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Advice on Gear and caps

nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in The Temple

I'd like some advice on my current gear (I know my Arms and Legs are still T1, Weapon is T1.5 and shirt and pants can be improved)

In particular, which stats am I lacking in? I read somewhere that if you get above a certain number in whatever stat, you gain proportionately less value from it. That in mind, is my Power score likely "too high" esp when factoring in the gear that still needs to be upped to T2? Could those "spare" points be better spent in a different stat to gain a proportional great benefit?

I know my feats are quite random this being my very first char, but based on where its at currently, are there any major flaws or missteps that could be corrected in the future?

My feeling is that the last 3 points in the bottom Paragon tree I should have put in the middle paragon tree. But other than that, it was a fairly decent build.
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  • bootyjoosbootyjoos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    Power doesn't have diminishing returns.
    Your crit and defense are low.

    Read this for what feats work with what skills:

    Domain Synergy (+recovery) is giving you about 136 recovery, which is a little less than a typical piece of epic accessory or an enchantment. Is it worth the five feat points? Same deal with Initiate of the Faith (+crit), except it's even more insignificant because it's not even 1% and your crit stat is even lower.

    Battlewise (-threat), on paper, isn't too useful -- either it's better for you to take the aggro so that your wizards and rogues don't take the heat, or your guardian fighter can take the aggro off you even if you don't have this feat.

    Templar's Domain (+temp armour pen) has an internal cooldown, not sure how long but it feels really long. Might be worthwhile to find out how long so you can decide if it's worth the point.

    Cleanse got nerfed so it doesn't cure revive sickness anymore, and the only things worth cleansing are roots and stuns from a couple bosses, probably. There's a 8-second cooldown to cleanse a target again, too. If you want this, 1 point is all you need. (I have a point here, but my cleric is a human)

    Anyway, it'll be good to find out what these powers and feats actually do and decide what you want your cleric to accomplish, and spec accordingly.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Booty is a pro cleric, I would listen if I were you.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • troodeetroodee Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2013
    There's no cap as such, but recovery and crit has some pretty nasty diminishing returns. Power does not.

    I did some graphs on diminishing returns, and calculated a "break even" point where power and crit is evenly good (compared to improvement in raw healing numbers, nothing else).

    Diminishing returns

    Break even point
    We are not designed to outheal stupidity!
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the advice so far.

    Looking at the charts, I'm thinking of upping Power a bit more then and aiming for approx 2400 crit and 3000-3200 Recovery roughly, going by 50%-55% of max value as a good cut off point.

    For the feats:
    Battlewise I put just 1 point in since I figured it might just be enough to lower it a tad below others in order to draw less aggro. I read that more than 1 wouldn't be worth it or so. I still find, that if there's no CW around (and often even when there are), the mobs always beeline straight for me even if others hit them and I'm only hitting the boss.

    Domain Synergy I figured would help boost Recovery, which is IMO a bit hard to increase without sacrificing Power, Crit or Defense, and the other feats didn't really appeal to me much.

    The other ones you are right, I probably shouldn't have invested as much in - which feats would you say are more worthwhile investments? None of the others really seemed that great to me, except Healing Action, but I read that the effect is 1% regardless of 1 or 5 points or so based on someone's testing
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You may regret not having points in: max Toughness, max Repurpose Soul and as much as you can get of Bountilful fortune and Holy Resolve.

    Also, five whole points into Domain's Synergy for 0.5% extra Recharge Speed Increase/Action Point Gain tops compared to 2% extra crit from Weapon Mastery for just two points?

    The rest of the feats can be anything you like, since you already have the only significant one for a general healing role: Benefit of Foresight.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hm, so for Feats I guess this would be a better idea?
    Healing Action: 1
    Greater Fortune: 2
    Toughness: 3

    Holy Resolve: 1
    Domain Synergy: 2
    Weapon Mastery: 3

    Initiate of the Faith: 0
    Repurpose Soul: 2
    Battlewise: 1

    Cleanse: 1
    Templar's Domain: 0
    Bountiful Fortune: 4

    Though about Repurpose Soul, I'm not really sure. Does it affect only the first hit of a healing effect or HoT effects as well (Healing Word, Astral Shield). If it only affects the first tick, then I would likely not pick it at all, because 15% of ~500-900 really isn't a noticeable heal at all. I'd throw that into 1x Bountiful Fortune and 1x Greater Fortune then.

