NO visible upgrades except maybe weapons...

    nerfing the set by changing it to only stack 3 times/reducing the HP % of the power we earned is aceptable and is a "balance"... and i admit that is needed.. but that is not the case here...
    Changing the set completly is not a balance.... not 3 months into live game...
  • blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    this is a quote from another poster... He puts it in words better than me.... i recomend reading...

    Quote :
    "Also, this nerf is being done in what is called a "Live" game, not in a beta phase. Not only will your achievements be lost, but you cannot be certain about what will come next. 90% of the GF's I know of will switch to Timeless Hero set. Besides feeling bad about having the wrong race and the wrong initial ability score roll to max DPS with the Timeless set, you also need to fear Cryptic nerfing the Timeless set. If sets get nerfed to dead in a live game how can you be sure that in a month or so there won't be the next nerf news ("As 90% of the Guardian Fighter's were using the Timeless hero set we reworked the four pierce bonus: You now get +10% Running Speed for 4 seconds when your Guard Meter runs out!")"
  • chrono0812chrono0812 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 501 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I am angry in an Ever Changing MMO

    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
    ~Sholom Aleichem
  • silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    i think they screwed up big time with this, because the other problem is that they never talked about changing it before, not in BETA or after it, sure if they for example told us ,the set is to OP we are thinkikng in redisigned it, we take suggestions, and then we test it on the preview, that is acceptable cause we were warned about it, so you will be using a set on you own risk anyway, but this after most of the lv 60 GF have that set with enchants, have their characters build it aroun dthe set and all jewerly is also enchanted to match the set, and then they just decide, "ok lets change the bonus so they will need to gear up again, so they will spend more and we will have more $$" that is BS'

    call me a crying kid, but in fact this sucks big time they should at least either give us the jewerly stones back and unbind or equips so we at least can sell some of them and gear up again. personally i only have the GF cause i do not have to much time to play another class due to work and personal life, so all the time i took to make my GF 14k GS with the stalwart set to be very good in PvE and a little good in pvpv now is wasted i need to star all over again, and well i was lucky since i got the timeless set even before the annouoncement of this change so cost me less than 700k for a whole set, now prizes are skyrocketing, yes some said that prizes will go down andis going to be easy to get the items now, however that is not true since most of the GF will not be included in parties cause with timeless they are not big tanks (they will need the ancient weapon/shield set to be squishy again) and squishy tank with almost no DPs are not included as well cause some epic dungeons require more damage in order to make them easy, so DD events will help only those GF that were somehow included in the party for the timeless dungeons, and boss loot % is so difficult to get that the AH will be mostly empty for the items

    Again i am lucky i have a guild that probably will help me to get CN set, will help me reinforce my gaulets and will probably also help me get the formorian weapons, but other people is not so lucky.
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
  • psychaos999psychaos999 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    WTF are you saying?!?!? Millions AD here, millions AD there. The set is a four pieces set: how much does it cost to unsocket 5 stones? Millions?!?! I don't think so.
  • blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    WTF are you saying?!?!? Millions AD here, millions AD there. The set is a four pieces set: how much does it cost to unsocket 5 stones? Millions?!?! I don't think so.

    Are you stupid or just <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>? plz tell me...
    or you are a scrub with rank 4 enchantments , no armor enchant, no transmuted gear for looks, no Dyes, no nothing? do you know how much it costs just to remove the Soulforge enchantment? you know that isnt only the 4 pieces we have to change right? ofc not, i even doubt that you have half of a working brain...
    Think before you speak....
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am really glad some of you agree with me here!! I understand it was an OP set for T1. But it is literally right there with timeless if you gear up a bit differently. Sure you lose some regen, but your power is near the same and some other stats can come up too as long as you keep your stacks up..

    Regardless.. I put a lot of AD into that suit, easily a few million. So now I have to drop a couple more million to unsocket it? Then what do I do? Vendor off the transmuted dyed gear? Sheesh that is a rough pill to swallow. I know a lot of the other classes are calling us babies, but if you just played a GF you'd realize that our sets are allllllll trash. Stalwart/Timeless are the only two worth using. Grand can be good if you play a 100% turtle, but I prefer deflec honestly...

    So now there is zero choice, literally every GF who cannot afford tenebrous will be using timeless. There is no longer a choice between that and stalwart. No warning, nothing. Everyone used to laugh when I'd say I'm using a T1 set. But it was really just because it was the only set that made sense to use.. Now there is truly only 1 set. Don't even get me started on the Fey set... These guys making the armor on this game smoke waaaaaay too much crack. I just consider Timeless and Stalwart the two sets they made in rehab.
  • psychaos999psychaos999 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ahahaha, really? You don't give any real numbers but you go on giving me names? Is this your way to argue?

