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Beta Mini-Foundry Competition: Win 500,000 AD

dzogendzogen Member Posts: 550 Arc User
edited July 2013 in The Foundry
Create a short, playable beta Foundry. Win AD. Random & Best prizes. Competition closes 6/30.

  1. Create a beta quest that takes me 0-17 minutes to complete.
  2. Post your quest name, est. completion time, and shortcode in this thread.
  3. I will choose one quest at random from this thread to win 200,000 AD
  4. The one that I like the most will also get 200,000 AD
  5. The 50th post in this thread will win 100,000 AD (empty spam bumping will not count towards total)
  6. This contest & thread will close Sun evening (6/30) Midnight PST
  7. You may submit existing quests still in beta status

Popular Beta Mechanics That Suck - Special Dued Notes
  1. Don't mob stack- I will disqualify you and leave a 1 or 2 star rating (depending on the rest of the quest).
  2. After killing the final boss or doing the final step in your quest, don't make me teleport back to Protector's Enclave or run all day to get the chest.

If I disqualify you or leave bad feedback, you're welcome to resubmit for review and a better rating,,

Fine Print
  • You may enter as many times as you want to increase your odds of winning (but you need to post each individual quest here and one quest post = one entry)
  • Microquests (<2 minutes are perfectly acceptable)
  • Any quest over 17 minutes will be disqualified
  • This post counts as post #1 (I will count from this post to determine the 50th post)
  • Winners will be posted in this thread. I will transfer AD to you via an agreed upon transaction on the AH. You must claim your prize within 2 days of posting winners. I am not sure if AH works across servers, but I am on Dragon server.
  • I would encourage others to play & post feedback as well
  • I will be posting in the main forums to get people who otherwise wouldn't create content to try it out
  • If you stack encounters (this means to put 2 or more mob groups together) or make it otherwise incompletable/ griefing you will be disqualified from all potential prizes and verbally flogged in this thread
  • Any replies by me do not count towards the 50 post count
  • You must post shortcode or it will not be played. Quests must be in beta status at time of posting (<5 plays)
  • Resources for new authors who don't know how: see Zovya's - is pretty comprehensive (not sure why it's not stickied): http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?237862-FAQ-Foundry-Tips-Manuals-Tutorials-amp-Bugs

Why am I doing this?
#1) I think more people should create content. It's fun. Foundry is the best thing this game has going for it IMO, but the rewards structure disincentivizes people to get involved.

#2) The general community has been very generous and I strive to give back at least 50% of what I get (if this goes well, I will run another):


#2) I am trying to get my foundry grandmaster title, and the only thing holding me back is lack of quests to play. I am not going to play 60 minute quests or ones that require 5 players. Beta tab no longer crashes, but I've played all the non-broken ones, and they're not cycling out very fast.

#3) I enjoy short, fun quests and have played most of them. If I am surprised with something awesome, this investment will be worth it.

Winners Circle:
Random (200,000 AD):
Best (200,000 AD):
50th Post (100,000 AD): @crok
Dzogen, Moonstar Agent
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
Post edited by dzogen on


  • sourcreamkingsourcreamking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    As I Die...
    by @sourcreamking


    Mission Type: RP, exploration, fighting

    Average Duration: 15 minutes (estimated)

    Amount of Combat: Little.

    Starts at: Protectors Enclave


    "Everyone I loved are gone. Please help me. I beg of you, help me..."

    The note on the job board 'sends shivers down your spine. The only right thing to do is to find the young girl that left this chilling message and see if you can aid her.
    The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC

    Individual quests:
    1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
    2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
    3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
    4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture ;)
  • lolsorhandlolsorhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 981 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The Dwarven tale. (No bugs, quest works. Minor details need improvement.)

    The Dwarven Tale
    Short Code: NW-DS3RNY82R
    Mission Type: Dungeon.
    Average Duration: 15-20 minutes. I suggest Easy for 15 min.
    Ammount of combat: Medium

    I like turtles.

    Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
    The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
  • dzogendzogen Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Consolidated Responses, etc.

    @sourcreamking & @lolsorhand - sorry, your quest is not in beta anymore. I'm running this for beta quests <5 plays at time of posting. You are free to create any new ones, of course.

    @brun2000 - sorry bro, your quest has been disqualified for being too long, too hard, mob stacking, and combat mechanics at the last room bordering on griefing. (4 deathlock wights, really?). if you want to chill out a bit on the encounters i could retry it.

    V2 - Ok, I'll admit i was scared to redo this, but I appreciated you taking the time to take criticism and redo it. So I did it on my lowest lvl toon. That said, I couldn't tell if this was a purposeful grief map or not. You say, "fight the final mob" and there's a treasure chest there, then proceed to spawn like 15 wave encounters. If you want this to be a real map, just say - fight the final mob and that's it. Or let people know how many waves they have to fight. No one, except for me, would have stuck around. That said, I'll let your quest pass, even though you did stacking, since you redid it. Maybe you're the ultimate troll. I can't tell.