    Similarly about Tougness, I actually don't want more than 1 point in it and rather add the rest onto even Domain Synergy, because the extra 6% are a mere 1000-1200 bonus HP for me, and that's literally 1-2 hits from an add or less than a hit from a boss.

    About the Paragon Feats, I'm thinking this might be a better distribution:
    Rising Hope: 5
    Second Sight: 5
    Nimbus of Light: 5
    Strength of the Gods: 5

    Deepstone Blessing: 5
    Benefit of Foresight: 5
    Power of Life: 1

    The rationale being that after testing I find Hallowed Ground in T2 Dungeons rather useless and Divine Armor is much better there. I can then slot a damaging daily in the other slot in DDs.

    Daunting Light I think with the boost would be more useful than Divine Glow while dealing more damage. The delay would admittedly be annoying when casting in non divine mode for purposes of building DP.

    Power of Life - I'm not that happy with reducing this to 1, but Astral Seal/Sacred Flame don't heal for that much anyway, so the 8% difference should be negligible? Or would it actually be significant for say TR/GWF hitting a Astral Seal marked enemy?

    Second Sight - I'm really not sure about this and if this were a horrible choice on review, I would probably take the 5 points out of Nimbus of Light (and thus Strength of the Gods) as well. It sounds on paper like one of the best feats though: 10% of the target's HP (I'm guessing max HP, but even Current HP would be great. Damage taken HP from spell would suck) seems like a lot esp in DD where enemies routinely have severel tens of thousand if not hundreds of thousand of HP. It would pretty much be an instant full heal for everyone nearby when cast on a boss +6 second wait?

    If Second Sight doesn't work like I think it does:
    Deepstone Blessing: 5
    Benefit of Foresight: 5

    Righteous Rage of Tempus: 5
    Ethereal Boon: 5
    Power of Oppression: 5
    Healing Step: 5
    Sovereign Justice: 1

    I'm not really happy about losing Power of Life and Rising Hope completely, but Healing Step/Sovereign Justice seem much better in comparison to obtain.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Repurpose soul is fantastic for passive heal increases, though. If you're at around 33% crit, that means every third...basically anything you do dispenses 15% of its effect as healz, so it's almost a 5% boost to total healing.

    Extra HP from toughness is also always nice, not just because you can take more damage but also because a few things base their effects around % of maxHP (regeneration, moon touched, holy resolve).
  • veruganverugan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 100
    edited July 2013
    I find that just wearing the 4 T2 pieces (any combo but 2/2 is what I do) along with rings/belt/etc... that are obviously for Cleric's (Ancient Slavemaster's Control)... along with a Ioun Stone... your stats are pretty much over the diminishing returns anyway. You could tweak your enchants and what not but the changes would be marginal IMO. Point is, keep going for T2 and you'll be fine.
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    We don't really need recovery on healer clerics, the only thing we use it for is AP gain, and having it on pretty much all geat sets, and bonuses is so lame. I'd rather use a set with hp, defence, deflect, regen as main focus. But i don't think thet exist. So that would be a non set blues and greens probobly. Recovery is good for dps build. It's ok for any encounter setup that doesn't include healing word. Healing word have 1 sec of cd, 3 uses, can always be cast dvinity even if the charges are out. What do we need recovery for? I dunno if this is a bug or what. But i don't use recovery anymore.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    What do we need recovery for? I dunno if this is a bug or what. But i don't use recovery anymore.

    ... Everything other than Healing Word? For example, AShield, HG, DA, Sunburst.

    Healing/buffing in almost any MMO is about uptime of your spells. This is more than any other role. If the *only* thing you stacked in NW as a Cleric was Recovery (and bare minimum of defensive stats) you would still be able to complete all current content in any group easily almost regardless of spec.

    Unless you exclusively pvp or do only trivial content, then not having 2-3k recovery or more (depending on CHA) means you're are virtually guaranteed to be a bad Cleric. Period.
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    ... Everything other than Healing Word? For example, AShield, HG, DA, Sunburst.