    Anyway, on my tank, named "tank" (pretty smart, uh? :D ), I have both the stalwart and the grand regent, Negation Enchantment (normal rank, the one above lesser) and rank 7 stones. And the T2 GG set, don't remember its name.
    I know there is better out there, but ohh well, your epeen sure is bigger than mine :)

    Sorry for my bad english, english is not my native language.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited August 2013
    Admins you should create a "Crying posts" category in the forum.

    this is a fantastic idea
  • dustinspears1986dustinspears1986 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    yes I want my ad back 500-600k ad I bought and worked hard too earn the gear I wanted it had a description of what it did and does and that's what I bought not smething weakier or I would of kept my captains set or my other set wich was better also and a t1 too. this is a joke they should of reworked it and not listened too little kids that says its op its not not even close. these changes should of went into effect before beta was over or get better testers! sorry you cant go buy a big mac and get a single burger and say that's legal or right too your customers. and then everything they put on them aree deleted that's straight bull**** delete this if you want I want my zen and ad back from this game. and too the players the more u bi*** about op and too strong in pvp wich this games pvp system blows u have too see you are only getting everyone nerfs wich hurt the dungeons wich is the main part of this game so they make the npc's stronger us weaker and we will never beat anything unless we use real money too buy the best rank 10's and gear now this money pit owes me money for this gear I got they can say what there doing is legal and maybe it is but ethically its wrong and they know it that's y this game wont have many people after a year!
  • silveralucardsilveralucard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 410 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    WTF are you saying?!?!? Millions AD here, millions AD there. The set is a four pieces set: how much does it cost to unsocket 5 stones? Millions?!?! I don't think so.

    Bro do you even play??? we are not talking about only the set here you, build up around the set to maximize soft caps and best values, so you get Rings, neck and belt accordingly and also enchant them based on that.
    Ahahaha, really? You don't give any real numbers but you go on giving me names? Is this your way to argue?

    Anyway, on my tank, named "tank" (pretty smart, uh? :D ), I have both the stalwart and the grand regent, Negation Enchantment (normal rank, the one above lesser) and rank 7 stones. And the T2 GG set, don't remember its name.
    I know there is better out there, but ohh well, your epeen sure is bigger than mine :)

    Sorry for my bad english, english is not my native language.

    again it was your choice to have build your tank as tanker (lol), so probably your other enchants and stuff are around regent and stalwart (since both sets were used in the turtle tank guide due to the Def/Defle values) so probably you can just change set and will still work properly for your build, however DPS builds are different and they work totally different with jewerly than tanks, so you either stack power or crit or whatever you think will work best for you, same for hybrid DPS builds.

    Again i am lucky since my build just requires to adjust a little but here is whay i would change.

    due to lose in def/defl i need to change shield and weapon to CN or wait to get the formogian set on the new shard (probably i would avoided this with stalwart.

    since HP no longer increase power i will go to deflect in defense slots 2 rank 7 silver since i will reach def soft cap with my build an the set and thinking on the new content will be better to have more deflect since there is a boon that deals damage upon deflect.

    rank 7 radiant for weapon and also remove the GPF from current weapon to the new one

    i will not include rank 7 dark for utility since i was probably already change them to the new feywild enchants

    so with this my expenses are around 500k.

    however is different for others ones do not have already the timeless set, other would prefer crit over power and the BiS is vorpal instead of GPF. and rings/belt/neck totally different since the ones they have will nto work with timeless

    in here i am not including transmuted cost, again a lot of people think that this cannot be adjusted just iwth a respec since this is not a nerf is a rework, imagine that at some point they said they will release a paladin and they think GF should be a DPS class, then they are going to remove bonus en stats over for defense, you can keep the equip since you will be able to use it however all that equip will be useless now since your class no lomnger benefit from Con and you need to select only dex/str as main stats.

    PD: your english is not that bad man i think mine is worst
    Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
  • jacksoonjacksoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    stop cry -.- dump the gear whit stone if you don't wont pay AD for get it back. stop cry about milion here, milion here -.- we all know the price for rem the ench, but stop cry. The gf abused of the T1 set, so the Cryptic now fixed it and all the GF come to cry about it -.- the ony stone you have to put out is inside the chest since all the other sock are for utility slot. if you was so smart to put rank 7-8 dak in that slot.......... maybe you aren't so smart
  • phytopathphytopath Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am surprised that this change made it in, granted I haven't logged so I don't know for sure the effect. Though without any compensation I am going to be leaving the game, I payed real $ after dozens of unsuccessful runs with PUGs to get the stalwart helm I bought it not long ago. Now it is all garbage...I really didn't mind paying for stuff in the game, don't have enough time to grind/farm stuff and I wanted to support it. But this is plain out a rip off and I think there will be substantial backlash from players.
  • sammaelussammaelus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    compensation? in a free 2 play game?

    get real, will ya...
  • poolerzeus1poolerzeus1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    phytopath wrote: »
    I am surprised that this change made it in, granted I haven't logged so I don't know for sure the effect. Though without any compensation I am going to be leaving the game, I payed real $ after dozens of unsuccessful runs with PUGs to get the stalwart helm I bought it not long ago. Now it is all garbage...I really didn't mind paying for stuff in the game, don't have enough time to grind/farm stuff and I wanted to support it. But this is plain out a rip off and I think there will be substantial backlash from players.

