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Frozen Heart Boss, far to many adds with far to much health...

cyberdoxcyberdox Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
So I just tryed doing a Frozen Heart run with a guild group, we all had 2CW, GF, DC and a TR, all with 10k+ GS (1.7k more than 'required').

we managed to get to the final boss fairly easily (well i think so... I got lagged out and had to reset my laptop to be able to connect to NW -.-).
However, the final boss is just near imposable to do (if not, then imposable), our plans and reasons they failed are near the bottom.

Now if anyone is able to kill the boss, please tell me how you did it, otherwise this boss's adds really need to be Nerfed, as there is no way a party of 5 with the recommenced GS can kill ALOT of very high HP adds, where 1/2 of them are immune to all CC, while being bombarded by the bosses AOE which takes up 1/4 of the map at the same time. (get hit by any AOE, and you are certainly going to get pingponged by at least 3 more, that's if you survive them)

our Plans: (tryed these each about 2-4 times, and tryed other plans, used about 12 med kits trying to kill the boss)
1. TR on boss, rest burning adds (with one CW focusing archers). this failed as the adds get spread out to much, as the Ice golems are immune to any CC, this meant we could only burn the Trolls, but they are not the problem anyway.

2. TR on boss, rest kiting (1CW focusing archers). I was using the GG set (GF with 10% run speed) and into the fray, the CW used steal time on cool down, however if i stood still for long enough to cast any decent agro gaining abilitys, chances where if ST was on cool down, the Ice golems would catch up, do their AOE, ill be stunned, then just get ping ponged to death (as there will be about 7/8 of them -.- )

3. GF on boss, rest kiting (TR on Archers). this worked intill someone stood still for more than a second, then they die -.- then the rest of the party dies, then all the adds swamp the GF, and that's another wipe.
Post edited by cyberdox on


  • infernal667infernal667 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    GF kites the adds around the arena, while the group kills the boss and archers, then loot the items and wipe - the adds will disappear. CWs only do single target damage on boss. No AOE or they die.

    No need to thank me.

    Oh you think thats exploiting? Well I think its intentional because it IS impossible to kill all adds. So why try?
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Why would kiting adds be considered exploiting? anyway... yeah, thats the common strat, get the GF gather and kite the mobsters running arround the map in circles, 1cw or the gwf kill the sharpshooters while the other dps boss, tr on boss being carefoul of the aoe, healer does healer thingys... and is done... when boss dies, you can either bother on killing a gazillion mobs, or all die and dont respawn till the mobsters dissapear.
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    1. You need 2 TRs, or a TR/GWF combo. 2 GWFs can also work. They must be on the boss.

    2. CW adds control when necessary, but their primary goal should be killing archers and hitting the boss on occasion.

    4. DC heals, dropping shield around the boss for the DPS.

    5. GF kites around the arena, getting aggro on the adds, or, even easier, sits on the little pillar immediately to the right when you enter, which causes the adds to gather below. The reason that way is better, unless they "fix" it, is that you don't have adds occasionally clumping around the boss and affecting the DPS' targeting.

    That's it, it's simple, very easy to run. Someone in your party wasn't bringing their weight. GS means nothing if you don't know how to play.
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cyberdox wrote: »

    our Plans: (tryed these each about 2-4 times, and tryed other plans, used about 12 med kits trying to kill the boss)
    1. TR on boss, rest burning adds (with one CW focusing archers). this failed as the adds get spread out to much, as the Ice golems are immune to any CC, this meant we could only burn the Trolls, but they are not the problem anyway.

    2. TR on boss, rest kiting (1CW focusing archers). I was using the GG set (GF with 10% run speed) and into the fray, the CW used steal time on cool down, however if i stood still for long enough to cast any decent agro gaining abilitys, chances where if ST was on cool down, the Ice golems would catch up, do their AOE, ill be stunned, then just get ping ponged to death (as there will be about 7/8 of them -.- )

    3. GF on boss, rest kiting (TR on Archers). this worked intill someone stood still for more than a second, then they die -.- then the rest of the party dies, then all the adds swamp the GF, and that's another wipe.

    Here's what's wrong with your plans.

    1. One TR on boss? HAHAHAAHH. It's possible, don't get me wrong, as a GWF I've soloed this boss nearly the whole way when the other DPS died, but it's easier if you have two DPS, and faster. Plus, they can res the other one if they go down. Usually the rest of the party won't notice, and with adds around them it makes it messier.