    @bigglesvii - your quest isn't in beta

    @hexedian - your quest isnt in beta

    @ashayafe - your first quest didn't come up when i typed in quest code. Your second quest is reviewed, tipped, and entered! Mys Chevous' Retreat

    @squirrellol - well done. your quest is played & entered.

    @superdank - disqualified for stacking & griefing

    @dioriel - Finished and entered. Well done - you know how to write well & keep a theme going. That said, and I'm telling you this because it has a lot of promise IMO - there is something about this quest that falls flat for me. I don't know what it is. I think it might be the choice of spiders all feeling the same. And you start playing with some of the humor there which is good, but nothing that made me really laugh, and it feels like you could push that. If you start getting plays you're going to get hit because of mob variety - maybe something to think about. Good job tho.

    @cuddlesmaccheese - sorry mate, beta quests only.. I like your handle name tho :)

    @crimsonconcepts - well done! enjoyed. entered.

    @eveledick - not sure if you get penalized or a bonus for your handle. anyway... your quest bugged out on me. I left the door and it disappeared. Cant reaccept it because it says I already have it.

    @sheyjin - disqualified for mob stacking

    @ghamid - played & entered

    @myrawen - played and entered. nice hot tub!

    @ghostmatter - entered. thanks!

    @avistar001 - lol entered
    Dzogen, Moonstar Agent
    Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
  • runis12runis12 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Competition closes 6/26.

    I'm kitten out of luck!
  • lolsorhandlolsorhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 981 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I will make one for you dzogen ^^, If i find the time lol
    I like turtles.

    Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
    The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
  • dzogendzogen Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    runis12 wrote: »
    I'm kitten out of luck!

    I'm going to extend the date -- I think that might be too short timeframe
    Dzogen, Moonstar Agent
    Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
  • sourcreamkingsourcreamking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    w00t? I had four plays last I cheecked... Guess someone beat you to it... Bugger!
    The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC

    Individual quests:
    1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
    2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
    3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
    4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture ;)
  • brun2000brun2000 Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Name: Protect Diamond Shipment
    Short-code: NW-DNCUP2RYM
    Mission Type: Dungeon
    Estimated completition time: 13-16min (more than that, only if you die or slow down somewhere)
    Please keep in mind, this is a medium-hard quest, squishy people might get in trouble.

    Report any bugs or problems you find!
    Suggestions accepted!
  • bigglesviibigglesvii Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2013
    Scrub that, just cottoned on to the max 5 plays lol. Ill make a new one in a few days.
    Looking for reviews please:
    Foundry - Valindra Dispersal - Blackdagger: NW-DEPMC17EW
    Foundry - Valindra Dispersal - Rothe Valley: NW-DD3FM9CHY
    Foundry - Valindra Dispersal - Helm's Hold: NW-DG17WKDTC (NEW)
  • hexedianhexedian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Name : The Power of Imagination
    Shortcode : NW-DQSJBLAT4
    Mission type : Dialogue/combat
    Estimated time : 7 minutes

    It's the start of a campaign, so have at it. The other campaign missions are longer though.
  • ashayafaeashayafae Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Mys Terious' Tower
    Short Code: NW-DA6LKGBOU
    Mission Type: Dungeon.
    Average Duration: 15-20 minutes.
    Built off the Cloak Tower Map
    Amount of combat: Medium
    but I can't get it to show in foundry yet I published it 3 hours ago

    Update: The foundry appears to be FUBAR again, when I checked this quest in foundry edit list it shows "Publish Failed" and the Publish button is not available in editor, so I recreated it but still no publish, guess we have to wait and see, Any others with this issue please post a comment here


    To hopefully get the Devs to let us know what's up!

    here is the new info if it ever does publish.

    Mys Terious' Tower
    Short Code: NW-DSHBJEAIS
    Mission Type: Dungeon.
    Average Duration: 15-20 minutes.
    Built off the Cloak Tower Map
    Amount of combat: Medium

    Update: 6-24-13 4:45 PM EST: Foundry is back up, Republishing Now

    Update: 6-25-13 1:00 AM EST: Publish Failed Again! Republishing AGAIN!

    Update 6-25-13 7:20 AM EST: Well It finally Published with Short Code: NW-DSHBJEAIS but it still can't be found in the Foundry except by anyone who had already Subscribed to my earlier quest "Mys Chevous' Retreat" doesn't matter if I search under the Short Name, Description, Under Review, or even my Author Name, can't even find My Original "Mys Chevous' Retreat" now with my New Character Mys Terious, Luckily one of my guild mates had subscribed to me and was able to share the new quest to me or I wouldn't even have been able to test play it. Hope they get the "Search" and "Under Review" fixed soon but I'm not holding my breath
  • ashayafaeashayafae Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Mys Chevous' Retreat
    Short Code: NW-DNRYQ2LZ4
    Mission Type: Dungeon.
    Average Duration: 15-20 minutes.
    Amount of combat: Medium
  • squirrelolsquirrelol Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Please do mine =)


    Short code : NW-DTHUJ4QVJ

    Playtime : ca 15 min
  • squirrelolsquirrelol Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    squirrelol wrote: »
    Please do mine =)