    Exact same thing here. I have spent over 600$ in real life money in this game over 2 months. Got 3 chars to 60, and i finally decided GF was the one i preferred, so i invested in his gear. I know some of you will tell me that i didn't have to pay money and i could have farmed everything instead. Thing is, i am working alot and i do some good money. The downside is that i don't have as much time to play. So i don't mind investing some money and pay for those that are not.

    But it's not because i have already spent alot on something, that i'm a blind fool that will pay even more, just to get something else.
    I consider i have been ripped of something that cost me ALOT of real life money and therefore i will be leaving the game. You can call me a cry baby or whatever you want, i don't care, i'll find another game that will accept my money and won't rip me off. And if many persons are doing like me, and only the individuals not paying a cent are staying, watch how fast this game will fall.
  • norla10norla10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thank you, Sammaelus. You read my mind.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited August 2013
    Exact same thing here. I have spent over 600$ in real life money in this game over 2 months. Got 3 chars to 60, and i finally decided GF was the one i preferred, so i invested in his gear. I know some of you will tell me that i didn't have to pay money and i could have farmed everything instead. Thing is, i am working alot and i do some good money. The downside is that i don't have as much time to play. So i don't mind investing some money and pay for those that are not.

    But it's not because i have already spent alot on something, that i'm a blind fool that will pay even more, just to get something else.
    I consider i have been ripped of something that cost me ALOT of real life money and therefore i will be leaving the game. You can call me a cry baby or whatever you want, i don't care, i'll find another game that will accept my money and won't rip me off. And if many persons are doing like me, and only the individuals not paying a cent are staying, watch how fast this game will fall.


    terribad players that buy their gear are exactly the kinds of players we DONT need clogging up the pug scene.

    your character is going to be terrible no matter what set you wear if you cant beat the dungeons to actually acquire the gear.

    if nerfing your gear equates to the same thing as nerfing your character to you, it means you are a BAD PLAYER. there's no way around that. if you depend on your gear to succeed, find the next big item to use or, preferably, go find a different game to be bad at.
  • norla10norla10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    YES YES and YES to the last post by ranncore. I was kinda angry because of the "quick" 2 hours fix but now im rofling. Online communities grow lazier and whinier by the minute nowadays.
  • poolerzeus1poolerzeus1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ranncore wrote: »

    terribad players that buy their gear are exactly the kinds of players we DONT need clogging up the pug scene.

    your character is going to be terrible no matter what set you wear if you cant beat the dungeons to actually acquire the gear.

    if nerfing your gear equates to the same thing as nerfing your character to you, it means you are a BAD PLAYER. there's no way around that. if you depend on your gear to succeed, find the next big item to use or, preferably, go find a different game to be bad at.

    Sorry to tell you, but i am always top 2 and mostly no. 1 in PVP in each game i am playing. I have also been tanking all content easily with my guild (even if i prefer PVP to PVE) to help guildies get better gear. So, what you are thinking about my skills doesn't really impress me. You are probably just a young nerd, that has to play a free game, because you are not working and your parents won't pay for you. (See i can imagine things about you too, isn't it easy ?)
  • blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sorry to tell you, but i am always top 2 and mostly no. 1 in PVP in each game i am playing. I have also been tanking all content easily with my guild (even if i prefer PVP to PVE) to help guildies get better gear. So, what you are thinking about my skills doesn't really impress me. You are probably just a young nerd, that has to play a free game, because you are not working and your parents won't pay for you. (See i can imagine things about you too, isn't it easy ?)

    dont worry about him.... without the "terribads that buy gear" like he said , he will not have a game to play.... people keep forgetting about that...
  • norla10norla10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Or here's another twist. How about farming what you need till it drops? Imho you still taking the easy way out buying ur ****. And if what you say is true (about top wtvr u say u are) then you know good players rather put effort on their avatar to get stuff not just buy it. You don't get respect by buying ur ****.

    And now u may proceed to throw this thread into the lower dephts.
  • poolerzeus1poolerzeus1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    norla10 wrote: »
    Or here's another twist. How about farming what you need till it drops? Imho you still taking the easy way out buying ur ****. And if what you say is true (about top wtvr u say u are) then you know good players rather put effort on their avatar to get stuff not just buy it. You don't get respect by buying ur ****.