    2. Forget the **** adds! Don't even bother with them. They spawn too much, and unless you're essentially killing trolls in a few hits, there will always be more than you could EVER handle. You're not supposed to kill adds in this fight, you're supposed to corral and control them.

    3. Your second tactic reveals the problem, this fight ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES A GF NO QUESTION. GF needs to hold aggro. They can kite if they can take the hits, or stand on the pillar. Without this aspect, you can pretty much forget it. No manner of CC is going to help you, nor add attacking.

    4. GF on BOSS? I don't even need to comment on this.

    Read my suggestions in my other post, that's all you need to do to win. Kiting and holding aggro is not an exploit. It's like people who call the CW push ability at the Spellplague boss an exploit... That's what they're there to do.
  • exarkun007exarkun007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 113 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    #1 Get a decent DC.
    #2 Have DC pick up/kite all mobs, party kills archers as needed, should spend most of their time on the boss.
    #3 ??
    #4 Get a crappy t1 bound belt from the chest.
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Prelude: For long time I played Q3 on advanced level in a clan, I played PvP shooter and PvP MMORPGs quite sucessfull, so I would say that my reaction and skill is at least in the upper mediocre level.

    I have done every T1 dungeon multiple times and some T2 dungeons without any problems in PUGs (In fact T1 dungeons bore me). But Frozen Heart starts to frustrate me quite much.

    I tried FH three time in different PUG. All three PUGs had virtually no problems until the last boss, which was impossible even after multiple attemps.

    The setup was always:

    1 GF
    2 CWs
    1 TR
    1 DC (me)

    In all three groups the tactic was that the GF try to get the adds and kite. As the DC (9.9k GS + stone; Astral shield, Sunburst, Healing Word, Divine Armor) I focused on healing the CWs/TRs and throwing here and there a healing word to GF if I can spare.

    Problem 1: the GF kite adds around in circle. However, because of randomly spawning adds it's quite a mess. Escpacially because they start knock downs and massive damage as soon as you stop running.

    Problem 2: because tons of adds do AE and Boss do AE sometime you dodge from one red in another red area.

    Problem 3: After some time, I get aggro as a DC from mutiple adds which the GF could not remove. Because these adds and are CC imune and do high damage I only can start to kite, too. This means I cannot fully concentrate on protecting the DDs.

    All this together always led to group whipe.

    It might be possible if no one makes a mistake and you have a team of top skilled players or maybe mediocre players with top equipment (GS 11k +).

    However, the Boss fight should be able to do for a mediocre group with T1 equip, and that's currently not possible from my experience.

    And btw. ... It might be a strategy (or the only strategy) to kite the adds while killing the boss. And nevertheless to die at the end, because even afterthe boss is dead you cannot fight 80 adds. But it don't feel right and it don't feel epic. It just feel silly and not like D&D (I can't remeber any pen&paper game where my character kited any monster ...). #

    Hell, it even don't feel like any good battle. Just think of the movie Lord of the Rings, Battle of Helm's Deep. And imagine you would see Gimil kiting 2000 orcs for 30 mins in circles before the castle walls while Legolas and Aragorn killing the orc boss ... sounds silly? yeah.
  • kerrovitarrakerrovitarra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 559 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Next time I go to FH, I'll record a video. Fight is very easy.
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Next time I go to FH, I'll record a video. Fight is very easy.


    There are already videos. However, my experience is that it not work so smooth as shown there.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Did it today.

    1. GF marks all adds and kites.
    2. TR on boss
    3. Cleric heals/helps with archers.
    4. CW archers/boss
    5. GWF archers (or boss depending if CW need help)

    Not complicated, but it takes a little practice
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • cyberdoxcyberdox Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ya, so the problem would of been the CW using AOE to help me kite (stealtime and Sing), which lead to their death quite quickly, and the TR in our party was the best on the buttons.
    anyway, Thanks guys, ill have to try it again without them attacking adds
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Problem is that the people who queue pugs is the people that is UNABLE to find either guild/friends...but not even a premade PuG... so their skill is usually... "underwhelming" (a little too euphemistic?), well they usually plain sucks... try to get into premade pugs at least, their usually know their ****, and if you dont, be honest and say : "i have little exp in this dung, but i learn fast and i dont suck at my role" and any party will get you.
  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah, the first impression that this fight gives is that it's a challenge impossible to overcome, however, it's all "an illusion" to deceive and discourage you.
    The truth is that a Guardian Fighter can pretty much neutralize all the trolls and golems with enhanced mark and some regeneration gear (stalwart set for example) and a few potions. In one run I also took 3 goblins on me (they were not being killed for some reason). OF course, the rest of the team has to not touch them at all with either direct of AoE dps. Healing aggro is not a problem, there are so many enemies, that it's lower than mark aggro.
    The rest of the fight is just a 4 vs Boss + a few goblins to kill fast, and it's not really that hard.