    Short code : NW-DTHUJ4QVJ

    Playtime : ca 15 min

    Stuck at publishing.. please dont give up =)
  • swordswornswordsworn Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    removed by user
    45 min story driven solo dungon. Branching dialogs. Multiple mid boss encounters. More small groups of tuff mobs then trash spam. "In defence of the Beggar King" now elidgable for daily foundry. NW-DHJPT25G4

    10 min short but sweat. Amusing story and dialog. Light humor. Creative hord/survival mode hybred. Detailed eviroment. Entense combat with little no respite. Lovable contact npc. "The Infinity Chest" NW-DHKAAXTP4W
  • superdank808superdank808 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Good luck to the rest of you.
    Broden Ironfist's Gauntlet: NW-DL56XXWIV
  • sourcreamkingsourcreamking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Might wanna postpone the deadline a bit if they don't fix publishing soon...
    The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC

    Individual quests:
    1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
    2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
    3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
    4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture ;)
  • diorieldioriel Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    OK, I'll post mine. Just went up, and it's my first go at a Foundry mission. It's short (i might add an encounter or two to make the 15 min mark, but the average time right now is based on 2 playthroughs with overgeared level 60s)

    Name: Arachnophobia
    Short-Code: NW-DMRQYIZQT
    Type: Dungeon (sort of :p)
    Average Duration: 10-15 min
    Difficulty of combat runs the gamut from easy to tough. The only "stacking" of encounters is done for the final encounter, which is a wave-based thing. However, it is totally possible to pull them individually if you're careful.
    Leader of Conviction: find me in game if you're looking for a friendly guild!

    Looking for reviews (will trade)!
    For all the spider-haters out there :p
  • cuddlesmacheesecuddlesmacheese Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You could do my second part of Saltmarsh (in signature) or NW-DEH9MMOCA
    "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh U1"

    Part 1 - NW-DB9Q7NCWR
    Part 2 - NW-DHKJD78SM

  • lolsorhandlolsorhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 981 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I'll give you a bump, though doubt I'll make a map for this. Good luck to the rest of you!
    I like turtles.

    Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
    The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
  • redneckroninredneckronin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Given how borked the Foundry Save/Publish function is right now he may have to extend that deadline... ...again.

    All The Best
    Campaign: Call Of The Wild - Information, Links To Review Threads, Screenshots

    Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
    Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
  • brun2000brun2000 Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I could finally publish my foundry changes, please try it now :)

    Name: Protect Diamond Shipment
    Short-code: NW-DNCUP2RYM
  • eviledickeviledick Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2013
    If you're still doing this, you could help me get out of the 5-play pit.

    Name: Bug Powder Dust: Chapter 1
    Shortcode: NW-DKHPBAVBO
    Duration: 15 mins

    It's an action comedy romp written it the style of Pratchett/Blackadder, I'm afraid Lore rather takes a back seat, but I hope it will make you smile.
    Bug Powder Dust: Chapter 1, 15 mins of Cleric friendly hack and slash, with a nod to Pratchett and G Naylor:- NW-DKHPBAVBO
  • diorieldioriel Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Still doing this or should I put out a general call for testers?
    Leader of Conviction: find me in game if you're looking for a friendly guild!

    Looking for reviews (will trade)!
    For all the spider-haters out there :p
  • crimsonconceptscrimsonconcepts Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2013
    Emberbaths Planning - NW-DGU6CYPV4
    Estimated time depends on how much you decide to fight. There are a lot of battles that you can avoid, and others that are needed.
    Should be about 15-20 mins if trying to go faster.
    Please test my quests if you could...
    Emberbaths Planning - NW-DGU6CYPV4
    Fires Within - Goblin Attack (Part 1 of 5) - NW-DUXPXBR29
  • dzogendzogen Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes this initiative is still on, although I will be extending the deadline to an as of yet undetermined date cuz of the technical issues... :)

    Note that all my feedback is consolidated on page 1 (a couple of posts down)
    Dzogen, Moonstar Agent
    Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
  • eviledickeviledick Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2013
    Yeah , I manage to slip an update in, then noticed a couple of lost orcs, fixed them and improved some plotline stuff, now I can't upload again, you would think giving away a bunch of AD would be easy :)
    Bug Powder Dust: Chapter 1, 15 mins of Cleric friendly hack and slash, with a nod to Pratchett and G Naylor:- NW-DKHPBAVBO
  • sheyjinsheyjin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is my mini quest it is about 10-15 minutes

    The Pirates Wreck
  • ghamidghamid Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Tome of Endless Eons

    Made it the other day, very simple. Simple concept. Took me 5 minutes to complete it as a Control Wizard. It's had 1 play so far.
    I was probably going to delete it, my hearts not really in that one to be honest.
  • ashayafaeashayafae Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hope you like my newest quest

    Finding Mys Chevous
    Short Code: NW-DP4MXWEMP
    Mission Type: Dungeon.
    Average Duration: 15-20 minutes.
    Amount of combat: Medium

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