    Healing/buffing in almost any MMO is about uptime of your spells. This is more than any other role. If the *only* thing you stacked in NW as a Cleric was Recovery (and bare minimum of defensive stats) you would still be able to complete all current content in any group easily almost regardless of spec.

    Unless you exclusively pvp or do only trivial content, then not having 2-3k recovery or more (depending on CHA) means you're are virtually guaranteed to be a bad Cleric. Period.

    Trashmobs get wiped in 3 seconds, don't need to buff anyone for that, elite mobs, doesn't do enough dmg to outheal healing word. Bosses without adds, heals up with healing word and astrak seak, with adds, this is when you use other abillties to keep dmg down, don't need recovery to time that. And i swear you have Dailys ready almoast everytime they spawn without recovery.

    Crit+Power for offensive, defence, regen deflect for defensive. Thats how i prior cleric stats atm.
  • bootyjoosbootyjoos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 54
    edited July 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »
    The other ones you are right, I probably shouldn't have invested as much in - which feats would you say are more worthwhile investments? None of the others really seemed that great to me, except Healing Action, but I read that the effect is 1% regardless of 1 or 5 points or so based on someone's testing
    Healing Action, according to scozzers' research, only procs from Healing Word and Bastion of Health. You're getting fractions of a percent with it. When I tried it out on Preview, it doesn't seem to round, but the meter doesn't show decimals so it looks like it does. I suggest you try it out yourself on Preview so you can draw your own conclusions, rather than trusting my (or anyone else's) testing when you don't know if our testing methods are reliable.

    I only talked about what I didn't consider to be worthwhile investments, except Templar's Domain and Cleanse where they might be worthwhile but not worth more than one point. Coincidentally, you have enough points to get almost all of them :)
  • scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »
    The other ones you are right, I probably shouldn't have invested as much in - which feats would you say are more worthwhile investments? None of the others really seemed that great to me, except Healing Action, but I read that the effect is 1% regardless of 1 or 5 points or so based on someone's testing

  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yea, that's the one I was reading scozzers :)

    Any feedback on the Paragon feats?
  • hamjihamji Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    the easiest way I know how to compare stats relative to your current state of affairs is to take note of what they are then drink potions of equal strength for all the stats you are interested in and then compare the results, the highest percentage gain wins and that's what you slot.
  • scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »
    Yea, that's the one I was reading scozzers :)

    Any feedback on the Paragon feats?

    Well your points are a bit thinly spread but at least you have Benefit of Foresight. I would definitely get rid of Domain Synergy and then max Bountiful Fortune. Also, I would consider dropping some Wis and putting those points in Str, if you respec, then max Repurpose Soul and Righteous Rage. Although if you use Sacred Flame, with maxed Bountiful Fortune you might be able to get away without Righteous Rage. If you're going to take Rising Hope, pop two points in it instead of just one. It'll be up pretty much constantly then.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The 2 alternate paragon builds I posted near the end of the last page:


    I wasn't sure if my conjecture would be right or whether I'm totally off
  • scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »
    The 2 alternate paragon builds I posted near the end of the last page:


    I wasn't sure if my conjecture would be right or whether I'm totally off

    Ok, well, as a human you should max Bountiful Fortune and with such high wisdom, maxing Greater Fortune seems like a no brainer to me. As for dailies, whether you take moontouched or not you should use Hallowed as well as Divine. Hallowed really speeds up boss burns. In regard to those two paragon feat set ups, I have very little experience with the top tree, so I won't comment there. The other one is fairly similar to what I'm using at the moment. It really depends on what's on your power bar though. Based on the set ups you've posted, that bottom set up and your race, I would do this (but bear in mind what I said about righteous rage and sacred flame above) and then you still have 14 paragon points to place where you see fit, depending on your encounters/alt wills.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm a half-elf, so I got 3 feats less.

    I ended up doing this after accidentally pressing respec in the middle of the dungeon, clicking No and still getting reset and charged for it.


    So I haven't added the two points to Rising Hope yet as I'm not sure if its worth it compared to losing the last point on Healing Step and Sovereign Justice.

    I was actually thinking instead of maxing Healing Step or getting Power of Oppression altogether, I could invest in one of the earlier feats too? Like the ones boosting defense or giving immunity to combat advantage.

