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PVP Bots are ruining the game

breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
It is really getting annoying seeing how many players now use a program to level to 60 wearing 10 gear and never even participating in a match. Devs you really need to fix this.
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  • pregnablepregnable Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It is really getting annoying seeing how many players now use a program to level to 60 wearing 10 gear and never even participating in a match. Devs you really need to fix this.


    Yeah, I agree. PVP ruins everything about the game, including the bots. The bots seemed to be fine until pvp was added into the equation. I am feeling 22.
  • reichsteinreichstein Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree... i want to voice my mutual dislike about this but i feel the Devs dont seem to care too much.. I dont see any official reply about botting at all and the more i play the game, the more bugs and problems there seems to be... Im 60 not but i cant do anything in game.

    PvP is ruined by botting. Its just a waste of time trying.

    Pugging epic dungeons is ruined by people that cant tank (pull too many mobs or cant hold agro) or cant heal (just healing themselves). I end up spending all my gold on buying health potions to stay alive, only to have the party disband after (or even before) the 1st boss.

    Im bleeding gold and diamonds just trying to Epic PvE.

    So all the game is enjoyable so far has been LEVELING TO 60.... so i guess untill the Devs start paying attention to the forums, ill just level alts to 60 and wait till the game is fixed.

    But who cares... no one that matters is even going to read this. At least it felt good to type it somewhere.
  • timmbeertimmbeer Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Before the no-kick pvp patch, at least before game starts, leaders can quickly inspect all TRs in team, and kick those with inappropriate gears. Even if they are real players, wearing stupidly low level gears mean trolling the whole team, so just kick.

    Now, either just quit the team or stay and afk to get the glory.
    "Lucky" is the new FOTM.
  • gaiusnerogaiusnero Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    yea, this is actually a thread i agree with. This is pretty stupid.
  • solari666solari666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
  • breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I just got done forming an entire party of 5 players we queued it up 3 of the other 5 team were bots. The two real players just stood around and watched us beat down the bots in seconds. This really needs some attention devs.
  • surfaksurfak Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2013
    From what I've read here http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?363291-Bots-Ruining-PvP-Great-launch-day-impression it is unlikely the problem will ever be solved. We can only hope to mitigate the # of bots by relying on PWE's methods.

    I still think that a PWE employee should randomly queue matches at various level brackets during dead hours ... with no legit players queuing there'll be nearly all bot teams since they are automatic scripts. There are plenty of PvP matches that fail due to not enough players ... if you get into one of those after waiting and waiting then you'll nearly guaranteed to be on a team with a bot or 2, plus the other side has some as well.

    5 on 5 +1 format, maybe a PWE employee can monitor matches if all zone chat was linked ... call out alleged bot and then the employee can do something. Course I wouldn't expect 24/7 coverage ... but someone needs to be doing que's to identify/verify/ban botters and their ip maybe even donate their ill-gained goods to newbies.

    Otherwise players are forced to rely on pre-made teams to ensure no bots are on their side like what breagandaerth said above. Yet, not everyone can do that.

    A vote-kick system could work but some people are ignorant/naive/ignore chat. Some don't even believe bots exist...
  • reichsteinreichstein Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    timmbeer wrote: »
    Before the no-kick pvp patch, at least before game starts, leaders can quickly inspect all TRs in team, and kick those with inappropriate gears. Even if they are real players, wearing stupidly low level gears mean trolling the whole team, so just kick.

    Now, either just quit the team or stay and afk to get the glory.

    What if the leader is a Bot?... What if the leader speaks French or German or some other language and doesn't understand "Please kick So-and-so, they are a bot"...?

    *shakes head slowly....*
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    without bots playing in PvP nobody will be found playing PvP in a month's time without mass changes being made... go ahead and let bots play bots at least something will be in PvP
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It is very easy to prevent botting. Cryptic should use same way forums prevent registration without entering a random code text from an image file. Or there could be a voice announcement about the text or number code which needs to be entered.
  • lisaranawaylisaranaway Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Doesn't it seem a little ridiculous that players should have to go through so much organization, people management, etc., just to play a game? This is supposed to be fun. Legitimate players level, try out different specs, etc., and buy three or four gear sets, trying to find what works. Then they queue up for PvP, and they get a bot on their team, or two, or three, who has the beginner set of junk they rummaged from the beach.

    Bots are not your word of mouth advertisement. They are not going to recruit friends to play and spend money on this game. Make the game unfriendly to bots. Charge a monthly fee and change the currency structure. You owe it to the people who grew up on D&D to keep the dream what it should be. Bots don't give a f***. People do.
  • jreaper85jreaper85 Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2013
    I'm so over this. Taking a break from pvp on neverwinter due to the bots. In each games they accounting for at least 10% of the population. They're ruining the experience. They need to come up with a really good solution. All these glory grinding/third party sites making free accounts and running multiple bots. They go to 1-60 with a bot just 'ruining' pvp for everyone and making money.
  • dimm1v1dimm1v1 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    LVL 39 Bracket:

    I've seen easily 3-5 bots every single game on Dragon Server. I am now seeing some who are immune to dmg and dodge everything. This is a huge probelm and needs to be addressed. Easiest way to tell if they're bots is this:

    1. Never mount
    2. Rush Center Points (2)
    3. Repeat the same abilities (even cloud of steel in melee range)
    4. They have a target system thieves>wizards>clerics
    5. Bot on Bot Action, Place your Bets!
    6. Kite them in a circle with your mount (try it)
    7. Obvious, they don't respond when you call them out.

    And don't get me started on pvp scaling in low levels. Nothing more agitating than "being scaled up" but your dmg is lower at scaled 29 than 20, 39 than 30, etc.
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