    The real nuiseance is getting the chest after battle is over, they should fix that and just make all adds despawn as soon as boss dies.
  • m1nuendm1nuend Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Unable to get a guild? Invitations are thrown around in protectors enclave without a second thought.
  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Not that you really need a guild to do it either, pugged it yesterday and many times before...
  • arcmoon99arcmoon99 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Here's what's wrong with your plans.

    1. One TR on boss? HAHAHAAHH. It's possible, don't get me wrong, as a GWF I've soloed this boss nearly the whole way when the other DPS died, but it's easier if you have two DPS, and faster. Plus, they can res the other one if they go down. Usually the rest of the party won't notice, and with adds around them it makes it messier.

    I agree, I play TR and I should know that a single TR on a boss is not a good idea. For the fact that a TR's main tool is stealth. What happens when the TR stealths to gain Combat Advantage damage and to amp up his/her encounters? The boss finds another target. The next thing you know your DC is dead. You need another target probably a GWF or GF to keep the boss occupied while you are stealthed. That way it doesn't go around attacking the entire party with the ads.
    Arc, proud officer of Novus Ordo
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  • kerrovitarrakerrovitarra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 559 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Next time I go to FH, I'll record a video. Fight is very easy.
    As I promised
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    klangeddin wrote: »
    The real nuiseance is getting the chest after battle is over, they should fix that and just make all adds despawn as soon as boss dies.

    I am boycotting Frozen Heart until that is fixed. I refuse to play a dungeon which can only be completed by dying.

    After boss dies, it is possible to kite adds away from the chest, so that every other player can loot the chest. Then, a different player kites the adds, so that the first player can loot the chest. However, many players will simply die and wait for everyone else to die.

    It's outrageous to play a game in which players die to win. A serious MMO would penalize players for death, such as lose some gear or lost stat/ability, or other serious penalty. Player death should never be a way to win.
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    exarkun007 wrote: »
    #1 Get a decent DC.
    #2 Have DC pick up/kite all mobs, party kills archers as needed, should spend most of their time on the boss.
    #3 ??
    #4 Get a crappy t1 bound belt from the chest.

    I lol'd at #4 :D
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • revealedrevealed Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sangrine wrote: »
    I am boycotting Frozen Heart until that is fixed. I refuse to play a dungeon which can only be completed by dying.

    After boss dies, it is possible to kite adds away from the chest, so that every other player can loot the chest. Then, a different player kites the adds, so that the first player can loot the chest. However, many players will simply die and wait for everyone else to die.

    It's outrageous to play a game in which players die to win. A serious MMO would penalize players for death, such as lose some gear or lost stat/ability, or other serious penalty. Player death should never be a way to win.

    Well it's possible with a good GF/DC to keep all the adds permanently kited. So if you don't want to die and let the adds despawn; after the boss goes down, have the rest of the group peel away adds a few at a time from the GF and kill those. Rinse and repeat for a while and you'll be able to beat the boss and not have to die.
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Nice gameplay, however, some informations are missing. Which is your average group gearscore? Is this a guild premade or PUG via invite?

    The boss goes down quite fast. Never saw this in groups I ran with.
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just did it. We were CW 10k, CW 9k, GWF 13k, GF 12k, DC 11k. It was a pug party. Didn't wipe even once. You just need a good tank that will kite all adds at the last boss.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    m1nuend wrote: »
    Unable to get a guild? Invitations are thrown around in protectors enclave without a second thought.

    Usually the types of guilds you DON'T want to join.
  • chudovishyechudovishye Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xiphenon wrote: »
    Nice gameplay, however, some informations are missing. Which is your average group gearscore? Is this a guild premade or PUG via invite?

    The boss goes down quite fast. Never saw this in groups I ran with.

    GS means nothing man. I saw earlier you mentioned you tried it with TWO CWs? Why? Totally worthless set-up. I told you, two DPS, on boss, one DC, one CW, one GF, who needs to be able to take damage. That's it. He kites, the rest do their work. DPS can be two TRs, two GWFs, or GWF/TR combo. They need good damage, however, so check before you run. Kick as needed.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dont even bother with archers if your guardian has regeneration. those things dont really hurt, and theres a limit to how many adds will spawn, so killing them is counter productive in some cases, especially when that person can be on boss and finishing the encounter faster.
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