    Alternatively, I could leave the Righteous Tree as is and mix/match Virtuous/Faithful a bit?
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You should aim for a full set. They give you bonuses without any diminishing returns (like the extra heals from miracle healer, it's a free heal). Stat caps are pretty low. More GS is really pointless beyond 10-11k, unless you balance most stats. If you want to please idiots looking for an absurd GS on zone chat, that's not the best decision you made.

    Recovery: not beyond 2.5k.
    Crit: up to 3k.
    Power: as much as you want.
    Regen: no set with this stat.
    Life steal: as much as you want since it's a stat you want for linked spirit only.
    Armor pen: meh (see above). Still better than extra recovery though.
    Defense: you really want more than 1.5k. Cap around 2k.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    OK, so after putting more thought into the Paragon Feats I came up with this:

    It lacks a final, but the achievable finals (4th pip DP or heal on hit) didn't seem that great.

    I avoided the top tree with exception of Rising Hope, as I don't use Healer's Lore much and it I think only procs off a few select numbe of spells that actually heal.

    Any criticisms before I stat to it?

    Thanks in advance
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    No opinions on my last post? :)
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I've never figured 5 whole seconds of immunity to combat advantage to be worth the investment, given that in any combat situation, what with all the astral seals and shields and hallowed grounds going on, there's rarely more than 2 seconds between any given heal (and really, only the tanks need it, since rogues and CWs shouldn't be getting attacked in the backsides anyway).

    Of course, it largely depends on what procs it, too. Which knowing the DC class will be "healing word and soothing light", because woo HW/SL.

    Anyway, interesting choices of feats/powers. Quite surprised by your all-or-nothing approach to powers, too. I have a tendency to put at least one point in everything, just so I have them if the situation calls for it. Out of curiosity, do you actually find prophetic action to be worth it? I figured with my luck it would always simply end up blocking some crappy archer hit and letting the giant barely-visible red circle of doom attack go through.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The combat advantage thing I really am not sure about really. If it procs off everything, then I suppose it would be a nice to have, especially when your team isn't that good for controlling adds or when you are getting swarmed by stuff.

    If I was not to take Divine Advantage, it would need to be Ethereal Boon (which tbh isn't that noticeable at all) or Restoration Mastery. Restoration Mastery seems to boost the defense value by 5% rather than the actual damage reduction, so I'm thinking that would be even weaker than Divine Advantage?

    The alternative of course is to just go Faithful all the way with exception of Linked Spirit, Enduring Relief and Mark of Mending. Thought Mark of Mending could be nice, it likely just procs off HW/SL as you were saying :D

    Prophetic Action - well I really only use that in PvP and sometimes during Boss fights, and its quite useful there IMO. Sidenote: it also lets you ignore damage from falling off. You can survive in a place where you normally insta die for a bit :D
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Oooh, I totally hadn't thought about PA in PvP, good point. And the falling damage is a nice idea too. I could basically swap it in, drop off a ledge, swap it back out. Genius.

    My comments on divine advantage was more whether you needed a full 5 points, since I suspect 2 or maybe 3 seconds would be more than sufficient. It does look like it procs off most stuff, looking at the synergistic feats/powers thread, so it shouldn't be hard to maintain 100% uptime even at 2 seconds. As you say, though: there's not a lot else you could take (since I gather the idea is to get to healing step). If it was me, I think I'd take two or three points from DA and put them into ethereal boon: 6% isn't a lot (hell, neither is 10%, really), but if you're otherwise putting more into divine advantage than you need....you might as well.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hm true. But now I am kind of thinking whether to not just go full Faithful instead.

    Argh I hate my brain, always so indecisive and thinking what if haha.

    I was thinking of skipping Power of Life on my new build based on this guy's finding on Astral Seal:

    Though I am wondering how much it actually heals and how much Temp HP Sacred Flame grants, since I do use those 2 At-Wills very often

    how's that for a build:

    I still don't know what Mark of Mending actually affects (or actually, what Healer's Lore affects). If it affects all spells that have any healing component, then I might throw the 3 (or even 4) spare points in it.

    And how does it compare to this one:

    From what I've read, Healing Step procs from critical heals as well, so potentially I could have a ton of temporary hitpoints at all times that would really boost my own survivability. I would be putting out a bit less direct healing for the team as a result though (but you could argue that being alive and not having to run quite as much would make up for it)
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