    And now u may proceed to throw this thread into the lower dephts.

    And how about you learn to read previous posts before answering ? I already stated earlier that my work is taking most of my time, and that i prefer paying and enjoy the few hours i can play by doing the things i prefer. And farming until it drops can take ALOT of time till you get a whole armor set. Sorry if i prefer having more time in real life, and do what i prefer when i'm in game, and i can afford it...
  • blindsyn1blindsyn1 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    after all those threads about the issue and not a single **** is given by the dev team...
    No answer, no post no nothing....
    If we were rogues, they will have said something by now....just look at what they did when all the rogues cryed about the nerf...
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yeah, I really knew nothing would happen. I just wanted to know what people who actually took the time to invest in a GF thought. At first it seems like a pretty straight forward class but it is really one of the most versatile options on the game.

    My GF can do more damage than some of the best rogues. Sure if they have rank 9's and up, perfect vorpals and running the Lurkers the way it is there isn't a whole lot you can do..

    My GF can slot into the fray, enforced threat, iron warrior and used the enhanced guard class feature; draw threat and hold as many adds as I can see.

    Sure I spec'd DPS while putting a few points into tanking/guard building/temp hp/buffing encounters, but I geared up 40% offensive, 60% defensive and it works out amazingly well.

    The PVP'ers will say GF's are OP, well you know what I've had over 30 kills in a pvp, and I've also been wrecked in pvp. Sure, the best geared players normally win, but usually the best geared guys have pre mades and know how to play so there is that as well.

    The PVE'ers will say GF's blow and you can run any dungeon without them (which you can). Especially the GWF's, they literally have no place in dungeons just like GF's so we naturally go back and forth with each other lol. CW's hate us because we can 1 shot them in pvp, so I understand that.

    Bottom line is I made this post because I felt slightly ripped off. I farmed the gear, all the T1 sets and all the T2 sets. I tried them all out. Timeless CAN BE better than stalwart. But you have to know what encounters to use and what Daily's to trigger after your stacks are up. Stalwart is the easiest best option, so that is why a lot of people use it. I'm not mad they made the set useless. It is a T1 set. I am however a bit upset that it went through closed beta, open beta, and live launch with zero hints that it would be nerfed at all. I changed my helmets loot, I put all rank 8's and even a rank 9 or two in it that took days of playing the market, farming CN's, farming instances for gold to pay for the dungeons... I did it the hard way. I spent the 20k on dyes and mixed matched a little until I found out what I wanted. I changed the look of a lot of stuff and I was like WOAH I am finally pretty happy with this set. I even switched to timeless before it was going to be nerfed and was going to change to that entirely.

    I just think it is a little silly that GF's are a VERY small community. Sure you get a good one in pvp and it pisses everyone off. But the dev's have shown they don't care about pvp... We have 2 maps, 1 mode, (besides the huge cluster F that is GG which CAN be fun with the right group). That is all we have.. So this game to them is all about the PVE. So I don't understand why the most underused class's gear took such a hit... It wasn't that great in pvp, timeless always topped it. It actually ENCOURAGED tanks to tank. It encouraged them to draw threat, get hit, and build up some offensive power. Now we have none of that lol. Timeless is basically a hit hit Q, E and R, as frequently as we can, get high HP slot Ten's and let the numbers fly. AT LEAST stalwart encouraged us to play the role we were meant to regardless of it is has ever really been needed lol..

    I know a lot of classes have been nerfed. I never have been mad about rogues even the way they were in open beta. I never *****eda bout DC's and their constant circle because the class is meant to f'n buff and heal. I didn't whine about CW's stacking damage, because it was AWESOME in dungeons. But this is to my knowledge the first time an entire set has literally been rendered useless. Sure if there was an incentive to actually do the dungeons for the gear rather than buy it due to massive exploits making it cheaper (that is neither here for there). I'd say 90% of the GF's that know what they are doing use this. So an entire population is being hit HARD by this. Yeah I can farm back the ad in a few weeks. Play the market, do whatever. But its over 200k to unslot that stuff each. I'll never get the dye back. I guess I can transmute my new gear to look like this, so that is only 67k or so each item. I just get this feeling of ... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I just want to play the game lol.

    So anyway sorry for making a threat that caused some people to get a little annoyed. Sorry if it seems like a big ***** fest. Sorry if you thought it would get read by a Dev because trust me, this is the last thing they care about. I just wanted to know what the 90% of GF's who did what I did thought. Because they won't be like me and switched to timeless before the dungeons were fixed and the price skyrocketed lol. I all ready did the CN's to get the rings, ammy and belt I needed, (even though I use the pvp belt). I just wanted to hear what THEY had to say.

    So thank you everyone who did reply, it makes me feel a lot better knowing that I wasn't the only one that sorta had the..... "Ummmm WTF mate" feeling lol.
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